Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 28 (1964)

Økonomisk dokumentation

Et udvalg af boger indgaet i Handelshojskolens Bibliotek, K^benhavn, i tiden
1. april-1. juli 1964.

Nationaløkonomi i almindelighed

Blardone, Gilbert: Le circuit economique
1. Le capitalisme. Paris ca. 1963. 210
s. din

Blardone, Gilbert: Le circuit economique. 2. L'entreprise dans le circuit economique. La production nationale. Paris ca. 1963. 254 s. din

Blardone, Gilbert: Le circuit economique 3. Les revenus. Revenus, consommation, epargne, investissement, monnaie et croissance du circuit economique. Paris ca. 1963. 190 s. din

Davidson, Paul, Eugene Smolensky & Charles L. Leven: Aggregate supply and demand analysis. With a section on social accounts, theory and measurement. New York 1963. 274 s. din

Economics policy in our time. Eld. I—3.
Amsterdam 1964. 474, 224, 482 s. din

Gambs, John S. & Jerome B. Komisar:
Economics and man. Homewood, 111.
1964. 433 s. din

Ghaussy, A. Ghanie: Verbrauchen und
Sparen. Versuch einer kritischen Oberpriifung
der Keynes'schen Konsumfunktion
an Hand der langristigen Sparentwicklung
inden U.S.A. Berlin 1964.
236 s. (Untersuchungen iiber das Spar-.
Giro- und Kreditwesen 16)

Hutchinson, T. W.: Positive economic:?
and policy objectives. London 1964.
199 s. din

Kurihara, Kenneth K.: Macroeconomics
and programming. London 1964. 100 s.

Morgenstern, Oskar: Spieltheorie und
Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Wien 1963.
200 s. din

Sauermann, Heinz: Einiiihrung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre. Bd. 1-2. Wiesbaden 1960-63. 212, 248 s. (E. Gutenberg: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Reihe B, 1, 1-2) din

Shubik, Martin: Game theory and related approaches to social behavior. Selections. New York 1964. 390 s. m. bibliografi.

Thalberg, Bjorn: A Keynesian model extended by explicit demand and supply functions for investment goods. Sth. 1964. 60 s. (Stockholm Univ. Acta. Stockholm Economic Studies. Pamphlet Series 2) din

Wellisz, Stanislaw: The economies of the Soviet Bloc. A study of decision making and resource allocation. New York 1964. 245 s. din(eu-rus)

Aberg, Yngve: Arbetstidsforkortningens verkningar. Sth. 1964. 216 s. (Sverige. Statens Offentliga Utredningar 1964, 9) dive


Bas.de, Fritz: Kapplopningen till ar 2000. Var framtid: paradis eller ragnarok:1 (oversat fra tysk). Sth. 1962. 280 s. div

Rosenstein Rodan, P. N. (ed.): Capital formation and economic development. London 1964. 168 s. (Studies in the Economic Development of India 2) div(as-indi)

Rostow, W. W. (ed.): The economics ol take-off into sustained growth. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association. London 1963. 481 s. div

Side 246

Penge- og bankpolitik

Chandler, George: Four centuries of banking
as illustrated by the bankers, customers
and staff associated with the constituent
banks of Martins Bank Limited.
Bd. 1. London 1963. 572 s.

Entwicklungsaussichten des 6'sterreichischen Kreditgewerbes in der europaischen Wirtschaftsintegration. Wien 1963. 71 s. (Osterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fur Sparkassenwesen. Schriftenreihe 3. 3/4) maf(eu-est)

l.indbcck, Assar: The new theory of credit control in the United States. 2. ed. Sth. 1962. 57 s. (Stockholm. Univ. Acta. Stockholm Economic Studies. Pamphlet series 1) dis(am-for)

Machlup, Fritz: Plans for reform of the international monetary system. 2. ed. Princeton N. J. 1961. 90 s. (Princeton Univ. Special Papers in International Economics 3) dis

McMahon, Christopher: Sterling in the
Sixties. London 1964. 118 s.

Paish, F. W.: Studies in an inflationary
economy. The United Kingdom 1948—
1961. London 1962. 336 s. dis(eu-sto)

Robinson. Roland I.: Money and capital
markets,. New York 1964. 371 s. m.
bibliografi. mod-masn

Sverige. Kreditmarknadsutredningen:
Banklikviditet och kreditprioritering.
Sth. 1960. 245 s. (Sverige. Statens Offentliga
Utredningar 1960, 16)


Andersen, P. Nyboe: Udenrigsøkonomi.
2. udg. Kbh. 1964. 323 s. m. litteratur-

Fensch, Ute: Zum Problem der internationalen
Liquiditat. Kiel 1963. 98 s. (Kiel
Univ. Kieler Studien 62) lef-dis

Gara, John P. de: Trade relations between
the Common Market and the Eastern
Bloc. Bruges 1964. 102 s. (College of
Europe. Cahiers de Bruges 7)

Hobson, C. K.: The export of capital. Thesis approved for the degree of doctor of science (economics) in the University of London 1914. Reissued. London 1963). 264 s. lef

Holbik, Karel & Henry Myers: Postwar trade in divided Germany. The internal and internal issues. Baltimore, Md. 1964. 138 s. lef(eu-tys)

Holand, Edward P. & Robert W. Gillespie: Experiments on a simulated underdeveloped economy. Devclopmen plans and balance-of-payments policies. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. 289 s. lef-div

Katano, Hikoji: Production theory of international trade. Kobe 1963. 81 s. (Kobe. Univ. Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration) lef

Kindleberger, Charles P.: International
economics. 3. ed. Homewood. 111. 1963.
686 s. lef

Kemp, Murray C: The pure theory of
international trade. Englewood Cliffs.
N. J. 1963. 324 s. lef

Kenen, Peter B.: International economics. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 120 s. (Foundation of Modern Economics Series)

McDaniels, John F. (ed.): International financing and investment. Proceedings of the 1962 Conference on International Trade and Investment, Yale Law School. New York 1964. 738 s. m. bi-

Side 247

bliografi. (World Community Association.
International Commerce Series 2)

Minhas, Bagicha Singh: An international coparison of factor costs and factor use. Amsterdam 1964. 124 s. (Contributions to Economic Analysis 31) lef

Salant, Walter S. m. 11: The United States balance of payment in 1968. Wash. D. C. 1963. 298 s. (The Brookings Institution) lef(am-for)

Sodersten, Bo: A study of economic growth and international trade. Sth. 1964. 189 s. (Stockholms Univ. Ada. Stockholm Economic Studies. New Series 5) lef-div

United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development: Towards a new trade policy for development. New York 1964. 125 s. bit-lef-div

Vanek, Jaroslav: The natural resource content of United States foreign trade ! 870-1955. Cambridge, Mass. 1963. 142 s. lef-div(am-for)

Wells, S. J.: British export performance.
A compartive study. London 1964. 235
s. rad-lif(eu-dak)

Driftsøkonomi i almindelighed

Avondo-Bodino, Giuseppe: Economic applications of the theory of graphs. London 1962. 11l s. (Tracts on Mathematics and its Apllications 1) ded-dad

Carr, Charles R. & Charles W. Howe: Quantitative decision procedure in management and economics. Deterministic theory and applications. New York 1964. 383 s. clad

Carroll, Phil: Profit control. How to plug
profit leak. New York 1962. 259 s. dad

Hermansen, Niels K.: Forelaesningcr over
skovbrugets politik og statistik. Bd. 1-2.
Kbh. 1963. 138. 98 s. sid

Heyel, Carl (ed.): The encyclopedia of management. New York 1963. 1083 s. in. bibliografi. (Reinhold management reference series) dad

jarmain, Edwin W. (ed.): Problems in industrial dynamics. Cambridge, Mass. 1963. 124 s. (Massachusets Institute of Technology) dad

johnsen, Erik: Introduktion til operationsanalyse. 2. udg. Kbh. 1964. 195 s. (Danmarks Erhvervsfond. Sekretariatet) dad

Jiirgensen, Harald (Hrsg.): Gestaltungsprobleme der Weltwirtschaft. Andreas Predohl aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages gewidnet. (Ssernummer af Jahrbuch fur Sozialwissenschaft) Gottingen 1963. 636 s. dad

Kaufmann, A., R. Faure & A. le Garff:
Les jeux d'entreprises. Paris 1960. 128
s. (Que ssais-je) 892) dad

Marris, Robin: The economic theory of
managemerial capitalism. London 1964.
346 s. dad

