Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 27 (1963)


Bøger indgået i Handelshøjskolens Bibliotek, København, i tiden 28. oktober 1962
- 19. januar 1963.

Nationaløkonomi i almindelighed.

Johansen, Leif: Offentlig okonomikk. Bd.
1. Oslo 1962. 107 s. dod


Bailey, Martin J.: National income and
the price level. A study in macrotheory.
New York 1962. 304 s. din

Maynard, Geoffrey: Economic development
and the price level. London 1962.
295 s. div

Robinson, Joan: Essays in the theory of
economic growth. London 1962. 137 s.

Karteller etc.

Federation of British Industries: Restrictive trade practices and the European Economic Community. London 1962. 66 s. bit-topo-ran(eu)

Grove, J. W.: Government and industry
in Britain. London 1962. 514 s.

Hochbaum, M.: Das Diskriminierungsund Subventionsverbot in der EGKS und EWG. Baden-Baden 1962. 230 s. (Handbuch fur Europaische Wirtschaft. Schriftenreihe 13). bit-ran(eu)

Keif-Cohen, R.: Nationalisation in Britain.
The end of a dogma. 2. ed.
London 1961. 380 s. dus(eu-sto)

Penge- og bankpolitik.

The Bank of Japan. Economic Research Department: The bank of Japan. Its function and organization. Tokyo 196"2. 126 s. med(as-jap)

Butlin, S. J.: Australia and New Zealand
Bank. The Bank of Australia and
the Union Bank of Australia Limited
1828-1951. London 1961. 459 s.

Marks, Leonard & Alan B. Coleman: Cases in commercial bank management. New York 1962. 401 s. (Harvard Business School Casebooks). mod

Sayers, R. S. (ed.): Banking in Western
Europe. Oxford 1962. 403 s.

Schiffer, Hubert F.: The modern Japanese
banking system. New York 1962.
240 s. mak(as-jap)


Balassa, Bela: The theory of economic
integration. London 1962. 304 s. lef

Benham, F.: Economic aid to underdeveloped countries. London 1962. 121 s. (Royal Institute of International Affairs),

Einzig, Paul: The history of foreign exchange.
London 1962. 311 s. dis-bof

Fayerweather, John: Facts and fallacies
of international business. New York
1962. 184 s. lef

Political and Economic Planning (P. E.
P.): Atlantic tariffs and trade. London
1962. 426 s. lef

Strauss, E.: European reckoning. The six
and Britain's future. London 1962. 177
s. bit-lef(eu)

United Nations. GATT: GATT programme for expansion of international trade. Trade in agricultural products. Reports of committee II on country consultations. Geneva 1962. 500 s. bit-sed-lef

Side 62

Driftsøkonomi i almindelighed.

Bleicher, Knut: Unternehmungsspiele. Simulationsmodelle fur unternehmerische Entscheidungen. Baden-Baden 1962. 165 s. dad

Hanssmann, Fred: Operations research in
production and inventory control. New
York 1962. 254 s. dad

Johnsen, Erik: Introduktion til operationsanalyse.
Kbh. 1962. 165 s. (Danmarks
Erhvervsfond. Sekretariatet). dad


Behrens, Karl Christian: Allgemeine Standortsbestimmungslehre mit einem Anhang iiber Raumordnung. Koln 1961. 19 s. (Der Standort der Betriebe in Industrie, Handel, Transport- und Landwirtschaft, 1.). fan

Landsplanudvalgets sekretariat: En ny
by? Kbh. 1962. 24 s. fan(eu-dak)

Finansiering og investering.

Cerf, Alan Robert: Corporate reporting and investment decisions. Berkeley, Calif. 1961. 177 s. (University of California. Institute of Business and Economic Research. Public accounting research program). fyd(am-for)

Gordon, Myron J.: The investment, financing
and valutation of the corporation.
Homewood, 111., 1962. 256 s. dyf

Ramakrishna, K. T.: Finances for smallscale
industry in India. London 1962.
79 s. rad-maf(as-indi)

Summers, George W.: Financing and initial operations of new firms. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1962. 64 s. (Ford Foundation. Doctoral dissertation series), dyf

Walter, James E.: The investment process. As characterized by leading lift insurance companies. Boston 1962. 491 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Business Administration. Division Research),

Indkøb og varelager.

Wagner, Harvey M.: Statistical management of inventory systems. London 1962. 235 s. (Operations Research Society of America. Publications in Operations Research 6). fer-don


Anstey, E.: Staff reporting and staff development.
London 1961. 90 s. (Royal
Institute of Public Administration, fid

Argyris, Chris: Understanding organizational
behavior. London 1961. 179 s.
(Tavistock publications). fid

Baldamus, W.: Efficiency and effort. An analysis of industrial administration. London 1961. 139 s. (Tavistock publications),

Burns, Tom & G. M. Stalker: The management
of innovation. London 1961.
269 s. (Tavistock publications). fad

Cassier, Siegfried: Wer bestimmt die Geschaftspolitik der Grossunternehmen? Das Verhaltnis zwischen Kapitaleigentum und Entscheidungsgewalt. Frankfurt a. M. 1962. 236 s. dad

