Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 28 (1964)ØKONOMISK DOKUMENTATIONEt udvalg af
bøger indgået i Handelshøjskolens Bibliotek, København,
i tiden Nationaløkonomi i almindelighedAmundsen, Kare: Teoretisk-okonomisk historic En kortfattet framstilling av den sosialokonomiske vitenskaps utvikling fra merkantilismen og fram til var tid. Oslo 1963. 93 s. bof-din Dernburg, Thomas F. & Duncan M. Mc- Dougall: Macro-economics. The measurement, analysis and control of aggregate economic activity. 2. ed. New York 1963. 310 s. din Fisk, George:
Leisure spending-behavior. Kilthau, Manfred: Die Rechnung der Wirtschaftssubjekte in Geldeinheiten. Versuch eines theoretischen Beweises. Berlin 1963. 74 s. (Die Unternehmung in Markt, 8) dis Munthe, Preben:
Den okonomiske sirkulasjon. Oparin, D. I.:
Multi-sector economic accounts. Rasmussen, P. Norregaard: Om akonomiens metode. Kbh. 1963. 105 s. (Kobenhavns Univ. okonomiske Institut. Memorandum 8) did Schoeck, Helmut & James W. Wiggins (ed.): The new argument on economics. The public versus the private sector. Princeton, N. J. 1963. 264 s. din KonjunkturpolitikAlexander, Robert
J.: A primer of economic Buch, Leon: Studier over landbrugets investeringer i arene 1910-56. Kbh. 1963. 126 s. (Kobenhavn. Univ. okonomiske Institut Studier 4) sed-dyf-div Hoffmeyer, Erik:
Industriel vaekst. Kbh. Mann, Fritz Karl: Die konjunktur- und finanzpolitische Lage der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Berlin 1963. 39 s. (Ifo-Institut fiir Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe 33) div(am-for) United Nations. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: The design of development. By Jan Tinbergen. Baltimore, Md. 1961. 99 s. bit-div Penge- og bankpolitikAhearn, S.: The
federal reserve policy Bank for International Settlements: Eight European central banks. Organization and activities. A descriptive study. London 1963. 336 s. bit-med(eu) Doehring, Carl m. fl.: Koordinierte Bankenstatistik als Grundlage europaischer Wahrungspolitik. Wien 1963. 66 s. (Usterreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Schriftenreihe 21) mak-don-dis(eu) Ebner, Herbert: Der Giroverkehr in Osterreich. Win 1962. 32 s. (Osterreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Schriftenreihe 17) mor(eu-Bst) The federal
reserve and the treasury. Holtrop, Marius W.: Monetary policy in an open economy. Its objectives, instruments, limitations, and dilemmas. Princeton, N. J. 1963. 47 s. (Princeton Side 88
International Finance Section. National Association of Mutual Savings Banks: Mutual savings banking. Basic characteristics and role in the national economy. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 273 s. (Commission on Money and Credit) mot(am-for) Pitchford, J. D.: A study of cost and demand inflation. Amsterdam 1963. 167 s. (Contributions to economic analysis 33) dis Reuss, Frederick G.: Fiscal policy for growth without inflation. The German experiment. Baltimore, Md. 1963. 319 s. dod-div(eu-tys) Wiener Borsekammer: Organisation und Arbeitsweise der Wiener Borse. Wien 1963. 72 s. (Osterreichischen Bankwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Schriftenreihe 20 mud UdenrigsøkonomiForeign grants and credits by the United States Government. Hft. 1-4. Wash. D. C. 1959-60. 85, 22, 120, 31 s. (Araerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department. Office of Business Economics) Kelly, William B,
(ed.): Studies in United Kemp, Murray C: The demand for Canadian imports 1926-1955. Toronto 1963. 82 s. (Canadian Studies in Economics 15) lip(am-can) Kristensen,
Thorkil & P. Nyboe Andersen: Kbh. 1963. 50 s.
(Kobenhavn. Handelsh. Lindberg, Leon
N.: The political dynamics Shannon. lan: Australian trade with Asia. Melbourne 1962. 53 s. (Committee for Economic Development of Australia. Study 3) lef(au-com;as) Storbritannien.
