Idrætshistorisk Årbog da-DK (Redaktionen for Tidsskriftet Forum for Idræt) (Peter Jul Lange) Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Sport og medier. Fra interessefælleskab til forretningsorientering <p><span>Artiklen omhandler de store udviklingstræk i dansk sportsjournalistik, hvis udgangspunkt for at dække sport gradvist har ændret sig fra at være idealistik orienteret til at blive markedsorienteret.</span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p><span>Sport and media</span></p><p><span>This article outlines some of the crucial qualitative changes in the development of Danish sportsjournalism throughout the 20th century. There is a particular focus on changes in the coverage which account for changes in the journalistic conception of their professional role as a communicator between sports and the audience. Both newspapers, radio and television is included in the desciription, as the analysis is based on a evolutionary understanding of the media saying that new media do not substitute old media. Rather, over time new media bring about communicative differentiation in between the old and new media. The changes represent a journalism which gradually has moved its productional point of focus from basing itself on ideal conceptions of the social and ethical value of sports to basing itself to a still higher degree on a market controlled wish to secure the readers, listeners and viewers.</span></p> Kirsten Frandsen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Gunnar >>Nu<< - i idrætspolitisk lys <p><span>Artiklen omhandler Gunnar Valdemar Hansen, den mest centrale journalist af det dansk-tyske idrætssamarbejde under besættelsen.</span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p><span>Hans Bonde &amp; Jacob Westergaard Madsen: Gunnar »Nu«</span></p><p><span>Denmark’s most famous sports journalist during the years, Gunnar Hansen, has always been celebrated as the great ikon of Danish national identity. He had a unique ability to create atmosphere and feelings of presence when he reported in the Danish radio broadcast on sporting events. However, this study demonstrates that Gunnar Hansen during the first years of German occupation believed that the Germans most likely was going to win the war and therefore actively engaged himself in Danish- German sporting relations becoming the main journalistic collaborator with the Germans. In October 1940 he conducted an interview with the German sports »Führer« Hans von Tschammer und Osten who promoted his vision of a renewed German body culture under the inspiration of Adolf Hitler. Also in the written press and in the weekly news in the cinemas Gunnar Hansen was engaged in reporting from the highly propagandistic German-Danish sporting arena. After the war, however, Gunnar Hansen presented himself as resistance fighter and produced an image of the sporting arena during the war as characterized by a »cold shoulder« towards the Germans.</span></p> Hans Bonde, Jacob Westergaard Madsen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Nationale sportsstereotyper i dansk sportspresse, 1980-2004 <p><span>Artiklen undersøger med udgangspunkt i landsdækkende aviser og fokus på fodbold, den danske sportspresses stereotyper af Tyskland, England og Spanien. </span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p>Michael Eriksen: Nationale sportsstereotyper in Danish sport press 1980-2004</p><p>Football is not just about who’s winning and who’s not. It much more important. In this article the various sporting stereotypes used by the danish sporting press to describe the english, spanish and german national footballteams against the danish national footballteam are identified. These national sporting stereotypes are identified by analyzing a wide range of danish newspapers covering the period 1980-2004. The english are, among other things, described as lions, the germans are frequently referred to by using words originating from the second world war, while the spanish are described as bulls. These stereotypes appear in the way they do as a result of many factors. On the one hand, these stereotypes are a result of football-internal events, and on the other hand footballing external reasons.</p><p><span><br /></span></p> Michael Eriksen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Image, krop og maskulinitet. Mediediskurser om skihoppere <p><span>Artiklen beskriver og forklarer de forandringer, som sporten har gennemgået, og den indflydelse, som disse forandringer har haft på udøvere og på deres kroppe og images. Der er særlig fokus på mediernes rolle i forhandlingen om konstruktion af ambivalente maskulinitetsformer. </span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p>Gertrud Pfister &amp; Rikke Schou Jeppesen: Images, Bodies and Masculinities. Media discourses about Ski Jumpers</p><p><span>Today ski jumping can be considered a typical media sport: it has very few participants and no basis to become a »sport for all« movement. Nevertheless, the few specialists and their main events attract masses of spectators and great media attention. The high demands of skill and strength as well as the danger involved have made ski jumping a typical male sport. Since its beginnings in the 19th century a ski jumper was looked upon as the epitome of »true manhood«. Today ski jumpers are celebrities with fragile egos, skinny bodies, boyish looks, ambivalent masculinities and fan communities of teenage girls. With a constructivist theoretical approach, we will describe and explain the changes that have taken place in ski jumping and the effects of these changes on the athletes, their bodies, their images and their masculinities. The focus will be on the media representation of two German ski jumpers, Martin Schmitt and Sven Hannawald who dominated this sport between 2000 and 2003. Sources are the articles about these athletes in 6 German print media. With a qualitative content analysis, we explore the media coverage of ski jumping and the way the athletes are presented. The correlations between the images and the »doing gender« of the athletes and their presentations in the media along with the role of the media in constructing new and ambivalent masculinities will be the key issues of this article.</span></p> Gertrud Pfister, Rikke Schou Jeppesen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Nye tider og nye mål - et essay om Dansk Idrætshistorisk Forening og Idrætshistorisk Årbog - dengang og i fremtiden <p><span>Nyere tider og nye mål er et essay om Dansk Idrætshistorisk Forening og Idrætshistorisk Årbog udvikling til Forum for Idræt, Historie og Samfund og en tidskrift med et nyt navn. Essayet beskriver udviklingen i den humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige idrætsforskning og formidlingen af den. </span></p> Bo Vestergård Madsen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 arlige ord på fri fod. Åben debat og netværk på tværs af faglige og geografiske grænser er uomgængelige for at skaffe kvalificerede løsninger på den moderne idræts problemer. <p><span>Artiklen omhandler sportsverdens problemer, at lukke op for kritik og debat. </span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p>Jens Sejer Andersen: Dangerous words</p><p>Due to lack of credible internal and external control mechanisms sport is vulnerable to organised crime and individual corruption. International sports organisations often react with threats and intimidation towards those who openly raise critical sports governance issues. The federations often settle in countries that are reluctant to monitor their business practices, and on the inside the sports organisations are marked by a family culture that seeks to suppress conflicts rather than debating and solving them in open democratic procedures. It is necessary to create networks across professional and geographical boundaries in order to help sport find solutions to its inherent governance problems.</p><p><span><br /></span></p> Jens Sejer Andersen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 MacDonalidisering af den danske idrætskultur? <span>Artiklen nuancerer debatten om idræt som sundhedspolitisk redskab, for belyse idrættens brede og mangfoldige samfundsmæssige betydning.</span> Lone Friis Thing, Laila Ottesen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Den brede vitalisme - køns- og kropsdyrkelse i den vitalistiske kunst i Danmark i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede eksemplificeret ved fire værker <p><span>Artiklen undersøger om den vitalistiske kunst er domineret af en mandighedsdyrkelse og om forholdet mellem kunstnernes liv og deres værk har haft betydning for den vitalistiske interesse. Dette gøres med udgangspunkt i fire kunstneriske værker.</span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p>Sarah Huss Jønsson: The cultivation of gender and body within the vitalistic art in Denmark in the beginning of the 20th century.</p><p><span>Vitalism was a cultural current that emphasized the cultivation of the sensuous human body in close contact with nature. It found expression in philosophy, art and the broad body cultures in the period 1890-1945. The cultivation of the vitality was influenced by the development of the modern society around 1900, which changed materially, mentally, economically, socially as well as in physical culture. In exchange for Christianity, which slowly lost its authority, the vitalists found the meaning of human existence in the cultivation of the active body and outdoor life, while the cultivation of nature – due to the influence of modern science – was put in connection with the human health. After 1945 the ideas of vitalism faded away, probably because of Nazi-Germany`s use of a distinct cultivation of the human body and instinct. Within the last decade it has been viewed by the historian Hans Bonde that there exists a significant cultivation of manliness in the vitalism of art, as it is seen in the vitalism of sports and gymnastics. Furthermore it is also claimed by the scholar Lise Præstgaard that the representation of genders in the vitalism of art is affected by the biological view on gender that was dominating at that time. Therefore the genders are claimed to be pictured in dichotomy: man is mainly seen as the rational and active gender, woman is mainly seen as the soft and sensuous one. The purpose of this article is to examine whether these above theses can be seen in such a distinct way in regard to the vitalism of art? Or should it be viewed in a more nuanced way? Finally the article sets out to examine whether there is a