Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 29 (1965)

Økonomisk dokumentation

Et udvalg af bøger indgået i Handelshøjskolens bibliotek, København, i tiden
1. februar—1. maj 1965.

Nationaløkonomi i almindelighed

Edwards, Edgar 0. (ed.): The nation's economic objectives. Chicago, 111. 1964. 167 s. (Rice University. Semicentennial publications) din(am-for)

Essays on planning and economic development. Warszawa 1963. 76 s. (Center of Research on underdeveloped economies. Research papers 1) din

palkowski, Mieczyslaw & Alexander Lukaszewicz: Studies on the theory of reproduction and prices. Selection of papers and articles. Warszawa 1964. 438 s. (Problems of Economic Theory and Practice in Poland) din

Ingram, David: The communist economic
challenge. London 1965. 168 s.

Schneider, Erik: Einfiihrung in der Wirtschaftstheorie. Bd. 1: Theorie des Wirtschaftskreislaufs. 11. bearb. Aufl. Tubingen 1963. 143 s. din

Tinbergen, Jan: Central planning. London
1964. 150 s. (Studies in Comparative
Economics 4) dut-din


Boarman, Patrick M.: Germany's economic dilemma. Inflation and the balance of payments. New Haven, Mass. 1964. 344 s. div(eu-tys)

Hart, P. E.: Studies in profit, business saving and investment in the United Kingdom 1920-1962. Bd. 1. London 1964. 229 s. (Glasgow Univ. Social and economic studies 3- div(eu-sto)

Kragh, Borje: Konjunkturbedomning. Sth.
1964. 163 s. div

Kuznets, Simon: Postwar economic growth.
Four lectures. Cambridge, Mass. 1964.
142 s. div

Sachs, Ignacy (ed.): Planning and economic development. Warszawa 1964. 259 s. (Studies on Developing Countries 1) dut-div

Penge- og bankpolitik

Ahmad, Naseern & Ernst Becher: Entwicklungsbanken und -gesellschaften in Tropisch-Afrika. Berlin 1964. 86 s. (IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Afrika-Studien 1) mak-lef-div(af)

Hagger, A. J.: The theory of inflation.
A review. Melbourne 1964. 238 s. dis

Hodgman, Donald R.: Commercial bank loan and investment policy. Champaign, 111. 1963. 180 s. (University of Illinois. Bureau of Economic and Business Research)

Thunholm, Lars-Erik: Bankorna och penningpolitiken. Sth. 1964. 204 s. man Woodworth, Walter G.: The money market and monetary management. New York 1965. 496 s. nuen(am-for)


Balassa, Bela (ed.): Changing patterns in foreign trade and payments. An introduction to a current issue of public policy. New York 1964. 180 s. (Problems of the modern economy) lef

Carlson, Sune: Development economics and administration. Stockholm 1964. 94 s. (Uppsala Univ. Foretagsekonomiska Institutionen) lef-fad-div

Corden, W. M.: Recent developments in the theory of international trade. Princeton, N. J. 1965. 82 s. (Princeton Univ. International Finance Section. Special papers in international economics 7) lef

Side 140

Marcy, Gerard: Economic internationale.
Paris 1965. 642 s. lef

Schenk, Karl-Ernst: Arbeitsteilung im Rat
fur gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe. Berlin
1964. 158 s. (Berlin. Freie Univ.
Osteuropa-Institut. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche
Veroffentlichungen 21)

United Nations. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Economic growth and external debt. By Dragoslav Avromovic et a. Baltimore, Md. 1964. 207 s. bit-lef-div

L'liited Nations: Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Geneva, 1964. Bd. I. Final act and report. New York 1964. 370 s. bit-lef

United Nations: Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964. Bd. 2. Policy statements. New York 1964. 556 s. bit-lef

United Nations: Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964. Bd. 111. Commodity trade. New York 1964. 543 s. bit-lef

Karteller etc.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Committee on
the Judiciary: Price discrimination legislation.
Hearings before the Subcommittee
on Antitrust and Monopoly.
Wash. D. C. 1964. 199 s.