Nelson, James R. (ed.): Marginal cost
pricing in practice. New York 1964.
266 s. dad

Omre, Oddvar: Topplederdisposisjoner.
En av de viktigste funksjoner i et moderne
samfunn. Oslo 1961. 121 s. dad

Smith, Nicholas M. & Milton C. Karney: Management science. An intellectual innovation. Brussels 1961. 70 s. (Institute of Management Sciences. 8. Annual International Meeting. Paper 14, 4) dad

Finansvidenskab og skatteret

Finland. Skattelagskommitten: Betankande
(svensk udg.). Helsingfors 1961. 277
s. tyta(eu-fin)

Simon's income tax. Bd. 1-5 + fortssett.
bd. London 1952 o. f. a. ca. 600 s.

Side 248

Sjoholm, B. E.: Skattefotfattningarna
1962. Helsingfors 1962. 294 s. (Finlands
Jurist lorbund) tod-tyta(eu-fin)

Skattebetalarnas Forening: Skatterna i N orden. En 6'versikt och jamforelse av beskattningssystem, skatter samt vissa sociala formaner och avgifter i Norden. Sth. 1963. 35 J- 46 s. tyta-diva(eu-no)

Sverige. Dubbelbeskattningssukkunniga: Internationclla skattefragor. Betankande. Sth. 1962. 237 s. (Sverige. Statens Offentliga Utredningar 1962, 59. Finansdepartementet)

Sverige. Loncbeskattningsutredningen: Betankande 1. Beskattning av traktamenten m. m. Sth. 1962. 112 s. (Svei igc. Statens Offentliga Utredningar 1962:47) tyta(eu-sve)

Taxation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Chicago, 111. 1963. 932 s. (Harvard Law School. International Program in Taxation. World Tax Series)

Karteller etc.

Kjolby, Henning: Erhverv, konkurrence og samfund. Kbh. 1964. 192 s. (Kobcnhavn. Handelsh. Skriftrsekke A, 14) ran

Studielorbundet Naringsliv och Samhalle: Naringslivet i omvandling. En studie av branschrationaliseringen i Sverige under iiren 1958-1962. Sth. 1964. 351 s. ran(eu-sve)


I'Aving, David W. (ed.): Long-range planning
for management. Rev. ed. New
York 1964. 565 s. dut

Trolle, Uli" af & Bengt Sandhill: Foretaget och framtiden. Gissning eller prognos? Sth. 1963. 176 s. (Rygaards smaskrifter 9) dut-div

Weingartner, H. Martin: Mathematical
programming and the analysis of capital
budgeting problems. Englewood

Cliffs, N. J. 1963. 200 s. (Ford Foundation
Doctoral Dissertation Series
1962) dut

Wilson, Thomas: Planning and growth.
London 1964. 210 s. dut-div

Beliggenhedslære og landsplanlægning

Moser, C. A. & Wolf Scott: British towns. A statistical study of their social and economic differences. London 1961. 169 s. (Centre for Urban Studies. Report 2) fan(eu-sto)

Sobotka, Stephen P.: Profile of Michigan.
Economic trends and paradoxes. London
1964. 174 s. fan(am-for)

Sverige. Arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen: Industrilokaliseringen
1946-1961. Sth. 1963.
22 + 89 s. fan

Finansiering og investering

Asztely, Sandor: Finansiell planering.
Sth. 1963. 152 s. (Studieradet vid Affa'rsbankerna)

Dyer, John M. & Frederick C. Dyer: Export financing. Modern U.S. methods. Coral Gables, Fla. 1963. 130 s. (University of Miami Publications in Economics 6) lif-dyf(am-for)

Merrett, A. J. & Allen Sykes: The finance
and analysis of capital projects. London
1963. 544 s. dyf

National Consumers Finance Association: The consumer finance industry. A monograph prepared lor the Commission on Money and Credit. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1962. 187 s. (Commission on Money and Credit. Trade Associations Monographs) men-lur(am-for)

Park, Colin & John W. Gladson: Working
capital. New York 1963. 213 s. dyf

Shay, Robert P.: New-automobile finance
rates 1924-62. New York 1963. 33 s.
(National Bureau of Economic Reseorch.
Occasional Paper 86)

