Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 21 (1957)

Litteraturoversigt *)

Redigeret af bibliotekar, lektor, cand. polit. Per Boesen *)

Almindelig driftsøkonomi.

Gold, Bela: Foundations of productivity analysis. Guides to economic theory and managerial control. Pittsburgh 1955. 303 s.

Hugh-Jones, E. M. (ed.): Automation in
theory and practice. A course of lectures.
Oxford 1956. 140 s.

McCioskey, Joseph F. & John M. Coppinger (ed.): Operations research for management. Vol. 2. Case histories, methods, information handling. Baltimore 1956. 563 s.

Management science. Journal of the institute
of management sciences. New
York. 1954, :1-.

Operations research. A basic approach. New York 1956. Ills. (American management association. Special report 13).

Pollock, Friedrich: Automation. Materialien zur Beurteilung der okonomischen und sozialen Folgen. Frankfurt a. M. c. 1956. 318 s.

Wiles, P. J. D.: Price, cost and output.
Oxford 1956. 302 s.

Almindelig nationaløkonomi.

Allen, R. G. D.: Mathematical economics.
London 1956. 768 s.

Myrdal, Alva & Viola Klein: Women's two roles. Home and work. London 1956. 208 s. (International library of sociology and social reconstruction).

Yuan-Li Wu: An economic survey of
communist China. New York 1956.
566 s.

Pris- og konkurrencepolitik.

Friend, Irwin, Morris Hamburg & Stanley
Schor: Pricing and price differentials

on over-the-counter markets. Phila
delphia 1955. 121 s.

Marx, Daniel: International shipping car tels. A study of industrial self-regu lation by shipping conferences. Prin ceton, N. J. 1953, 323 s.


Abrahamson, Adolph G. & Russell H. Mack (ed.): Business forecasting in practice. Principles and cases. New York 1956. 275 s.


Beckhart, Benjamin Haggott (ed.): Banking
systems. New York 1954. 934 s

Hobson, Oscar R.: How the city works
London 1955. 167 s.

Sayers, R. S.: Central banking after Ba
gehot. Oxford 1957. 149 s.


Leubuscher, Charlotte: Bulk buying from the colonies. A study of the bulk purchase of colonial commodities by the United Kingdom government. London 1956. 206 s.

Aubrey, Henry G.: United States imports
and world trade. Oxford 1957. 169 s.

Behrens, Karl Christian: Betriebslehre des
Aussenhandels. Essen 1957. 246 s.

Bell, Philip W.: The sterling area in the postwar world. Internal mechanism and cohesion 1946-1952. Oxford 1956. 478 s.

Diab, Muhammed Amine: The United States capital position and the structure of its foreign trade. Amsterdam 1956 67 s. (Contributions to economic analysis

Side 53

Gardner, Richard N.: Sterling-dollar diplomacy. Anglo-American collaboration in the reconstruction of multilateral trade. Oxford 1956. 423 s.

Organisation for Euroepan economic cooperation: OEEC bibliographies 2. International trade 1950-55. Theory of international trade. International trade policy. Trade liberalisation. Paris 1956. 85 s.

Provinshandelskammercts eksportørsektion: Veje til verdensmarkedet. Ekstrakt af foredrag og diskussionsindlæg fra Provinshandelskammerets eksportkursus 1956. Kbh. 1956. 155 s.

Reuss, Ingo: Okonomie des Aussenhandels. Sickerheit durch Beteiligung am Welthandel und Weltverkehr. Baden- Baden c. 1956. 204 s.

Rubin, Seymour J.: Private foreign investment.
Legal and economic realities.
Baltimore Md. 1956. 107 s.

United nations. International bank for reconstruction and development: The economic development institute. Wash. D. C. 1956. 15 s.

Woods, B. J. P.: Economic co-operation.
A contrast in methods. London 1955.
64 s.


Sverige. Socialdepartementet: Utredningen om kortare arbetstid. Sth 1956. 277 s. plus bilag, 236 s. [Bd. 1-2]. (Statens offentliga utredningar 1956: 20-21).