Bock, Betty: Mergers and markets. An economic analysis of the 1964 supreme court merger decisions. New York 1965. 128 s. (National Industrial Conference

Board. Studies in business economics.
87) ran(am-for)

British Institute of International and Comparative Law: The encouragement and protection of investment in developring countries. London 1962. 85 s. (International and comparatively law quarterly. Supplementary publication 3). mep-lef

British Institute of International and Comparative Law: Restrictive practices, patents, trade marks and unfair competition in the Common Market. A report of a conference. London 1962. 83 s. (International and comparative law quarterly. Supplementary publications 4). topo-ran(eu)

Geisbiisch, Hans Georg: Die organisierte Nachfrage. Organisation und Strategic marktbeeinflussender oder marktbeherrschender Nachfrager. Koln 1964. 177 s. (Forschungsinstitut fur Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewerb. Schriftenreihe 18). ran

Gross, Hermann & Jens Meier: Grosse und Grossenstruktur der Unternehmen. Ursachen und Auswirkungen ihrer Wandlungen in der modernen Industriewirtschaft fur Wirtschaftsverfas-

Side 141

sung und Wettbewerb. Schriftenreihe:,
19) ran

Kintner, Eearl W.: An antitrust primer. A guide to antitrust and regulations laws for businessmen. London 1964. 316 s. ran(am-for)

Means, Gardiner C: The corporate revolution in America. Economic reality vs. economic theory. London 1964. 191 s. ran(am-for)

Finansvidenskab og skatteret

Ambirajan, S.: The taxation of corporate
income in India. London 1964. 315 s.

Driftsøkonomi i almindelighed

Barish, Norman N. & Michel Verhulst (ed.): Management sciences in the emerging countries. New tools for economic development. Oxford 1965. 261 s. dad

Bittel, Lester R.: Management by exception. Systematizing and simplifying the managerial job. New York 1964. 320 s. dad

Cohen, Kalman J. m. fl.: The Carnegie tech. management game. An experiment in business education. Homewood, 111. 1964. 389 s. (Carnegie Institute of Technologic Contributions to management education series 1) dad

Cutlip, Scott M. & Allen H. Center: Effective
public relations. 3. ed. Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 512 s. dad

Diebold, John: Beyond automation. The management problems of an exploding technology. New York 1964. 220 s. dad Drucker, Peter F.: Managing for results. Economic tasks and risk-taking decisions. London 1964. 224 s. dad

Fishburn, Peter C: Decision and value theory. New York 1964. 451 s. (Operations Research Society. Publications in operations research 10) dad

Friedrichs, Giinter (red.): Automation und technischer Fortschritt in Deutschland unden USA. Ausgewahlte Beitrage zu einer internationalen Arbeitstagung der Industriegewerkschaft Metall fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Frankfurt a. M. 1963. 392 s. dad

Gore, William J. & J. W. Dyson (ed.): The making of decisions. A reader in administrative behavior. New York 1964. 440 s. dad

Hadley, G.: Nonlinear and dynamic programming.
Reading, Mass. 1964. 484 s.

Hanson, J. L.: A dictionary of economics
and commerce. London 1965. 401 s. dad

Hermansen, Niels K.: Forelaesninger i
skovbrugets driftsokonomi. Bd. 1-3.
Kbh. 1964. 180, 170, 175 s. sid

Holt, Knud: Bedriften. Innforing i bedriftslsere.
Oslo 1964. 220 s. dad

(3.) International Conference on Operations
Research, Oslo 1963. Proceedings.
London 1964. 952 s. dad

Kiantorovich, L. V.: The best use of economic
resources. Translated from the
Russian. Oxford 1964. 349 . dad

Katterle, Siegfried: Normative und explikative Betriebswirtschaftlehre. Gottingen 1964. 159 s. (Koln. Univ. Seminar fur Genossenschaftswesen. Schriften 10) dad

Kogan, Nathan & Michael A. Wallach:
Risk taking. A study in cognition and
personality. New York 1964. 278 s. dad

