fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Jakob K. Meilejme@kb.dkOpen Journal Systems<p>Quarterly journal on culture and research dissemination published by The Royal Library since 1986. Vols. 1-25, 1986-2012. Vols. 1 – xx are retro-digitised. Not published 2000-2001.<br><br>Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek is a scientifically based cultural-dissemination journal, featuring topical and cultural-historical, library professional and specialist articles and shorter dissertations on all aspects of The Royal Library’s labour market, tasks and collections as well as a quarterly feature on the library’s activities.<br><br>Predecessor: Meddelelser fra Rigsbibliotekaren (News from the National Librarian) until 1985.</p> usynlige og det synlige. Om at se det umiddelbart usynlige ved teknikkens hjælp – og om ikke at se nok på det, man allerede kan se2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Mogens Bechjme@kb.dkKira Kofoedjme@kb.dkKristine Bøggild Johansenjme@kb.dkJan Stubbe Østergaardjme@kb.dk2017-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2018 Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek’s Sparebösse – Den fineste julegave gives igen2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Charlotte Appeljme@kb.dkNina Christensenjme@kb.dk2017-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2018 Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek dansk violinist i udlandet: Johannes Schiørrings tidlige karriere afspejlet i hans koncertprogrammer2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Claus Røllum-Larsenjme@kb.dk2017-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2018 Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek Scavenius (1884-1973) – elev af Carl Nielsen2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Niels Krabbejme@kb.dk2017-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2018 Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek seks bind med sikker Gottorp-proveniens. Johann von Münster zu Vortlages bøger på Det Kgl. Bibliotek2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Jarle Rui Aadnajme@kb.dk2017-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2018 Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek kultur – en fortegnelse over immateriel kulturarv i Danmark2020-10-20T15:48:11+02:00Marianne Holm Pedersenjme@kb.dk2017-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2018 Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek