Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 26 (1962) 1Sales Forecasting in the Beer and Soft Drink Industry.Georg J. Kjær *) Resume.Der beskrives en
metode til forudsigelse af fremtidige salg, som
Den praktiske
udnyttelse af metoden er muliggjort ved kodning Efter
regneprogrammet antages salget at vaere deleligt i en
langtidskomponent Scesonkomponenten findes ved kvotientmetoden, der er beskrevet detailleret, med en tiirig salgsperiode som beregningsgrundlag. Ved multiplikation med salget i en basis-maned forvandles kvotienterne til en salgsseeson i absolutte tal. Selv om denne beregningsmetode forudssetter multiplikative sxsonudsving, tillader multiplikationen med den senest kendte basismaned, at langtidskomponenten findes ved subtraktion af saesonen fra totalsalget i de seneste 12 maneder. Differensen
indeholder langtidskomponent plus tilfasldig komponent.
fremkommer ved extrapolation af trendlinier I vurderingen af regneprogrammet og resultaterne tages hensyn til spredningen om trendlinierne, der angiver den tilfaeldige komponents spredning, og en beregning af denne spredning muliggor en fastsasttelse a* laengden pa perioden, der bor anvendes til be- *) Chemical engineer, Carlsberg Bieweries, Copenhagen. Side 10
In modern
industrial developments there is an increasing need for
In the inventory planning it is necessary to have an approximate knowledge of the demand for raw materials in the production process, and if possible the oscillation in the demand too. For this purpose a sales prediction should be very useful. As a basis for a
sales prognosis it is possible to employ a statistical
Such forecasting includes periodical recalculations as knowledge is gained of new sales figures, whence the use of an electronic computer is imperative to make the latest corrections of the expected sales figures available for the planning departments without undue delay. On the other hand
it is not advisable to use the unscrutinized forecasting
The word forecasting means only the projection of the past into the future, whereas the influence of future sales efforts, competition, expanding markets and other independent variables are not taken into consideration in a sales forecasting programme. Accordingly the statistical computations will not be ready for use before further adjustments have been carried out in the sales and marketing departments, where the effect of planned advertising and other sales efforts is estimated. As any sales
prediction may be subject to more or less grave errors
regning af sæsonen. Desuden vises fremgangsmåden ved valg af antallet af måneder, der skal bruges til beregning af langtidskomponenten, og det anbefales at give salgsprognosen på basis af såvel en relativ kort salgshistorie som på basis af en noget længere. Herved opnås dels en hurtig reaktion på ændringer i salgstendensen ved den kortperiodiske prognose, dels en prognose, der ikke reagerer på pludselige tilfældige salgsudsving. Der beskrives en metode til beregning af kontrolgrænser for en kurve over den akkumulerede differens mellem salgs- og forecast værdier. Kontrolgrænserne bruges som indikator for skift mellem anvendelsen af flere eller færre måneders salgshistorie i trendberegningen. Regneprogrammets
reaktion på visse typiske ændringer i salget Endelig indeholder
artiklen en beskrivelse af regneprogrammets
Side 11
Side 12
economy of the
investment plans which have been put into operation.
In this paper only the statistical part of the sales forecasting is described as it is used to-day at the Garlsberg Breweries. As the described method only deals with the sales forecasting in the near future, that is, not more than six months to a year ahead, a short cut has been made in the analysis of the sales history. The forecasting of the sales figures months ahead is based on a very simple mathematical model that splits beersales (Yt) into three components defined as the trend (It), the seasonal component (St), and the random deviation (Rt) from the seasonal component. (Figure 1). (1) I. Estimation of seasonal component, (St).The sales season
is obtained by means of the so-called link relative
This method is based on a calculation of the relative sales figures (qt) where each month's sales (Yt) are divided by the sales of the preceding month Yt-i. The possible effect of a long time trend will be eliminated in the relative sales figures thus obtained. (Table 1). (2) Side 13
To arrive at a reasonably well founded expression for a seasonal factor it is necessary to use figures from a period of some length as for instance ten years monthly sales figures, each of which is transformed into a monthly link relative by a division as described above. The choice of the length of the preceding period used for the calculation of the seasonal component will be discussed later in the paper. Using a total of
121 consecutive months, January will be estimated by
Side 14
As the ten
relatives are varying due to the random component of the
Besides the random variation a certain number of sales anomalies may occur, causing abnormal deviations of the relatives during a ten year period. In order to obtain a mean relative which is not influenced by such anomalies, a so-called positional mean is calculated for each month. In the programme
for the electronic computer the two highest and Until now the
calculations have resulted in one link relative (qt) for
In the further
calculations it is necessary to get a sales season where
To reach such a
season a so-called basic month is chosen. In the present
The typical link
relative for November, the basic month, is fixed at
The typical
relative for December is thus 1.00 multiplied by the
link The typical
relative for January is found by a multiplication of the
In this way the
typical relative season is found through a series of
(3) Side 15