Central Office of Information: Svendsen, Knud
Erik: osteuropas udenrigshandel Tinbergen, Jan: The European Economic Community. Conservative or progressive? Sth. 1963. 38 s. (Stockholm. Univ. Wicksell Lectures 1963) bit-lef(eu) Driftsøkonomi i almindelighedBonhoeffer, Friedrich Otto: Langfristige Branchenprojektionen. Methoden und Probleme. Berlin 1963. 78 s. (IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe 54) dut Bovet, Eric D.:
The dynamics of business Dantzig, George B.: Linear programming and extensions. Princeton, N. J. 1962. 625 s. (Rand Corporation. Research study) dad Dean, Burton V. (ed.): Operations research in research .md development. Proceedings of a conference at Case Institute of Technology. New York 1963. 289 s. dad Side 89
Education for business. A balanced appraisal. New York 1963. 52 s. (American Management Association. Management bulletin 34) dad-byg Hargrove, Mervin M., Ike H. Harrison & Eugene L. Swearingen (ed.): Business policy cases. With behavioral science implications. Homewood, 111. 1963. 639 s. + bibliografi. dad Hart, Donald J.:
Business in a dynamic Haynes, William
Warren: Managerial Holt, Knut:
Bedriftslsere. Oslo 1963. 557 Leeds, Ruth & Thomasine Smith (ed.): Using social science knowledge in business and industry. Report of a seminar. Homewood, 111. 1963. 87 s. (Foundation for Research on Human Behavior) Morris, William
T.: Management isdence Finansvidenskab og skatteretBolagsbeskattningen i Norden.
Sth. 1963. Organisation for Economic C-operation and Development: Draft double taxation convention on income and capital. Paris 1963. 168 s. bit-tyta Rado, Alan R.: United States taxation of foreign investment. The new approach. Amsterdam 1963. 160 s. (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation. Publications 18) tyta(am-for) Karteller etc.Das nationale
Kartellrecht im Blickpunkt Phillips, Charles
F.: Competition in the Rosenbluth, G.
& H. G. Thornburn: Canadian Rowe, Frederick M.: Price discrimination under the Robinson-Patman act. Boston 1962. 672 s. (Trade Regulation Series) topo-ran(am-for) Sawyer, Albert E.: Business aspects of pricing under the Robinson-Patman act. Boston 1963. 514 s. (Trade Regulation Series) topo-ran(am-for) Trolle, Ulf af: Studier i konkurrensfilosofi. Goteborg 1963. 155 s. (Goteborg. Handelsh. Skrifter 1963, 6 = Institutet for Destributionsekenomisk och Administrativ Forskning. Meddelanden 22) topo-ran BudgetteringThornton, N.:
Retail budgetary control Beliggenhedslære og landsplanlægningBendtsen, P. H.:
Byplanlaegning. Bd. 1-3. Tyskland. Bundesministerium fur Wohnungswesen. Stadtebau und Raumordnung: Raum und Ordnung. Probleme in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bad-Godesberg 1963. 35 s. + bilag. fan(eu-tys) Finansiering og investeringBarges, Alexander: The effect of capital structure on the cost of capital. A test and evaluation of the Modigliani and Miller propositions. [Modigliani, Franco] [Miller, Merton H.]. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 121 s. (Ford Foundation. Doctoral Dissertation Series) dyf Side 90
Foulke, Roy A.:
Practical financial statement Kuh, Edwin: Capital stock growth. A microeconometric approach. Amsterdam 1693. 341 s. (Contributions to Economic Analysis 31) dyf Indkøb og lagerScarf, Herbert E. m. fl. (ed.): Multistage inventory models and techniques. Stanford, Calif. 1963. 225 s. (Office of Naval Research Monographs on Mathematical Methods in Logistics) fer OrganisationAmerikas Forenede Stater. General Services Administration: United States government organization manual. Wash. D. C. 1963/64. bik-am-for) Barnes, Ralph M.:
Motion and time study. Bjarvik, Kjell Inge: Innstillinger til arbeidsledelse malt med »how supervise?« Bergen 1962. 80 s. + bilag. (Bergen. Handelsh. Instituttet for arbeidspsykologi og personalforvaltning. Stenciltryk 10) fid Bowman, Donald M. & Francis M. Fillerup (ed.): Management. Organisation and planning. New York 1963. 148 s. fad Champion, John M.
