Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 28 (1964)ØKONOMISK DOKUMENTATIONEt udvalg af
bøger indgået i Handelshøjskolens Eiibliotek, København,
i tiden Nationaløkonomi i almindelighedHackett, John
& Anne-Marie Hackett: Lange, Oscar:
Political economy Vol. 1. Morgenstern,
Oskar: On the accuracy of Tinbergen, Jan:
Lessons from the past. KonjunkturpolitikCommission on Money and Credit: Stabilization policies. A series of research studies. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 558 s. div(am-for) Gill, Richard T.: Economic development. Past and present. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 119 s. (Foundations of Modern Economics Series) div Neild, R. R.: Pricing and employment in the trade cycle. A study of British manufacturing industry, 1950-131. London 1963. 73 s. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Occasional papers 21) rad-div(eu-sto) Walinsky, Louis J.: The planning arid execution of economic development. A nontechnical guide for policy makers and administrators. New York 1963. 248 s. lef-div Penge- og bankpolitikAmerican Bankers Association: The commercial banking industry. Engiewooc Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 395 s. (Commissior on Money and Credit. Trade Associa- tions Monographs)
men(am-for tions. The company and its owners. New York 1963. 222 s. (American Management Association. Management reports 78) map Collin, Fernand:
The formation of a Conrad, Joseph W. m. fl.: Inflation, growth and employment. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 470 s. (Commission on Money and Credit. Trade Associations Monographs) div-dis Einzig, Paul: The euro-dollar system.
Friend, Irwin, Hyman P. Minsky & Victor L. Andrews: Private capital markets. A series of research studies. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 531 s. (Commission on Money and Credit. Trade Association Monographs) mod(am-for) Joslin, David: A century of banking in Latin America to commemorate the centenary in 1962 of the Bank of London & South America limited. London 1963. 307 s. men-bof(am-la;eu-sto) Property and casualty insurance companies. Their role as financial intermediaries. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 63 s. (Commission on Money and Credit. Trade Associations Monograhs) (American Mutual Insurance Alliance & Association of Casualty and Surety Companies & National Board of Fire Underwriters) pad-mod(am-for] UdenrigsøkonomiKaiser, Karl; EWG
und Freihandelszone Side 148
s. (Europaische
Aspekte. Reihe C, 15) I.ea, Sperry: A
Canada U.S. free trade Mikesell, Raymond F. (ed.): U.S. private and government investment abroad, Eugene, Oregon 1962. 599 s. (University of Oregon Books) mop-lef(am-for) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: The flow of financial resources to developing countries in 1961. Paris 1963. 88 s. bit-lef Sverige. Handelsdepartementet: Svensk utrikeshandel och den europeiska integrationen. En studie rorande de forandrancle villkoren for handeln. Sth. 1963. 102 s. lef(eu-sve;eu) Driftsøkonomi i almindelighedAmerican Institute of Industrial Engineers: Report of the second system simulation symposium. New York 1959. 67 s. dad Aner Josef:
Dagens affarsman - och morgondagens Bates, James
& J. R. Parkinson: Business Haldi, John & Harvey M. Wagner: Simulated economic models. A laboratory guide to economic principles of market behavior. Homewood, 111. 1963. 172 s. dad Iloldren, Bob R. m. fl.: Operations research in small business. A case study and primer of operations research techniques. lowa City, lowa 1963. 69 s. (lowa Univ.) (Amerikas Forenede Stater. Small Business Administration. Small Business Management Research Reports) dad _'. International Conference on Operations Research: Proceeding. Udg. af John Banburry & John Maitland. New York 1961. 810 s. dad Kaufmann, A.