Triesch, Giinter: Die Macht der Funktionåre. Macht und Verantwortung der Gewerkschaften. Diisseldorf 1956. 480 sider.


Finansministeriet: Betænkning vedrørende skattefri afskrivniger og skattefri herir læggelser til investeringsfonds. Kbh. 1957. 215 s. (Statens trykningskontor.

Betænkning 171).


Lutz, Friedrich A., F. Bosch & R. Veit:
Der Konsumenkredit. Koln 1954. 123 s.
(Arbeitskreis fiir Absatzfragen 1).

Sckmitt, D. F. A. & Fritz Schmitt: Rationelle Sanierung. Die Vermeidung und Beseitigung von Zahlungsschwierigkeiten auf organischer Grundlage. Handbuch fiir Betriebe und Betriebsberater, Glåubiger und Schuldner. Berlin 1955. 556 s.


Campbell, Donald T.: Leadership and its effects upon the group. Columbus, Ohio c. 1956. 92 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research. Research monograph 83).

Chisiholm, Cecil (ed.): Communication in
industry. London 1955. 284 s.

Clark, Wallace: Gantt-kortene for effektiv
planlægnig og kontrol. Kbh. 1956.
166 s.

Dunsire, A. (ed.): The making of an administrator.
Manchester 1956. 125 s.

Flyhoo, Ture (m. fl.): Medbeståmmanderåtten
i foretagen. Sth. 1956. 163 s.

Hemphill, John K.: Group dimensions. A manual for their measurement. Columbus, Ohio c. 1956. 66 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business. Research monograph 87).

Jårnefors, Henrik: Samarbete på kontor. Del 1-2. Sth. 1956-57. 63, 56 s. (Svens ka industri tj ånstemannaf orbundet. Aktuella tj ånstemannaf rågor 3—4).

Klein, Josephine: The study of groups. London 1956. 200 s. (International library of sociology and social reconstruction).

Lanham, E.: Job evaluation. New York
1955. 404 s.

Littlefield, C. L. Se R. L. Peterson: Modern
office management. Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1956. 562 s.

Maynard, H. B. (ed.): Industrial engineering
handbook. New York 1956.
Forsk. pag.

Side 54

Meyer, Poul: Administrative organization A comparative study of the organization of public administration. Kbhvn 1957. 322 s.

Organizing for effective systems planning and control. New York 1956. 192 s. (American management association. Special report 12).

Organisation for European economic cooperation. European productivity agency: Technical information. Monthly bulletin. Paris.

Paterson, T. T.: Morale in war and work.
An experiment in the management of
men. London 1955. 256 s.

Seashore, Stanley E.: Group cohesiveness in the industrial work group. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1954. 107 s. (University of Michigan. Institute for social research. Survey research center).

Stogdill, Ralph M., Ellis L. Scott & William E. Jaynes: Leadership and role expectations. Columbus, Ohio c. 1956. 168 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research. Research monograph

Stogdill, Ralph M., Carroll L. Shartle m. fl.: Patterns of administrative perfomance. Columbus, Ohio c. 1956. 108 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research. Research monograph 81).

Stogdill, Ralph M. m. fl.: A predictive study of administrative work patterns. Columbus, Ohio c. 1956. 68 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research. Research monograph 85).

Walker, Charles R., Robert H. Guest & Arthur N. Turner: The foreman on the assembly line. Cambridge, Mass. 1956. 196 s. (Yale Univ. Institute of human relations).

Kontormaskiner etc.

Craig, Harold Farlow: Administering a conversion to electronic accounting. A case study of a large office. Boston, Mass. 1955. 224 s. (Harvard univ.

Graduate school of business administration.
Division of research).

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger).

Littleton, A. C. & B. S. Yamey (ed.): Studies in the history of accounting. Ed on behalf of The association of university teachers of accounting & The The American accounting association London 1956. 392 s.

Powelson, John P.: Economic accounting. A textbook in accounting principles for students of economics and the liberal arts. New York 1955. 500 s.

Van Sickle, Clarence L.: Cases in cost
accounting. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
1955. 422 s.