Side 249

Indkøb og lager

Industriradet: Om underleverandorsystemet.
Kbh. 19G4. 62 s. rad-fer


Albright, Lewis E., J. R. Glennon & Wallace J. Smith: The use of psychological tests in industry. Kbh. 1963. 136 s. fid

Amerikas Forenede Stater. PERT Coordinating Croup: PERT guide for management use. Wash. D.C. 1963. 64 s. fen-fad

Argyris, Chris: Integrating the individual
and the organization. New York
1964. 330 s. fid

Blum, Albert A.: Management and the white-collar union. New York 1964. 110 s. (American Management Association. Research Study 63) fid-divo

Chandler, Alfred D.: Strategy and structure. Chapters in the history of the industrial enterprise. Cambridge, Mass. 1962. 463 s. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Monograph) fad

Ghiselli, Edwin E.: Theory of psychological
measurement. New York 1564. 408
s. fid-don

Hare, A. Paul, Edgar F. Borgalta & Robert F. Bales (ed.): Small groups. Studies in social interaction, m. annoteret bibliografi. New York 1962. 666 s. fid

Herbst, P. G.: Autonomous group functioning. An. exploration in behaviour theory and measurement. London 1962. 271 s. (Tavistock Institute of Human Relations) fid

Koontz, Harold & Cyril O'Donnel (ed.): Principles of managemnet. An analysis of managerial functions. New York 1959. 718 s. fad

Koontz, Harold (ed.): Toward a unified
theory of management. A symposium

held at the University of California
1962. New York 1964. 273 s. fad

Lossiyevskii, V. L. & L. G. Pliskin: Automation of continuous production processes. Oversat Ira russisk. Oxford 1964. 118 s. (International Series of Monographs on Automation and Automatic Control 2) fak

Lundquist, Agne: Arbetsledare och arbetstrupp. Sociologisk studie av situationens och egenskapernas betydelse for arbetsledarens framgang i arbetct. English summary. Sth. 1957. 120 s. (Personaladministrativa Radet) fid

Manugsson, Bengt & Eric Rhenman: Tre tillampningar av nyare organisationsteori. En integrerad foretagsekonomi, planering av forskning och ett exempel pa programmering av beslutfattanda. Sth. 1964. 119 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet)

Marrow, Alfred J.: Behind the executive mask. Greater managerial competence through deeper self-understanding. New York 1964. 143 s. (American Management Association) fid

Miller, Robert W.: Schedule, cost, and profit control with PERT. A comprehensive guide for program management. New York 1963. 227 s. fen

Patton, John A., C. L. Littlefield & Stanley Allen Self: Job evaluation. Text and cases. 3. ed. Homewood, 111. 1963. 485 s. fod

Rhenman, Eric: Foretaget som ett styrt system. Sth. 1964. 49 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet)

Torpe, Harald: Intelligensforskning og
intelligenspraver. 3. udg. Kbh. 1964.
256 s. fid

Elektronisk databehandling

Anderson, Alan Ross (ed.): Minds and
machines. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964.

Side 250

Ashby, W. Ross: An introduction to
cybernetics. London 1961. 295 s. fen

Chapin, Ned: Programming computers
for business applications. New York
1961. 279 s. fen

[iollitch, Robert S. & Benjamin Mittman (ed.): Computer applications 1961. Proceedings of the 1961 Computer Applications Symposium. London 1962. 198 s. (Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology) fen

Radstrom, Olle: Elektronisk databehandling.
Lund 1961. ca. 160 s. (Hermods
korrespondensinstitut) fen

Wiener, Norbert: Cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and the machine. 2. ed. New York 1961. 212 s. fen

Markedsanalyser og andre analyser

Henke, Russ: Effective research and development
for the smaller company.
Houston, Texas 1963. 204 s. dad

Madsen, Barge O.: Familiens okonomiske livslob. Et studie af familiens forbrugsadfserd pa forskellige livslobs-stadier. Kbh. 1964. 230 s. (Kobenh. Handelsh. Skriftraekke F, 34) sod

Pessemier, Edgar A.: Experimental method of analyzing demand for branded consumer goods with applications to problems in marketing strategy. Wash. D. C. 1963. 165 s. (Washington State Univ. Bureau of Economics and Business Reearch. Bulletin 39) gan

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger)

