Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 21 (1957)

Litteraturoversigt *)

Redigeret af bibliotekar, lektor, cand. polit. Per Boesen

Almindelig nationaløkonomi.

Klein, L. R.: The scope and limitations of
econometrics. Applied statistics, vol. 6,1
(March 1957), s. 1-17.

Myrvoll, Ole: Studier i arbeidslønnsteorien. Bergen 1956. 185 s. (Bergen. Norges handelsh. Skrifter. Økonomiske avhandlinger


Business fluctuations. A selected bibliography. Baltimore 1957. 32 s. (Johns Hopkins univ. Economics library selections. Series 2, 4).

Winding, Poul: Some aspects of the acceleration principle. Kbh. 1957. 254 s. (København. Handelsh. Skriftrække B. Det økonomiske forskningsinstitut. Skrifter 16). (Kbh. Univ. Disp.).

Bank- og pengepolitik.

Aarvig, Lars & Kaare Willoch: Den personlige sparing. To premierte besvarelser av Bergens privatbanks prisoppgave 1955. Bergen 1956. 137 s.

Bramsnæs, C. V.: Bikuben i hundrede år.
Kbh. 1957. 197 s.

Gårdlund, Torsten m. fl.: Recept mot inflation. Sex professorer har ordet. Sth. 1957. 132 s. (Sverige. Finansdepartementet).

Lindahl, Erik: Spelet om penningvårdet.
Sth. 1957. 62 s.


Bidwell, Percy W.: What the tariff means to American industries. Publ. for the for the Council on foreign relations. New York 1956. 304 s.

Conan, A. R.: The changing pattern of international investment in selected sterling countries. Princeton, N. J. 1956. 20 s. (Princeton univ. International finance section. Essays in international finance 27).

Meyer, F. V.: United Kingdom trade with
Europe, London 1957. 197 s.

Organisation for European economic cooperation: Report on the possibility of creating a free trade area in Europa. Paris 1957. 57 s.

Polk, Judd: Sterling. Its meaning in world
finance. Publ. for the Council on foreign
relations. New York 1956. 286 s.

Scheffer, Martin: Internationale Selbstverwaltung der Wirtschaft, ihre Organisationen, Aufgaben und Moglichkeiten im internationalen Rahmen. 1956. 180 s. (Frankfurt a. M. Univ. Disp.).

United nations: Financing of economic development. The international flow of private capital 1953-1955. New York. 1956. 78 + 21 s.


Lindbåck, Assar: Statsbudgetens verkningar på konjunkturutvecklingen. Sth. 1956. 114 s. (Sverige. Statens offentliga utredningar 1956: 48 Finansdepartementet).

Almindelig driftsøkonomi.

Albinsson, Goran: Foretagsvinster, ett samhållsintress? En kort orientering om vinsterna och deras plats i det ekonomiska livet. Sth. 1956. 55 s. (Studieforbundet Nåringsliv och samhålle. Studier och debatt 1956, 3).

Side 121

Bergen. Norges handelshøyskole: Økt produktivitet. Forhandlinger ved høstkonferencen 1954. Arrangert av Norges handelshøyskole, Norske siviløkonomers forening & Norsk produktivitetsinstitutt. Bergen 1956. 176 s.

Churchman, C. West, Russell L. Ackoff & E. Leonard Arnoff: Introduction to operations research. New York 1957. 645 s.

Hickman, C. Addison & Manford H. Kuhn: Individuals, groups, and economic behavior. New York c. 1956. 266 s. (The Dryden press series in economics).

Maffei, Richard B.: Mathematical models, values of parameters and the sensitivity analysis of management-decision rules. Journal of marketing, vol. 21,4 (April 1957), s. 419-427.

Nåringslivet planerar for framtiden. Foredrag och diskussioner vid SNS foretagsledarkonferens i Tylosand 1956. Sth. 1956. 94 s. (Studieforbundet Nåringsliv och samhålle. Studier och debatt 1956, 2).

O'Mahoney, Joseph C. m. fl.: The challenge
of automation. Wash. D.C- c 1955.
77 s.

Operations research applied. New uses and extensions. New York 1957. 174 s. (American management association. Special report 17).

