Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 72 (1973)

Indgået til redaktionen:

Torsten Frendberg (red.):

En bok om staders och byggnaders forvandling. Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm 1966. 179 s., talr. fotos og fig. 19X25,5 cm. 40 sv. kr.

Paul O. Roberts & John H. Suhrbier:
Highway Location Analysis:

Example Problem. (M.I.T. Report No. 5). The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. & London 1967. 93 s., 38 fig., 2 udslagstavler. 21,5 X2B cm. 40 sh.

Michael F. Dacey: A Model for the
Areal Pattern of Retail and Service
Establishments within an Urban Area.

(Technical Report No. 2). Office of Naval
Research, Geography Branch, Washington
1966. 50 s. 21,5X28 cm.

lan M. Ball: Pitcairn.

V. Gollancz, London 1973. 380 s., mange
fotos. 14,5X22 cm. 3,75 £.

Paul Weiner & Edward J. Deak:

Environmental Factors in Transportation

(Lexington Books). D. C. Heath & Co.,
Lexington, Mass., Toronto, London 1972.
283 s., 9 fig., 25 tabeller. 16,5X23 cm.


An International Journal Devoted to the Improvement of Transportation, Planning and Practice. Vol. i No. i, published quarterly. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1972. 124 s., ill. 16,5X24 cm. 105 Hfl. (personal subscription 56 Hfl.).

L.-E. Hamelin: Canada: a geographical

John Wiley, London, New York m.m.
1973. 234 s., talr. fig., kort, fotos og tabeller.
18X24 cm. 3,75 £.

Arthur N. Strahler: Introduction to
Physical Geography.

3.' ed. John Wiley, London, New York
m.m. 1973. 468 s. + 5 farvepl., talr. fig.,
kort og fotos. ig,5X 27 cm. 6 £.

Robert E. Dickinson: Regional Ecology.

The Study of Man's Environment. John
Wiley, London, New York m.m. 1970.
199 s. 14,5X21,5 cm. 65 sh.

Jonathan Benthall (ed.): Ecology,
the shaping enquiry.

(A Longman paperback). Longman, London
1972. 367 s., ill. 14X21,5 cm. 1,85 £.

David H. Krinsley & John C. Doornkamp: Atlas of Quartz Sand Surface Textures. (Cambridge Earth Science Series). Cambridge University Press, London 1973. 91 s., 122 fotos. 19,5X25,5 cm. 6,60 £.

Morgan Sant: The Geography of
Business Cycles.

London School of Economics and Political
Science, Geographical Papers No. 5,
1973. 64 s., ill. 14X21 cm. 1,25 £.

J. B. Racine & H. Reymond:

L'analyse quantitative en geographic.

(Section »Le Geographie« 12). Presses
Universitaires de France, Paris 1973. 316
s., ill. 11X17,5 cm.

Ludwig Maasjost: Südöstliches

(Sammlung Geographischer Führer 9). Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart J973- J73 s-> 3838 frg-> 7 tabeller, i oversigtskort. 11,5X19,5 cm. 26 DM.

Werner Josuweit: Studienbibliographie

Bibliographien und Nachschlagewerke. (Wissenschaftliche Paperbacks). Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1973. 122 s. 15X23 cm. 12 DM.

Fritz Dörrenhaus: Urbanität und
gentile Lebensform.

(Erdkundliches Wissen, H.25. Geographische Zeitschrift, Beihefte). Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1971. 64 s., 5 kort. 16X23,5 cm- J6 DM.

Carl Troll & Cornel Braun: Madrid.

Die Wasserversorgung der Stadt durch Qanate im Laufe der Geschichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz 1972. 88 s., 18 fig., i kort. 17X24 cm. 22 DM.

Årni Gunnarsson: Volcano.

Ordeal by Fire in Iceland's Westmann Islands. Iceland Review Books, Reykjavik 1973. 96 s., hovedsagelig farvebilleder. 19,5X20,5 cm. 9,95 $.

O. H. K. Spate, A. T. A. Learmonth &
B. H. Farmer: India, Pakistan & Ceylon.

The Regions. (University Paperback 420). London: Methuen, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1972. XXVII/862 s., talr. ill. og kort. 15,5X23,5 cm. 2,50 £.

O. H. K. Spate & A. T. A. Learmonth:
India & Pakistan.

Land, People and Economy. (University Paperback 421). London: Methuen, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1972. XXXIII/ 439 s., talr. ill. og kort. 15,5X23,5 cm. 2,50 £.

Walter Grossmann:
Vermessungskunde 111.

Trigonometrische und barometrische Höhenmessung, Tachymetrie und Ingenieurgeodäsie. Sammlung Göschen 6062. IQ. erw. Aufl. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1973. 207 s., 127 fig. 12X18 cm. 12,80 DM.

Atlas of Australian Resources.