Virkkunen, Henrik: Das Rechnungswesen im Dienste der Leitung. Systematischtheoretisch Untersuchung der Bereiche, Zweige und Aufgabe des Rechnungswesens unter besondere beachtung der Leitungsfunktionen. Helsinki 1956.

Wixon, Rufus & Walter G. Kell (ed.): Accountants' Handbook. 4. ed. af Paton fed.): Accountants' handbook (3. ed). New York 1956. Forsk. pag.

Vlaemminck, Joseph-H.: Histoire et doctrines
de la comptabilité. Bruxelles
1956. 230 s.


Cochrane, Willard W. & Carolyn Shaw Bell: The economics of consumption. Economics of decision making in the household. London 1956. 481 s.

Controlling underfill and overfill in packaging equipment. New York 1956. 128 s. (American management association. Special report 15).

Corey, E. Raymond. The development of markets for new materials. A study of building new endproduct markets for aluminum, fibrous glass, and the plastics. Boston, Mass. 1956. 265 s. (Harvard universey. Division of research).

Side 55

Estes, B. F. m. fl.: Sales forecasting. Uses, techniques, and trends. New York c. 1956. 159 s. (American management association. Special report 16).

Hansen, Max Kjær-, Arne Rasmussen & Ulf Kjær-Hansen: Reklameomkostninger ' Danmark. En analyse af det danske erhvervslivs udgifter til reklame i 1953 og en vurdering af reklameomkostningernes udvikling fra 1935 til 1953. Kbh. 1957. 72 s. (København. Handelsh. Skriftrække F. Instituttet for salgsorganisation og reklame. Skrifter 22).

Henksmeier, K. H., Oskar Martin & Friedrich Priess: Auftragsgrosse und Auftragskosten. Koln 1954. 64 s. (Rationalisierungs-Kuratorium der deutschen Wirtschaft. Rationalisierungs-Gemeinschaft des Handels. Schrift 4).

Mellerowicz, Konrad: Markenartikel. Die okonomischen Gesetze ihrer Preisbildung und Preisbindung. Miinchen 1955. 118 s.

Wårneryd, Karl-Erik: Motiv och beslut i foretagsledningens marknadspolitik. Sth. 1957. 366 s. (Stockholm, Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska forskningsinstitutet. Meddelande 53).

Markedsanalyser og andre analyser.

Hansen, Morris H., William N. Hurwitz & William G. Madow: Sample survey methods and theory vol. 2. Theory. New York 1953. 332 s.

Jahoda, Marie, Morton Deutsch & Stuart W. Cook: Research methods in social relations with especial reference to prejudice. Bd. 1-2. New York 1955-56. 421, 336 s.

Jensen, Ernst Lykke: Repræsentative undersøgelsers teori og metode. Bd. 1. Kbh. 1957, 273 s. Kbh. Univ. Statistisk institut).

Organisation for European economic co-

Readership surveys. A comparative study.
London 1954. 20 s. (Market research
society. Publication 1).

Vance, Lawrence L. & John Neter: Statistical
sampling for auditors and accountants.
London 1956. 310 s.


Wiggers, Raymond P.: Profitable advertising for small industrial goods producers. Wash. D.C. 1956. 102 s. (Amerikas Forenede Stater. Small business management series 18).


Frivillige kæder i fødevarebranchen i U.S.A. Beretning fra en studierejse . . 1954. Udgivet ved Udenrigsministeriets foranstaltning. Kbh. 1956. 60 s. Teknisk bistand under Marschallplanen).

Robinson, Lawrence R. & Eleanor G. May: Self-service in variety stores. Boston, Mass. 52 s. (Harvard University. Bureau of business research. Bulletin 147).


Owen, Wilfred: The metropolitan transportation
problem. Wash. D.C. 301 s.
(The Brookings institution).

Wheatcroft, Stephen: The economics of
European air transport. Manchester
1956. 358 s.


Lehnich, Oswald: Die Wettbewerbsbeschrånkung.
Eine Grundlegung. Koln
1956. 692 s.

Reimer, Eduard: Wettbewerbs- und Warenzeichenrecht. Systematischer Kommentar .. 3. bearb. Aufl. Koln. 1954. 1385 s.