Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 29 (1965)Økonomisk dokumentationEt udvalg af
bøger indgået i Handelshøjskolens bibliotek, København,
i tiden Almindelig nationaløkonomiCenter of Research on Underdeveloped Economies: Essays on planning and economic development. 2. Warszawa 1965. 182 s. din Fellner, William: Probability and Profit. A Study of Economic Behavior Along Bayesian Lines. Homewood, 111. 1965. 239 s. din Grayson, Henry:
Price Theory in a Keiser, Norman
F.: Economics. Analysis National buerau of economic reseach. National acounts review committee: National economic acounts of the United States. Review, apraisaL and recomendations. Extract from hearings before the subcomittee on economic statistics. Wash. D. C. 1958. 202 s. (National bureau of economic resarch. General series, 64) divo(am-for) OECD: Statistics
of national accounts KonjunkturpolitikHausman, Warren H. (ed.): Managing economic development in Africa. Procedings of the M. I. T. fellows in Africa annual conference Evian-les- Bains, France 1962. Cambridge, Mass. 1963. 253 s. (Massachusetts institute of technology). div(af) OECD: Development assistance efforts and policies of the members of the development assistance committee. 1964 review. Paris 1964. 114 s. bit-lef-div OECD: Development
plans and programmes. Paris 1964. 224
s. (Studies in development OECD: Policies for prices, profits and other non-wage incomes. 2. report on policies for price stability prepared for Economic Policy Comittee. Paris 1964. 78 s. bit-divo-div UN. ECA:
Industrial growth in Africa. Williams, John H.: Economic stability in the modern world. London 1952. 33 s. (London. Univ. Stamp memorial lecture 1952) div Penge- og bankpolitik, finansvidenskabAFS. Committee on banking and currency: Evaluation of the management succession problem in the commercial banking industry. By the subcommittee on domestic finance. Wash. D. C. 1964. 103 s. maf(am-for) AFS. Committee on banking and currency: Market for bank stocks. By the subcommittee on domestic finance. Wash. D. C. 1964. 102 s. maf(am-for) Anderson, W. H.
Locke: Corporate finance Dougall, Herbert E. & Gaumnitz, Jack E.: Capital markets and institutions. Englewod Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 164 s. (Foundation of finance series) mod(am-for) Eiteman, Wilford J. & Eiteman, David K.: Leading world stock exchanges. Trading practices and organization. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1964. 91 s. (University of Michigan. Michigan International Busines Studies 2) mud Side 216
Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland: Hagenmueller, K. F. (Hrsg.): Leasing Handbuch. Entwicklung und Einsatzmoglichkeiten bei den Untersuchunken. Frankfurt a. M. 1965. 347 s. dyf Hirst, R. R.
& Wallace, R. H. (ed.): Studies Institute of
bankers: The finance of international Krefetz, Gerald
& Marossi, Ruth: Investing Ranlett, John G.:
Money and banking, Ricks, R. Bruce:
Portfolio management. Sullivan, Clara
K.: The tax on value Valvanne, Heikke: The Framework of the bank of Finland's monetary policy. Helsinki 1965. 34 s. (Bank of Finland. Institute for economic res. Series D: 10 Mimeographed studies) man(eu-fin) UdenrigsøkonomiGiesecke, Helmut: Zentralamerika und sein gemeinsamer Markt. Hamburg 1964. 115 s. (Institut fur Iberoamerika- Kunde. Schriftenreihe 3) bit-lef(am-la) Lewin, Pauline:
The Foreign trade of Machlup, Fritz:
International payments, OECD: Statistics
of balance of payments UN: Measures for
the economic develop- UN. ECA:
Agreement establishing the UN. ECAFE: Regional economic co-operation in Asia and the Far East. Report of the ministerial conference on Asian Co-operation, Manila 1963. New York 1964. 77 s. bit-lef(as) Weaver, James H.: The international development association. A new approach to foreign aid. New York 1965. 268 s. bit-lef-div Almindelig driftsøkonomiAppley, Lawrence
A.: Management evolution. Enrick, Norbert
Lloyd: Management operations Horowitz, Ira:
Introduction to quantitative MacDonough, Adrian M. & Garrett, Leonard J.: Management systems. Working concepts and practices. Homewood, 111. 1965. 311 s. dad Schaufuss, lib:
Lineaer programmering. Shepherd, William
G.: Economic performance Starr, Martin Kenneth (ed.): Executive readings in management science. Reprints from Management Science. London 1965. 422 s. dad OrganisationAlbert, Henry H.: Principles of organization and management. 2. ed. of organized executive action. New York 1965. 676 s. fad Side 217
Management Association: Leadership Beschaffungspolitik und Einkaufstechnik. St. Gallen 1964. 128 s. (Sankt Gallen. Hochschule Forschungsstelle fiir den Handel. Schriftenreihe 9) fer Dale, Ernest:
Management. Theory and Dooley, Arch R.