2nd Series. Department of National Development,
Canberra, i kort + ca. 20 s.
tekst. 18X24 cm- P™B o>s°~°>7s $•
Mineral Industry. 2nd ed. 1969.

Electricity. 2nd ed. 1969.
Reinfall. 2nd ed. 1970.
Livestock. 1970.

Immigration. 2nd ed. 1970
Grasslands. 1970.

Croplands. 2nd ed. 1971.

Ports and Shipping. 2nd ed. 1971.

P. M. Hurley (ed.): Advances in
Earth Science.

The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass.
1966. 502 s., talr. ill. 16X24 cm- 20 $•

E. S. Hills (ed.): Arid Lands

A Geographical Appraisal. Methuen &
Co., London 1966. 461 s., 142 fig., 17 tabeller.
16X24 cm. 75 sh.

Side 8oC7

W. B. Harland, A. Gilbert Smith &

The Phanerozoic Time-Scale.

A Symposium dedicated to Professor Arthur Holmes. Vol. 120 S. A supplement to The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 1964. 458 s., ill. 18,5X26 cm. 5 £.

Karl Gripp: Erdgeschichte von

Herausg. von der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Universitäts-Gesellschaft. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1964. 411 s. + 57 pl., 63 fig., 3 kort. 21X29 cm. 88 DM.

Henry Bienen: Tanzania.

Party Transformation and Economic Development. Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1967. 446 s., 3 fig., 20 tabeller, i kortskitse. 14,5 +22 cm. 11,50 $.

Karl W. Butzer & Carl L. Hansen:
Desert and River in Nubia.

Geomorphology and Prehistoric Environments at the Aswan Reservoir. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Milwaukee and London 1968. 562 s., talr. ill. i7X 25 cm. 17,50 $.

J. N. Jennings & J. A. Mabbutt (eds.):
Landform Studies

from Australia and New Guinea.

Cambridge University Press 1967. 434 s.,
talr. fig., 36 pl. 18X24,5 cm. 5 £ 5 sh.
(i9>so $).

A. CaquotA J. Kérisel:

Grundlagen der Bodenmechanik.

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New
York 1967. 461 s., 332 fig. 16X23,5 cm.
98 DM.

Cuchlaine A. M. King:

Techniques in Geomorphology.

Edward Arnold Ltd., London 1966. 342
s., ill. 15X23,5 cm. 40 sh.

Lester King: Morphology of the Earth.

2. ed. A Study and Synthesis of World Scenery. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh and London 1967. 726 s., 247 fig., 3 kort. 19X25 cm. 5 £ 5 sh.

Werner Storkebaum (Herausg.):
Zum Gegenstand und zur Methode
der Geographie.

(Wege der Forschung LVIII). Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt
1967. 632 s., ill. 13X20 cm. 48,40 DM.

J. Kr. Tornöe: Addendum to Columbus
in the Arctic.

A/S Bokcentralen, Oslo 1967. 131 s., ill
14X22 cm.

Wynne Thome (ed.): Land and
Water Use.

A symposium presented at the Denver meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 1961. Publ. No. 73 of the AAAS, Washington 1963. Bailey Bros. & Swinfen, London. 364 s., ill. 16X23,5 cm. 80 sh.

George J. Snowball (ed.): Science and
Medicine in Central Africa.

Proceedings of the Central African Scientific and Medical Congress 1963. Pergamon Press, Oxford, London m.m. 1965. 980 s., ill. 16X24 cm- I0 £•

B. N. Sinha & T. N. Achuta Rao
Urban Studies.

An Aid to Research. Extension Service,
Dharwar, Mysore 1968. 207 s. + 16 kort
og 8 pl. 19X25 cm. ro $.

The State of Soviet Science.

Ed. by the editors of SURVEY. The
M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 209
s. 15,5X24 cm. 6 $.

B. Sårfalvi (ed.): Research Problems in
Hungarian Applied Geography.

(Studies in Geography in Hungary 5).
Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest 1969. 203 s.,
talr. fig. og kort. 17X24,5 cm. 7,50 $.

J. G. Nelson & M. J. Chambers (eds.):

(Process and Method in Canadian Geography). Methuen & Co., Toronto, London m.m. 1969. 399 s., talr. fig., fotos og tabeller. 15X22,5 cm. 70 sh.

J. G. Nelson & M. J. Chambers (eds.):
Vegetation, Soils and Wildlife.

(Process and Method in Canadian Geography).
Methuen & Co., Toronto, London
m.m. 1969. 372 s., ill. 15X22,5 cm.

3,50 £•

The Ocean.

A Scientific American Book. W. H. Freeman
& Co., San Francisco 1970. 140 s.,
103 ill. 22X29,5 cm. 60 sh. (PaperaSsh.).

Ernst Neef: Die theoretischen
Grundlagen der Landschaftslehre.