Dale, Ernest: The great organizers. New
York 1960. 277 s. fad

Fog, Bjarke: Rationaliseringen og dens
virkninger. Kbh. 1962. 181 s. (Danmarks
Erhvervsfond. Sekretariatet). fig

Granick, David: The European executive.
London 1962. 384 s. dad(eu)

Gutenberg, Erich: Unternehmensfuhrung. Organisation und Entscheidungen.Wiesbaden 1962. 176 s. (E. Gutenberg: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Reihe A,2). fad

Kosiol, Erich: Organisation der Unternehmung. Wiesbaden 1962. 248 s. (E. Gutenberg. Die Wirtschaftsmissenschaften, Reihe A,6). fid

Moonman, Eric: The manager and the
organization. London 1961. 221 s. (Tavistock
publications). fid

Rhenman, Eric: Tre uppsatser om organisation.
Sth. 1961. 153 s. fad

Side 63


Greenberger, M. (ed.): Management and the computer of the future. New York 1962. 340 s. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). fen

Hartmann, Bernhard: Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen der automatisierten Datenverarbeitung. Freiburg im Br. 1961. 495 s. fen

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Office automation and the non-manual worker. By W. H. Scott. Paris 1962. 48 s. bit-fid-fen

Markedsanalyser og andre analyser.

Burk, Marguerite C: Influences of economic and social factors on U.S. food consumption. Minneapolis, Minn., 1961. 135 s. rode-gan(am-for)

Ferber, Robert and P. J. Verdoorn: Research
methods in economics and business.
New York 1962. 573 s. gan

Heidingsfield, Myron S. & Frank H. Eby,
jr.: Marketing and business research.
New York 1962. 250 s. gan

Stephan, Erhard: Methoden der Motivforschung. Befragung und projektive Verfahren. Nurnberg 1961. 192 s. (Marktwirtschaft und Verbrauch 15), gan

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger).

Boje, Axel: Moderne Buchhaltungsorganisation.
Munchen 1962. 726 s. fuk

Gillespie, Cecil: Standard and direct
costing. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1962.
337 s. fed

Hallsten, B. & B. Magnusson: Produktval och lonsamhet. Nagra kalkylmetodev vid av produktionsriktning. Sth. 1962. 92 s. + bilag. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningisinstitu • tet). dad

Kilger, Wolfgang: Kurzfristige Erfolgrechnung. Wiesbaden 1962. 118 s. (E. Gutenberg. Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Reihe A, 36). fut

SchmalenbacH, Eugen: Dynamische Bilanz.
13. bearb. Aufl. Koln 1962. 272 s.

Vance, Lawrence L. & Jaqueline P. Wiseman: A survey of opinion on public accounting in California. Berkeley, Calif. 1961. 95 s. (University of California. Institute of Business and Economis Research. Public accounting project),


Boyd, Harper W. & Richard M. Clewett: Contemporary American marketing. Readings on the changing marketing structure. Rev. ed. Homewood, 111., 1962. 402 s. gaf

Corey, E. Raymond: Industrial Marketing.
Cases; and Concepts. Englewood
Cliffs, N. J., 1962. 470 s. rad-gaf

Griinwald, Rolf: Beitrage zur Absatzforschung. Wien 1961. 71 s. (Institut fur Industrieforschung. Beitrage zur Marktund Verbrauchsforschung 2). gan

Hardy, Leonard: Marketing for profit. A study in the formulation of commercial policy within the business organization. London 1962. 168 s. gaf

Levitt, Theodore: Innovation in marketing.
New perspectives for profit and
growth. New York 1962. 253 s. gaf

Schnutenhaus, Otto R.: Absatzpolitik und
Unternehmungsfuhrung. Freiburg im
Br. 1961. 651 s. gaf

Thompson, H. Underwood: Product strategy.
London 1962. 197 s. gar

Weiss, E. B.: The vanishing salesman.
The revolution in personal selling-
New York 1962. 282 s. gar

Pris- og konlkurrencepolitik.

Mellerowicz, Konrad: Die Handelsspanne bei freien, gebundenen und empfohlenen Preisen. Freiburg 1961. 258 s. (Forschungsinstitut fur das Markenwesen, Schriftenreihe 5). haf-fod

Side 64

Mills, Edwin S.: Price, output and inventory policy. A study in the Economics of the Firm and Industry. London 1962. 304 s. (Operations Research Society of America. Publications in Operations Research 7). fer-dir

Stocking, George W.: Workable competition
and antitrust policy. Nashville,
Term., 1961. 451 s.


Colley, Russell H.: Defining advertising goals for measured advertising results. New York 1962. 114 s. (Association of National Advertisers). ged

Roe, Yale: The television dilemma. Search
for a solution. New York 1962. 184 s.


Jefferys, James B. & Derek Knee: Retailin
Europe. Present structure and future
trends. London 1962. 177 s. lod(eu)

Johnson, Lars: Vasttyska varuhus. Sth.
1962. 51 s. (Sveriges allmanna exportforening).