possible connection between the lives of the artists and their description of the genders in their vitalistic works. The leading cultivators of vitality in Denmark were a group of painters called »the Hellenists« (1894-1903). Inspired by the old Greeks they gathered each summer to explore the mix between outdoor painting and gymnastics – all naked. After 1900 vitalism was expressed in a wider sense by the painters J. F. Willumsen and Oluf Hartmann and by the sculptors Kai Nielsen and Rudolph Tegner in their respective works such as »En bjergbestigerske« (»The mounteneeress «) (1904), »Jakobs kamp med englen« (»Jakobs fight with the angel«) (1908), »Vandmoderen« (»The water-mother«) (1919-1920) and »Mod lyset« (»Towards the light«) (1909). Beside the effect of the cultivation of the body and nature in modern society, the artists also very much seem to be influenced by their private lives in their description of the genders in their vitalistic works. When it comes to Willumsen, Tegner and Kai Nielsen they all fell in love in the period when they started to express themselves in a vitalistic way. In Willumsen´s »En bjergbestigerske « this was expressed through an emphasis on the beauty and independence of the woman and the greatness of nature. In Tegner´s creation of »Mod lyset« his vision of the healing forces of the sunlight seems to affect him. Here the vitalism is seen in the lofty placement of man, women and child and their naked voluminous, muscular bodies and expressive movements upwards, which put them in touch with the life-giving sunlight. Kai Nielsen´s love for the woman and the children was inspired by his own family and influenced the vitalistic expression in »Vandmoderen«. Here the naked, sensuous and fertile woman is in close contact with a lot of lively naked children, which is underscored by its connection with the life-giving water and the children´s activity. Hartmann represents the cultivation of the »homoerotic« element in painting. For Hartmann it is seen in »Jakobs kamp med englen«, which expresses the passion, instinct and intensity of vital and powerful men´s bodily fight. This inspiration Hartmann might have got from his painting teacher, Kristian Zahrtmann, who was homosexual and a cultivator of manliness. It is seen that the woman – and not only the man - can be seen as the active gender, and also that the cultivation of women and children as well as youth and manliness is a defining factor in vitalism. Therefore this article does not entirely reject the above theses on the cultivation of the genders in the vitalistic art. It rather wants to speak for a modification of the theses.</span></p> Sarah Huss Jønsson Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Danseterapeutiske spor - fra rituel dans til globale netværk og postmoderne udfordringer <p><span>Artiklen tager afsæt i om der eksisterer et uudnyttet potentiale i at inddrage krop og bevægelse i terapeutiske sammenhæng i forhold til både almen og personlig udvikling og psykiatriske behandlinger. Artiklen afdækker også hvordan danse- og bevægelsesterapier begyndte at arbejde med sammenhæng mellem krop psyke og samfund, samt de hastigt udviklende europæiske tiltag og postmoderne forskningsmæssige tendenser indenfor det danse- og bevægelsesterapeutiske fælt. </span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p><span>Helle Winther: Dance Therapeutic Traces – from Ritual Dance to Global Networks and Postmodern Challenges </span></p><p><span>While dance movement therapy (DMT) is a relatively new and unknown field in Denmark, it is a well-known profession used in both psychiatry and private practices in many other countries. In spite of many different theoretical views, today there is a large degree of agreement that the body and psyche, as well as one’s relationship to the surrounding world must be regarded as a cohesive dynamic and organic unit. The fundamental question of the article is, whether there is an unused potential in using body and movement in therapeutic settings and whether body, movement and dance can touch people when words are not enough. The text enlightens the historical roots and traces of DMT through a long time pe185 riod stretching from original ritual dances to the early modern dance personified in Mary Wigman, Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham. These three dancers inspired the next generation and the six pioneers of dance therapy – in the text portrayed through Marian Chace and Mary Whitehouse. The works of these pioneers have worldwide traces today, and these traces are shortly described. After that an actual dance therapy form Dansergia is introduced and finally the postmodern tendencies within the current international research field of DMT are mirrored in the past, the present and the possibilities for steps in the future.