Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 76 (1977)Indgået til redaktionenMichael F. Thomas: Tropical Geomorphology. R.J. Chorley: Spatial analysis in E.A. FitzPatrick: Pedology. A Systematic Approach to Soil Science. Longman Group Ltd., London, 1971, 306 s., 144 fig. og fotos, 20 tabeller, 24,5 cm., Pund 4,-. G.W. Leeper: Introduction to Soil 4. ed. Melbourne University Press. Cambridge University Press, Victoria 1964. 253 s., 12 fotos, 34 fig. appendix, 22 cm., 35 sh. Australian Academy of Science: Water Proceedings of a symposium held at Canberra by the Austr. Ac. of Science, — 9-13 Spt. 1963. Melbourne Univ. Press, 1965. Cambridge University Press, London and New York, 529 s., ill. 24 cm. Pund 10,10. D. Walker & R.G. West (eds.): Studies Cambridge University Press, Cambridge C.N. Williams & K.T. Joseph: Climate, Oxford University Press (Oxford in Asia J.A. Taylor: Weather and Agriculture. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, 1967, 225 U. Cooke & H. Johnson (eds.): An Introductory Survey. Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford, London, New York m.m. 1969. 287 s., 23 fig., 22,5 cm., 40 sh. (flexi cover 25 sh.). L.R. Holdridge, W.C. Grenke, W.H. Hatheway, T. Liang & J. A. Tosi: Forest Environments in Tropical Life Zones. A Pilot Study, Oxford, New York m.m., I.P. Gerasimov & M.A. Glazovskaya: Oldbourne Press, Jerusalem 1965, 382 s., I.V. Tyurin et al. (eds.): Soil Survey. A Guide to Field Investigations and Mapping of Soils. Translated from Russian. Oldbourne Press, Jerusalem 1965, 356 s., 71 fig, tabeller, 24,5 cm. Ca. 104 kr. D.M. Kudritskii, I.V. Popov & E.A. Roger Minshull: The Changing Nature Hutchinson Publishing Group Ltd., London, Norman Hudson: Soil Conservation P. Leonard Capper and W. Fisher The mechanics of engineering soils, 6. ed. F.W. Pauli: Soil Fertility. A Biodynamical Adam Hilger Ltd, London 1967, 204 s., Alfreds R. Jumikis: Introduction to D. van Nostrand Co. Ltd., London, C.W. Phillips (ed.): The Fenland in Studies of a major area of peasant colonization with a Gazetteer covering all known sites and finds. (R.G.S. Research Series No. 5). The Royal Geographical Society, London, 1970. 3605. + 24 pi., 18 fig. Separat mappe med 11 blade, 24 kort. 25 cm. Pund 8,80. Audrey M. Lambert: The Making of A historical geography of the Netherlands. Seminar Press Ltd., London og New York, 1971. 412 s., 101 fig. 23 cm. Pund 4,50. G. Godin: The analysis of tides. J.G. Cruickshank: Soil Geography. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1972, 256 s., tegninger og fotos. 22 cm., Pund 4,20. A. Yound: Slopes. Geomorphology Text 3. Oliver & Boyd, H. Leser: Landschaftsökologie. Uni-Taschenbücher, 521. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 1976, 432 s., 49 Abb., 20 Tab. 18 cm. DM 23,80. H. Lieth & R.H. Whittaker (ed.): Ecological studies. Analysis and synthesis, Vol. 14. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1975. VIII, 339 s., 67 fig., 46 tabeller, 25 cm. DM 69,40. Fr. Cordes: Eiderdamm. Natur und Hans Christian Druckerei und Verlag,
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Carl Troll: Luftbildforschung und Erdkundliches Wissen, Heft 12. Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden 1966, Zusammengestellt und gewidmet Carl Troll zum 65. Geburtstag von seinen Kollegen und Mitarbeitern. 164 s. + 28 tavler med 38 fotos, 15 fig., 2 kort, 24 cm., DM 22,-. Egnsplanrådet: Regionsplan 1973 Bd. 4, Egnsplanrådet, København, 1974, A. Jongerius (ed.): Soil Micromorphology. Elseviers Publishing Company, Amsterdam, R. Silvester: Coastal Engineering, 11. Sedimentation, estuaries, tides, effluents, and modelling. (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering. 4B). Elsevier Exerpta Medica North-Holland, Amsterdam 1974. XII, 338 s., 140 ill., 17 tvl. 17 cm. Dollars 30,80. R.N. Yong & B.P. Warkentin: Soil Development in Geotechnical Engineering 5. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York 1975, 449 s., talr. fig. og fotos. 