Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 30 (1966)

Økonomisk dokumentation

Et udvalg af bøger indgået i Handelshøjskolens Bibliotek, København, i tiden
20. november 1965-24. februar 1966.

Almindelig nationaløkonomi

American Economic Association and Royal Economic Society: Surveys of economic theory, 1, 2. Bd. 1. Money, interest and welfare. Bd. 2. Growth and development. London 1965. 222, 271 s. din

Deane, Phyllis: The first industrial revolution.
Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 295 s.

Lange, Oskar: On political economy and
econometrics. Essays in honour of Oskar
Lange. Oxford 1965. 661 s. din

Meade, J. E.: Efficiency, equality and the
ownership of property. London 1965.
92 s. din

Ostrovitjanok, K. V. (ed.): Social sciences
in the USSR. Paris 1965. 311 s.

Shackle, G. L. S.: A scheme of economic
theory. London 1965. 209 s. din

Singh, H. K. Manmohan: Demand theory
and economic calculation in a mixed
economy. London 1963. 135 s. dir

Sverige. Arbetsmarknadsutredning 1960. Arbetsmarknadspolitik. Betankande. Sth. 1965. 567 s. Sverige. Statens offentliga utredningar 1965, 9 divo(eu-sve)

Wonnacott, Ronald J.: Canadian-American dependence. An interindustry analysis of production and prices. Amsterdam 1961. 143 s. Contributions to economic analysis, 24 divo(am-no)

Penge- og bankpolitik, finansvidenskab

Artis, Michael J.: Foundations of British
monetary policy. Oxford 1965. 114 s.
Oxford Univ. Institute of Economics
and Statistics. Monographs, 9.

Bugjerde, Audun: Norske kredittinstitusjoner.
Oslo 1965. 107 s. Bergen. Norges
Handelsh. Forretningokn. Inst. maf

Crick, W. F. (ed.): Commonwealth banking
systems. London 1965. 536 s.

Duesenberry, James S.: Money and credit. Impact and control. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 117 s. Foundation of Modern Economcs series. man

Farer, Tom J. (ed.): Financing African development. Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 245 s. M. I. T. Fellows in Africa Program,

Feinstein, C. H.: Domestic capital formation in the United Kingdom 1920-1938. London 1965. 234 s. Studies in the National Income and Exp. of UK, 4. mod(eu-sto)

Kessel, Reuben A.: The cyclial behavior of the term structure of interest rates. New York 1965. 113 s. National Bureau of Economic Research. Occasional paper, 91. man-div

Nielsen, Thager: Indkomstbeskatning. Systematisk fremstilling af lovgivning og retspraksis pa indkomstbeskatningens omrade. Kbh. 1965. 725 s. tyta(eu-dak)

Peacock,Alan T. (ed.): Public finance as an instrument for economic development. Papers prepared for a study course. Paris 1965. 112 s. OECD. Problems of development. bit-dad-div

Side 48

Puu, Tonu: Effects of monetary and fiscal policy. A contribution to pure theory. Uppsala 1965. 74 s. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1. din

Zawadzki, K. K. F.: Economics of inflationary
processes. London 1965. 288 s.


Bruton, Henry J.: Principles of development
economics. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
1965. 376 s. div

Farmer, Richard N. and Barry M. Richman: Compartive management and economic progress. Homewood, 111. 1965. 436 s. fad-div

Heide, Holger: Langfristige Wirtschaftsplanung in Schweden. Tubingen 1965. 147 s. Kieler Studien, 73. Kiel. Univ. Inst. f. Weltwirtschaft dut-div(eu-sve)

Kuznets, Simon: Postwar economic growth.
Four lectures. Cambridge, Mass. 1964.
148 s. div

Maddison, Angus: Economic growth in the West. Comparative experience in Europe and North America. New York 1965. 246 s. Twentieth Century Fund. div


Albinowski, Stanislaw: Handelspolitik der
EWG. Warszawa 1965. 215 s.

Ealdwin, Robert E. (ed.): Trade, growth and the balance of payments. Essays in honor of Gottfried Haberler. Chicago, 111. 1965. 267 s. lef

Ettinger, K. E.: International handbook
of management. New York 1965. 671 s.

