Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 22 (1958)

Litteraturoversigt *)

Redigeret af bibliotekar, lektor, cand. polit. Per Boesen.

Almindelig nationaløkonomi.

Bierfelder, Wilhelm: Wege und Irrwege mathematischen Denkens in Wirtschaftstheorie und Unternehmungspolitik. Niirnberg 1958. 109 s. (Marktwirtschaft und Verbrauch 8).

Hax, Karl & Theodor Wessels (Hsrg.):
Handbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
Bd. 1. Køln 1958. 901 s.

Kindleberger, Charles P.: Economic development.
New York 1958. 325 s. (Economics
handbook series).

Nationaløkonomisk Forening: Til Frederik
Zeuthen . . . 1958. Kbh. 1958. 411 s.


Duesenberry, James S.: Business cycles
and economic growth. New York 1958.
341 s. (Economics handbook series).

Penge- og bankpolitik.

Amsterdam, Univ. Foundation for Economic Research: Some quantitative aspects of stock trading on the leading U.S. stock exchanges. 1930-1954. Leiden 1958. 124 s. + bilag.

Hellwig, Hans: Kreditschoptung und Kreditvermittlung. Untersuchungen fiber den modemen Inflationismus. Stuttgart 1958. 458 s.

Sayers, R.S.: Modern banking. 4.ed. Oxford
1958. 330 5.


The European common market. New frontier
for American business. New York
1958. 220 + 36 s. (American Manage-

ment Association. Management report

Hansen, K. Storm & Ole Bernt Henriksen:
Frihandel og fællesmarked. Hvad betyder
markedsplanerne. Kbh. 1958. 84 s.

Henning, Charles N.: International finance.
New York 1958. 481 s.

Jensen, Olav Harald & Arnljot Svendsen: Internasjonal økonomisk integrasjon og handelen i Norge. Bergen 1958. 111 s. (Bergen. Norges Handelsh. Skrifter. Almene emner 6).

Organisation for European Economic Cooperation: Termes used in international trade and payments and national accounts. English-French, French-English. Glossary and definitions. Paris 1958. 415 s.

Schollhorn, Johann: Internationale Rohstoffregulierungen. Berlin 1955. (IFO- Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe 26).

Triffin, Robert: The future of the European
payments system. Sth. 1958. 43 s.
(Wicksell lectures 1958).

United Nations. GATT: Trends in international
trade. Report by a panel of
experts. Geneva 1958. 138 s. -)- bilag.

Finansvidenskab og skatteret.

Finansministeriet: Betænkning om forbrugsbeskatning. Kbh. 1958. 296. s. (Statens Trykningskontor. Betænkning 202.

Petersen, Jens-Peter: Die Berechnung der kumulierten Umsatzsteuerbelastung von Erzeugnissen. Berlin 1958. 76 s. (IFO- Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe. 32).

Side 194

Almindelig driftsøkonomi.

The dynamics of management. Executive thought and action in a changing world. New York 1958. 139 s. (American Management Association, Management report 14).

Edwards, Ronald S. & Harry Townsend:
Business enterprise, its growth and organisation.
London 1958. 607 s.

Ewing, David W. (ed.): Long-range planning
for management. New York 1958.
489 s.

Fcirstner, Karl & Rudolf Henn: Dynamische Porduktions-Theorie und lineare Programmierung. Meisenheim 1957. 125 s.

Ideologi for nåringslivet. En samling debattinlågg. Sth. 1958. 104 s. (Studieforbundet Nåringsliv och Samhålle. Studier och debatt 1957, 4).

Loff, O. & J. J. Lund: Driftsøkonomi. 4.
udg. Bd. 1. Kbh. 1958. 237 s.

McKean, Roland N.: Efficiency in government through systems analysis. With emphasis on water resources development. New York 1958. 336 s. (Rand Corporation. Research studies = Operations research society of Amerika. Publikations in operations research 3).

Mellerowicz, Konrad: Forschungs- und Entwicklungståtigkeit als betriebswirtschaftliches Problem. Freiburg im Breisgau 1958. 298 s.

Morse, Philip M.: Queues, inventories and maintenance. The analysis of operational systems with variable demand and supply. New York 1958. 202 s. (Operations Research Society of America. Publications in operations research 1).

Ohrt. Erik: Teknikken i dag og i morgen.
Kbh. 1958. 34 s. (Dansk Arbejdsgiverforenings
samfundskontakt. Serie B, 4).

S chi ndler, James S.: Quasi-reorganization. Ann Arbor 1958. 176 s. (University of Michigan. Michigan business studies 13,5).

Schmidt, Walter: Die westdeutsche Industrie
als Investor und als Kåufer von

Vollmar, Fritz: Begriff und Wesen des Risikos in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Bern 1956. 184 s. (Unternehmung und Betrieb 55). (Bern. Univ. Disp.).


Argyris, Chris: Personality and organization.
The conflict between system and
the individual. New York 1957. 291 s.

Baker, Alton W. & Ralph C. Davis: Ratios of staff to line employees and stages of differentation of staff functions. A study of Ohio manufacturing companies. Columbus, Ohio 1954. 62 s. (Ohio State Univ. Bureau of Business Research. Research monograph 72).