McGuire, Joseph W.: Theories of business
behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964.
268 s. dad

Seney, Wilson: Effective use of business consultants. A research study and report. New York 1964. 120 s. (Financial Executives Research Foundation) dad

Side 142

Stoller, David S.: Operations research.
Process and strategy. Berkeley, Calif.
1964. 195 s. (Scienc surveys, 2) dad


Knight, W. D. & E. H. Weinwurm: Managerial
budgeting. New York 1964. 468
s. (Budget Executices Institute) dut

Beliggenhedslære og landsplanlægning

Antonsen, Kristian: Placeringen af Danmarks industri 1938 til 1960. Kbh. 1964. 71 s. + bilag. (Landsplanudvalgets Sekretariat)

Borgelin, Gunnar: Parkeringsvanor inom citykarnor. Sth. 1964. 148 s. (Statens Rad for Byggnadsforskning. Rapport 103) nid

Economist Intelligence Unit: A survey of factors governing the location of offices in the London area. London 1964. 180 s. + tillasg. fan(eu-sto)

Friedmann, John & William Alonso (ed.): Regional development and planning. A reader. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. 722 s. m. bibliografi. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) fan-div

Zoneplankommentarer. Kbh. 1964. 104 s.
(Landsplanudvalgets sekretariat. Publikationer
6) fan(eu-dak)

Finansiering og investering

Brown, Robert Godell: Smothing, forecasting and prediction of discrete time sries. Englcwood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 468 s. fen-dut

Finanzorganisation. Finanzielle Unternehmcnsfuhrung. Koln 1964. 120 s. (Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichungen 36). dyf

Vancil, Richard F., Jerome Bracken & Charles J. Christenson: Leasing of industrial equipment. With tables for the analysis of financial alternatives and capital expenditures. New York 1963. 283 s. dyf


Adu, A. L.: The civil service in new
African states. London 1965. 242 s.

Deatherage, George E.: Construction company
organization and management.
New York 1964. 316 s. sak-fad

Gross, Bertram M.: The managing of organizations. The administrative struggle. Bd. 1-2. London 1964. 971 s. m. biblografi. fad

Hardach, Fritz Wilhelm: Konzernorganisation. 2. bearb. Aufl. Koln 1964. 139 s. (Schmalenbach Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichungen 20) rad-fad

Hellern, Bernhard: Trekk av rasjonaliseringens
historie i Norge. Oslo 1963.
138 s. fad(eu-nor)

Kahn, Robert L. m. fl.: Organizational
stress. Studies in role conflict and ambiguity.
New York 1964. 470 s. fid

Karlsson, Tord: Natverksplanering. Goteborg
1965. 118 s. fen

Rhodes, Gerald: Administrators in action. London 1965. 117 s. (Royal Institute of Public Administration. British case studies 2) fad(eu-sto)

Richards, Max D. & William A. Nielander:
Readings in management. 2. ed.
Cincinnati, Ohio. 1963. 946 s. fad

Sviland, Odd: Analyse av kontorarbeide.
Oslo 1965. 113 s. (Bergen. Norges Handelsh.)

Zaleznik, Abraham & David Moment: Casebook on interpersonal behavior in organizations. New York 1964. 587 s. fid

Side 143

Elektronisk databehandling

Automatisering og databehandling. Oslo 1964. 65 s. (Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsrad. Forskningsutredning 1964. Bilag 17) fen

Borko, Harold (ed.): Computer application in the behavioral sciences. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1962. 633 s. (System Development Corporation ) fen

Frielink, A. B.: Auditing automatic data
processing. A. survey of papers. Amsterdam
ca. 1961. 56 s. fyk-fan

Gregory, Robert H. & Richard L. Van Horn: Automatic data-processing systems. Principles and procedures. 2. ed. Belmont, Calif. 1963. 815 s. m. bibliografi.