Fitzgerald, D. A.: Operational and administrative problems of food aid. Rom 1965. 70 s. UN. FAO. World food program studies 4. bit-rode-div

Gardlund, Torsten: Att arbeta i u-land.
Sth. 1965. 233 s. lef

Ganguli, B. N.: Dadabhai Naoroji and the
drain theory. London 1965. 152 s.

GATT: Trade in agricultural products. Reports of Committee II on consultations with the EEC, the USA and the UK. Geneve 1965. 165 s. bit-rode

Gupta, A. K. Das (ed.): Trade theory and commercial policy in relation to underdeveloped countries. Proceedings. London 1965. 108 s. Indian School of International Studies. lef

Johnson, Harry G.: World economy at the crossroads. A survey of current problems of money, trade and economic development. Oxford 1965. 106 s. lef

Kidron, Michael: Foreign investments in
India. London 1965. 368 s.

Kitzinger, Uwe: Spelet kring Europamarknaden.
2. rev. uppl. Sth. 1965.
198 s. bit-lef

Kravis, Irving B. m. fl.: Measuring international price competitiveness. A preliminary report. New York 1965. 58 s. National Bureau of Economic Research. Occasional paper 94 lef-dir

Lamprecht, Horst: Entwicklung des Interzonenhandels von seinen Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin 1965. 68 s. Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Sonderhefte 72. lef(eu-tys)

Liljefors, Ake 0.: Ekonomiska samarbetsstavanden i Afrika. Sth. 1965. 40 s. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Skriftserie, 4. lef(af)

Liljefors, Ake och Erik Braunerhielm: Varldshandel i omvandling. Samarbetsstravanden och utvecklingstendenser. Sth. 1965. 160 s. Studieforbundet Naringsliv och Samhalle. Studier och debatt 1965, 3. lef

Little, I. M. D. and J. M. Clifford: International aid. A discussion of the flow of public resources from rich to poor countries with particular reference to British policy. London 1965. 360 s. lef

Machlup, Fritz: Involuntary foreign lending.
Sth. 1965. 129 s. Wicksell lectures
1965. lef

Side 49

Pincus, John: Economic aid and international
cost sharing. Baltimore, Md.
1965. 224 s. lef

Romans, J. Thomas: Capital exports and growth among U.S. regions. Middletown, Conn. 1965. 230 s. New England research series, 1. lef

Rowe, J. W. F.: Primary comodities in
international trade. London 1965. 223
s. lef

Karteller etc.

Andersen, Helge: Hvem ejer Danmark?
En okonomisk og sociologisk studie i
ledelses- og ejerforhold indenfor dansk
erhvervsliv. Kbh. 1965. 384 s.

Monopoltilsynet: Analyse af prisudviklingen
1962-1965. Kbh. 1965. 125 s. dir

Norges Industriforbund og Norsk Produktivitetsinstitutt: Sammenslutninger og samarbeidsavtaler. En veiledning for industribedrifter. Oslo 1965. 113 s. ran(eu-nor)

Sletmo, Gunnar K.: Notater til forelesninger i nseringspolitik. Bergen 1965. 152 s. Bergen. Norges Handelsh. Sammfunnsok. Inst. ran

Almindelig driftsøkonomi

Brusberg, Helmut: Entwicklungsstand der Unternehmungsforschung mit besop.derer Berikksichtigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden 1965. 416 s. Deutsche Forschungsgem. Forschungsberichte 6. dad

Clay, M. J. and B. H. Walley: Performance and profitability. A manual of productivity and cost reduction techniques for industry and commerce. London 1965. 610 s. Management studies series. dad

Kantorovich, L. V.: Best use of economic

Ling, Suilin: Economies of scale in the steam-electric power generating industry. An analytical approach. Amsterdam 1964. 99 s. rcn-dit

Meissner, Werner: Oligopolanalyse im Rahmen eines allgemeinen Handlungsmodells. Berlin 1965. 155 s. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche 21. dir

Mesarovic, M. D. (ed.): Views on general systems theory. Proceedings of the second systems symposium. New York 1964. 178 s. Case Institute of Technology,

Olsen, Erling og Simon Marcussen: Optimalmetoden. Et nytt verktoy i innkjopsarbeidet. Oslo 1965. 144 s. Norges Grossistforbund. Engroshandelens forskningsfond.