& Francis J. Bridges: Croner, Fritz:
Tjanstemannen. (Omarb. Dale, J. R.: The clerk in industry. A survey of the occupational experience, status education, and vocational training of a group of male clerks employed by industrial companies. Liverpool 1962. 118 s. (Liverpool. Univ.) fid Dansk
Arbejdsgiverforening: Virksomhedernes Dauten, Paul M. (ed.): Current issues and emerging concepts in management. Readings from the Academy of Management. Boston, Mass. 1962. 333 s. fad Eckman, Donald P. (ed.): Systems. Research and design. Proceedings of the first systems symposium at Case Institute of Technology. New York 1961. 310 s. fen Gellerman, Saul W.: Motivation and productivity. New York 1963. 304 s. (American Management Association) fid Grillo, Elmer V.:
Control techniques for flaimann, Theo:
Professional management Learned, Edmund P., Francis J. Aguilar S; Robert C. K. Valtz: European problems in general management. Homewood, 111. 1963. 810 s. rad-fad(eu) Meij, J. L. (ed.): International wage structure. Amsterdam 1963. 343 s. + bibliografi. (Studies in industrial economics 5) fod-divo Mucchielli, Roger: Modeles sociometriques et formation des cadres. Une methode active de formation a la communication et a la cooperation. Paris 1963. 156 s. fid Rubenstein,
Albert H. & C. J. Haberstroh Sheldon, Oliver:
The philosophy of management. Stogdill, Ralph M .:Team achievement under high motivation. Columbus, Ohio 1963. 92 s. (Ohio State Univ. Bureau of Business Research. Research monograph R-113) fid Sutermeister,
Robert A.: People and productivity. Side 91
Oste, Mia Berner, Rita Liljestrom 8: Britt- Marie Bystedt: Kvinnors liv och arbete, En studievagledning. Svenska och norska studier av et samhallsproblem. Sth. 1963. 143 s. (Studieforbundet Naringsliv og samhalle) fid Elektronisk databehandlingBecker, Joseph & Robert M. Hayt:s: Information storage and retrival. Tools, elements, theories. London 1963. 448 s. fen-bef Computer-based management for infarmation and control. New York 1963. 52 s. (American Management Association. Management bulletin, 30) fen The Computing and
Dataprocessing Society I/S Datacentralen
af 1959: PERT (Program International Business Machines Corporation: General information manual. An information retrieval experiment by Saint-Gobain Company. New York 1962. 28 s. fen-bef McDonough, Adrian
M.: Information Skare, Leif H.: Bedre bedriftsledelse ved elektronisk informasjonsbehandling i store og sma bedrifter. Oslo 1963. 243 s. + bibliografi. fen Markedsanalyse og andre analyserAmundsen, Arne:
Konsumelastisiteter og Barksdale, H. C:
Problems in marketing Market Facts -
New York, Inc.: Reader New York 1963.