25 cm. Hfls. 95,-. A. Kezdi: Soil Physics. Handbook of Soil Mechanics. 1. Elsevier, J.Th. Thijsse: Een halve eeuw Zuiderzeewerken H.D. Tjeenk Willink bv. Groningen, Asit K. Biswas: History of Hydrology. North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Fr. Depuydt: De Belgische stranden duinformaties in het kader van de geomorfologie der zuidoostelijke Noordzeekust. Verhandelingen van de Koniklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgié. Paleis der Akademien Klasse der Wetenschappen, Jahrgang XXXIV nr. 122, Brüssel, 1972, 228 s., talr. fig., 26 cm. B.F. 1.100,-. J. Beaujeu-Garnier: La géographie: Masson & Cie, Paris, 1971, 141 s., 8 fig., P. Barrére & M. Cassou-Mounat: Le (Premier Cycle Géographie). Masson & La Quaternaire. Géodynamique, Pierre Rognon: La Massif de PAtakor et ses bordures (Sahara Central). Etude géomorphologique. Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris 1967, 559 s., + plancher, 148 fig., 10 kort i farver, l løst kort, 27 cm. 140 F. M. Pécsi (ed.): Problems of Relief (Studies in Geography in Hungary, 8) Mårton Pécsi: Geomorphological (Studies in Geography in Hungary, 6) Adadémiai Kiado, Budapest, 1970. 45 s., 21 fig. i teksten, l kort i farver, 24,5 cm. Dollars 3,60. M. Pécsi & Probåld (eds.): Man (Studies in Geography in Hungary, 11) Daniel Hillel (ed.): Optimizing the D. Hillel: Soil and Water, Physical Physiological Ecology. A Series of Monographs, D. Hillel: Soil and Water. Physical A Series of Monographs, Texts and Treatises. Academic Press, New York and London, 1972, 288 s., ill., 23,5 cm. Dollars 14,-. L.V. Worthington & W.R. Wright: North Atlantic Ocean Atlas of Potential Temperature and Salinity in the Deep Water including Temperature, Salinity and Oxygen Profiles from the Erika Dan Cruise of 1962. (Vol. 11, 1970, Vol. I af Fuglister, Atlantic). L.V. Worthington, Woods Hole, Mass., 1970. 24 s., 58 pi. med tekst og Station Data, 44 cm. J. Sullivan Gibson & James W. R.P. Beasley: Erosion and sediment Ames, 1972, 2. printing 1973. lowa State E.L. Krinitzsky & W.J. Turnbull: A.G. Chikishev (ed.): Plant Indicators Authorized transl. from the Russian. Consultants Bureau Enterprises Inc., New York, 1965. 210 s., ill., 28 cm. Dollars. 27,50. George H. Lauff (ed.): Estuaries. AAAS Publ. No. 83. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., 1967. 757 s., 525 fig., 85 tabeller, 27 cm. Dollars 27,-. E.V. Lobova: Soils of the Desert Translated from Russ. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1967, 405 s., 54 fig., 92 tabeller. 24,5 cm. Dollars 15,25.
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R.V. Kovalev (ed.): Genesis of the Translation from RUSS. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1969. 173 s., ill., mange tabeller, 24,5 cm. Dollars 8,-. C.C. Albritton (ed.): Uniformity and A Symposium on the Principle of the Uniformity of Nature (Symposium Series) Special GSA Papers No. 89. The Geological Society of America, New York, 1967. 995., ill., 23 cm. Dollars 4,50. H.E. Wright (ed.): Quaternary Geology Vol. 16 of the Proc. of the VII Congress of the Int. Ass. for Quaternary Research. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1969. 162 s., talr. ill., 28 cm. Dollars 15,75. Soils of the Humid Tropics. Committee on tropical soils. Agricultural Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 1972. 219 s., l kort, Dollars 7,95. Peter Haggett & Richard J. Chorley: Shue Tuck Wong: Perception of choice and factors affecting industrial water supply decisions in Northeastern Illinois. Department of Geography, Research Papers, Leslie Dienes: Locational Factors Department of Geography, Research Papers, F.E. lan Hamilton: The Moscow City Problem regions of Europe. Oxford University Naturen og det daglige brød. Særtryk af Geografisk Orientering. Geografforlaget, Detlef Mittmann: Die chemische Industrie in Nordwestlichen Mitteleuropa in ihrem Strukturwandel. Kölner Forschungen zur Wirtschaftsund Sozialgeographie, bd. 20. Fr. Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden, 1974. 