Algvere, Karl Viktor: Om kostnads/intaktsanalys inom skogliga foretag. Costrevenue analysis in permanently established forest enterprises. Sth. 1963. 109 s. (Studia Forestalia Suecica 1963, 9) sid-fud

Beyer, Robert: Profitability accounting for
planning and control. New York 1964.
377 s. fud-dut

European Congress of Accountants 1963: Papers 1. Accounting principles. 2. impact of electronics. 3. Auditing. 4. Public Accountant's. Edinburgh 1963. 189 s. fyk

Hanner, Per V. A.: Arsredovisningen i praktiken. Bd. 2. Storre svenska aktiebolags asredovisningar 1951-1962. Sth. 1964. 240 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. F6retagsekonomiska 1 un


Christiansen, K. Hjorth & Willy K. Kernel (red.): Nye veje for landbrugets produkter. Kbh. 1963. 196 s. (Jordbrugernes Oplysningsforbund, Landboiorum)

Oxenfeldt, Alfred R.: Marketing practices
in the TV set industry. New York 1964.
279 s. nod-gaf(am-for)

Strombom, Bo: Svensk marknadsforing pa europamarknaden. Goteborg 1964. 373 s. (Goteborg. Handelsh. Skrifter 1964, 1 = Meddelanden fran Insdtutet for Distributionsekonomisk och Administrativ Forskning, 23) lif-gaf(eu;eu-sve)

Sverige. Konsumentinstitutet: Marknadsoversikt.
Tvattmaskiner och avvattningsredskap.
Sth. 1963. 92 i>.

Pris- og konkurrencepolitik

Selten, Reinhard: Ein Oligopolexperiment mit Preisvariation und Investition. Frankfurt a. M. 1963. 45 s. (Frankfurt a. M. Univ. Seminar fur Mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung und Dkonometrie, 2) dir

Side 251


Dunn, S. Watson (ed.): International
handbook of advertising. New York ca.
1964. 788 s. ged

Research in advertising. (Papers from a market research society conference, London 1962). London 1963. 137 s. (Market Research Society Publications) ged-gan


Fsellesforeningen for Danmarks Brugsforeninger. Strukturudvalget: Vejen til Danmarks Brugsforening. Kbh. 1964. 69 s. kid-dux

Rich, Stuart U.: Shopping behavior of department store customers. A study of store policies and customer demand, with particular reference to delivery service and telephone ordering. Boston 1963. 291 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Business administration. Division of Research) luf-gar(am-for)

Eksport- og importhandel

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developement: Export marketing groups lor small and medium-sized firms. A practical guide on the organization and working methods of export marketing groups. Paris 1964. 71 s. (Kebenhavn. Handelsh. Eksportinstituttet)

Provinshandelskammerets Eksporte rsektion: Provinshandelskammerets eksportkonference. Bruxelles 6.-11. oktober 1963. Kbh. 1964. 90 s. lif

Tyskland, ost-. Kammer der Exportverpackung: Handbuch der Exportverpackung. Bearb. von J. Schubert. Berlin. Losbladbog. 1963-. Hf-feno


Bache, Henrik: Erstatning og forsikring.
Kbh. 1964. 31 s. (Forsikringsaktieselskabet
Nye Danske af 1864) tiv-pad

Christensen, Kaj: Glimt af Nye Danskes regnskaber gennem 100 ar. Kbh. 1964. 72 s. (Forsikringsaktieselskabet Nye Danske af 1864) pad-fyd-bof

Greene, Mark R.: Insurance and risk management for small business. Wash. D. C. 1963. 74 s. (Amerikas Forenede Stater. Small Business Administration. Small Business Management Serie, 30) pad

Johansen, Paul: Application of mathematical models in general insurance. Kbh. 1964. 35 s. (Forsikringsaktieselskabet Nye Danske af 1864) pad-ded


Alexandersson, Gunnar & Goran Norstrom: World shipping. An economic geography of ports and seaborne trade. Sth. 1964. 507 s. tot-nen

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department. Maritime Administration: A statistical analysis of the World's merchant fleets. Showing age, size, speed and draft by frequency groupings. Wrash. D. C. 1957. 107 s. nen

Haight, Frank A.: Mathematical theories
of traffic flow. New York 1963. 242 s.

Johnson, J.: The economics of Indian
rail transport. Bombay 1964. 457 s.

