Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 21 (1957)Litteraturoversigt *)Redigeret af
bibliotekar, lektor, cand. polit. Per Boesen Almindelig nationaløkonomi.Faxen, Karl-Olof: Monetary and fiscal policy under uncertainty. Sth. 1957. 212 s. (Stockholm economic studies, New series. 1) (Diss. Sth. hogskola). Roberts, B. C:
National wage policy in the Thore, Sten A. O.: Hushållens sparande. Inkomstvariabilitetens inverkan på grånssparkvoten i s.k. tvårsnitt och långdsnitt. Ekonomisk tidskrift, vol. 59, 1-2 (April, juni 1957), s. 37-59, s. 105-126. Witte, Edwin A.:
Economics and public Konjunkturpolitik.Hansen, Bent: Det svenska konjunkturinstitutet. Skandinaviska banken. Kvartalsskrift, årg. 38,3 (Juli 1957), s. 71-76. Bank- og pengepolitik.Arndt, H. W.: The foreign exchange business of the Australian trading banks. Banca nazionale del lavoro. Quarterty review, vol. 9, 36-37, 38 (Jan.-june, sept. 1956) s. 47-57, 111-123. Bett, Virgil M.: Central banking in Mexico. Monetary policies and financial crises 1864-1940. Ann Arbor 1957. 123 s. (Michigan business studies 13,1). Crick, W. F.: The
scope and limitations Haberler, Gottfried: Monetary and real factors affecting economic stability. Banca nazionale del lavoro. Quarterly review, vol. 9,38 (Sept. 1956), s. 85-99. Schneider, Erich: The determinants of the commercial banks credit potential in a mixed money system. Banca nazionale del lavoro. Quarterly review, vol. 8,34 (Sept. 1955), s. 123-133. Whittlesey, Charles R.: Central bank policy in light of recent American experience. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Bd. 78,1 (1957), s. 17-46. Udemigsøkonomi.Corden, W. M.:
Tariffs, subsidies and the Meier, Gerald M.:
The poverty of nations. Nydegger, Alfred:
Die Problematik internationaler Finansvidenskab.Brems, Hans: Das
Budget und die Multiplikatoren. Københavns
kommunalbestyrelse: Københavns Våsthagen, Nils: Skattepolitiken och foretagens investeringsverksomhet. Skandinaviska banken. Kvartalsskrift, årg. 38,3 (Juli 1957) s. 61-70. Almindelig driftsøkonomi.Andersen, Steen
& H. Lindboe Bliksted: Die Gestaltung
der Eigenverantwortlichkeit Side 178
Gesellschaft. 17.
Mai 1957. Zeitsch. f. Hoag, Malcolm W.:
Operations research. Masse, P. & R. Gibrat: Application of linear programming to investments in the electric power industry. Management science, vol. 3,2 (Jan. 1957), s. 149-166. Mills, Edwin S.:
The theory of inventory Organisation for European economic cooperation. European productivity agency: Productivity, prices and wages. By Jean Fourastié. Paris 1957. 113 s. Payne, Bruce:
Steps in long-range planning. Redlich, Fritz: A
program for entrepreneuriel Renshaw, Ed: A note on the arithmetic of capital budgeting decisions. Journal of business, vol. 30,3 (July 1957), s. 193-201. Reul, Ray I.:
Profitability index for investments. Salveson, Melvin
E.: High-speed operations Stead, J. C. W.: Developing managers for speedy and effective decision-making. Journal of the British institute of management, vol. 1.1 (July 1957), s. 18-24. Weinwurm, Ernest H.: Limitations of the scientific method in management science. Management science, vol. 3,3 (April 1937), s. 225-233. Finansiering.Jervis, F. R.: Private company finance in the post-war period. The Manchester school of economic and social studies, vol. 25,2 (May 1957), s. 190-211. Prais, S. J.: The
financial experience of Organisation.Andrews, Kenneth R.: Is management training effective. 1. Evaluation by managers and instructors. 2. Measurement, objectives and policy. Harvard business review, vol. 35,1 (Jan.-febr. 1957), s. 85-94,2 (March-april 1957), s. 63-72. Baldamus, W.: The relationship between wage and effort. Journal of industrial economics, vol. 5,3 (July 1957), s. 192-201. Barritt, D. P.: The stated qualifications of directors of larger public companies. Journal of industrial economics, vol. 5,3 (July 1957), s. 220-224. Evans, Chester E.: Supervisory responsibility and authority. New York 1957. 63 s. (Americand management association. Research report 30). Fidler, K. W.: Planning and operating an office communications system. Journal of the British institute of management, vol. 1,1 (July 1957), s. 6-17. Fletcher. E.: Trade union reaction to industrial change. Journal of the British institute of management, vol. 1,1 (July 1957), s. 25-31. Indførelsen af akkordlønsystemer i kødkonservesindustrien. Kbh. 1957. 85 s. (Lønsystemudvalget. Lønsystemer i dansk industri. Rapport 2). Landau, E. O.: The appointment of an employee director. Journal of the British institute of management, vol. 1,1 (july 1957), s. 60-66. Leavitt, Harold J.: On the export of American management education. Journal of business, vol. 30,3 (July 1957), s. 153-161. Omregningen af dyrtidstillægget i den keramiske industri. Kbh. 1957. 74 s. (Lønsystemudvalget. Lønsystemer i dansk industri. Rapport 1). Side 179
Wrapp, H. Edward: Organiaztion for long-range planning. Harvard business review, vol. 35,1 (Jan.-febr. 1957), s. 37-47. Analyser (herunder markedsanalyse).Brems, Hans:
Long-run automobile demand. Gray, Percy G.: A sample survey with both a postal and an interview stage. Applied statistics, vol. 6,2 (June 1957), s. 139-153. Nerlove, Marc: A