& R. Faure: Invitation a la recherche
operationelle. Paris 1963. Marris, Robin m. fl.: The economics of capital utilisation. A report on multiple shift work. London 1964. 267 s. (Cambridge Univ. Department of applied economics. Monographs 10) dit Mellerowicz,
Konrad: Unternehmenspolitik. Putnam, Arnold 0., E. Robert Barlow & Gabriel N. Stilian: Unified operations management. A practical approach to the total systems concept. New York 1963. 328 s. dad Rollof, Yngve:
Operationsanalys. Sth. Wirtschaftsforschung und
Wirtschaftspraxis Finansvidenskab og skatteretDue, John F.:
Taxation and economic Helkett, C: Opgarelse af den skattepligtige indkomst. Oversigt over her i landet gaeldende ret og praksis. 8. rev. udg. ved Svend Christensen m. fl. Kbh. 1964. 543 s. tyta Karteller etc.Amerikas Forenede Stater. Judiciary Committee: Administered prices. A compendium on public policy. Wash. D.C. 1963. 276 s. ran(am-for) Diskriminering i
naringslivet. Kring ett Side 149
Robson, William
A.: Nationalized industry Storbritannien. The Monopolies Commission: Report on the supply of electrical equipment for mechanically propelled land vehicles. London 1963. 422 s. ran-rup(eu-sto) Sverige. Finansdepartementet: Statliga foretag. En redogorelse for statens affarsdrivande verk och statsagade aktiebolag. Sth. 1963. 138 s. dus(eu-sve) Thomsen,
Ingeborg: Monopolkontrollens BudgetteringRenborg, Ulf: Studies on the pla.nning environment of the agricultural firm. Uppsala 1962. 257 s. (Uppsala. Lantbrukshogsk.) (Stockholm. Jordbrukets Utredningsinstitut) scd-dut Beliggenhedslære og landsplanlægningGreenhut, M. L.: Microeconomics and the space economy. The effectiveness of an oligopolistic market economy. Chicago. 111. 1963. 357 s. fan-dir Leslie, J. A. K.: A survey of Dares Salaam. London 1963. 305 s. (East African Institute of Social Research) fan(af-sto) Mammen, Hans m. fl. (red.): Om byplanlsegning. Udg. i anledning af professor Peter Bredsdorffs 50 ars fodselsdag. Kbh. 1963. 7 4s. fan Riingeler, Peter:
Die Grosstadt als Bedarfs Sverige. Kommitten foor Naringslivets Lokalisering: Aktiv lokaliseringspolitik. Sth. 1963. 458 s. (Sverige. Statens Offentliga Utredningar. 1963, 58. Inrikesdepartementet) Toronqvist, Gunnar: Studier i industrilokalisering. Sth. 1963. 392 s. (Stockholm Univ. Geografiska Institutet. Meddelanden 153) rad-fan(eu-sve) Finansiering og investeringGram, Bent: Indforing i rentesregning og finanskalkulation. Kbh. 1964. 77 s. (Kobenhavn. Handelsh. Undervisningsmaterialer 27) dyf-den Holt, Knut: Noen sider ved den administrative behandling av tekniske investeringer. Trondheim 1962. 219 s. (Norges Tekniske Hogsk. Institutt for Industrie]] okonomi og Organisasjon. Meddelelser 10) dyf Indkøb og lagerBaily, P. J. H.:
Purchasing and supply OrganisationArbetsledarnas rekrytering och utbildning. En stickprovsundersokning (Specialbilaga: Branchevis tabelleredovisning). Sth. 1963. 72 s. + bilag. (Personaladministrative Radet. Meddelande 33) fid Bjerstedt, Ake:
Sociometriska metoder. Criswell, Joan H., Herbert Solomon & Patrick Suppes (ed.): Mathematical methods in small group processes. Stanford, Calif. 1962. 361 s. (Stanford Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, 8) fid-ded Goransson, Bengt (red.): Arbetledaren i industrin - hans bakgrund, rekrytering. utbildning och staallning enligt en stickprovundersokning. Sth. 1963. 64 s. (Personaladministrativa Radet. Skrifter) Side 150
Hed, Sven: PERT (Program evaluation and review technique). En informationsskrift fran International Business Machines Corporation. Svenska aktiebolaget. Sth. 1963. 79 s. fen Hegland, Tore Jacob: Bedriftsorganisasjon. Noen synspunkter og teorier innen organisasjonslaeren. Trondhjem 1962. 66 s. (Norges Tekniske Hagsk. Institutt for Industriell okonomi og Organisasjon. Meddelelser 11) fad Kile, Svein M.: Opplajring i mellommenneskclige forhold. Bd. 1. Virkningen av to forskjellige opplaeringsmetoder malt med »How Supervice«. Bergen 1962. 204 s. (Bergen. Norges Handelsh. Instituttet for Arbejdspsykologi og Personal forvaltning. (Stensiltryk 9) fid Miller, Stanley S.: The management problems of diversification. A pilot study of the corporation diversifying from an established base. New York 1963. 189 s. fad Miner, John B.:
The management of ineffective Moranian. Thomas:
The research and Radford. J. D.