Giscard, Pierre-H.: La formation et le perfectionnement du personnel d'encadrement. Paris 1958. 241 s. (Centre d'études et d'application pour la formation des cadres). (Collection du travail

Hemphill, John K.: Situational factors in leadership. Columbus, Ohio c. 1949. 136 s. (Ohio State Univ. Bureau of Educational Research. Monographs 32).

Miles, Mary Cushing: The essence of management.
New York 1958. 398 s.

Problems and practices in industrial relations. New York 1958. 155 s. (American Management Association. Management report 16).

Smith, Geo. Albert: Managing geographically decentralized companies. Boston, Mass. 1958. 185 s. (Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Business Administration. Division of research).

Thompson, Stewart: Management creeds and philosophies. (Top management guides in our changing economy). New York 1958. 127 s. (American Managcgement Association. Research study 32).

Side 195

Yoder, Dale m. fl.: Handbook of personnel
management and labor relations.
New York 1958. Forsk. pag.


Boje, Axel: Moderne Biiro-Organization.
Das Buch zur Kostensenkung. 2. Aufl.
Miinchen 1958. 438 s.

Analyse (herunder markedsanalyse).

Clark, Lincoln H. & Jean B. Carney:
Consumer behavior. Research on consumer
reactions. New York 1958. 472 s.

Ekstrom, John: Den textila konsumtionen.
Sth. 1958. 289 s. (Industriens Utredningsinstitut).

Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. European Productivity Agency: Market sampling study on iron and steel products. Results of a pilot study carried out in Schwitzerland. Project no. 328. Paris 1958. 116 s.

Schroeder, Roland & Sosthenes Prokoph: 10 Jahre Mobel im Bundesgebiet. Berlin 1957. 88 s. (IFO-Institut fiir Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe 29).

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkoslninger).

Alkjær, Ejler & Zakken Worre: Kontoramme for danske dagblade. Kbh. 1958. 75 s. (København. Handelsh. Skriftrække F. Skrifter fra Instituttet for Salgsorganisation og Reklame 25).

Amerikas Forenede Stater. General Services Administration: Scientific inventory management simplified. The economic order quantity. Wash. D.C. 1957. 62 s.

Beste, Theodor: Die Mehrkosten bei der Herstellung ungångiger Erzugnisse im Vergleich zur Herstellung vereinheitlichter Erzeugnisse. Koln 1957. 342 s. (Nordrhein-Westfalen. Wirtschaftsund Verkehrsministerium. Forschungsberichte

Blohm, Hans: Die Innenrevision als Funk-

Brummet, R. Lee: Overhead costing. The costing of manufactured products. Ann Arbor 1957. 157 s. (University of Michigan. Michigan business studies 13, 2).

Current practice in accounting for depreciation. New York 1958. 36 s. (National Association of Accountants. Research

Dalsace, André: Le bilan, sa structure, ses
elements. 2. éd. Paris 1958. 458 s.

Hansen, Palle (red.): Håndbog i regnskabsvæsen.
2. udg. Kbh. 1958. 1051 s.

Heinen, Edmund: Appassungsprozesse und ihre kostenmåssigen Konsequenzen dargestellt am Beispiel des Kokereibetriebes. Koln 1957. 124 s.

Knox, Frank M.: Integrated cost control
in the office. New York 1958. 293 s.

Mund, Edgar: Die Eingangsrechnung im industriellen Unternehmen. Koln 1958. 263 s. (Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft. Veroffentliehungen 24).


Amerikas Forenede Stater. Department of Commerce: Activities and services of the federal government in distribution research. A summary report prepared for the President's conference on technical and distribution research for the benefit of small business. Wash. D.C. 1957. 60 s.

Bråuer, Helmut: Die Verpackung als absatzwirtschaftlisohes Problem. Eine absatzwirtschaftliche und werbepsychologische Untersuchunsr des deutschen Verpackungswesens. Niirnberg 1958. 271 s. (Marktwirtschaft und Verbraiich 9).

Clark, Charles: Brainstorming. The dynamic
new way to create sucresfull ideas.
New York 1958. 262 s.

The district sales manager. His problems,
practices and responsibilities. New

Side 196

Fox, Edward J. & David R. Leighton (ed.): Marketing- in Canada. Homewood, 111. 1958 437 s. (American Marketing Association).

Organisation for European Economic Co.operation:
Distribution in the footwear
trade in Europe. Paris 1958. 40 s.

Pris- og konkurrencepolitik.

Competitive pricing. Policies, practices and legal considerations. New York 1958. 123 s. (American Management Association. Management report 17).

Fog, Bjarke: Prisdannelsen inden for byggeriet.
Rapport fra konsulentfirmaet T.
Bak-Jensen. Kbh. 1958. 135 s.


Friedrichs, Giinter: Verkaufswerbung, ihre
Technik, Psychologic und Okonomie.
Berlin 1958. 183 s.

Hansen, Max Kjær-: Reklamebureauet i Danmark. En undersøgelse og vurdering af reklamebureauernes udvikling og placering i dansk erhvervsliv. Kbh. 1958. 94 s. (København. Handelsh. Skriftrække F. Skrifter fra Instituttet for Salgsorganisation og Reklame 20).