</span></p> Helle Winther Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 De krydspressede elitepiger - et diskursteoretisk perspektiv på køn og eliteidræt <p><span>Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i en undersøgelse af kvindelige udøvere i alderen 15-18 år med mulighed for at nå eliten. Ud fra undersøgelsen gives et et teoretisk perspektiv på det identifikatoriske krydspres pigerne giver udtryk for at stå i, mellem den idrætslige og civile kontekst, dette for at forstå hvad der står på spil, når elitepiger falder fra. </span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p><span>Maja Plum, Rasmus K. Storm og Stinne Lyager Bech: The double character of identity construction – gender and its impact on girls in elite sport </span></p><p><span>Girls with elite sport carriers find themselves in a strange and paradoxical situation: They are different compared to the male standards dominating the world of elite sport; and they are different seen in relation to the signs of femininity in society in general. Taking a discourse theoretical approach, this article focuses on the ’double’ character of identity construction that these girls are facing. Furthermore, the consequences of this identity construction are discussed in relation to the</span></p> Maja Plum, Rasmus Klarskov Storm, Stinne Lyager Bech Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Unge fodboldtalenters veje mod toppen - evolutionær eller strategisk talentudvikling? <p><span>Med udgangspunkt i en kvantitativ undersøgelse af fodboldspilleres vej mod toppen diskuterer artiklen tendenser i dansk elitefodbolds talentudvikling. Der kigges nærmer på den relative alderseffekt blandt spillerne og på den evolutionære og strategiske udviklingstankegangen. </span></p><p><span><br /></span></p><p><span>Mette Krogh Christensen: Young Football Talents’ Ways to the Top – Evolutionary or Strategic Talent Development? </span></p><p><span>During the next four years the Danish government intends to spend 40 million Dkr. on talent development within Danish top-level sport. Like many other countries Denmark has chosen to use many resources on talent development in top-level sport expecting that the investment will »strengthen the exposure and increase the knowledge of Denmark« (The Danish Ministry of Culture, 2007). For that reason questions concerning how talent development in Denmark is managed and which modes of thought form the basis of talent development in top-level sport are highly topical. In this paper we will explore two modes of thought in Danish top-level football talent development: an evolutionary and a strategic mode of thought. An evolutionary mode of thought about talent development is characterized by giving a high priority to broad groups of talents as long as possible. The idea is that young football talents have the opportunity to develop in their own pace, to move in their well-known environments and to find their own peak compe186 tence (or qualification) after which experienced coaches select the footballers that they find appropriate. A strategic mode of thought about talent development is concerned with selecting and thinning out the broad group of talent at a much earlier stage. The selection is carried out on the basis of precise and distinct criteria and principles with the purpose of narrowing down the number of talents to a strategically selected group who are then given optimal conditions of development. The paper presents a retrospective, quantitative cohort study of 635 Danish youth football talents’ ways to the top (i.e. the national teams) from 1991-2006. The results showed among other things that relatively few talents from U/16 and U/17 national teams make their debut on the All-Denmark team, and that there is a massive flow of talents on the U/17 and U/18 national teams, which indicates an evolutionary mode of thought among the youth national team coaches. The results also showed a relative age effect among the younger talents, which might indicate a strategic mode of thought based on maturation as a performance determinant. On the background of the results from the study a pivotal dilemma in the investment in talent development in top-level sport is discussed: the dilemma between evolutionary and strategic talent development.</span></p> Mette Krogh Christensen, Michael Sorgenfri Pedersen, Christian Stilling Mortensen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Fodbold som idrætshistorikernes stedbarn - historiografiske pejlinger <span>Artiklen omhandler idrætsforskningens etablering og idrætshistorikernes beskæftigelse med fodbold og gymnastik. </span> David Holt Olsen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Eliteidrættens kanon. Anmeldese af: Else Trangbæk, Rasmus Bech og Rama Pryce (red.): Eliteidrættens kanon <span>En anmeldelse af Else Trangbæk, Rasmus Bech og Rama Pryce (red.): Eliteidrættens kanon. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2007. </span> Niels Kayser Nielsen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Idrott, arenor och politik <span>Artiklen er en anmeldelse af Johnny Wøllekær: Tidens krav er sportens krav. Studier i den kommunale idrætspolitikdannelse i Odense, Århus og Ålborg 1900-1950. Syddansk universitet, 2007, 273 s. </span> Jan Lindroth Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100 Billeder, tekst og tale <p>Billeder, tekst og tale – idrætshistorisk formidling med udgangspunkt i udstillingen: Sport &amp; Krig i Medierne. Fra Gunnar Nu til Muhammedkrise, Brandts Danmarks Mediemuseum, Odense 23. juni-23. september 2007 og Hans Bonde: Niels Bukh. En politisk-ideologisk biografi. CD-ROM + DVD</p> Jørn Hansen Copyright (c) 2016 Se oplysninger om ophavsret. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100