& D. B. Richardson: The Rhenman, Eric: Foretagsdemokrati och foretagsorganisation. Om organisationsteoris tillampbarhet i debatten om arbetslivets demokratisering. Sth. 1964. 173 s. (Svenska Arbetsgivareforeningen) & (Stockholm Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska fid khenman, Eric, Lennart Stromberg & Gunnar Westerlund: Om linje och stab. En studie av konflikt och samverkan i foretagets organisation. Sth. 1963. 108 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet) fid Kubenowitz,
Sigvard: Test och deras anviindning (Personaladministrativa Radet,
Skrifter) Sagen, Johan: Industriell organisasjon. Oslo 1961. 140 s. (Norsk Produktivitetsinstitutt. Kompendier i produksjonstekniske og bedriftsakonomiske fag) rad-fad Selig, Seymour M. & Morton Ettelstein (ed.): New horizons in industrial engineering. Baltimore, Md. 1963. 232 s. (American Institute of Industrial Engineers. Region II Conference) fen Elektronisk databehandlingAndersen, Chr. & Chr. Gram: Lasrebog i kodning for Gier. Bd. 1. 3. udg., bd. 2. 1. udg. Kbh. 1962. 1963, 231 s. (Regnecentralen) Case studies in computer-based management. New York 1963. 43 s. (American Management Association. Management bulletin 36) fen Chapin, Ned: An
introduction to automatic Colman, Harry L. & Clarence Smallwood: Computer language. An autoinstructional introduction to Fortran. New York 1962. 196 s. fen Dent, Colin:
Quantitative surveying by Galler, Bernard
A.: The language of Hein, Leonard W.:
An introduction to McCracken, Daniel
D.: A guide to McCracken, Daniel
D. m. fl.: Programming Matematikmaskinnamnden:
ADB-kurs. Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. European Productivity Agency: Integrated data processing and computers. Report on a mission to the Side 151
United States by
a group of European Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. European Productivity Agency: Integrated data processing and computers. Working documents. Paris 1961. 232 s. bit-fen Sverige. Kommitten for Maskinell Databehandling: Automatisk databehandling. Sth. 1962. 311 s. (Sverige. Statens Offentliga Utredningar. 1962, 32. Finansdepartementet) Sverige. Uppbordsorganisationskommitten: Automatisk databehandling inom folkbokforings- och uppbordsvasendet. Del 1-2. Sth. 1961-62. 227, 85 s. (Sverige. Statens offentliga utredningar 1961, 4, 1962, 18. Finansdepartementet) tyn-fen Markedsanalyser og andre analyserCochran, William
G.: Sampling techniques. Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger)Brown, R. Gene
& Kenneth S. Johnston: Marston, Anson, Robley Winfrey &: Jean C. Hempstead: Engineering valuation and depreciation. lowa 1963. 508 s. fup Otto, Gerhard: Die Abschreibung in der Elektrizitatswirtschaft. Eine Untersuchung iiber den Wertansatz des Gebrauchsguterverzehrs in der Kostenrechnung von Elektrizitatsversorgungs- unternehmen. Munchen 1963. 186 s. (Koln Univ. Energiewirtschaftlichen Institut. Schriftenreihe 6) (Koln Univ. Disp.) ran-fun AfsætningsøkonomiAdvertising Research Foundation: Advertising research at the crossroads. Proceedings of 9. annual conference 1963. New York 1963. 93 s. ged Eritt, Stuart Henderson & Harper W. Boyd (ed.): Marketing management and administrative action. New York 1963. 772 s. gaf Christiansen, K.
Hjorth & Willy K. Kernel: Dunn, S. Watson:
Advertising. Its role in Gesellschaft fur Konsumforschung (GFK): Marketing-Probleme im Investitionsgiitermarkt. Niirnberg 1963. 66 s. (GFK-Sonderdienst 1963. 19/20) gaf Gesellschaft fur Konsumforschung (GFK): Vertriebs-Probleme im Investitionsgutermarkt. Nurnberg 1963. 35 s. (GFK- Sonderdienst 1963, 23) gaf McCarthy, E.