Haack, Gotha 1967. 152 s., 3 fig. i6,5X
23 cm. 29,50 MDN.

F. Ottmann: Introduction å la
Geologie Marine et Littorale.

Massen et Cie, Paris 1965. 259 s., 124
fig. 18X25 cm- 47 F

K. S. Wheeler & M. Harding (eds.):
Geographical Fieldwork.

A Handbook. Blond Educational, London
1966. 138 s., 42 fig. 18X24 cm- 22 sh. 6d.

V. P. Tseplyaev: The Forests of the


Published by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Jerusalem 1965. Oldbourne Press, London. 521 s., 178 ill., 164 tabeller. 18X24,5 cm- Ca. X 45 kr.

J. W. Mellor, Th. F. Weaver, U. J. Lele &
S. R. Simon: Developing Rural India.

Plan and practice. Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York 1968. 411 s., 19
fig., 57 tabeller. 16X24 cm- Io $•

Em. Le Roy Ladurie: Histoire du
climat depuis Fan mil.

Flammarion, Paris 1967. 379 s., ill. 15 X
2i cm. 28 F.

A. E. Scheidegger: Theoretical

2. rev. ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York 1970. 435 s., 207 fig.
16X24 cm. 86 DM.

A. J. Rutter & F. H. Whitehead (eds.):
The Water Relations of Plants.

A Symposium of the British Ecological Society, 1961. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London 1963. 394 s., ill. 15X23 cm. 67 sh. 6 d.

Th. A. Olson & Fr. J. Burgess (eds.):
Pollution and Marine Ecology.

John Wiley, New York, London, Sydney
1967. 364 s., ill. 15,5X23,5 cm. ii2 sh.

Side 90

Scientific American Resource Library:
Readings in the Earth Sciences.

Vol. i & 2. W. H. Freeman & Co., San
Francisco 1969. i: 305 s., 287 fig. 2: 317
s., 329 fig. 22X28,5 cm. 94 sh. pr. stk.

J. Wreford Watson (ed.):

20th International Geographical

United Kingdom. (Congress Proceedings).
Nelson and Sons Ltd., London
1967. 401 s., ill. 15X25,5 cm. 70 sh.

J. A. E. Allum: Photogeology and
Regional Mapping.

Pergamon Press, Oxford, London m.m.
1966. 107 s., 24 fig., 16 pi. 15X22,5 cm.
17 sh. 6 d.

Alan A. Altshuler: The City
Planning Process.

A Political Analysis. Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York 1965. 466 s., 4
kort. 15,5X23 cm. 8,50 $.

Wilhelm Groteluschen & Uwe Muuss
(Herausg.): Luftbildatlas Niedersachsen.

Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster
1967. 200 s., 86 flyvebilleder. 25X32 cm.

Eugen Ernst & Hermann Klingsporn:
Hessen in Karte und Luftbild.

Topographischer Atlas. Teil I. Herausg. vom Hessischen Landesvermessungsamt. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1969. 182 s., talr. flyvebilleder og kort. 25X32 cm. 34,80 DM.

Frithjof Voss: Die morphologische
Entwicklung der Schleimündung.

(Hamburger Geographische Studien, H. 20, 1967). Institut für Geographie und Wirtschaftsgeographie der Universität Hamburg. 178 s., 52 fig., 9 løse kort. I7X 24 cm. 29 DM.

Information and Documentation Centre for the Geography of the Netherlands, Utrecht: A Compact Geography of the Netherlands.

The Hague 1970. 40 s. med 18 helsides
fig. og kort + i kort 1:310.000. 21X30

Helen L. Cannon & David F. Davidson
(eds.): Relation of Geology and
Trace Elements to Nutrition.

Geological Society of America, Special
Papers No. 90. New York 1967. 68 s., ill.
15X23 cm. 4,25 $.

Jon E. Schnäble & H. Grant Goodell Pleistocene-Recent Stratigraphy, Evolution, and Development of the Apalachicola Coast, Florida.

Geological Society of America, Special
Papers No. 112, 1968. 80 s., 14 fig., 2 pi.,
2 tabeller. 15X23 cm. 2,75 $.

L. Bauer & H. Weinitschke:
Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz.

Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Aufgaben. 2. erw. Aufl. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1967. 302 s., no fig., 40 tabeller. 17,5X24,5 cm. 23,30 MDN.

Beiträge zur Landespflege.

Herausg. von K. Buchwald, W. Lendholt
und K. Meyer. Verlag Eugen Ulmer,
Stuttgart. 17X24,5 cm.

Band i, 1963: Festschrift für H. Fr. Wiepking.
386 s., 137 fig., 2 farvetvl. og n tabeller.
30 DM.

