Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 18 (1905 - 1906)Ny Literatur.Evropa.Dictionarul
geografic al Basarabiei de Zamfir Arbo re,
Die Ergebnisse
der Triangulierungen des K. u. k. Milit. Asien.Journey in
Mongolia, med l Kort, by Mr. C. W. Campbell. Negritos of
Zambales, med Illustr. og Kort, by W. A. Japan och Korea,
med Illustr. E. v. Hesse-Wartegg. Midtens Rike,
Kina, med Illustr. E. v. Hesse-Wartegg. Afrika.Mombasa-Victoria
(Uganda) Railway Committee. Progress Report on the trade and general conditions of the British Central Africa Protectorate for the yar 1902—03, med l Kort, by Major F. B. Pearce, acting Commissioner. London 1903. Folio, 62 S. Report on the
trade and commerce of the Somaliland General report on
the Uganda Protectorate for the yar Memorandum on the
state of the African Protectorates, Correspondance
respecting Slavery in the islands of Zanzibar Report on the
survey of the proposed frontier between Report on the
construction and working of the Mombasa Abh. der K. k. Geogr. Gesellschaft in Wien. Der Suezkanal und seine Stellung im Weltverkehr. M. Voss. Über Mittabstandstreue Karten, med 3 Tavler og 14 Figurer. W. Scheming. Kvart, 76 S. og 36 S. Wien 1904. Amerika.United States
geological Survey. Boundaries of the
united States, med mange Kort og A Gazetteer of
Delaware by Henry Gannett. Washington A Gazetteer of
Maryland by Henry Gannett. Washington A Gazetteer of
Virginia by Henry Gannett. Washington A Gazetteer of
West Virginia by Henry Gannett. A Gazetteer of
Indian Territory by Henry Gannett. Geographic tables
and formulas, 2. edition, compiled by Bibliography and
Index of North american Geology, Paleontology,
Forest conditions
in the San Francisco mountains forest The copper
deposits of the encampment district Wyoming, Economic
resources of the northern Black Hills, by J. D.
Side 141
Accuracy of
stream measurements, 2. Edition, by E. Ch. 25. Annual Report
1903-04, med Illustr. og Kort. Washington Jowa geological
Survey. Volume 14. Annual Report 21. Annual Report
of the Bureau of american Ethnology. 22. Annual Report
of the Bureau of amcrican Ethnology. La chute du
Guayrå par Ch. de la Hitte, med Illustr. Direccion general
de Estadistica de la provincia de Buenos Direccion general
de Estadistica de la provincia de Buenos Polarlandene.The norwegian
North-Polar Expedition 1893—96. Scientific Forskelligt.Lunds
Universitets Aarsskrift. 9. 8., 1. og 2. Afd 1903.
des Vereins für Erdkunde zu Dresden. Gedächtnisfeier
für Adolf Bastian am 11. März 1905. Særtryk KortSveriges
geologiska Undersökning. |