m. fl.: Basic problems, Dooley, Arch R. m. fl.: Operations planning and control. New York 1964. 314 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate school of business adm. Casebooks in production management) rad-fad Dooley, Arch R. m. fl.: Production operating decisions in the total business strategy. New York 1964. 427 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate school of business adm. Casebooks in production management) rad-fad EWG: Vergleichendes Handbcch der Berufe in denen Wanderungen zwischen den Landern der EWG haufig vorkommen. 2. bearb. Aufl. Luxemburg 1965. 18, 119 s. bit-tor-fid Ford, Guy B.: Building a winning employee team. New York 1965. 11l s. (American Management Association) fid Hamilton, B. L. St. John: Problems of administration in an emergent nation. A case study of Jamaica. New York 1965. 218 s. tyn-fad(am-sto) Higgin, Gurth & Jesop, Neil: Communications in the building industry. The report of a pilot study. London 1965. 144 s. (Tavistock institute of human relations) sak--fid Kahn, Robert L. & Cannell, Charles F.: The dynamics of interviewing. Theory technique, and cases. New York 1964. 368 s. fid Mandell, Milton M.: The selection process. Choosing the right man for the job. New York 1965. 512 s. (American Management Association) fid Optner, Stanford L.: Systems analysis for business and industrial problem solving. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 116 s. fen Orth, Charles D., Bailey, J. C. & Wolek, F. W.: Administering research and development. The behavior of scientists and engineers in organizations. London 1965. 585 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Business Adm.) fad-bif 30 Remer, Mogens D.: Elektronisk databehandling i industrielle foretagender. Lyngby 1965. 208 s. samt bibliografi. (Danmarks tekniske Hajskole). rad-fen Seashore, Stanley E. & Bowers, David G.: Changing the structure and functioning of an organization. Report of a field experiment. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1963. 113 s. (University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research. Survey research center. Monograph 33) fad Markedsanalyser og andre analyserAmerican Management Association: Work sampling. A programmed instruction course by the makers of Prime. New York 1965. 67 s. samt bilag. fig Grossack, Martin
M. (ed.): Understanding Market research society: Research in marketing. Papers read at the 7. annual conference. London 1965. 146 s. (Market research society publications 9) gan Scherke, Felix:D er Verbrauchercharakter. Ein Beitrag zur Konsum-Motiv-Forschung. Niirnberg 1964. 110 s. (Marktwirtschaft und Verbrauch 20) gak Torgerson, Warren
S.: Theory and methods Waugh, Frederick
V.: Demand and price Side 218
Agriculture dept.
