Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift/Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 19 (1955)


Redigeret af lektor, cand. polit. Per Boesen *)

Almindelig driftsøkonomi.

Amerikas Forenede Stater. Small business administration: Management aids for small business. Annual. Wash. D. C. 1955: 1-

Hoad, W. M. & A. G. Sparrow: Third small business case book. Ann Arbor 1955. 287 s. (University of Michigan. Michigan business reports

Industriens utredningsinstitut: Industrien
och forgubbningen. Sth.
1955. 127 s.

McCloskey, J. F. & F. N. Trefethen
(ed.): Operations research for management.
Baltimore c. 1954. 409 s.

Andren, I. P.: Monopoly investigation and methods for calculating the rate of return on capital employed. Journal of industrial economics, vol. 4, 1 (Oct. 1955), s. 1-15.

Beesley, M.: The birth and death of industrial establishments. Experience in the West Midlands conurbation. Journal of industrial economics, vol. 4,1 (Oct. 1955), s. 45-61.

Danø, S.: Linear programming i produktionsteorien. misktidsskrift, bd. 93, 3-4 (1955), s. 94-117.

Hornix, J. M. M. & J. A. Geertman: Automatisierung und Atomenergie, wo und wann? Zeitschrift f. Betriebswirtschaft, Jahrg. 25, 10 (Okt. 1955), s. 553-561.

Jung, C: Investment decisions and the nonlinear cycle. Journal of industrial economics, vol. 4, 1 (Oct. 1955), s. 33-34.

Leunbach, G.: Spilteori og vektorregning. Nordisk tidsskrift for teknisk økonomi, 1955 (nr. 41), s. 59-69.

Martin, E. N.: We studied and applied statistics for control. N. A. G. A. bulletin, vol. 37, 2 (Oct. 1955) s. 219-237.

Plessing, H. C.: Om økonomiske modeller særlig til fremstilling af omkostninger i forbindelse med produktion. Nordisk tidsskrift for teknisk økonomi, 1955, (nr. 41), s. 9-58.

Almindelig nationaløkonomi.

Anderson, Oskar, Rainald K. Bauer & Eberhard Fels: Zur Treffsicherheit kurzfristiger Unternehmererwartungen. Untersuchungen an hand von Konjunkturtest-Daten. Munchen 1954. 39 s. + 33 tavler. (IFO- Institut fiir Wirtschaftsforschung).

Chamberlain, N. W.: A general theory
of economic process. New York
1955. 370 s.

Japan. Economic counsel board: Economic
survey of Japan 1953-54.
Tokyo 1954. 230 s.

Rostow, V. W. & A. Levin: The dynamics
of soviet society. New York
1954. 263 s.

Side 280

Dich, Jørgen S.: Nogle bemærkninger om kapitalvindingsafgiften økonomisk og skatteetisk belyst. Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift, bd. 93, 3-4 (1955), s. 118-147.

Hicks, J. R.: Economic foundations
of wage policy. Economic journal,
vol. 65, 259 (Sept. 1955), s. 389-404.

Polak. J. J. & W. H. White: The effect of income expansion on the quantity of money. United nations. International monetary fund. Staff papers, vol. 4,3 (Aug. 1955), s. 398-433.

Saunders, C. T.: Currrnt trends in national income statistics. Applied statistics, vol. 4, 3 (Nov. 1955), s. 133-144.

Welinder, C: Finanspolitik vid full
sysselsåttning. Ekonomisk revy,
årg. 12, 8 (Okt. 1955), s. 467-477.

Pris- og konkurrencepolitik.

Aggebo, S.: Nogle bemærkninger om bøde- og præmiesystemer i kvotekarteller. Nordisk tidsskrift for teknisk økonomi, 1955 (nr. 41) s. 70-91.

Stigier, G. J.: The nature and role of originality in scientific progress. Economica, vol. 22, 88 (Nov. 1955), s. 293-302.

Richter, Steen (udg.): Monopolloven. Lov nr. 102 af 31. marts 1955 om tilsyn med monopoler med dertil hørende bekendtgørelser. Med kommentarer. Kbh. 1955. 208 s.

Tyndall, D. G.: Price policy in a nationally administered industry. Journal of industrial economics, vol. 4, 1 (Oct. 1955), s. 62-73.