Sargeaunt, M. J.: Operational research for
management. London 1965. 157 s. m.
bibliografi. dad

Seitz, Tycho: Preisfuhrerschaft im Oligopol.
Koln 1965. 256 s. Annales Universitatis
Saraviensis, 14. dir

Simon, Herbert A.: Shape of automation
for men and management. New York
1965. 11l s. dad

Investering og finansiering

Asztely, Sandor: Finansiell planering. 2.
uppl. Sth. 1965. 154 s. Studieradet vid
Affarsbankerna. dyf-dut

Eliasson, Gunnar: Investment funds in operation. Sth. 1965. 161 s. Sverige. Konjunkturinstitutet. Occasional papers 2. dyf-don(eu-sve)

Gurley, John G. and Edwards S. Shaw: Money in a theory of finance. With a mathematical appendix. Wash. D. C. 1960. 371 s. Brooking Institution. maf

Howard, Bion B. and Sidney Lewis Jones: Managerial problems in finance. Cases in decision making. New York 1964. 770 s. dyf

Side 50

Robichek, Alexander A .and Stewart C. Myers: Optimal financing decisions. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 166 s. Foundation of finance series. dyf


Argyris, Chris: Organization and innovation.
Homewood, 111. 1965. 274 s. fad

Borgenhammar, Edgar: Foretagsdemokrati. 12 debattinlagg om samverkan pa arbesplatsen. Innledning av E. Borgenhammar. Sth. 19(i5. 135 s. fid

Dale, Ernest (ed.): Readings in management.
Landmarks and new frontiers.
New York 1965. 516 s. fad

Hanika, F. de P.: New thinking in management.
London 1965. 110 s. Administrative
Staff College Publication, dad

Kendrick, John W. and Daniel Creamer: Measuring company productivity. Handbook with case studies. New York 1965. 120 s. National Industrial Conference Board. Studies in business economics, 89. fad

Klein, Viola: Women workers. Working hours and services. Paris 1965. 100 s. OECD. Employment of special groups, 1. bit-fid

Meister, David and Gerald F. Rabideau: Human factors evaluation in system development. New York 1965. 307 s. fid-fen

Scott, William G.: Management of conflict.
Appeal systems in organizations.
Homewood, 111. 1965. 129 s. fid

Skard, oyvind: Bedriftsledelse og personalforvaltning.
Oslo 1965. 252 s. fid


Beshers, J. (ed.): Computer methods in the analysis of largescale social systems. Proceedings. Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 214 s. Joints Center for Urban Studies. fen-dan

Chestnut, Harold: Systems engineering
tools. New York 1965. 646 s. fen

Frielink, A. B. (ed.): Economics of automatic
data processing. Papers presented

at the international symposium organized by the Int. Comput. Centre - Rome 1965. Amsterdam 1965. 384 s. International Computation Centre. fen

Swallow, Kenneth P. and Wilson T. Price:
Elements of computer programming.
New York 1965. 353 s. fen

Sverige. ADB-utbildningssakkunniga:
Fackutbildning i automatisk databehandling.
Betankande avgivet av ADButbildningssakkunniga.
Sth. 1965. 127 s.
Sverige. Statens offentliga utredningar
1965, 56. Ecklesiastikdepartementet.

Wilson, Ira G. and Mathann E. Wilson:
Information, computers and system design.
New York 1965. 341 s. fen

Markedsanalyser og andre analyser

Hiittner, Manfred: Grundziige der Marktforschung. Ein Leitfaden fur Studium und Praxis mit 107 Beispielen. Wiesbaden 1965. 360 s. gan

Kapferer, Clodwig und Wolfgang K. A. Disch: Kooperative Marktforschung. Koln 1965. 98 s. Hamburgisches Weltwirtschafts-Archiv. Schriftenreihe Absatzwirtschaft, 1. gan

Kapferer, Clodwig and Wolfgang K. A. Disch: Market research by trade associations. A practical guide for trade associations. Paris 1964. 92 s. OECD. bit-gan

Linden, Fabian (ed.): Expediture patterns of the American family. New York 1965. 175 s. National Industrial Conference Board. Sod-gan(am-for)


Backer, Morton and Lyle E. Jacobsen:
Cost accounting. A managerial approach.
New York 1964. 678 s. fød

Berndsen, Rudolf: Deutschen Aktiengesellschaften. Bilanzanalysen seit 1948. Hannover 1965. 341 s. Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung. Forschungsinstitut. Schriftenreihe.