Gregory, Robert H. & Richard L. Van Horn: Business data processing & programming. Belmont, Calif. 1963. 403 s. fen

Markedsanalyser og and re analyser

Bergler, R. (Hrsg.): Psychologische Marktanalyse.
Bern 1964. 352 s. gan-gaf

Carlsson, Rune: Produkters sociale anseende. En skiss till teoretisk bakgrund och till matmodell. Sth. 1964. 149 s. (Stockholm Handelsh. Foretagsekonmiska Forskningsinstitutet. Studiet i ckonomisk psykologi 18) gaf

Carlsson, Rune: Synpunkter pa en indirekt metod for bestamning av en produkts sociala anseende. Sth. 1960. 91 s. +bilag. (Stockholm Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiske Forskningsinstitutet. Studier i ekonomisk psykologi, 4) gan

Dahl, Sven: Det svenska natet av handelsorter. Goteborg 1965. 74 s. (Goteborg. Handelsh. Skrifter 1965:1) (= Goteborg. Handelsh. Geografiska Institutionen. Meddelanden 81) gan (eu-sve)

Ulmer, Eugen m. fl.: Vergleichende Warentests. Koln 1964. 60 s. (Forschungsinstitut fur Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewerb. Schriftenreihe 20) hif-gan

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Accounting trends and techniques. Survey of the accounting aspects of the annual reports of 600 industrial and commercial corporations. 18. ed. New York 1964. 296 s. fun

Biermann, Manfred: Die Oberschuldung als Voraussetzung zur Konkurseroffnung. Berlin 1963. 107 s. (Die Unternehung im Markt 9) fyp

Churchill, Neil C, Merton H. Miller & Robert M. Trueblood: Auditing management games, and accounting education. Homewood, 111. 1964. 108 s. (Carnegie Institute of Technologic Contributions to management education series 2) fud

Davidson, Sidney m. fl. (ed.): An income approach to accounting theory. Readings and questions. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 593 s. fud

Dudick, Thomas S.: Cost controls for
industry. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963.
308 s. rad-fod

Encyclopedia of accounting form and reports.
Bd. 1-3. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
1964. 411, 767, 493 s. fud

European Congress of Accountants 1963, Edinburgh. Record of proceedings. Edinburgh 1964. 267 s. (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) fyk

Kosiol, Erich: Kostenrechnung. Wiesbaden
1964. 295 s. (E. Gutenberg: Die Wir-t
schaftswissenschaften. Reihe A, 35) fad

Langholm, Odd: Studier i kalkulasjonspraksis 1963. Statistiske analyser av materiale fra en rundsparring i norske industribedrifter. Oslo 1964. 52 s. (Bergen. Norges Handelsh. Forretningsakonomisk Institutt) fot

Morrissey, Leonard E.: Contemporary accounting problems. Text and cases. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 636 s. fed

Side 144

Prince, Thomas R.: Extension of the
boundaries of accounting theory. Cincinnati,
Ohio 1963. 213 s. fud

Schiff, Michael & Lawrence J. Benninger: Cost accounting. (2. ed. af Theodore Lang m. fl.: Cost accounting). New York 1963. 657 s. fod

Zeff, Stephan A. & Thomas F. Keller (ed.): Financial accounting theory. Issues and controversies. New York 1964. 455 s. fud


Alderson, Wroe & Paul E. Green: Planning
and problem solving in markeing.
Homewood, 111. 1964. 661 s. gaf

Caplovitz, David: The poor pay more. Consumer practices of low-income families. New York 1963. 219 s. (Columbia Univ. Bureau of Applied Social Research. Report.) sød-gan(am-for)

Friberg, Karl-Erik: Reklamens kostnader
i Sverige 1960-1961. Sth. 1964. 48 s.
(Tidningsstatistik A fS), ged-fød(eu-sve)

Friedman, Milton: Price theory. A provisional
text. London 1964. 285 s. dir

Howard, Marshall C: Legal aspects of
marketing. New York 1964. 173 s.
(Perspectives in marketing series)