note on long-run automobile Rubenstein, Albert H.: Setting criteria for R(search) & D(evelopment). Harvard business review, vol. 35,1 (Jan.-febr. 1957, s. 95-104. Stangeby,
Kristian: Vareprøving. Bedriftsøkonomen, Stillson, Paul & E. Leonard Arnoff: Product search and evaluation. Journal of marketing, vol. 22,1 (July 1957), s. 33-39. van Rees, J.: Ober Stand und Einrichtungen der Marktforschung in den Niederlanden. Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, Jahrg. 3,1 (1957), s. 93-98. Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger).Accounting for intra-company transfers. New York 1956. 48 s. (National association of cost accountants. Research series 30). Cerf, Alan Robert: Diverce accounting procedures, price-level changes and financial-statement ratios. Journal of business, vol. 30,3 (July 1957), s. 180-192. Cerf, Alan
Robert: Dividend declarations Davidson, Sidney:
Depreciation, income Goldberg, Louis:
Jeremy Bentham, critic Schoen, Sterling H. & Maurice P. Lux: The annual report. How much do employees care. Personnel, 34,1 (July-aug. 1957), s. 40-45. Selected studies in alternative man-hour costs. I. The paint spraying of elevator parst, by A. Calderaro. 11. Tranch digging, by John Surids. Journal of industrial economics vol. 5,3 (July 1957), s. 225-238. Shillinglaw, Gordon: Guides to internal profit measurement. Harvard business review, vol. 35,2 (March-april 1957), s. 82-94. Weinwurm, Ernest H.: Improving accounting measures for management. The concept of homogeneity in acounting data. Accounting research, vol. 8,3 (July 1957). s. 262-269. Pris- og konkurrencepolitik.Bodt, Jean-Pierre de: La formation des prix. Analyse des rapports entre la théorie évonomique et la politique industrielle. Paris 1956. 215 s. Cook, Paul W.: New technique for intracompany pricing. Harvard business review, vol. 35,4 (July-august 1957), s. 74-80. Heflebower, Richard B.: Mass distribution. A phase of bilateral oligopoly of competition. American economic review, vol. 47,2 (May 1957), s. 274-285. Hollander, Stanley C: Theoretical implications of empirical research on retail pricing. American economic review, vol. 47,2 (May 1957), s. 252-265. Price and
competitive aspects of the distributive Pricing in
prosperity. Chicago 1956. 22 s. Side 180
Afsætningsøkonomi.Adelman, M. A.: The "product" and "price" in distribution. American economic review vol. 47,2 (May 1957), s. 266-273. Angehrn, Otto: Probleme der Produktivitåtssteigerung im Bereiche des Absatzes. Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, Jahrg. 3,1 (1957), s. 78-92. Hiilf, Ludwig: Probleme des Vertriebs industrieller Geråte. Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, Jahrg. 3,1 (1957), s. 56-77. James, Clifford C: How to plan and set up an effective marketing program. Advanced management, vol. 22,6 (June 1957), s. 14-17. Johnson, Samuel C. &: Conrad Jones: How to organize for new products. Harvard business review, vol. 35,3 (May-june 1957), s. 49-62. Lorie, James H.:
Two important problems Roberts, Harry V.: The role of research in marketing management. Journal of marketing, vol. 22,1 (July 1957), s. 21-32. Scherke, Felix: Gedanken zu einer Verbraucher Characterkunde. Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, Jahrg. 3.1 (1957), s. 19-29. Reklame.Hansen, Max Kjær: Vertriebskosten, Verkaufskosten und Werbekosten. Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, Johrg. 3,1 (1957), s. 5-18. Kunneth, Walter:
Werbung und Ethik. Lindqvist, Sven:
Reklamen år livsfarlig Meyer, Paul W.: Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Werbeforschung. Jahrbuch dei Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, Jahrg. 3,1 (1957), s. 30-44. Ocklind. Per V.:
Reklamens kostnader. En Detailhandel.Applebaum, William & David Carson: Supermarkets fase the future. Harvard business review, vol. 35,2 (March-april 1957), s. 123-135. Cassady, Ralp: The New York department store price war of 1951. A microeconomic analysis. Journal of marketing, vol. 22,1 (July 1957), 3-1. Cyert, R. M. & Robert T. Trueblood: Statistical sampling techniques in the aging of accounts receivable in a department store. Management science, vol. 3,2 (Jan. 1957), 185-195. Engroshandel.Bakkenist, S. C & D. E. Beutick: An investigation into the costs of distribution in the grocery retail trade in the Netherlands. (Organisation for European economic co-operation. European productivity agency. Productivity measurement review. Special number July 1957, s. 1-50. Converse, Paul D.: Twenty-five years of wholesaling. A revolution in food wholesaling. Journal of marketing, vol. 22,1 (July 1957), s. 40-53. Hammons, Russell
L.: Accounting for a Statistikens teori.Burton, Harry:
The reliability of national Erhvervsgeografi og erhvervsbeskrivelse.Frank, Andrew Gunder: The Organization of economic activity in the Soviet Union. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Bd. 78,1 (1957), s. 104-156. Erhvervsret.Kobbernagel, Jan: Konkurrencens retlige regulering. Kbh. 1957. Bd. 1. (København. Handelshøjskolen. Skriftrække F. Skrifter fra instituttet for salgsorganisation og reklame 24). |