Jerome: Basic marketing. Mehlem, Gunther:
Die Stellung des Verbraucheirs Nord, Ole C:
Growth of a new product. Voigt, Giinter & Walter Bernauer: Der Verbraucher im Gemeinsamen Markt. Baden-Baden 1963. 2225. (Handbuch fur Europaische Wirtschaft. Schriftenreihe 25) Sod(eu) Side 152
Pris- og konkurrencepolitikJacob, Herbert:
Preispolitik. Wiesbaden Kirzner, Israel
M.: Market theory and Pedersen, H. Winding: Noter til pris- og konkurrenceteorien. Kbh. 1964. 42 s. (Kobenhavn. Univ. okonomiske Institut. Memorandum 11) dir Tschumi, Hans: Vertikale Preisbindung und Markenartikel. Neue Tendenzen in der Schweiz. 1962. 148 s. (Neuchatel. Univ. Disp.) ran-dir(eu-sch) ReklameJianan, Mack: Concept advertising. A new role ior advertising in new product research and development for consumer and industrial products. New York 1963. 15 s. (American Management Association. Management bulletin 37) ged lacobi, Helmut: Werbepsychologie. Ganzheitz - und gestaltpsychologische Grundlagen der Werbung. Wiesbaden 1963. 140 s. (Betrieb und Markt. Studienreihe 7) gak Ogilvy, David:
Confession of an advertising Ottosen, Otto:
Mediavurdering og mediavalg. Wolfe, Harry Deane m. fl.: Pretesting advertising. New York 1963. 212 s. (National Industrial Conference Board. Studies in business policy 109) gyf Wright, John S.
& Daniel S. Warner DetailhandelKa-llesforeningen for Danmarks Brugsforeninger. Konsulenttjenesten: Brugsforeningerne i Danmark. Kbh. 1963. 100 s. fan-dur(eu-dak) McClelland, W.
G.: Studies in retailing. EngroshandelHill, Richard M.:
Wholesaling management. Schmitz,
Friedrich: Regulierungsprobleme Eksport- og importhandelAmerikas Forenede Stater. White House Conference on Export Expansion: Report to the president. Wash. D.C. 1963. 36 s. lif(am-for) Gesellschaft fur Exportforschung: Exportforschung und Exportpraxis. Erlangen 1963. 33 s. (Erlangen/Niirnberg. Univ. Institut fur Exportforschung, 1963, 5) lif-gan Stanley, Alexander 0.: Handbook of international marketing. How to export, import and invest overseas. New York 1963. 680 s. lef-gaf Thorelli, Hans B. m. fl.: Player's manual. London 1963. 58 s. (University of Chicago. Graduate School of Business. International operations simulation. INTOP memo 1) lef SamfærdselArnim, Clemens
von: Die Preisdifferenzierung Forenede Danske Motorejere og Landsforeningen Danske Vognmamd: oresundsforbindelsen. Kritik og revision af oresundsudvalgenes betsenkning. Arhus 1964. 35 s. + bilag. nad Frihagen, Arvid: Linjekonferanser og kartelllovgivning. Offentlig kontrol og regulering av linjekonferanser og andre private, konkurransebegrensende avtaler Side 153
i internasjonal
sjefart. With a summary Gulbrandsen, Odd: Operasjonsanalytisk metode for optimal planlegging av skiftstasjon. Oslo 1963. 68 s. (Transportokonomisk Utvalg) ned Kritz, Lars:
Lastbiltransporter i Sverige Kritz, Lars: Naringslivets vagtransporter. Nagra aktuella data fran olika branscher och foretag. Sth. 1960. 35 s. (Svenska Vagforeningens skriftserie 1) nid(eu-sve) Lehbert, Berndt: Okonometrische Beitrage zur Losung von Verkehrsproblemen. Bonn 1963. 102 s. (Tyskland, Vest-. Bundesminister fur Verkehr. Schriftenreihe 24) nad May, Willi: Schiene und Strasse als konkurrierende Verkehrstrager fur Stuckguttransporte. Minister 1963. 98 s. (Miinster Univ. Institut fur Verkehrswissenschaft. Vortrage und Beitrage) (Miinster Univ. Disp.) nid-ned Scharl, Konrad:
Betriebswirtschaitliche Stroud, John:
Annals of British and Wiedenborg, Bo:
Dresundsbron och foretagens Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografiAlbinsson, Goran: Svensk verskstadsindustri. Struktur och utvecklingstendenser. Sth. 1961. 205 s. (Industriens Utredningsinstitut) Alexander. John
W.: Economic geography. Amerikas
Forenede Stater. Commerce Department: Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department: Belgium a market for U.S. products. By Robert H. Walker. Wash. D.C. 1963. 49 s. bin(eulbel) forlang: International commerce 1963 supplement. Belgium. Birmingham and
London Chambers of The British
Market. Zurich 1963. 100 s. Cowan, C. D. (ed.): The economic development of South-East Asia. Studies in economic history and political economy. London 1963. 192 s. (London. Univ. School of Oriental and African Studies. Studies on modern Asia and Africa, 3) (as) Cumper, G. E. (ed.): The economy of the West Indies. Kingston, Jamaica 1960. 273 s. (University College of the West Indies. Institute of Social and Economic Research) (am-sto) The Danish
market. Zurich 1963. 77 s. Exportforeningen: Etiopien, Sudan, Tanganyika, Uganda. Rapport fran en svensk delegationsresa 1963. Sth. 1964. 167 s. (af-0s) First National
City Bank: Malaysia. New Side 154
Glade, William P.
& Charles W. Anderson: Israel. Ministry
for Foreign Affairs: Facts The Italian
market. Zurich 1962. 77 s. Miller, Margaret m. fl.: Communist economy under change. Studies in the theory and practice of markets and competition in Russia, Poland and Yugoslavia. London 1963. 272 s. (Institute of Economic Affairs) (eu-0s) Myrdal, Gunnar: Amerikas vag. En uppfordran till overflodssamhallet. Sth. 1963. 209 s. (Utrikespolitiska Institutet. Skrifter) (am-for) Schleiswig-Holstein. Landesregierung: Die Wirtschaft Schleswig-Holsteins in der europaischen Integration. Ein Arbeitsprogram der Landesregierung. Kiel 1963. 181 s. bit-fan(eu-tys) The Spanish
market. Zurich 1962. 63 s. Stolze, Diether: Die dritte Weltmacht. Industrie und Wirtschaft bauen ein nues Europas. Miiunchen 1963. 374 s. (eu) The Swiss market.
Zurich 1963. 76 s. United Nations. FAO: The world rice economy. Vol. I. Selected papers. Rom 1962. 99 s. (Commodity Bulletin Series. 36) bit-roke United Nations. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Economic Development Institute: Planning in Pakistan. Organization and implementation. By Albert Waterston m. fl. Baltimore, Md. 1963. 150 s. bit(as-pak) Wallancler, Jan: Framtidsperspektiv for svensk industri. 60-talets forsta halft. Sth. 1962. 186 s. (Industriens Utredningsinstitut) Okonomische
probleme 1964. 14. Plenum des Zentralkomitees der Polnischen Vereignigten Arbeiterpartei. Materialien und Dokumente. Warschau 1964. 58 s. (eu-pol) ErhvervsretAugdahl, Per:
Aksjeselskabet efter norsk Augdahl, Per:
Norsk civilprosess. 3. utg. Eek, Hilding m.
fl.: Jurisdikens kallmaterial. Heiding, Sture:
Svensk varurnarkesratt. Ilium, Knud: Den
kollektive arbejdsret. Kauffmann, Ernst: Erhvervsdrivende selvejende institutioner. Bidrag til belysning af deres stilling i dansk ret. Kbh. 1963. 377 s. tok-dud Tidsskrifter og andre periodikaArkiv for
sjerett. Udg. af Den Norske Aussenwirtschaftsdienst des Betriebs-Beraters. Recht der internationalen wirtschaft. Heidelberg. bin-tyta-tip 1964- :10- Common market law review. Published in cooperation with the British Institute of International and Comparative Law & the Europa Institut of the University of Leyden. Leyden. bit-tsef 1963- :1- Productivity. An international journal and abstracting service for industrial and business managers to help increase productivity in factory and office. Oxford. bin-rad-fad(eu-sto) 1962- :1- |