In the results thus obtained the fixed November relative (Q'o = 1,00) will rarely coincide with the November relative found as the last result in the series of successive multiplications, (1,02 in table 3). This lack of coincidence is due to the resulting trend component for the used ten years, mostly different from zero. Because of this difference from 1.00, 1 fi2 of the difference is subtracted from the December typical relative, 2 fi2 from the January typical relative and so forth, concluding in the subtraction of 12\\2 from the last November typical relative, transforming it to 1.00. Qt = Q't - (Q'i2 - Q'o) t/12. (Table 3). The sales season
is now easily obtained by a multiplication of the
(4) Side 16
Even if the link relative method fundamentally is based on the assumption that the seasonal variations are proportional to the sales, the multiplication with the November sales will make it possible to consider the seasonal component additive or multiplicative in the further use. That is, a quite satisfactory estimate for the seasonal component has been reached. The practical
adaption, however, will be much too time-consuming
II. Estimation of trend, (T1).Complying with the hypothesis of the possibility to split the sales into seasonal, trend and random components, it is now possible to find the trend plus the random component by means of a simple subtraction of the seasonal component from the total sales. (Fig. 1). In the computer programme the subtraction is carried out for the last known twelve months only, as the hypothesis of an additive season will be less correct for a longer period of time. The twelve figures obtained will contain the trend plus the random deviations of the last twelve-months' season from the calculated typical season. (Fig. 1). If there is a
systematic deviation from the calculated season during
If there is no
reason to assume that the recent season has been
abnormal, The fitting of a
polynomial expression to the points will be possible,
Side 17
To avoid this
complication the trend is considered linear, and
estimated Table 5 Least squares
method: Equation of the
regression line. (5) where Complying with
III. Estimation of random component, (Rt).It should now be
possible to make calculations of the random deviations
The trend is
considered linear in each of the twelve-months' periods
When the sales season is subtracted from the actual sales figures throughout the said period, the difference will consist of the trend plus the random deviation from the season, as pointed out in the description of the estimation of the trend component. Side 18
For each
twelve-months' period a calculation of the regression
line will will give the values of the random component. Using separate twelvemonths' periods, the use of an additive seasonal component in the computation can still be justified. The standard deviation about the regression line is thus the standard deviation of the random seasonal component. (6) IV. Length of period for calculation of seasonal component, (Si).As previously mentioned the length of the period used for the calculation need some thought. Given a value for the standard deviation of the random seasonal component for each year used for the calculation of the season, it is possible to detect systematic alterations of the sales season from year to year. If the figures
from the earlier part of the period are considerably
A statistical test
on the standard deviation found to detect a "jump"
V. The sales forecasting.Roughly spoken the sales forecasting when looked upon as a geometric problem will result from an extrapolation of the trend curve followed by an addition of the seasonal components to the extrapolated future trend curve. More detailed the
arithmetic treatment by the computer programme Furthermore the
programme will make extrapolations on the straight
Side 19
extrapolations are made right up to twelve months after the last known, and the values of the typical season are added resulting in a total of 11 • 12 = 132 forecast figures. Furthermore the typical season and an estimate of the standard deviation in the figures used for computation of the link relatives are typed of the computer. VI. Practical use of the computer programme.Every month the newly realized month's sales are used as input to the computer programme together with the 120 sales figures from the preceding ten years. The computer result will be a tabular arrangement as shown in table 6. Side 20
Side 21
A. Choice of number of months retrograde. (Table 6).In the computer
output it is possible to choose between eleven different
A smooth nearly
linear development of the trend curve will make the
In order to make
the best choice of the number of months retrograde
In the dry running
the eleven possible forecast results for each In many cases the comparison will give two numbers of months retrograde giving a partial minimum difference between sales and forecast values, one corresponding to only a few months retrograde, another corresponding to some 9-12 months retrograde. It is recommended to use both possibilities, as a small number of months retrograde will give a "nervous" curve rapidly tracking new developments in the sales trend, and therefore also reacting on random variations in a marked way. A greater number
will give a more stable curve where random variations
The two most
frequent numbers occurring will consequently serve as
B. Control diagram.The control diagram
for a forecasting sequence is obtained as follows:
The forecast is
compared with the new sales result when known, and
(7) The cumulated
diagram will serve as a control chart for the choice of
The control limits
are an angle placed with the top point on a
horizontalline Side 22
Side 23
zontallinethrough the last point
plotted on the cumulated curve, and The
characteristics of the angle can be set up as empirical
values In fig. 3 and 4
the control angle is shown. The letters A, B, C illustrate three accumulated differences between the actual sales and the forecast values when the values A and B fall just on the borderline of the control limits. (Fig. 4). L is the distance chosen corresponding to the time interval between the successive forecast Given the values of A,
B, C and L - the values of a and v can be found.