Side 51

Horngren, Charles T.: Cost accounting.
A managerial emphasis .Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 801 s. fed


Alderson, Wroe: Dynamic marketing behavior.
A functionalist theory of marketing.
Homewood, 111. 1965. 383 s. gaf

Backe-Dietrich, Berta: Binnenhandel mit Konsumgutern in der Sowietunion. Berlin 1965. 220 s. Berlin. Freie Univ. Osteuropa-Institut. Veroff., 25. haf(eu-rus)

Bergler, Georg: Werbung und Gesellschaft.
Essen 1965. 154 s. Grundriss der
Werbung, 9. ged

Boyd, Harper W. and Jospeh W. Newman: Advertising management. Selected readings. Homewood, 111. 1965. 569 s. ged

Crane, Edgar: Marketing communications. A behavioral science approach to men, messages and media. New York 1965. 569 s. gaf-dan

Fulop, Christian: Role of trading stamps in retail competition. London 1964. 70 s. Institute of Economic Affairs. Eaton papers 3. lod-gaf

Grossistforbundet rasjonaliseringskontor: Ordrestruktur, kundestruktur, kostnader i engroshandelen. Bransjeundersokelser. Oslo 1961. 47 s. Norges Grossistforbund. kof-fop(eu-nor)

Hallig, Klaus: Amerikanische Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftswerbung im Hinblick auf ihre Anwendung im westeuropaischen Raum. Berlin 965. 175 s. Vertriebswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen, 9. ged

Hanan, Mack: Market orientation of R & D. A recommendation for minimizing new product risk. New York 1965. 22 s. American Management Association. Management bulletin 72 gaf

Jarnow, Jeanette A .and Beatrice Judelle:
Inside the fashion business. Text and
readings. New York 1965. 276 s. ron-div

Kelley, Eugene J.: Marketing. Strategy and functions. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 120 s. Foundations of marketing series. gaf

Kjar-Hansen, Max (ed.): Readings in Danish theory of marketing. Kbh. 1966. 324 s. Kobenhavn. Handelsh. Instituttet for Salgsorganisation og Reklame. Skriftraekke F, 37. gaf

Larsson, Folke: Tendenser inom detaljhandeln.
Sth. 1965. 75 s. Sverige Kopmannaforbund.
Informationsskr. 4.

Pegram, Roger M.: Selecting and evaluating distributors. New York 1965. 181 s. National Industrial Conference Board. Studies in business policy, 116 gar

Press, P.: Selvbetjeningsbutikker, supermarkeder
og dobbeltsupermarkeder 1965.
Kbh. 1965. 59 s. lut(eu-dak)

Rollof, Yngve: Ekonomisk lagerkontroll
och sortimentsbegransning. Lund 1965.
247 s. fer-gaf

Schmid, Lothar M.: Grundlagen und Formen der Preisdifferenzierung im Lichte der Marktformenlehre und Verhaltenstheorie. Berlin 1965. 158 s. Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, 91. dir

Warneryd, Bo: Innovation, inflytande och information. En sociologisk undersokning av konsumentbeteende. Sth. 1965. 294 s. Stockholm studies in sociology, 3. dan-gak

Weiss, E. B.: Management and the marketing revolution. Merchandising strategies for the new area. New York 1964. 349 s. gaf

Venkataramanan, L. S.: Theory of futures trading. Hedging, speculation and storage in organised commodity markets. London 1965. 115 s. jek

Wickstrom, Bo: Konsumentens markesval.
En studie av kopbeteendet og des utveckling.
Goteborg 1965. 497 s. (Disp.)

Side 52

Wilson, Aubrey: Marketing of industrial
products. Ed. by Aubrey Wilson. London
1965. 273 s. gaf-rad

Zopp, Hans: Differenzierungsgrunde der
Leistung bei gleicharteten Einzelhandelsbetrieben.
Koln 1965. 211 s. Schriften
zur Handelsforschung, 31.

Samfærdsel, beliggenhedslære og landsplanlægning

Bayliss, Brian T.: European transport. A study of freight transport in the UK and the EEC with special reference to road haulage. London 1965. 205 s. nad(eu)

Clarke, W. M.: City in the world economy.
London 1965. 234 s. maf

Den danske Kobstadsforening: Kobstadskommunernes
fremtidige graenser. Bd.
1-2. Kbh. 1965. 148, 190 s. fan(eu-dak)

IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung: Voraussichtliche Entwicklung der Nachfrage nach Gutertransporten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis zum Jahre 1975. Berlin 1965. 102 s. Schriftenreihe, 60. nad

Illeris, Sven: Danske pendlingsundersagelser.
Kbh. 1965. 44 s. Landsplanudvalgets
sekretariat. Publikation 11.