144 s. (Advertising Vidal, Maurice
& Gilbert Castellanet: Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkost runger)Amerikas Forenede Stater. Federal Trade Commission: Profit rates of manufacturing corporations 1947-62. Wash.. D. G. 1963. 69 s. rad-fud(am-for) Cost reduction through better management in the federal government. Udg. af Amerikas Forenede Stater. Executive Ofice of the President. Bureau of the Budget. Wash. D. C. 1963. 62 s. fed Engell-Nielsen, A. (Udg.): 30 lesninger af opgaver stillet ved preven for statsautoriserede revisorer 1953-62. Kbh. 1963. 292 s. (Foreningen af Statsautoriserede Revisorer) fyk Ladd, Dwright R.:
Contemporary corporate Mohn, Percy: Der Einheitswert des Betriebsvermogens. Eine werttheoretische Untersuchung und kritische Betrachtung. 1962. 81 s. + bilag. fup Murphy, Mary E.:
Auditing and theory. AfsætningsøkonomiAmerikas Forenede
Stater. Federal Trade Side 92
Hintze, Manfred: Der Binnehandel in Frankreich. Struktur und Entwicklung. Hamburg 1963. 115 s. (Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts Archiv. Forschungsstelle Absatzwirtschaft) haf(eu-fra) Holbaek-Hanssen,
Leif: Markedsforing. Holmes, Parker M., Ralph E. Brownlee & Robert Bartels (ed.): Readings in marketing. Columbus, Ohio. 1963. 625 s. gaf Kutzelnigg. Artur. Die Zigarette als Modellfall der wirtschaftlichen Wahrenlehre. Frankfurt a. M. 1962. 69 s. (Koln. Univ. Institut fur Wirtschaftliche Wahrenlehre. Schriftenreihe 1) roly-hif Lazer, William & Eugene J. Kelley: Managerial marketing. Perspectives and viewpoints. Rev. ed. Homewood, 111. 1962. 717 s. gaf(am-for) Mcßurney, William J.: Goal setting and planning at the district sales level. New York 1963. 56 s. (American Management Association. Research study, 61) gar-dut Tack, Alfred:
Tusen rad til alle som Walters, S. George, Max D. Snider & Morris L. Sweet: Readings in marketing. Consumers, policies, functions, commodities, channels, government. - Cincinatti, Ohio 1962. 832 s. gaf ReklameElliott, Blanche
B.: A history of English Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising: International
Advertising Association: Ortmark, Ake:
Sveket mot konsumenterna. Peltzer, Karl m. fl.: Enzyklopadisches Handbuch der Werbung und Publikation. Bd. 2. Graphische Techniken und Papierkunde. Miinchen 1963. 825 s. ged-ban Sandage, C. H. 8c
Vernon Fryburger: Advertising DetailhandelBrunner, Martha:
Die Absatzmoglichkeiten Duncan, Delbert
J. & Charles F. Phillips: Sverige. Finansdepartementet: Avbetalningshandeln utomlands och dess samhallsekonomiska betydelse. Preliminar redogorelse. Udarb. af Folke Baarsen. Sth. 1962. 285 s. lur Zopp, Hans: Die Grossbetriebe des Einzelhandels in der Rechtsform der Aktiengesellschaft. Eine Bilanzstudie. Koln 1963. 172 s. (Schriften zur Handelsforschung 26) lod-fyd(eu-tys) EngroshandelBartels, Robert
(ed.): Comparative marketing. Brock, Klaus:
Betriebsorganisation im Eksport- og importhandelBaranyai, L. & J. C. Mills: International commodity agreements. Mexico 1963. 190 s. (Center for Latin American Monetary Studies CEMLA) lef International
Marketing Institute: Export Side 93
1963. 89 s.
(Amerikas Forenede Stater. Muller, Heinz: Die Exportforderung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in kritischer Sicht. 1961. 173 s. (Marburg. Univ. Disp.) lif(eu-tys) Schiirch, Othmar:
Probleme der Exportfinanzierung. SamfærdselAmerikas Forenede Stater. Foreign-Trade Zones Board: Laws, regulations, and other information relating to foreigntrade zones in the United States. Wash. D C. 1962. 79 s. nen-lef(am-for) Automobile
Manufacturers Association: Bauert, Rudolf: Der Freiburger Fremdenverkehr unter besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Erfassbarkeit und seiner wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen. 1962. 175 s. (Freiburg im Br. Univ. Disp.) nud(eu-tys) Domestic oceanborne and great lakes commerce of the United States. Wash. D. C. 1963. 123 s. (Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department. Maritime Administration) nen(am-for) Grosse, Karl-Heinz: Der aussertarifliche Wettbewerb der Unternehmen des Personen und Giiterverkehrs. Berlin 1963. 124 s. (Akademi fur Wirtschaft und Politik in Hamburg, Veroffentlichungen) Reiter, Max:
Speditionsaftalen. Retsforholdet Sanmann, Horst:
Die Verkehrsstruktuir Bremen und
Hamburg und ihre Wandlungen Schmidt, Folke m.