403 s., 16 kort, 24 cm. DM 44,-. Brina J. Woodruff: Rural settlement Theory and practice in geography. Oxford John B. Owen: Sheep production. lan Bowen: Economics and demography. Studies in economics, 10, George Allen & J.M. McEwan & L.F. Phillips: Chemistry Edward Arnold Ltd., London, 1975. 301 G. Borchert et al.: Erdkunde in 4. überarb. und erwiet. Aufl. Ferdinand K. Briggs: Introducing urban structure Hodder & Strougton, London, 1977. 60 Urban and regional research in Denmark. 1975/76: an annotated list. Danish Building Research Institute, Department of Urban and regional Research for the Group of Experts on Urban and Regional Research. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Hørsholm, 1976. 30 cm. Kr. 46,00. Research Papers. Department of Geography, University of Chicago, 15+23 cm, Dollars 5,00 each. No. 154, 1974: Walter F. Wacht: The Domestic Air Transportation Network of the United States. 98 s., 39 fig., 5 tabeller. No 156, 1974: James K. Mitchell: Community Response to Coastal Erosion. Individualand Collective Adjustment to Hazard on the Atlantic Shore. 209 s., 10 fig., 34 tabeller. No. 159, 1974: Gerald F. Pyle: The No. 157, 1975: Gillian Cook: Spatial Dynamics of Business Growth in the Witwatersrand. 144 s., 49 fig., 27 tabeller. No. 161, 1975: James A. Schmid: Urban No. 168, 1975: Michael D. Sublett: Farmers on the Road. Interfarm Migration and the Farming of Noncontiguous Lands in three Midwestern Townships, 1939-1969. 214 s., 14 fig., 28 tabeller, 40 tvl. No. 162, 1975: Richard Lamb: Metropolitan No. 169, 1975: Donald Foster Stetzer: Special Districts in Cook County: Toward a Geography of Local Government. 177 s., 19 fig., 14 tabeller. No. 170, 1975: Caeville V. Earle: The evolution of a tidewater settlement system. All Hallow's parish, Maryland, 1650-1783. 239 s., 44 tabeller, 28 fig. Department of Geography, University of Chicago. 15X23 cm. Dollars 6,00 each. No. 165, 1975: Donald W. Jones: Migration and urban unemployment in dualistic economic development. X, 174 s., 26 fig., 28 tabeller. No. 166, 1975: Robert S. Bednarz: The No. 163, 1975: Thomas Stanley Fedor: Patterns of urban growth in the Russian Empire during the nineteenth century. XXV, 245 s., 30 tabeller, 22 fig. No. 167, 1975: Manfred Hannemann: The diffusion of the reformation in southwestern Germany, 1518-1534. IX, 235 s., 18 fig., 3 tabeller. No. 172, 1975: Yehoshua S. Cohen and Brian J.L. Berry: Spatial components of manufacturing change, 1950-1960. 262 s., talrige tabeller.
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No. 179, 1976: Chauncy D. Harris: No. 158, 1976: John T. Starr, Jr.: The No. 171, 1976: Howard Spodek: Urbanrural integration in regional development: a case study of Saurashtra, India, 1800-1960. XI, 144 s., 39 tabeller, 9 fig. No. 177, 1975: Houston H. Stokes, Donald W. Jones & Hugh M. Neuburger: Unemployment and adjustment in the labor market. A comparison between the regional and national responses. 125 s., 5 fig., 21 tabeller. A.L. Washburn: Periglacial Processes Edward Arnold, Publishers, Ltd., London, T.A. Stephenson & Anne Stephenson: W.H. Freemann & Co., Ltd., San Francisco, 1973. 425 s., 227 ifg., 20 pi., 25 tabeller, 24 cm, Pund 7,20 (paper Pund 2,95). C.E. Millar, L.M. Turk, and H.D. Foth: Fundamentals of Soil Science. 4th. ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., London, Sydney 1965, 491 s., talrige ill. deraf nogle i farver, 23,50 cm, 75 sh. H.R. Cedergren: Seepage, Drainage John Wiley & Sons, London, 1967, 489 s. William B. Upton: Landforms and John Wiley & Sons, London, New York, 1970. Illustrating landforms of the Continental United States. 50 kort med tekst, 24X30,5 cm, 70 sh. S.R. Eyre: Vegetation and Soils. A Edward Arnold, Publishers, Ltd., London, John C. Doornkamp & Cuchlaine, An introduction. Edward Arnold, Publishers, C. Board, R.J. Chorley, P. Haggett & l, 2, 3, 5 & 7 vols. International Reviews of Current Research. Edward Arnold, Publishers, London, 1970, 1973 og 1975. 334 s., mange fig. tabeller, 23 cm. Pund 5,-. |