Economic research Wiswede, Giinter: Motivforschung. Eine Analyse ihrer Erkenntnisgrenzen. Ntirnberg 1962. 142 s. (Marktwirtschaft und Verbrauch 18) gak RegnskabsvæsenBitterli, Walter S.: Budget und Budgetkontrolle unter besonderer beriicksichtigung industrieller Unternehmungen. (Zurich 1965. 120 s. Sankt Gallen. Hochschule. Betriebswirtschaftliche Reihe 1) dut Boutell, Wayne S.: Auditing with the computer. Berkeley, Calif. 1965. 181 s. (University of California. Institute of business and economic research publications) Jaedicke, Robert K. & Sprouse, Robert T.: Accounting flows. Income, funds, and cash. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 167 s. (Foundation of Finance Series), fud Lutz, Benno: Die Aussagefahigkeit des Rechnungswesens. Zurich 1963. 237 s. (Sankt Gallen. Hochschule Sankt Galler Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschungen 20) fud Machinery and allied products institute. Council for technological advancement: Cost reduction and profit improvement. Wash. D. C. 1960. 67 s. fod Sidebotham, R.:
Accounting for industrial AfsætningsøkonomiBuzzell, Robert D.: Mathematical models and marketing management. Boston, Mass. 1964. 281 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Business Adm. Division of Research). gaf Carlson, Bjorn & Kusoffsky, Bertil: Om distributorsmarken. Sth. 1965. 126 s. (Stockholmn. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningsinstituttet) gaf Diamond, William
M.: Distribution channels channels used and margins alowed by manufacturers in the distribution of industrial machinery, equipment and supplies . . . Columbus, Ohio 1963. 185 s. (Ohio. State Univ. Bureau of Business Research. Monograph 114) rad-gaf Driscoll, R. D.:
Retail merchandising. Dunton, L.: How
to sell to women. New Halbert, Michael: Meaning and sources of marketing theory. New York 1965. 330 s. (Marketing Science Institute. Series) gaf Henell, Olof:
Personlig forsaljning. Metoder, Lazer, W. & Kelley, E. J.: Interdisciplinary contributions to marketing management. East Lansing, Mich. 1959. 45 s. (Michigan State Univ. Marketing and transportation paper 5) gaf Rodger, Leslie
W.: Marketing in a competitive Weinhold-Stiinzi, Heinz: Grundlagen wirtschaftlicher Absatzfiihrung. St. Gallen 1964. 180 s. (Sankt Gallen. Hochschule Forschungsstelle fur den Handel. Schriftenreihe 6) gaf Eksport- og importhandelBetriebswirtschaftliche Probleme des Exports. St. Gallen 1965. 137 s. (Sankt Gallen. Hochscchule Forschungsstelle fiir den Handel. Schriftenreihe 8) lif Eisemann,
Frederic: Incoterms in Handel Madeheim, Huxley, Mazze, Edward 8c Stein, Charles S.: International business. Articles and essays. New York 1963. 228 s. lef-fad Nerreter, Wilhelm
& Stocher, Josef: Der Robinson, Richard
D.: Cases in international Side 219
Samfærdsel, beligenhedslære og landsplanlægningAFS. Commerce Dept.: Maritime administration. Surface effect ships. A new era in commercial ocean transportation. Wash. D. C. 1965. 30 s. nen Deutsche Akademie fur Stadtebau, Landesgruppe Nordrhein-Westfalen; Stadtregion und Verkehr. Vortrage und Berichte. Koln 1964. 176 s. nad-fan Klaassen, L. H.:
Area economic and social Klatt, Sigurd: Die okonomische Bedeutung der Qualitat von Verkehrsleistungen. Berlin 1965. 350 s. (Verkehrswissenschaftliche Forschungen 11) nad Leibrand, Kurt:
Verkehr und Stadtebau. Lansing, John B. & Blood, Dwight M.: The changing travel market. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1964. 374 s. (University of Michigan. Instiute for Social Research. Survey Research Center) nud(am-for) Lansing, John B.
& Lilienstein, Ernest: Lansing, John B. m. fl.: The travel market, 1958, 1959-60, 1961-62. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1965. 354 s. (University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research. Survey Research Center) nud(am-for) Prakasa Rao, V. L. S.: Towns of Mysore State. London 1964. 120 s. (Indian statistical Institute. Indian statistical series 22) fan(as-indi) Roth, G. J.: Parking space for cars. Assessing the demand. London 1965. 81 s. (Cambridge. Univ. Dept. of applied economics. Occasional papers 5) nid Schulz-Hansen,
Elke: Die Verkehrswirtschaft und
Wesensbestimmung. Berlin 1965. Voigt, Fritz: Theorie der regionalen Verkehrsplanung. Ein Beitrag zur Analyse ihrer wirtschaftlichen Problematik. Berlin 1964. 263 s. (Verkehrswissenschaftliche Forschungen 10) nad-fan Statistik og matematikAmerican Statistical Association: Proceedings 1964 of the Business and economic statistics section. Papers presented at the annual meeting 1964. Wash. D. C. 1964. 482 s. don-dad Boehm, George A.
W.: Matematikkens Hodges, J. L.