Kaspar, Claude: Die touristische Verkehrsleismng. Der Einfluss des Fremdenverkehrs auf die Personentarife 6ffentlicher Verkehrsmittel. Zurich 1964. 162 s. (St. Galler Wirtschaftwissenschaftliche Forschungen 22) nud

Lang, A. Scheffer & Richard M. Soberman: Urban rail transit. Its economics and technology. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. 139 . ned-fan

Norge. Turist- og reiselivskomiteen: Turist
- og reiseliv. Ordningen av turist-

Side 252

og reiselivets organisasjoner og deres
administrasjon. Oslo 1962. 57 s.

Naslund, Bcrtil: Modeller for skogliga transporter. Sth. 1964. 103 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet) sid-nad

kuppenthal, Karl M. (ed.): Perspectives in transportation. From the 1962 sessions of the Transportation Management Program and the 17th annual forum of the National Defense Transportation Association. Stanford, Calif. 1963. 157 s. (Stanford. Univ. Stanford Transportation Series) nad

Samordning av land- och sjotransporterna. Foredrag och diskussion vid Transportforskningskommissionen 1962. Sth. 1963. 48 s. (Ingenio'rvetenskapsakademien. kommissionen.Meddelande 53) nad

Thoma, David St. John: The rural transport
problem. London 1963. 176 s.

Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografi

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department: Problems and opportunities confronting negroes in the Held ol business. Report on the National Conference on Small Business. Wash. D.C. 1962. 100 s. rad(am-for)

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Committee on Government: Report of a study of United States foreign aid in ten Middle Eastern and African countries. By Ernest Giuening. Wash. D.C. 1963. 472 s. lef(am-for;as-we;al)

Andersen, Poul Nyboe (red.): Det sovjetiske samfund. En beskrivelse af sovjetunionens okonomiske og sociale udvikling. Kbh. 1963. 241 s. (eu-rus)

Berrill, Kenneth (ed.): Economic development
with special reference to East

Asia. Proceedings of a conference held
by international Economic Association.
New York 1964. 343 s. lef-div(as-0s)

Cowan, C. D. (ed.): The economic development
of China and Japan. Studies in
economic history and political economy.
London 1963. 255 s. (Studies on Modern
Asia and Africa 4)

Dechert, Charles R.: Ente nazionale idrocarburi.
Profile of a state corporation.
Leiden 1963. 116 s. ron-dus(eu-ita)

Dow, J. C. R.: The management of the British economy 1945—60. London 1964. 439 s. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research) (eu-sto)

Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschalt: Der Kaffee-, Kakao-, und Bananenmarkt in den Landern der EWG. BriAssel 1963. 220 s. (Studien — Reihe Überseeische Entwicklungsfragen, 1/63) bit-rod(eu)

Francke, Adoll: Preise und Lohne in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1950. Kiel 1964. 77 s. (Kiel Univ. Kieler Studien 64) fod-div(eu-tys)

Gehring, Gerhard: Ein makrookonomisches
Modell liir die Bundesrepublik
Deutschland. Berlin 1963. 58 s. (IFO-
Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung.
Schriftenreihe 56) divo(eu-tys)

Geiger, Theodore & Winifred Armstrong: The development of African private enterprise. Wash. D. C. 1964. 158. s. (National Planning Association. Planning pamphlet 120) (af)

Hoglund, Bengt & Lars Werin: The production system of the Swedish economy. An input-output study. Sth. 1964. 231 s. (Stockholm. Univ. Stockholm Economic Studies 4) divo(eu-sve)

International Sugar Council: The world sugar economy structure and policies. Vol. 2. The world picture. London 1963. 351 s. bit-roky

Side 253

Israel. Investment Authority: Israel. Tel
Aviv 1963. 99 s. (as-isr)

Jepsen, Gunnar Thorlund: Strukturaendringer i dansk landbrug. okonomiske virkninger af den gasldende jordlovgivning og alternativer hertil belyst ved beregninger over forskellige ejendomsstrukturer i dansk landbrug. Aarhus 1964. 48 s. (Aarhus Univ. okonomisk Institut. Skrifter 16) sed(eu-dak)

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Documentation in food and agriculture No. 55. Organisation and structure of the milk markets in O.E.C.D. member countries. Paris 1964. 545 s. bit-rodo