Organisation for Europeans economic cooperation: O.E.E.C. bibliographies 3. Automation. Technology, fields of application, economic and social impact, achievements. 1955-56. Paris 1957. 69 s.

Organisation for European economic cooperation. European productivity agency: About automation. By Serge Colomb & Pierre Liénart. Paris c. 1957. 62 s.


Morgan, E. Victor & Cynthia Taylor: The relationship between the size of joint stock companies and the yield of their shares. Economica, vol. 24, 94 (May 1957), s. 116-127.

Organisation for European economic cooperation. European productivity agency: The supply of capital funds for industrial development in Europe. Paris 1957. 253 s.


Abruzzi, Adam: Work, workers and work
measurement. New York 1956. 318 s.

Baker, Alton W.: Personnel management in small plants. A study of small manufacturing establishments in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio c. 1955. 288 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research).

Boalt, Gunnar & Lars Gråby: Du, kamraterna och samhållet. Orientering i ungdoms- och gruppsykologi. Sth. 1956. 118 s.

Boalt, Gunnar & Mia Berner Oste: Grupper,
medlemmar och ledare. Sth. 1956.
135 s.

Day, John S.: Subcontracting policy in the airframe industry. Boston 1956. 327 s. (Harvard univ. Graduate school of business administration. Division of research).

Fisker, Jens: Samarbejde og konflikt i industrien. Kbh. 1957. 37 s. (Dansk arbejdsgiverforenings afdeling for samfundskontakt. Serie B, 3).

Harlan, Neil E.: Management control in airframe subcontracting. Boston 1956. 256 s. (Harvard univ. Graduate school of business administration. Division of research).

Healey, James H.: Executive coordination and control. An analysis of the span of control and selected coordinating and control media employed by chief executives of Ohio manufacturing companies. Columbus, Ohio 1956. 355 s. (Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research. Monograph 78).

Line-staff relationships in production.
New York 1957. 135 s. (American management
association. Special report 18).

Organisation for European economic cooperation.
European productivity agen-

Side 122

cy: Selection and training of foremen
in Europe. By Sven Grabe and Paul
Silberer. Paris c. 1956. 172 s.

Organisation for European economic cooperation. European productivity agency: The training of workers within the factory. Survey of industrial in-plant training programmes in seven European countries. Report prepared by the National institute of industrial psychology. Paris 1957. 90 s.

Peters, Åke: Funktionen kontorsorganisation, dess plats i foretaget. Summary. Sth. 1957. 97 s. (Stockholm. Handelsh. Foretagsekonomiska forskningsinstitutet. Forsåkringsbolagens foretagsekonomiska forskningsnåmnd. Skrift 7).

Philip, Kjeld: Centralisation. Økonomi og
politik, 31. årg. (1957), nr. 1, s. 3-19.

Stogdill, Ralph M.: Leadership and structures of personal interaction. Columbus, Ohio 1957. 90 s. (The Ohio state univ. Bureau of business research. Research monograph 84).

Storbritannien. Privy council: A study of attitudes to factory work. By S. Wyatt, R. Marriott m. fl. London 1956. 115 s. (Storbritannien. Medical research council. Special report series 292).

Tell, Bjorn: Foretagets anstållnings- och utbildningsfrågor. En selektiv och resonerande Sth. 1957. 42 s. (Svenska arbetsgivareforeningen. Personaladministrativa rådet).

Whyte, William Foote m. fl.: Money and
motivation. An analysis of incentives
in industry. New York c. 1955. 268 s.

Analyser, (herunder markedsanalyser).

Evans, Franklin B.: Motivation research and advertising readership. Journal of business, vol. 30,2 (April 1957), s. 141— 146.

Hawkins, Edward R.: Methods of estimating
demand. Journal of marketing, vol.
21,4 (April 1957), s. 428-438.

Kontoramskiner etc.

Fabriksplanlægning og maskinplacering. Beretning fra en studierejse i U.S.A. 1955. Udg. ved udenrigsministeriets foranstaltning. Khb. 1957. 104 s. (Teknisk bistand under Marshallplanen).

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger).

Accounting for returnable containers. A summary of practice. New York 1957. 31 s. (National association of cost accountants. Accounting practice report 4).

Bray, F. Sewell: The interpretation of accounts (Stamp-Martin papers). London 1957. 215 s. (Incorporated accountants' research committee).