& Lehmann, E. L.: Basic MacCollough, Celeste & Atta, L. van: Statistical concepts. A program for selfinstruction. New York 1963. 367 s. samt bilag 57 s. don Malinvaud, Edmond: Methodes statistiques de l'econometria. Paris 1964. 634 s. (Finance et economie appliquee, 16) don-din Mandel, John: The
statistical analysis of Mood, Alexander M. & Graybill, Franklin A.: Introduction to the theory of statistics. 2. ed. New York 1963. 443 s. don Smirnov, N. V. (ed.): Tables of the normal probability integral. The normal density, and its normalized derivates. (Oversat fra russisk). Oxford 1965. 125 s. don-dep Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografiAllen, G. C:
Japan's economic expansion. Aukrust, Odd (red.): Norges ekonomi etter krigen. Oslo 1965. 437 s. (Norge. Statistisk Sentralbyra. Samfunnsokonomiske studier 12) div(eu-nor) Side 220
Clough, Shepard
B.: Economic history of Edwards, Anthony: Investment in the European economic community. A study of problems and opportunities. New York 1964. 75 s. (Economist intelligence unit) (eu) Hofman, George W.
(ed.): Geography of Humlum, Johannes
Sc Mogensen, A. Krarup: Pesek, Boris P.:
Gross national product Shanahan, E. W.:
Western and central Sokolski, Alan:
The establishment of manufacturing ErhvervsretBankruptcy laws
of the United States. Coote, Brian: Exception clauses. Some aspects of the law relating to exception clauses in contracts for the carriage, bailment and sale of goods. London 1964. 163 s. tip(eu-sto) Dalloz: Code de commerce. Suivi des lois commerciales et industrielles. 61. ed. Paris 1965. 980 s. (Petit codes Dalloz) tok-tip(eu-fra) Dalloz:
Repertoire 'e droit civil. Bd. 1-5 Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft: Niederlassungsrecht und Dienstleistungen 1. Allgemeinen Programme zur Aufhebung der Beschrankungen der Niederlassungsfreiheit und des freien Dienstleistungsverkehr. Briissel 1962. 59 s. bit-tyt(eu) Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft: Niederlassungsrecht und Dienstleistungen 2. Richtlinien des Rats fiber die Verwirklichung der Niederlassungsfreiheit und des freien Dienstleistungsverkehrs. Briissel 1964. 52 s. bit-tyt(eu) Friedman,
Lawrence M.: Contract law in Pineus, Kaj:
Limited liability in collision Sandstrom, Jan: Abrogation of the maritime lien for master's contracts. Goteborg 1965. 38 s. (Goteborg. Handelsh. Skrifter 1965, 4) top Welamson, Lars:
Konkurs. Sth. 1965. 181 UndervisningOECD: The Mediteranian regional project. Greece. Paris 1965. 195 s. (Education and development. Country reports) OECD: The
Mediteranian project. Yugoslavia. Offiesh, Gabriel
D.: Programmed instruction. Side 221
York 1965. 416 s.
(American Management Socialdemokratiets forskningskonferencer: Forskning og hgoj'ere uddannelse. En kronikserie i dagbladet Aktuelt om nye universiteter. Kbh. 1965. 136 s. byg Information og biblioteksvæsenInstitute of
Information Scientists: Proceedings Mertens, Peter: Betriebliche Dokumentation und Information. Meisenheim am Glan 1965. 210 s. samt bibliografi. (Schriften zur wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung, 14) bef OECD: Conference on the communication of scientific and technical knowledge to industry, Stockholm 1963. Paris 1965. 188 s. bit-bef UN. UNESCO: Scientific and technical documentation centres. Unesco's contribution to their development. Paris 1965. 55 s. bit-bef Nye periodica og bibliografierBiometrika.
London 1965- bin-don(eu-sto) Journal of development studies. A quarterly journal devoted to economic political and social development. London 1964- :1- bin-lef-div(eu-sto) Kendall, Maurice
G. & Doig, Alison G.: List econ. Lista over utlandska periodika inom handel, ekonomisk geografi och statistik i svenska och danska bibliotek. Sth. 1965. 117 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Biblioteket) baf Management
abstracts. New series. British Review of the International statistical institute. Revue de l'institut international de statistique. The Hague 1965:33 - bin-don(eu-ned) Revue de
statistique appliquee. Paris UN. ECE: Annual
bulletin of electric |