Intam, Ltd.: Sales promotion in Europe. Information on th rules and regulations which govern and limit specified trade and consumer promotional activities in sixteen European countries. London 1964. 45 s. gid(eu)

Langhoff, Peter (ed.): Models, measurement and marketing. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 216 s. (Market Research Council) gaf

Marketing science institute: Marketing development in the European Economic Community. New York 1964. 182 s. gaf(eu)

Robinson, Patrick J. 8c David J. Luck: Promotional decision making. Practice and theory. A study in marketing management. New York 1964. 254 s. gaf

Schwartz, George: Development of marketing
theory. Cincinnati, Ohio 1963.
152 s. gaf

Engros- og detailhandel

Brock, Klaus: Die Betriebsorganisation im Grosshandel. Koln 1964. 105 s. (Koln Univ. Schriften zur Handelsforschung, 28) kof(eu-tys)

Fog, Bjarke, Arne Rasmussen & Leif Kristensen:
Detailhandelen i dag og i
overmorgen. Kbh. 1965. 133 s. (Danmarks
Erhvervsfond. Sekretariatet)

Woll, Artur: Der Wettbewerb im Einzelhandel. Zur Dynamik der modernen Vertriebsformen. Berlin 1964. 358 s. (Quaestiones Oeconomicae 2) lod


Air France: How much? Worldair passenger
tariff. 9. ed. Paris 1964. ca. 2000
s. nin(eu-fra)

Antonsen, Kristian & Anders Nyvig: oresundsforbindelsen. En undersagelse af de trafikale og erhvervsmeessige konsekvenser af en fast forbindelse Kabenhavn-Malmo eller Helsingar-Halsingborg. Kbh. 1965. 78 s. (Kabenhavns Kommune). nad

Barry, W. S.: Airline management. London
1965. 360 s. (Barry, W. S.: Business
management in transport 3) nid-fad

Branch, Alan B.: The elements of shipping.
London 1964. 156 s. nen
Calvert, Roger: The future of Britain's
Railways. London 1965. 175 s.

Side 145

Eriksen, Svein: Buss til byen eller buss til bane. En teknisk-okonomisk analyse. Oslo 1964. 45 s. (Transportokonomisk Institutt). nid-ned(eu-nor)

Foster, C. D.: The transport problem.
London 1963. 354 s. nad

Germane, Gayton E., Nicholaus A. Glaskowsky & J. L. Heskett: Highway transportation management. New York 1963. 478 s. nid

Hazlewood, Arthur: Rail and road in East Africa. Transport co-ordination in underdeveloped countries. Oxford 1964. 247 s. (East African Institute of Social Research) & (Oxford Univ. Institute of Economics and Statistics. Monograph 7) nid-ned(af-Bs)

Kallec, Vladimir & Leo Vodacek: Mathematische Methoden zur Losung von Transportproblemen. Lineare Optimierung. (Übersetzung aus dem Tschechischen). Berlin 1964. 195 s. + tillaeg. dad

Klaus, Giinter: Der Giiterkraftverkehr als Objekt nationalstaatlicher Politik in den Landern der Europaischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Tarifgestaltung. Diisseldorf 1964. 162 s. (Koln Univ. Institut fur Verkehrswissenschaft. Buchreihe 19) nid-dir(eu)

Owen, Wilfred: Strategy for mobility. Wash. D. C. 1964. 249 s. (The Brookings Institution. Transport research program) nad

Pedersen, Helge: Transportkostnader for industrivarer. Slemdal 1965. 35 s. + bilag. (Transportokonomisk Institutt) rad-nad-fan(eu-nor)

Statistik og matematik

Aleksandrov, A. D., A. N. Kolmogorov & M. A. Lavrent'ev (ed.): Mathematics. Its content, methods and meanings. Bd. 1-3. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. 358, 376, 351 s. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Cramer, Harald: Random variables and probability distribution. New York 1963. 119 s. (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics 36) don

Eggleston,H. G.: Problems in Euclidean space. Application of convexity. London 1957. 165 s. (Cambridge Univ. Adams Prize Essay 1955/56) ded

