Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 23 (1959)

Litteraturoversigt *)

Redigeret af bibliotekar, lektor, cand. polit. Per Boesen


Kleeberg, Rudolf: Das Exportkartell al& Absatzorgan. Koln 1959. 228 s. (Niirnberg. Hochschule fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Institut fur Exportforschung.

Lebuhn, Jiirgen & Harry H. Herrlau: FOB und FOB-Usancen europåische: Seehåfen sowie Lieferklauseln im internationalen Handel. Hamburg 1958. 62 s.


Dhekney, M. R.: Air transport in India.
Growth and problems. Bombay 1953.
247 s.

Rees, Henry: British ports and shipping.
London 1958. 304 s.

Sander, Freimut: Die Haftung des Spediteurs nach den Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen und dem dispositiven Recht des H.G.B. 1958. 122 s. (Frankfurt a. M. Univ. Disp.)

Sveistrup, P. P.: Forelæsninger over trafikpolitik. Rationalisering. Kbh. 1958. 134 s. (København. Univ. Økonomisk Laboratorium Publikationer 12)

Svendsen, Arnljot Strømme: Seeverkehr und Schiffahrtswirtschaft. 2. Aufl. Bremen 1958. 473 s. (Weltschiffahrts-Archiv 5) (Tysk og engelsk tekst)

Det Økonomiske Sekretariat: Økonomiske
problemer i Storkøbenhavns trafikudvikling.
Kbh. 1959. 36 s.

Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografi.

Adams, Doris Goodrich: Iraq's people and resources. Berkeley, Calif. 1958. 160 s. (University of California. Publications in economics 18)

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Department of

Andrus, J. Russell & Azizali F. Mohammed:
The economy of Pakistan. London
1958. 517 s.

Artie, Roland: Studies in the structure of the Stockholm economy. Towards a framework for projecting metropolitan community development. Sth. 1959. 197 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foreagsekonomiska Forskningsinstiutet. Meddelande 57) (Disp.)

Australia and New Zealand Bank Ltd.: Australia's continuing development. An introduction to the more important aspects of the Australian economy. 3rd ed. Melbourne 1958. 106 s.

Australia and New Zealand Bank Ltd.: Establishment of industry in Australia. For businessmen considering establishing or extending business in Australia. Melbourne 1958. 71 s.

Australia and New Zealand Bank Ltd.: New Zealand company law. A comparison with United Kingdom practice. Melbourne 1958. 31 s.

Australia and New Zealand Bank Ltd.: New Zealand's continuing development. An introduction to the more important aspects of the New Zealand economy. Melbourne 1958. 90 s.

Burn, Duncan (ed.): The structure of British industry. A symposium. Bd. 1-2. Cambridge 1958. 403, 409 s. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Economic and Social Studies 15)

Chand, Gyan: The new economy of China.
Factual account, analysis and interpretation.
Bombay 1958. 429 s.