fl.: Huvudlinjer i Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografiAmerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department. Census Bureau: The Soviet mineral-fuels industries 1928-58. A statistical survey. By Demitri B. Shimkin. Wash D. C. 1962. 183 s. (International population statistics reports. Series P-90 nr. 19) ron(eu-rus) Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department: The Sudan. A market for U. S. products. Wash. D. C. 1962. 47 s. (af-sud) Australien. Bureau of Agricultural Economics: Wool in Japan. Canberra 1963. 147 s. (Wool economic research report 5) ron)asjap) Boretsky, Michael: The Soviet challenge to U. S. machine building. Udg. af Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department. Business and Defense Services Administration. Wash. D. C. 1963. 72 s. rup(am-for;eu-rus) Brech, Ronald: Britain 1984. Unilever's forecast. An experiment in the economic history of the future. London 1963. 124 s. (eu-sto) Deschampsneufs,
Henry: Selling in Europe. Dunning, J. H. & C. J. Thomas: British industry. Change and development in the twentieth century. 2. ed. London 1963. 242 S. rad(eu-sto) Federation of
British Industries: Sudan's Side 94
Hardt, John P. m. 11.: The cold war
Harrod, Roy: The
British economy. London Hirschman, Albert 0.: Journeys toward progress. Studies of economic policymaking in Latin America. New York 1963. 308 s. (Twentieth Century Fund) (am-la) Korea. Ministry
of Foreign Affairs: Trade Myrdal, Gunnar:
Challenge to affluence. Toynbce, Arnold
J.: Den vestlige halvkugles Walinsky, Louis J.: Economic development in Burma 1951-1960. New York 1963. 680 s. (Twentieth Century Fund) (as-bur) Ziegler, Gert: Griechenland in der europaischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft. - Miinchen 1962. 107 s. (Siidosteuropa- Studien 4) bit(eu;eu-gra:) ForsikringOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Supervision of private insurance in Europe. Paris 1963. 228 s. bit-pad(eu) Thomsen, Alfr. & Chr. Thorsen: Forsikringsvaesenets historie i Danmark i det 19. arhundrede. Med et afsnit om genforsikring. Kbh. 1963. 472 s. pad-bof PresseforholdWoods, Allan:
Modern newspaper production. ErhvervsretCapelle,
Karl-Hermann: Biirgerliches Kobbernagel, Jan: Varemasrkebeskyttelse i fremmede lande. Kbh. 1963. 47 s. (Kebenhavn. Handelsh. Eksportinstituttet. Smaskrifter 1) tul Lando, Ole: Retsproblemer ved handcl med osteuropa. Kbh. 1963. 48 s. (Kebenhavn. Handelsh. Eksportinstituttets smaskrifter 4) tup-tip(eu-0s) Nagel, Henrich: Auf dem Wege zu einem europaischen Prozesrecht. Baden-Baden 1963. 113 s. (Studien zum Europaischen Wirtschaftsrecht 7) tasm(eu) Naringslivets
Opinionsnamnd: Otillborlig Matematik og statistikAmerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department. Ceusus Bureau: The Soviet statistical system. Labor force recordkeeping and reporting. By Murray Feshbach. Wash. D. C. 1960. 150 s. (International population statistics reports. Series P-90 nr. 12) don(eu-rus) Bader, H. m. fl.
(Hrsg.): Mathematik Froberg,
Carl-Erik: Larobok i numerisk Hyrenius, Hannes & Rune Gustafsson: Tables of normal and log-normal random deviates. Bd. 1-2. Goteborg 1962. 83, 109 s. (Goteborg Univ. Statistiska Institutionen. Skriftserie 10-11) ded Nemtschinow, W. S. (Hrsg.): Anwendung mathematischer Methoden in der Dkonomie. (Obersetzung aus russ.) Leipzig 1963. 437 s. ded-dad |