Meier, Richard L.: Development planning.
New York 1965. 420 s. fan-div-dut

Meyer, John R. m. fl.: Urban transportation problem. Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 427 s. RAND Corporation. Research study. nad

Stohler, Jacques: Integration des Verkehrs. Europaische Erfahrungen und Probleme. Basel 1963. 186 s. List-Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichungen 33. nad

Thompson, Wilbur R.: Preface to urban
economics. Baltimore, Md. 1965. 413 s.
Resources for the future, Inc. fan-div

Weber, Hans Peter: Investitionskriterien
fur Wasserstrassenbau. Berlin 1965.

Wingo, Lowdon (ed.): Cities and space. The future use of urban land. Essays from the fourth RFF forum. Baltimore, Md. 1963. 261 s. Resources for the future. fan

Voigt, Fritz: Verkehr. Bd. 2, 2. Entwicklung
des Verkehrssystem. Berlin 1965.
657 s. nad

Statistik og matematik

Barlow, Richard E. and Frank Prochan: Mathematical theory of reliability. New York 1965. 256 s. Siam series in applied mathematics. don-ded

Cox, D. R. and H. D. Miller: Theory of
stochastic processes. London 1965. 398 s.

Dettman, J. W.: Applied complex variables.
New York 1965. 480 s. ded

Dubins, Lester E. and Leonard J. Savage: How to gamle if you must. Inequalities for stochastic processes. New York 1965. 245 s. don

Guttman, Irwin and S. S. Wilks: Introductory
engineering statistics. New
York 1965. 340 s. don

Kish, Leslie: Survey sampling. New York
1965. Ca. 543 s. don

Kristensen, Erik og Ole Rindung: Sandsynlighedsregning.
Kbh. 1965. 143 s.

Meyer, Paul L.: Introduction probability
and statistical applications. Reading,
Mass. 1965. 339 s. don

Nerlove, Marc: Estimation and identification of Cobb-Douglas production functions. Amsterdam 1965. 193 s. don-dit

Neveu, Jacques: Mathematical foundations of the calculus of probability. San Francisco 1965. 223 s. Holden-Day series in Probability and Statistics, don

Pfeiffer, Paul E.: Concepts of probability
theory. New York 1965. 399 s. don

Side 53

Prabhu, N. U.: Queues and inventories.
A study of their basic stochastic processes.
New York 1965. 275 s. don-fer

Prabhu, N. U.: Stochastic processes. Basic
theory and its applications. New York
1965. 233 s. don

Rao, C. Radhakrishna: Linear statistical
inference and its application. New York
1965. 522 s. don

Shilov, G. Y.: Mathematical analysis,
special course. Oxford 1965. 481 s.
Pure and applied mathematics 77 ded

Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografi

Bennet, Robert L.: Financial sector and
economic development. The Mexican
case. Baltimore, Md. 1965. 210 s.

Boesch, Hans: Geography of world economy.
London 1964. 280 s. tat

Conference Board economic forum: Business
outlook 1966. New York 1966. 122
s. National Industrial Conference Board
Studies in business economics, 90.

Contimart: The Dutch Market. London
1965. 81 s. Report 24. (eu-ned)

Europaischen Gemeinschaften: Input-output-tabellen fur die Lander der EWG. 2. Ausg. Brussel 1965. 16 s. + bilag. bit-divo(eu)

Grue, Olav: Byggevirksomheden og den akonomiske udvikling. Kbh. 1965. 200 s. Kabenhavn. Univ. okonomisk Institut. Memoranda 12. sak-div(eu-dak)

OECD: Situation in the shipbuilding industry.
Paris 1965. 143 s. bit-run

Oxford economic atlas of the world prepared
by Economist intelligence Unit.
3. ed. Oxford 1965. 286 s. teva

Pipping, Hugo och Ragni Barlund: Finlands
naringsliv. 4. udg. Helsingfors
1965. 251 s. (eu-fin)

Proehl, Paul O.: Foreign enterprise in Nigeria. Laws and policies. Chapel Hill, N. C. 1965. 264 s. American Society of International Law. Studies in foreign investment and econ. dev. (af-nig)

Shair, Khalad A.: Planning for a Middle
Eastern economy. Model for Syria. London
1965. 118 s. div(as-me)

Storbritannien. National Econ. Developm. Council: Imported manufactures. An inquiry into competitiveness. London 1965. 40 s. rad-lip(eu-sto)

Storbritannien. State Department: The
National plan. London 1965. 462 s.

