”Byens bedste brugte bøger”: Bogen som vare og samlerobjekt i nye eksperimenterende romaner





Bogobjekter, kunstnerbøger, materiel kultur, mediekultur, transmedial storytelling


Literary culture has recently become aware of the book. The spread of new media results in a situation, where the printed book can no longer be taken for granted. The article investigates how the changing cultural and commercial status of the book is reflected in two new experimental novels, Mette Hegnhøj’s Ella er mit navn vil du købe det? (2014) and J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst’s S. (2013). Drawing on theoretical perspectives of e.g. Jessica Pressman, Dominik Schrey and Henry Jenkins, I investigate how these works celebrate the book as an auratic object and as a privileged old medium – while also presenting and marketing the book as a commodity, that currently acquires new commercial value exactly because it can no longer be taken for granted. Thus, I argue that the two works in different ways reflect the new ambiguous status of the printed book: it is celebrated as a guarantor of a traditional literary culture and thus positioned in opposition to the contemporary commercialized media culture – while also being (as it always has been) a commodity and thus functioning on the commercial and cultural conditions of this new media culture.


Sara Tanderup, Aarhus Universitet

Sara Tanderup er ph.d. i Litteraturhistorie og postdoc ved Center for Litteratur mellem Medier, Aarhus Universitet. Har skrevet afhandlingen ”Something to hold on to”. Representing Memory and Remembering Literature in Intermedial Literary Works 1978-2014 (2016) samt flere artikler om bogobjekter og eksperimenterende romaner, f.eks. ”Nostalgic Experiments”, Image & Narrative 41 1 (2016) og ”A scrapbook of you + me. Intermediality and Bookish Nostalgia in J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst’s S.”, Orbis Litterarum 72 2 (2017). 


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Hegnhøj, Mette. Ella er mit navn vil du købe det? København: Jensen & Dalgaard, 2014.

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Kjær Themsen, Marie. ”Papirpassioner. Eksempler på kontemporære kunstnerbøger”. Danske kunstnerbøger/Danish Artists’ Books. Red. Thomas Hvid Kromann: Louise Hold Sidenius: Maria Kjær Themsen og Marianne Vierø. København og Köln: Møller og Verlag Walther König, 2013. 123-132.

Pressman, Jessica. ”The Aesthetic of Bookishness in Twenty-First-Century Literature”. Bookishness: The New Fate of Reading in the Digital Age. Michigan Quarterly Review 48 (2009): 465-482.

Rothman, Joshua. ”The Story of ‘S.’: Talking with J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst”. New York Times 23. november 2013. 28. oktober 2014. http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-story-of-s-talking-with-j-j-abrams-and-doug-dorst.

Schrey, Dominik. ”Analogue Nostalgia and the Aesthetics of Digital Remediation”. Media and Nostalgia. Yearning for the Past, Present and Future. Red. Katharina Niemeyer. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 27-38.

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Tanderup, Sara. ”A scrapbook of you + me”. Intermediality and Bookish Nostalgia in J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst’s S.” Orbis Litterarum 72.2: 147-178.

Tanderup, Sara. ”Bits of Books in Boxes. Remembering the Book in Anne Carson’s Nox and Mette Hegnhøj’s Ella is my name do you want to buy it.” Exploring Texts, Media and Memory. Text, Action, Space 3. Red. Lars Sætre, Patrizia Lombardo og Sara Tanderup (under udgivelse).





Tanderup, S. (2017). ”Byens bedste brugte bøger”: Bogen som vare og samlerobjekt i nye eksperimenterende romaner. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 45(124), 271–288. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v45i124.103923


