Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 20 (1909 - 1910)

Ny Literatur.

(Indkommet til Det kongelige danske geografiske Selskab.)


Veröffentlich, d. Inst. f. Meeresk. etc. Berlin, Heft 14.
Die Insel Røm, 27 S. med Kort, von Professor Dr. Eduard

En Danemark, Charles Berchon, Paris 1903, B°,
250 S. m. Illustr.

Die astronom, geodæt. Arbeiten des K. u. k. Milit. Geogr.
Inst. Wien XXII' Bd. Astronomische Arbeiten, '4 °, 46l S.


Bureau of Science. Div. of Ethn. Publ. Vol 5, P. I og II:
The Batan Dialect as a Member of the Phillippine
Group, of Languages, by Otto Scheerer: F and V. in
Phillippine Languages by C. E. Conant, Manila 1908.

The Nestorian Monument by Frits V. Holm, edited
by Dr. Paul Carus, B°, 38 S. m. Illustr.


Mission enEthiopie!9ol —1903 par Jean Duchesne
Tome I, 11, 4°, Paris 1909 resp. 440 og 338 S.
med talrige Illustr., samt et Atlas i særligt Bind.


U. S. A. Geolog: Survey, Prof. Paper. Nr. 58, 59, 61,
63. Bull: Nr. 342, 345, 347, 351, 354, 355, 362, 364.

Side 125

Water Sup p. Pap: Nr. 221. Investigations Nr. 341 B,
341 C, 29 Annual Report 1908.

University of Calif. Public. Amer. Arch, and
Ethn. Zoology. Vol 7 Nr. 2, Vol 6 Nr. 2, Vol 5 Nr. 2 og 3.

Canada De p. of Mines Annual Rep. on the Mineral
Production of Canada 1906. 8 , 1909.

Conference sur L'ile de Cuba par Charles Berchon,
Paris 1909. B°, 23 S.

Anthropologie Bolivienne par Dr. Arthur Cher v in,
st. 8° Tome I, II og 111 resp. 400, 435 og 151 S. med talrige

Antiquités de la Region Andine par Eric Boman,
Tome I Paris 1908, st. B°, 385 S. med Illustr.


Meddelelser om Grønland, 28. Hefte og Bind XLII.

The former Eskimo settlements on the East Coast af Grønland, between Scoresby Sund and Angmagsalik District by G. Amdrup. Særtryk af Medd. om Grønland, Copenhagen 1909, B°, 40 Sider med Illustr.

Ethnological Discript. of TheAmdrup Collection
from East Greenland by W. Thalbitzer, Copenhagen
1909, B°, 210 S. med Illustr., Særtryk Medd. om Grønland.


Veröffentlichungen d. Inst, for Meeresk. etc., Heft 12.
Über Meeresström ungen von Prof. Dr. Otto Pettersson.

Actes du 5' Congrés Internat, des Orientalistes
Session de Copenhague 1908, 1909, st. B°, 83 S.

Etnografien af Kristian Bahnson 1. og 2. Bind, Kjøbenhavn
1900. fSkænket af Forlagsboghandler H. Hagerup.)

Det kongelige norske Videnskabers Selskabs
Skrifter, 1908.

(Indkommet til Det kgl. Bibliotek.)


Stockholm, Svenska Turistforeningen. Ärsskrift 1909.

Moryson, Fynes: An Itinerary containing his ten Years
Travel through the twelve Dominions of German}-, Bohmerland,
Switzerland, Netherland, Denmark, Poland, Italy,
Turky, France, England, Scotland and Ireland. Vol l—4,
Glasgow 1907—8.

Krieg 1809. Bd. 3: Neumarkt-Ebelsberg-Wien. Bearb. in
der kriegsgeschichtlichen Abteilung des k. u. k. Kriegsarchivs.
Wien 1909. 4°.

Clymont, J. R., The Discoveries made by Pedraluarez
Cabral and his Captains. U. St. 1909.

Bureger, C. P., Oude hollandsche Zeevaart-Uitgaven. Het
Leeskaartboek van Wisbuy. Amst. 1909.

(Af: Tijdschrift voor Boek- en Bibliotheekwezen.)

Göts, W., Geographisch-Historisches Handbuch von Bayern.
Bd. 1—2. Münch. 1895-98.


Die topographischen Capitel des indischen Seespiegels
Mohit. Übers, von W. Tomaschek. u. M. Bittner. Festschrift.
Wien 1897. Fol.

De Jonge, J. K. J., en M. L. van Deventer, De Opkomst van het nederlandsch Gezag in Oost-Indié. Verzameling van onuitgegeven Stukken uit het Oudkoloniaal Archief. Suppl. op het 13. Deel, 1—2. s'Gravenhage 1909.

Johnston, R. F.: From Peking to Mandalay. London 1908.

Martin, W. A. P.: The Awakening of China. London 1907.


Johnston, Sir H. : George Grønfell and the Congo. Vol l—2.
Lond. 1908. 4°.

Filippi, Filippo de: Ruwenzori. An Account of the Expedition
of Prince Luigi Amadeo of Savoy, Duke of the Abruzzi.
With a Preface by the Duke of the Abruzzi. London 1908.


Obrecht, A.: Sobre el Sistema de Desarrollo mas conveniente
para representar el Mapa de Chile. Santiago de
Chile 1893.

(Af: Anales de la Universidad.)

Obrecht, A., Dibujo practice del Mapa de Chile. Santiago
de Chile 1895.

(Af: Anales de la Universidad.)

Message, Special, of the President of the United States
concerning the Panama Canal. Wash. 1906.

Hubbard. Mrs. Leonidas: A. Woman's Way through unknown
Labrador. London 1908.

Side 126

Charles, H., The Romance of the New America. New
York 1909.


Nova Guinea. Resultats de l'Expédition scientifique néerlandaise å la Nouvelle-Guinée en 1903. Vol l: Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea (bis 1828) von A. Wichmann, Leiden 1909. 4°.


Black, G. F., A. : Gypsy Bibliography. Provisional Issue.
Edinb. 1909.

(Gypsy Lore Society.)

Lucas, C. P.: A historical Geography of the british Colonies.
Vol. 2—6. 2. Ed. Oxf. 1905—7.

H. E. Egerton. The Origin and Growth of the eflglish Colonies and of their System of Government. An Introduction to Mr. C. P. Lucas's historical Geography of the British Colonies. Oxf. 1904.

Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics. By
A. Melville Bell. London 1867. 4".

Du Bois, W. E. B. : The Souls of black Folk. Essays and
Sketches. London 1905.