Danske elværkers forening: Standardkontoplan
for elforetagender. Betænkning.
Kbh. 1956. 94 s.

Grant, J. Mcß. & R. L. Mathews: Accounting conventions, pricing policies and the trade cycle. Acounting research, vol. 8,2 (April 1957), s. 145-164.

McLean, John G.: Better reports for better
control. Harvard business review, vol.
35,3 (May-june 1957), s. 95-104.

Pris- og konkurrencepolitik.

Bain, Joe S.: Barriers to new competition. Their character and consequences in manaufacturing industries. Cambridge 1956. 329 s.

Brems, Hans: Input-output coefficients and product quality. American economic review, vol. 47, 1 (March 1957), s. 105-118.

Fox, Arthur H.: A theory of second-hand
markets. Economica. Vol. 24, 94 (May
1957), s. 99-115.

Lanzilotti, Robert F.: Competitive price leadership. A critique of price leadership models. The review of economics and statistics, vol. 39, 1 (Febr. 1957), 55-64.

McNair, Malcolm P. & Eleanor G. May:
Pricing for profit. A revolutionary
approach to retail accounting. Harvard

Side 123

business review, vol. 35, 3 (May-june
1957), s. 105-122.


Alderson, Wroe: Marketing behavior and executive action. A functionalist approach to marketing theory. Homewood, ill. 1957. 487 s.

Baumol, W. J.: On the role of marketing
theory. Journal of marketing, vol. 21, 4
(April 1957), s. 413-418.

Howard, John A.: Marketing management.
Analysis and decision. Homewood 111.
1957. 429 s.

Organisation for European economic cooperation. European productivity agency: Marketing by manulacturers. Paris 1957. 123 s.


Association of national advertisers & Point-of-purchasing institute: Advertising at the point of purchase. New York 1957. 240 s.

Hepner, Harry Walker: Modern advertising.
Practices and principles. New
York 1956. 740 s.

McEwan, John: Advertising as a service to society. An advertising practitioner's views on the essential nature of his work. London 1956. 124 s.

Smith, Roland B.: Advertising to business.
Homewood, 111. 1957. 392 s.


Carson, David: Operating results of limited price variety chains in 1955. Boston, Mass. 1956. 38 s. (Harvard University. Bureau of business research. Bulletin 146).

Handler, Julian H.: Fundamentals of selling the supermarkets for non-food manufacturers and distributors. New York 1956. 134 s.

Hoppmann, Erich: Zum Problem der statistischen
Bestimmung der optimalen Be-

tribsgrosse im Einzelhandel. Zeitschrift
f. handelsw. Forschung, Neue Folge,
Jahrg. 9 (1957), nr. 4, s. 169-197.

Kelley, Eugene J.: Shopping centers. Locating
controlled regional centers.
Saugatock, Conn. 1956. 192 s.

Statistikkens teori.

Neter, John & William Wasserman: Fundamental
statistics for business and economics.
New York c. 1956. 638 s.


Albery, Michael & C. F. Fletcher-Cooke:
Monopolies and restrictive trade practices.
London 1956. 185 s.

Bergler, Georg: Om mærkevarernes karakter
og udvikling. Det danske marked,
16. årg. 1 (April 1957), 1-15.

Kobbernagel, Jan: Forvekslelige mærker.
Det danske marked, årg. 16, 1 (April
1957), s. 16-43.

Storbritannien. Board of trade: Report of the committee on resale price maintenance presented 1949. Reprinted. London 1955. 122 s.

Erhvervsgeografi og erhvervsbeskrivelse.

Kuznets, Simon, Wilbert E. Moore & Joseph J. Spengler (ed.): Economic growth. Brazil, India, Japan. Durham 1955. 613 sider.

Organisation for European economic cooperation:
Europe to-day and in 1960.
Vol. 1-2. Paris 1957. 120, 151 s.
Forlang: Organisation for European
economic co-operation: Annual report 8.

Organisation for European economic cooperation:
Oil. The outlook for Europe.
Paris 1956. 115 s.

Otremba, Erich: Allgemeine Geographie des Welthandels und des Weltverkehrs. Stuttgart 1957. 380 s. (Erde und Weltwirtschaft