Historisk Tidsskrift, Bind 14. række, 1 (1980) 1Hans Henning Hahn: Aussenpolitik in der Emigration. Die Exildiplomatie Adam Jerzy Czartoryskis 1830-1840. München-Wien, R. Oldenbourg Verlag 1978. 316 s. DM 67.Emanuel Halicz
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The purpose of this study is to have a look at the possibilities of activity as regards foreign affairs in exile and show terms and limitations as conceived by A. J. Gzartoryski or as seen in the first decade of his emigration policy. According to the author the exile policy of Czartoryski - the leader of the Hotel Lambert (the conservative group of the Polish Great Emigration) can be divided into the following areas: 1/The attemps to improve the condition of existence of the Emigration; 2/The "Defence of Poland" by the defence of Polish nationality and the rights for independence; 3/The unmasking of the Russian politics; 4/The policy of "faits accomplis", that is, facts were created which werc to change the international situation and directly or indirectly stir up war; 5/The organisation of the Polish legions as a part of the idea of Poland's presence in Europe; 6/The exploitation of the Orient (Balkan) Question in the Czartoryski's political plans. The Balkan plans became in 1840-ies the main field of political activities of the Hotel Lambert. The study is basedon the documents drawn from the French and Polish archives and a good knowledge of the literature. It is a solid book and the largest monography about this subject. But not all what was said can be accepted without reservations e.g. The problem of the political evolution of the Hotel Lambert, especially towards the peasant question in Poland has not been sufficientlypresented. Describing the situation during the Polish insurrection of 1830 and the purposesof the Polish defeat the author repeats die old thesis of Polish historiography. He omits the social problems. There is a lack of a deep explanation why it was possible for Czartoryski to conduct such great political activities in France and England. It is not mentioned that the " Political system to be adopted by Russia" (1804) was the backgroundfor "Essai sur la diplomatie" and the conception of these documents was based
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on thc Rousscau and Kant ideas ("Zum Ewigcn Friede"). Czartoryski had never been a Russian minister of foreign affairs. He was a deputy minister. It is very difficult to understand how the author could find a common denominator between the structure of the "Neglasny Committee" created by Alexandre the First, a legal governmental committee,and the Polish emigrant organisation "Zwi^zek Jednosci Narodowej". The general thesis that the emigrant politics may be a subject of the international relationship is true but it is worth mentioning that there exists a great difference between the emigrant politics and the foreign politics. At last it would have been advantageous for the book to use the documents placed at the K6mik Library and the Polish emigration press and to know the author's attitude towards the Polish and European historiography conceming Gzartoiyski's politics in the 1830-ies. |