Walinsky, Louis J.: Economic development
in Burma 1951-1960. New York
1962. 680 s. (as-bur)


Auer, Eugen: Richtliche Korrektur von Standardvertragen. Karlsruhe 1964. 103 s. Beitrage zum Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht, 2. tip-jof

Cappeletti, Mauro and Joseph M. Perillo: Civil procedure in Italy. The Hague 1965. 451 s. Columbia Univ. School of Law. Project on international procedure,

Dyrbye, Ernst: Kortfattet fremstilling af
dansk selskabsret. Kbh. 1966. 148 s. tok

Kobbernagel, Jan: Juridisk lserebog for
ejendomsnueglere. Kbh. 1965. 488 s. tip

O'Meara, J. Roger: Employee patent and secrecy agreements. New York 1965. 92 s. National Industrial Conference Board. Studies in personnel policy, 199. tum-fid(am-for)

Palmgren, Gunnar och Curt Olsson: Juridiken
i affarslivet. 5. omarb. udg. Helsingfors
1965. 250 s. tip(eu-fin)

Undervisning og forskning

Boalt, Gunnar: Profetgloria och forskarmoeda.
En studie till forskningsarbetets
sociologi. Sth. 1965. 132 s. dan-byg

Holt, Knut: Forskning og produktudvikling. Begreper og administrative modeller. Trondheim 1965. 89 s. Trondhjem. Norges Tekniske Hegskole. Institutt f. Industriell okonomi og Organisasjon. Medd. 17. gaf-did

Side 54

OECD: Industrial research associations in
France, Belgium and Germany. Paris
1965. 120 s. did-bit-rad

Seiler, Robert E.: Improving the effectiveness
of research and development. New
York 1965. 210 s. did-dad

Taber, J. I. m. fl.: Learning and programmed
instruction. Reading, Mass.
1965. 182 s. byn

Sociologi og psykologi

Alker, Hayward R.: Mathematics and
politics. New York 1965. 152 s. dat-ded

Andersen,Helge: Funktionaergruppen. Den
nye trediestand. Kbh. 1965. 175 s. Danmarks
Radios grundboger.

Hogh, Erik: Sociologi. Kbh. 1965. 174 s.
Fiolbiblioteket. dan

Inkeles, Alex: What is sociology? An introduction to the discipline and profession. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 120 s. Foundations of Modern Sociology Series. dat

Lewis, W. Arthur: Politics in West Africa.
London 1965. 90 s. Whidden lectures,
series 10 (1965) dat(af-ve)

Madge, John: Origins of scientific sociology.
New York 1962. 600 s. dat

Olmsted, Michael S.: Small group. New
York 1965. 159 s. Studies in sociology.

Parsons, Talcott (ed.): Theories of society.
Bd. 1-2. New York 1961. 1479 s. m.
bibliografi. dan

Sandell, Rolf Gunnar: Konsumentbeteende ur teoretisk synvinkel. Sth. 1965. 62 s. Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskn.inst.. Studier i ekonomisk psykologi, 21. bif 13

Saugstad, Per: Inquiry into the foundations
of psychology. Oslo 1965. 103 s.

Schein, Edgar H.: Organizational psychology. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 114 s. Foundations of modern psycology series. dal-fid

Siegel, Sidney, S. Messick and A. H. Brayfield: Decision and choice. Contributions by Siegel. Ed. by S. Messick and A. H. Brayfield. New York 1964. 298 s. dal

Smelser, Neil J.: Sociology of economic life. Englewood, N. J. 1965. 120 s. Foundations of modern psychology series,

Steiner, Ivan D. and Martin Fishbein: Current studies in social psychology. New York 1965. 53 2s. Society for the psychological studies of social issue. dal

Wermlund, Sven: Manniskan som samhallsvarelse.
Inledning till socialpsykologien.
4. uppl. Lund 1962. 494 s. dal