Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication
The journal in the intersections of knowledge, communication, and organization.Aarhus Universityen-USJournal of Organizational Knowledge Communication2246-7572<p>§1. Object of the agreement and rights</p> <p>The author guarantees that she/he has the copyright to the work and that this specific publishing does not offend other persons’, organizations’ or companies’ copyright.</p> <ul> <li class="show">1.1. The author gives the Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication a non-exclusive right to publish the work in the electronic version of the non-commercial journal The Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication. This journal is an open access journal and will be available for free on the internet and as thus available for all internet users worldwide. The work will be published in English.</li> <li class="show">1.2. The journal is published under a Creative Commons license <em>Attribution Non-commercial No derivatives (cc by-nc-sa) </em><a href=""><em></em></a><em>. </em>This license allows others to download your work and share it with others as long as they mention you and link back to you, but they can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.</li> <li class="show">1.3. The author is the copyright holder and the author agrees to the above mentioned Creative Commons license.</li> <li class="show">1.4. The Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication is not entitled to transfer the obtained right in this agreement to a third party.</li> </ul> <p>§2. Publishing on the Internet</p> <p>The Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication is under an obligation to publish the work within a reasonable time span and within the first year after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. The Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication is entitled to use the work or parts of the work for marketing purposes.</p> <p>§3. Proofreading</p> <p>The Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication is edited, peer reviewed and proofread by the editors and the international peer review board in collaboration with the author.</p> <p>§4. Availability on the Internet </p> <p>The article will be published on the Internet at <a></a></p>Communicating Humanistic Knowledge - Knowing the Knowing?
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>In both knowledge communication and practice theory, knowledge theorizing has received increased attention. However, the concept of knowledge needs further exploration. It has been claimed that knowledge in organizational practice is socially and processually created among organization members in communities of practice (CoPs) as a place for knowledge creation and knowledge communication. Following this outline, the study seeks to link the knowledge concepts from organizational knowledge communication and practice theory. As empirical contributions for expansion of this knowledge theorizing have been called for, the current paper conducts a case study to scrutinize if and how organization members with different educational backgrounds communicate knowledge in CoPs. The case is an IT software company employing a humanistic academic and mainly IT professionals. The case organization has real-world relevance, since humanistic graduates currently suffer from high unemployment rates. The study finds that no attempts are made to communicate knowledge from the humanistic education. Rather, the humanistic academic is socialized into a practice through a commitment to learn the existing practice of the HR department, which further seems to be a practice placed in a lower hierarchy than the practice of the IT professionals. Interestingly though, knowledge from the humanistic education is called for by the IT profes- sionals. These findings pave the way to inform both knowledge theorizing and the real-world problem by discussing how organization members engage in fundamentally new knowledge communication and scaffold new knowing. Thus, the study discusses implications related to how organization members come to know their own knowing and the knowings of others. </span></p></div></div></div>Bjarne Christensen
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