Freeman, Harold: Introduction to statistical
inference. Reading, Mass. 1963.
445 s. Jen

Hiorns, R. W.: The fitting of growth and allied curves of the asymptotic regression type by Steven's method. London 1965. 52 s. (London. Univ. Tracts for computers 28) don

Holmberg, Ingrid m. fl.: Statistiska grumlbegrepp. Sth. 1964. 300 s. (Malmo. Lararhogskolan. Institutionen.) don-byn

Lieberman, Gerald J. & Donald B. Owen. Tables of the hypergeometric probability distribution. Stanford, Calif. 1961. 726 s. (Stanford studies in mathematics and statistics 3) don

Lindley, D. V.: Introduction to probability and statistics from a bayesian viewpoint. Bd. 1-2. London 1964. 259. 292 s. don

Side 146

Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografi

Gebhardt, Amin: Feinkeramische Industrie. Strukturelle Probleme und Wachstumschancen. Berlin 1964. 73 s. (IFO- Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Struktur und Wachstum. Reihe Industrie, 3) raen(eu-tys)

Gegenwartige Struktur und kiinftige Entwicklung der offentlichen Elektrizitatswirtschaft in der Bunderrepublik Deutschland. Berlin 1964. 133 s. (Koln Univ. Energiewirtschaftlich.es Institut.) ron-dus(eu-tys)

Gleitze, Bruno: Die Industrie der Sowjetzone unter dem geschreiterten Sieben • jahrplan. Berlin 1964. 375 s. (Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Miteldeutschland, 2) rad(eu-tys)

Meinicke, Barbel: Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie. Strukturelle Probleme und Wachstumschancen. Berlin 1964. 145 s. (IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Struktur und Wachstum. Reihe Industrie, 4) rod(eu-tys)

Karpinski, Andrzej: Problems of socialist
industrialization in Poland. Warszawa
1963. 255 s. rad(eu-pol)

Mallinson, R. F. A. & Jack H. Leigh:
Timber trade practice. 3. ed. London
1965. 368 s. rud

United Nations. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: The economic development of Kuwait. Baltimore, Md. 1965. 240 s. bit(as-kuw)

Westerlind, Erik & Rune Beckmann: Sveriges okonomi. Struktur och utvicklingstendenser. 5. omarb. udg. Sth. 1964. 100 s. (Svenska Telegrambyrans skriftserie, 11) (eu-sve)

Williams, Willard F. & Thomas T. Stout:
Economics of the livestock-meat industry.
New York 1964. 802 s.


Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen fur die deutsche Industrie. Vorschlage zur Vereinheitlichung und Vereinfachung. Koln 1964. 80 s. (Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichungen 34) tip-rad(eu-tys)

Becker, Elmar: Die Rechtsprechung der
sowjetischen Aussenhandelsschiedskornmission.
Koln 1964. 185 s. (Forschungsinstitut
fur Wirtschaftsverfassung mid
Wettbewerb. Schriftenreihe 17)

Coppola, Andrew J. & Harry Katz: Business
law. A CPA review. New York
1963. 765 s. tip(am-for)

Gomard, Berhard, Victor Hansen & Stephan Hurwitz: Kommenteret retsplejelov. 2. udg. Bd. 1-2. Kbh. 1964. 1180 s. tok-t3em(eu-dak)

Heinichen, Otto-Raban: Die Rechtsgrundlagen des Reisescheckverkehrs. Untersuchung nach deutschem Recht und Darstellung der amerikanischen, italienischen und franzosischen Literatur und Rechtsprechung zum Reisescheck. Berlin 1964. 1957 s. (Untersuchungen iiber das Spar-, Giro- und Kreditwesen. Schriften 21) tip-mor

Henrich, Dieter & Remo Cereghetti: Das italienische Aktienrecht. Frankfurt a. M. 1965. 138 s. (Gesellschaft fur Rechtsvegleichung. Auslandische Aktiengesetze, 11) tok-tok(eu-ita)