The maximum
allowable difference that should not give rise to
The solution of
the following two equations will give the values for
, (9) The value of Dt + Dt-\ = (Yt - Ft) + (Yt-i - Ft-i), the sum of the differences between actual sales and forecast figures for the last two sales periods (months) should not exceed 2a]f2 if we consider the random component normally distributed with standard deviation a and mean equal to zero. Side 24
As the forecasting
programme, however, reacts on every deviation from
Let us assume that
the trend line used for the extrapolation in the
The equation
(10) will then describe
the trend line when the time unit on the abscissa
(11) if no difference
between sales and forecast has occurred in the r'th
(In the following
reasoning the disappearance of the oldest point on
If the new sales
have exceeded the forecast figure with the amount (12) This reaction of
the programme on deviations of sales from forecast
The maximum
allowed Dt + Dt-i value is thus reduced from the
(13) As Dt-i =aa and
Dtmux =2a Side 25
we have also
(14) From equations
(13) and (14) a is found to (15) and by
substituting (15) in (13) or (14) (16) Entering the
expressions for (Dt + Dt-\)max and (Dt)««* in (8) and
(9) from which
(17) and (]ft The control angle is
now fully described when a, L and n are known. C. Use of control diagram.In the application
of the sales forecasting programme the following
n, the optimum
number of months retrograde to be used, is found
The following
reasoning covers the "nervous* curve (n = 3, 4, 5, 6)
° is found as
the mean standard deviation about the regression lines
Side 26
calculated for
each twelve-month's period in the years used for
calculationof L is fixed as
the time interval on the abscissa of the diagram
illustrating The
characteristics of the control angle, a and tan v, are
found in The control chart
(showing the aforementioned accumulated difference
The points on the (graph are tested in respect to the control limits. If a newly plotted point results in part of the accumulated curve falling outside the control limits this may be due to alterations in the trend, and the consequence will be a shift to re — 1 months retrograde as the basis for the forecasting. Only the part of
the curve corresponding to the last n months will
The shift, however, should be made only when the diagram goes out of control because of increasing or decreasing -SDi-values during twothree months. If the lack of control follows a shift from positive to negative elevation of the accumulated curve, i. e. abnormal high sales followed by abnormal low sales et vice versa, the matter must be given further consideration. It should be noted
that the programme reacts on an increase aa in A decrease AD in
value of 2Dt in this situation therefore should be As the reaction of
the programme on alterations in the elevation of If in the forecasting a constant number of months retrograde has been used for some time it should be possible to consider the trend so stable that a shift to n + 1 months could give just as good a basis for the forecasting. Side 27
Besides the control diagram a check on the "best" choice of the number of months retrograde to be used is made in the form of a calculation repeated after every twelve months for those in each case foregoing two years to insure that the most frequent numbers of months used are still unaltered. The numbers of
months are then corrected corresponding to the result
In the application of the programme to beersales it has been found that a correction should be made only to the extent that the number of months retrograde used is not allowed to differ more than one from the result found in the computation. The shift to n + 1
months because of an apparently stable trend has
If a month shows a marked low or high value compared with the forecast value it must be noted that this abnormal value will influence the future forecasting especially when the said month appears as earliest of the months retrograde used in the determination of the trend line. When such a situation occurs it is advisable either to use the mean of the two surrounding forecast values corresponding to n — 1 and n + 1 months retrograde, or to exclude the value in future computations. However, it should be noted that this practice should not be carried too far. Only when it is evident that something really abnormal has taken place, such correction may be allowed. To test the
programme the influence of theoretical alterations in
the 1) a "jump" J
occurring in one month only (month 0) will cause the
Increase of
forecast value: etc. the disturbing
influence of the jump disappearing after n months.
Side 28
For* = 6.he values
are-^/, ±J. ±J, ±J. -L], -±J, 0 2) a "step" S
shifting the niveau of the trend will be tracked as
follows. Increase of
forecast value: etc. For n — 6 the
values are iis,ils,iLs,^s,iis,iis,.iis (fig- 6) Side 29
3) a "ramp" R
shifting the elevation of the trend will be tracked as
Increase of
forecast value: Side 30
For n = 6 the
values are (fig- 7) etc. VIII. In some
instances it has been possible to predict abnormal sales
Side 31
This may cause a
jump in the sales figures followed by a retraction
Under such peculiar circumstances it may be justified to straighten out the sales development in accordance with for instance stipulated storage figures for the retailers and the like, to avoid oscillations in the forecasting. Such precautions are only justified when first a clear relationship exists between sales figures and the said circumstances, and secondly such causal factors are not periodical, i. e. represents part of the seasonal component. If it is not possible to make a reasonable correction of the sales figure in this way, it should be excluded in the future calculations. The programme may
be used universally, not limited to beersales IX. In conclusion of this paper it should be noted that the programme has been used on the Carlsberg Breweries for some 18 months giving a relative standard deviation of the sales figures about the forecast values of 6% taken over 21/z2l/z years, and a cumulated difference between the sales and forecast values not exceeding 9 million bottles on a sales total of about 400 million bottles per year. |