Das multilinguale fachsprachliche Korpus TK-NHH – Eine korpusbasierte Fallstudie über die explicitation hypothesis anhand von ins Deutsche und Englische übersetzten Rechtstexten


  • Ingrid Simonnæs Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication Helleveien 30 N-5045 Bergen




The present study is a case study about the explicitation hypothesis in legal translations into German and English by means of a corpus-based approach and will present preliminary findings. After the introduction, I first describe the National Translator Accreditation Exam (statsautorisert translatøreksamen) in Norway from which the texts for the TK-NHH translation corpus are chosen. Next I describe the aim of the case study which is to investigate the explicitation hypothesis by means of the TK-NHH translation corpus. In the method section, I discuss briefly the influence and applicability of corpus linguistics on translation studies. Finally, in the case study, I investigate both German and English legal translations in the TK-NHH translation corpus with regard to one specific feature that is claimed to be universal: explicitation. In this case study, I have chosen the explicitation of proper names of culture-specific legal institutions (e.g. courts). The results in both languages show a variety of explicitation together with no explicitation and thus seem to substantiate earlier findings, but now with regard to translation solutions from Norwegian.




How to Cite

Simonnæs, I. (2011). Das multilinguale fachsprachliche Korpus TK-NHH – Eine korpusbasierte Fallstudie über die explicitation hypothesis anhand von ins Deutsche und Englische übersetzten Rechtstexten. HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business, 24(46), 103–117. https://doi.org/10.7146/hjlcb.v24i46.97373



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