Wright, A. LI.: The interaction of the multiplier and price mechanism. Economica, vol. 22, 88 (Nov. 1955), s. 318-328.


Organisation for European economic
co-operation: European monetary
agreement. Paris 1955. 55 s.

Rasch, Aage: Dansk toldpolitik 1760-1797.
af Erhvervsarkivet. rhus
364 s.

United ntions. Economic comission for Latin America, Economic comission for Europe & FAO: A study of trade between Latin America and Europe. Geneva 1953. 117 s.

United nations. International bank for reconstruction and development: The economic development of Syria. Raltimore 1955. 486 s.

Brown W. M.: The concept and measurement of foreign trade exchange reserves. Economic journal, vol. 65, 259 (Sept. 1955), s. 436-440.

Looper, J. H. C. de: Current usage of payments agreements and trade agreements. United nations. International monetary fund. Staff papers, vol. 4, 3 (Aug. 1955), s. 339-397.


Dansk rationaliserings forening: Produktionsplanlægning. Rapport fra Dansk rationaliserings forenings arbejdsgruppe i produktionsplanlægning. Kbh. 1955. 13 s. + 6 bilag.

Dansk skrædderforbund: Vor arbejdsplads. Samarbejds- og produktionsproblemer i konfektionsindustrien. Kbh. 1955. 217 s.

Grandell, Axel: Foretagsledning och ansvar. Studier rorande forvaltning, ledarskap och ansvar inom foretaget. Åbo 1955. 185 s. (Abo Handelsh. Skriftserie A: 8).

Israel J.: Gruppdynamik och ledarskap. Sth. 1955. 63 s. (Studieforbundet nåringsliv och samhalle, Studier och debatt 1954: 5).

Side 281

Lombard, G. F. F.: Behavior in a selling group. A case study of interpersonal relations in a department store. Boston 1955. 359 s. (Harvard university. Graduate school of business administration).

Organisation for European economic co-operation. European productivity agency: Human relations in industry. Florence discussions. 1955. Report prepared by R. Clemens and A. Massart. Paris 1955. 53 s.

Organisation for European economic co-operation. European productivity agency: Productivity measurement. Vol. 1. Concepts. Paris 1953. 143 s.

Bailey, J. K.: The goals of supervisory training. A study of company programs. Personnel, vol. 32, 2 (Sept. 1955), s. 152-162.

Kile, S. M.: En trivselundersokelse ved et mekanisk verksted. Bedriftsokonomen, årg. 17, 8 (Okt. 1955), s. 339-343, 363.

Mandell, M. M.: Supervisory selection programs. A study of current trends. Personnel, vol. 32, 2 (sept. 1955), s. 107-117.

Meij, J. L.: Some fundamental principles of a general theory of management. Journal og industrial economics, vol. 4, 1 (Oct. 1955), s. 16-32.

Robinson, C. G.: The development of wages policy, its effect on human relations. Personnel management, vol. 37, 333 (Sept. 1955), s. 149-157.

Stanes, D.: The status and salaries of women supervisors in industry. Personnel management, vol. 37, 333 (Sept. 1955), s. 140-148.

Stanes, D.: Women as managers. Manager,
vol. 23, 11 (Nov. 1955), s.

Vannah, W. E.: Automation. Some
human problems. Personnel, vol.
32,2 (Sept. 1955), s. 100-106.

Webster, M. W.: Motivating plant management planning and control. N.A.C.A. bulletin, vol. 37, 2 (Oct. 1955), s. 187-197.

Weiner, J. S. & A. R. Lind: Working capacity in hot and humid conditions. Manager, vol. 23, 11 (Nov. 1955), s. 853-859.

White, C. G.: Work sampling is procedural trouble-shooting. N.A.C.A. bulletin, vol. 37, 2 (Oct. 1955), s. 238-245.


Kerrigan, H. D.: Electronic data processor. A milestone in machine method. Accounting review, vol. 30, 4 (Oct. 1955), s. 660-665.

Regnskabsvæsen (herunder omkostninger).

Tested approaches to cutting production costs. Overhead, materials, payroll. New York v. 1955. 125 s. (American management association. Special report 4).