Norske Annonsørers Forening & Autoriserte Reklamebyråers Forening: Samarbejdet mellom annonsør og byrå. Et forslag til praktiske retningslinier. Oslo 1958. 31 s.


Batzer, Erich & Helmut Laumer: Das Handwerk als Konkurrent des Einzelhandels. Berlin 1958. 31 s. (IFO-Institut fiir Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe


Langsam, Ralph H.: Engroshandel. Betydning
og funktioner. Kbh. 1958. 25 s.


Fed ration of British Industries: Exports in a buyer's market. Report of the FBI export sales conference 1953. London

Olven, Jac: Kort om eksport. Oslo 1958.
26 s. (Norges Eksportråd).

Schmidt, Diethelm: Die Exportkreditversicherung,
ihre volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung
und Beurteilung. 1957. 194 s.


Beckmann, Martin, C. B. McGuire & Christopher B. Winsten: Studies in the economies of transportation. New Haven, Conn. 1956. 232 s. (Cowles Commission for Research in Economics).

Schneider, W. L. & J. P. Petersen: Zur Frage der Verzinsung von Verkehrswegen. Berlin 1954. (IFO-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe 25).

Schneider, W. L. & A. Riithlein: Giite, produktion und Transportaufkommen. Berlin 1957. 60 s. (IFO-Institut fin Wirtschaftsforschung).

Wallander, Jan: Studier i bilismens ekonomi.
Sth. J 958. 363 s. (Industriens

Erhvervsbeskrivelse og erhvervsgeografi.

Allen, G. C: Japan's economic recovery
London 1958. 215 s. (Royal Institute ol
International Affairs).

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Bureau of Fr>
reign Commerce: Doing business with
France. Wash. D.C. 1958. 122 s.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Bureau of Foreign
Commerce: Doing business with
Sweden. Wash. D.C. 1957. 115 s.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Bureau of Foleign Commerce: Investment in Nigeria. Basic information for United States businessmen. Wash. D.C. 1957. 182 s.

Side 197

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Bureau of Foreign Commerce: Investment in Peru. Basic information for United States businessmen. Wash. D.C. 1957. 157 s.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Office of international Trade: Factors limiting U.S. investment abroad. Part 1. Survey of factors in foreign countries. Wash. D.C. 1953. 132 s.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Office of International Trade: Investment in Colombia. Conditions and outlook for United States investors. Wash. D. C. 1953. 126 s.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Office of International Trade: Investment in India. Conditions and outlook for United States investors. Wash. D.C. 1953. 166 s.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Office of Business Economics: U.S. investments in the Latin American economy. Wash. D.C. 1957. 194 s.

Amonn, Otto: Kaffee, Tee und Kakao. Ihr Verbrauch in den Industriestaaten der westlichen Welt nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg. Berlin 1954. 87 s. (IFO- Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Schriftenreihe 22).

Arnim, Volkmar von: Die Welttabakwirtschaft.
Kiel 1958. 73 s. (Kiel Univ. Kieler
Studien 45).

Bjerke, Kjeld 8c Niels Ussing: Studier over Danmarks Nationalprodukt 1870-1950. af Det Statistiske Departement og Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut. Kbh. 1958. 175 s.

Ebbell, Sven Brun: Chile. En økonomisk
oversikt. Oslo 1958. 76 s. (Norges Eksportråd).

Leitherer, Eugen: Der westdeutsche Konsumguterexport nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg. Koln 1958. 79 s. Nurnberg. Hochschule fiir Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Institut fiir Exportforschung.

Nørgård, Helge: Danmarks erhvervsforhold
i statistisk belysning med afsnit

Organisation for European Economic Cooperation: Economic development of overseas countries and territories associated with OEEC member countries. Paris 1958. 271 s.

Organisation for European Economic Cooperation: Statistics of exports from the overseas territories of the OEEC countries and from states or territories for whose international relations member countries are responsible. Paris 1957. 148 s.

Storbritannien. Board of Trade: Burma. Economic and commercial conditions. London 1957. 65 s. (Overseas economic surveys).

Storbritannien. Board of Trade: Chile. Economic and commercial conditions. London 1958. 138 s. (Overseas economic

Storbritannien. Board of Trade: Iran. Ecoconomic and commercial conditions. London 1957. 114 s. (Overseas economic

Storbritannien. Board of Trade: Nigeria. Economic and commercial conditions. London 1957. 273 s. (Overseas economic

United Nations. FAO: Yearbook of food
and agricultural statistics. Part 1-2.
Rome. 1957:11.


Bogert, George Gleason, Kennard E. Goodman & William L. Moore: Introduction to business law. New ed. Boston c. 1941. 587 s.

Gram, Per: Fraktavtaler og deres tolkning
2. bearb. udg. Oslo 1955. 251 s.

Kobbernagel, Jan: Erhvervsretten i grundtræk. 4. udg. Kbh. 1958. 435 s. (København. Handelsh. Skriftrække G. Erhvervsretlige skrifter 1).