Pedersen, Sigurd: Landbruget i dag og i morgen. Fra livsform til forretning. Kbh. 1963. 202 s. (Danmarks Radios grundbeger) sed

Powelson, John P.: Latin America. Today's
economi and social revolution.
New York 1964. 303 s. (am-la)

Ridder, Johs.: Landbrugets driftsokonomi.
Kbh. 1963. 192 s. (Det kgl. Danske
Landhusholdningsselskab) sed

Rock, Robert: Framgangsrika svenska foretag.
Sth. 1963. 154 s. rin(eu-sve)

Sandee, J. (ed.): Europe's future consumption.
Amsterdam 1964. 363 s.
(ASEPELT Bd. 2) gan(eu)

Shaffer, Harry G. (ed.): The Soviet economy. A collection of Western and Soviet views. London 1964. 456 s. (eu-rus)

Udenrigsministeriets erhvervstjeneste:
Orientering om det canadiske marked.
Kbh. 1964. 95 s. (am-can)

Aagesen, Aage: Sydamerika. Kbh. 1964.
306 s. (Kebenhavn. Handelsh. Skriftraskke
E, 3) (am-sy)


Afzelius, I. & Hugo Wikander: Sjolagen
jåmte viktigare forfatningar rorande

American Law Institute & National Conference
of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws: Uniform commercial code
1962. Official text with comments. Philadelphia.
Pa. 1963. 730 s.

Augdahl, Per: Den norske obligasjonsretts
almindelige del. 3. omarb. udg.
Oslo 1963. 444 s. tik(eu-nor)

Beckman, Nils: Svensk domstolspraxis i
internationell ratt. Sth. 1959. 83 s.

Bolding, Per Olof: Skiljelorfarande och rattegang. En studie i processuell organisation och ratsillampningsmeodik. Arbiration and litigation. With a summary in English. Sth. 1956. 251 s. (Institutet for Rattsvetenskaplig Forskning 13) tasm

Codes; Francais et lois usuels. (nouv. ed.)
Paris 1964. 1264 s. tod(eu-fra)

Dennemark, Sigurd: Om svensk domstols behorighet i internationellt formogenhetsrattsliga mil. Sth. 1961. 376 s. (Institutet for Rattsvetenskaplig Forskning 31) tup

Ehrenzweig, Albert A.: A treatise on the
conflict of iaws. St. Paul, Minn. 1962.
824 s. tup

Ekelof, Per Olof: Rattegang. Bd. 1-4. 2.
bearb. uppl. Sth. 1960-63. 187, 209, 200,
193 s. (Institutet for Rattsvetenskaplig
Forskning 15, 19, 27, 38)

Side 254

Kravis, Irving B.: Domestic interests and international obligations. Safeguards in international trade organizations. Philadelphia, Pa. 1964. 448 s. bit-taef-lef

Rise, Allan: Faglig voldgift. En redegarelse
for retspraksis i hyppigt forekommende
fortolkningssporgsmal af almindelig
karakter. Kbh. 1964. 368 s.

Rohde, Knut: Obligationsratt. Sth. 1956.
818 s. (Institut lor Rattsvetenskaplig
Forskning, 11) tik

Russel on the law of arbitration. 17. ed.
By Anthony Walton. London 1963. 477
s. taem

Shaw, Crawford (ed): Legal problems in international trade and investment. Proceedings of the 1961 Conference on International Trade and Investment, Yak Law School. New York 1962. 265 s. m. bibliografi. (World Community Association) tak-lef

Sverige. Naringsrattssakkunnige, 1958: Den allmanna naringslagsstiftningen. Forslag. Sth. 1962. 212 s. (Sverige. Statens Offentliga Utredningar 1962:14) tyt(eu-sve)

Tidskrifter og andre periodika

Industrial advertising and marketing.
Londan. 1964—: 1- bin-rad-gaf(eu-sto)

The journal of management studies. Oxford.
1964-: 1- bin-dad(eu-sto)

Journal of marketing research. Udg. af
American Marketing Association. Chicago,
111. 1964—: 1- bin-gan(am-for)

Journa of the Royal Statistical Society.
Series A + B. London, bin-don(eu-sto)
A. 1964-: 127-
B. 1964-: 26-

Sociologisk forskning. Udg. af Sveriges
Sociologforbund. Sth. bin-bif3o(eu-sve)
1964-: 1-