Liedgens, Horst: Die Absatzbewegung im Einzelhandel. Koln 1962. 142 s. (Koln. Univ. Schriften zur Handelsforschung 23). lod-div

Persson, Lars Sc Bengt Fornstad: Personal och kapital i handeln. Studier av utvecklingstendenser under 1950-talet och forsok till prognoser for 1960-talet. Sth. 1962. 102 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet. Meddelande). lod-fid-dyf

Eksport- og importhandel.

The London Chamber of Commerce: Trading with the Soviet Union. A guide for importers and exporters. 2. ed. London 1962. 62 s. (Chamber of Commerce. Booklet 4). lef(eu-sto;eu-rus)

Sveriges allmanna exportforening: Exportens
tropikproblem. 2. omarb. udg.
Sth. 1962. 108 s. lif

Sveriges Allmanna Exportforening: Exporthandboken.
2. uppl. Sth. 1962. Lesbladblog.


Caves, Richard E.: Air transport and its regulators. An industry study. Cambridge, Mass., 1962. 479 s. (Harvard Univ. Harvard economic studies 120). nin(am-for)

Richmond, Samuel B.: Regulation and
copetition in air transportation. New
York 1961. 309 s. ran-nin

Wilson, George W.: Essays on some unsettled questions in the economics of transportation. Bloomington, Ind. 1962. 182 s. (Indiana Univ. Bureau of Businness Research). nad


Medlik, S.: The British hotel and catering
industry. An economic and statistical
study. London 1961. 215 s.

Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografi.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Commerce Department: Thailand. A market for U.S. products. By Paul A. Mayer. Wash., D.C., 1962. 91 s. (as-tha)

Barber, William J.: The economy of British Central Africa. A case study of economic development in a dualistic society. Stanford, Calif., 1961. 271 s. (af-sto)

Karmel, P. H. & Maureen Brunt: The
structure of the Australian economy.
Melbourne 1962. 154 s. (au-com)

Karpinski, Andrzej: The Polish economy
1961-1965. Warsaw 1962. 123 s.

Meissner, Hans Giinther: Die Wirtschaft Israels. Aufbau, Struktur, Entwicklung. Berlin 1962. 78 s. (Aussenhandel und Olsen, Erling: Danmarks Bkonomiske historie siden 1750. Kbh. 1962. 305 s.

Side 65

(Kobenhavn. Univ. 00konomiske Institut.
Studier 3). bof(eu-dak)

Spulber, Nicolas: The Sovjet economy.
Structure, principles, problems. New
York 1962. 311 s. (eu-rus)

Udenrigsministeriets erhvervskontor: Orientering
om Afrika. Kbh. 1963. 213 s.

Uniter Nations International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: The economic development of Uganda. Baltimore. MD 1962. 475 s. bit(af-sto)


The American Law Institute & National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws: Uniform commercial code. Final text ed. Ijsl. Philadelphia, Pa., 1951. 274 s. tip-JQf(am-for)

The American Law Institute and National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws: Uniform commercial code. 1958 Official text. Philadelphia, P^ , 1959. 226 s. tip-Jof(am-lor)

Corbin, Arthur Linton: Corbin on contracts. A comprehensive treatise on the working rules of contract law. Rev. ed. 6-6A. St. Paul, Minn., 1962. 532.842 s. tip(am-i'or)

Lando, Ole: Kontraktstatuttet. The proper law of contract. Hovedpunkter af den internationale kontraktrets almindelige del. With a summary in English. Kbh. 1962. 475 s. (Kbh. Univ. Disp.). tup

Nadelmann, Kurt H. m. fl. (ed.): 20th century comparative and conflicts law, Legal essays in honour of Hessel E. Yntema. Leyden 1961. 574 s. tup

Wiliston, Samuel: The law governing sales of goods at Common Law and under the Uniform Sales Act. Rev. ed. Bd. 1-4 (+kumulerende tillasg). New York 1948. 680, 812, 755, 1034 s. + kumulerende tillasg 1961- tip(am-for)

Statistikens teori.

Ekeblad, Frederick A.: The statistical method in business, Applications of probability and inference to business and other problems. New York 1962. 808 s. don


Allen, R. G. D.: Basic mathematics. London
1962. 512 s. ded

Hanes, Bernard: Mathematics for management.
Columbus, Ohio, 1962. 226 s.

Nye periodika.

Business cycle development. Udg. af Amerikas
Forenede Stater. Commerce Department.
Wash., D.C. bin(am-for)

Danmarks Nationalbank: Monetary reriew.
Kbh. 1962- :— bin(eu-dak)

European Free Trade Association: EFTAs
foreign trade. Geneva. 1960-61 -

Storbritannien. Board of trade: Report on
overseas tra,de. 1962- :13- bis(eu-sto)

Storbritannien. Central Statistical Office:
Economic trends. London. 1962- :(nr.
99)- bis(eu-sto)

Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb. Zeitschrift
fur Kartellrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht
und Marktorganisation. Diisseldorf.
1962-- :12- bin-topo-ran(eu-tys)

ost-okonomi. Scandinavian journal of
East economies with emphasis on theoretical
problems. Oslo. 1962bin-din(eu-0s)