Angermann, A.: Restwert — oder Verteilingsmethode? Ein Beitrag zur Kostenrechnung bei Beitrieben der Kuppelproduktion. Zeitschrift f. Betriebswirtschaft, Jahrg. 25, 11 (Nov. 1955), s. 650-655).

Grasberg.: Social accounts and inputoutput
tables. Accounting research,
vol. 6, 4 (Oct. 1955), s. 303-309.

Hax, K.: Das Problem der Substanzerhaltung beim Vorratsvermogen. Zeitschrift f. handelswissenschaftliche Forschung, Neue Folge, Jahrg. 7, 11 (1955), s. 531-546.

Hepburn, J. H.: Level of quality for
minimum cost of manufacture to a
specifikation. Applied statistics,

Side 282

vol. 4, 3 (Nov. 1955), s. 173-182.

Hill, N. K.: Accountancy developments in a public utility company in the nineteenth century. Accounting research, vol. 6, 4 (Oct. 1955), s. 382-390.

Lehmann, M. R.: Die Quintessenz der Bilanztheorie. Zeitschrift f. Betriebswirtschaft, Jahrg. 25,10 (Okt. 1955), s. 537-552.

Nigam, R. K.: The measurement of profits. A study in methods. 11. The sample of British companies. Accounting research, vol. 6, 4 (Oct. 1955), s. 321-359.

Powelson, J. P.: Social accounting.
Accounting review, vol. 30, 4 (Oct.
1955), s. 651^659.

Rogowsky, J.: Der Sozialbericht als Erkenntnisquelle der externe Bilanzkritik. Zeitschrift f. Betriebswirtschaft, Jahrg. 25, 11 (Nov. 1955), s. 634-641.

Ruchti, H.: Erfolgsermittlung und Bewegungsbilanz. Zeitschrift f. handelswissenschaftliche Forschung, Neue Folge, Jahrg. 7, 11 (1955), s. 499-520.

Schnettler, A.: Ziele und Grenzen der betrieblichen Werterhaltung. Zeitschrift f. handelswissenschaftliche Forschung, Neue Folge, Jahrg. 7, 11 (1955), s. 521-530.

Thoms, W.: Betriebskritik durch Bilanzanalyse. Zeitschrift f. Betriebswirtschaft, Jahrg. 25, 11 (Nov. 1955), s. 609-621.


Kleppner, Otto: Advertising procedure.
4. ed. New York 1955. 775 s.

Sådan sælger man i USA. Inspiration til dansk salgsarbejde fra en studierejse i USA. 1953. Udg. ved Udenrigsministeriets foranstaltning. Kbh. 1955. 163 s. (Teknisk bistand under Marshallplanen).

Botts, R. R. & F. L. Garlock: Interest rates charged on installment purchases. Accounting review, vol. 30, 4 (Oct. 1955), s. 607-616.


Zimmerman, M. M.: The super market.
New York 1955. 340 s.

Pennance, F. G. & B. S. Yamey: Competition in the retail grocery trade 1850-1939. Economica, vol. 22, 88 (Nov. 1955), s. 303-317.

Vendeuvre, Ph. de: L'étude du marché.
Vendre, Nov. 1955, s. 1337-1343.


Brown, L. O.: Marketing and distribution
research. 3. ed. New York
1955. 561 s.

Cowan, Donald R. G.: Annual marketing research conference. Contributed papers. 1955. Ann Arbor 1955. 151 s. (University of Michigan. Michigan papers 31).

Hamburgiscb.es Welt-WirtschaftS'Archiv. Bibliotek: Bibliographie zur Marktforschung. 3. Ausg., Hamburg 1955, 108 s.

Working, E. J.: Demand for meat.
Chicago 1954. 136 s.

Harper, R.: Fundamental problems in the subjective appraisal of foodstuffs. Applied statistics, vol. 4, 3 (Nov. 1955), s. 145-161.

Howard, J. A.: Operations rsearch and market research. Journal of marketing, vol. 20, 2 (Oct. 1955), s. 143-149.

Klein, L. R. & J. B. Lansing: Decisions to purchase consumer durable goods. Journal of marketing, vol. 20, 2 (Oct. 1955), s. 109-132.

Liston, D. J.: Sales forecasting. An
evaluation of some practical re-

Side 283

Schankleman, E.: Measuring the rea-