Knoblach, Hans: Einfiihrung in die Praxis des Warenzeichen- und Ausstattungs? rechtes. 2. bearb. Aufl. Weinheim/ Bergstr. 1964. 148 s. tul(eu-tys)

Kruse, A. Vinding: Erstatningsretten. I.
Ansvarsgrundlaget. Kbh. 1964. 371 s.
11 rw

Kutzenberger, Gerhard: Mitbestimmung der Aktionare. Ein wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Beitrag zur Aktienrechtsreform. Berlin 1964. 250 s. (Die Unternehmung im Markt 12) tok-dun(eu-tys)

Side 147

Landau, Henry (ed.): Doing business abroad. Br. 1-2. New York 1962. 732 s. 4- tillasg. (Practising Law Institute) tak-lef

Lichtenstein, Erich: Die Patentlizenz naeh amerikanischem Recht. Tubingen 1965. 249 s. (Tubingen Univ. Tubinger Rechtswissenscraftliche Abhandlungen 13) tum(am-for)

Stumberg, George Wilfred: Principles of
conflict of laws. 3. ed. New York 1963.
461 s. (University Textbook Series) tup

Teori och praxis. Studier i svensk civilratt.
Skrifter tillagnade Hjalmar Karlgren.
Sth. 1964. 398 s. tap(eu-sve)

Sociologi og psykologi

Bartley, S. Howard: Principles of perception.
New York 1958. 482 s. bif 13

Bendix, Reinhard & Seymour Martin Lipset (ed.): Class, status and power. A reader in social stratification. Glencoe. 111. 1963. 723 s. bif 30

Berelson, Bernard & Gary A. Steiner: Human behavior. An inventory of scientific findings. New York 1964. 712 s. bif 30

Berelson, Bernard & Morris Janowitz (ed.): Reader in public opinion and communication. Enlarged edition. Glencoe, 111. 1953. 611 s. bif 30

Berelson, Bernard, Paul F. Lazarsfeld & William N. McPhee: Voting. A study of opinion formation in a presidential campaign. Chicago, 111. 1963. 395 s. bif 30

Boalt, Gunnar: Masskommunikation.
Forskningsmetoder och resultat. Sth.
1965. 162 s. bif ?0

Bottomore, T. B.: Sociology. A guide to
problems and literature. London 1962.
330 s. bif 30

Brandt, Herman F.: Seendets psykologi

(oversat fra engelsk). Sth. 1951. 195 s.
bif 13

E.rembeck, Winston Lamont & William Smiley Howell: Persuasion. A means of social control. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1962. 488 s. bif 30

Davey, D. Mackenzie & P. McDonnel: Programmed instruction. London 1964. 56 s. (Institute of Personnel Management)

Deterline, William A.: An introduction
to programmed instruction. Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1962. 131 s. fen-byn

Festinger, Leon m. fl.: Conflict, decision, and dissonance. Stanford, Calif. 1964. 1963 s. (Stanford Studies in Psychology, 3) fid

Fisk, George: The frontiers of management
psychology. New York 1964. 301
s. fid

Gagne, Robert W. (ed.): Psychological
principles in system development. New
York 1962. 560 s. dad-bif IS

Heden, Stig B.: Konferensteknik. Hur man planerar, leder och deltar i overlaggningar och beslut i mindre grunper. Sth. 1961. 220 s. fid-byn

Hed6n, Stig B.: Sammentrades teknik. Handledning for ordforande och deltagare i sammantraden av parlamentarisk typ. 7. rev. udg. Sth. 1963. 8$ s. fid-byn

Hilgard, Ernest R.: Theories of learning.
2. ed. New York 1956. 563 s. bvp

Schramm, Wilbur (ed.): Mass communications. A book of readings. 2. ed. Urbana, 111. 1963. 695 s. m. bibliografi. bif 30

Schramm, Wilbur (ed.): The science of
human communication. New York 1963.
158 s. bif 30

Smelser, Neil J.: Theory of collective
behavior. New York 1963. 436 s. bif 30