Band 2:1/ 1966: 159 s., talr. ill. 48 DM. Band 3:1, 1967: 79 s., talr. ill. 24 DM. Band 3:2, 1967: 96 s., talr. ill. 28,80 DM. Sonderheft i, 1967: Hans Kiemstedt: Zur Bewertung der Landschaft für die Erholung. 151 s., 9 fig., 20 tabeller. 15X21 cm. 20 DM.



IFO-Institut für

München. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York. 15,5X23 cm.
IQ, 1966: Hans Ruthenberg: African Agricultural
Production Development Policy
in Kenya 1952-1965. 164 s., 3 kort, 35 tabeller.
27 DM.

ii, 1966: Dietrich Freiherr von Rotenhan: Bodennutzung und Viehhaltung im Sukumaland, Tanzania. 131 s., 22 fig., 39 tabeller. 24 DM.

15, 1967: Margarete Paulus: Das Genossenschaftswesen in Tanganyika und Uganda. Möglichkeiten und Aufgaben. 156 s., 2 fig., 4 kort. 26 DM.

Research Papers.

Department of Geography, University of
Chicago. 15X23 cm. 5 $ each.

No. 125, 1970: John C. Day: Managing the Lower Rio Grande. An Experiment in International River Development. 274 s., 28 fig., 24 tabeller.

No. 128, 1970: Charles M. Good: Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa. A Study of the Functions and Development of Exchange Institutions in Ankole, Uganda. 252 s., 42 fig., 32 tabeller.

No. 130, 1971: Bruce G. Gladfelter: Meseta and Campiiia Landforms in Central Spain. A Geomorphology of the Alto Henares Basin. 204 s., 53 fig., 15 tabeller. No. 136, 1971: Karl W. Butzer: Recent History of an Ethiopian Delta. 184 s., 83 ill., 16 tabeller, i udslagskort.

No. 139, 1972: Douglas R. McManis:
European Impressions of the New England
Coast 1497-1620. 147 s., 16 ill.
No. 140, 1972: Yehoshua S. Cohen. Diffusion
of an Innovation in an Urban
System. The Spread of Planned Regional
Shopping Centers in the United States
1949-1968. 136 s., 5 ill., 9 tabeller.
No. 141, 1972: Nora Mitchell: The
Indian Hill-Station: Kodaikanal. 199 s.,
45 ill., 7 tabeller.

No. 142, 1972: Rutherford H. Platt: The Open Space Decision Process. Spatial Allocation of Costs and Benefits. 189 s., io ill., ii tabeller.

No. 143, 1972: Stephen M. Golant: The Residential Location and Spatial Behavior of the Elderly: A Canadian Example. 226 s., 12 fig., 54 tabeller.

No. 144, 1973: Clifton W. Pannell: T'ai
T'ai-wan: Structure and Function.
200 s., 79 fig.

No. 145, 1972: Philip M. Lankford: Regional Incomes in the United States 1929-1967. 137 s., 28 ill., 41 tabeller. No. 146, 1973: Donald B. Freeman: International Trade, Migration, and Capital Flows: A Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Economic Interaction. 201 s., 24 fig., io tabeller.

No. 147, 1973: Sarah K. Myers: Language
Shift among Migrants to Lima, Peru.
203 s., 17 fig., 40 tabeller.

No. 148, 1973: Douglas L. Johnson: Jabal al-A&ftdar, Cyrenaica: An Historical Geography of Settlement and Livelihood. 240 s., 32 fig., 4 tabeller.

Side 91

Alfred Hettner: The Surface Features
of the Land.

Problems and methods of Geomorpholo-
gy. Translated and with a preface by
Philip Tilley. The Macmillan Press Ltd.,
London 1972. 193 s. 14X22 cm. 5,50 £.

F. J. Monkhouse: Principles of
Physical Geography.

. ..J_.__. _„_.,...,,..;.
7th ed. University of London Press 1970.
570 s., 2ii fig., ni fotos. 14,5X22 cm.
42 sh.
Lester C. King: South African Scenery.
A Textbook of Geomorphology. 3rd ed.
rev. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh and
London 1963. 308 s., 63 fig., 168 pl. 50 sh.

Paul Roisin: Le domaine

phytogéographique atlantique d'Europe.

J. Duculot, Gembloux 1969. 262 s., 39
kortskitser, 15 tabeller. 17X24 cm. 400

Gifford C. Ewing (ed.): Oceanography
from Space.

Proceedings of Conference on The Fea-
sibility of Conducting Oceanographic
Explorations from Aircraft, Manned Or-
bital and Lunar Laboratories. Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institute, Mass.
1965. 469 s., talr. ill. 17,5X26 cm.

Jean Malaurie: Themes de Recherche
Géomorphologique dans le Nord-Ouest

.If» I H
(Mémoires et Documents, numéro hors
serie)' Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Paris 1968. 495 s, 161 fig.,
79 fotos, 2 løse kort. 21 X 27 cm. 150 F.

Mary Sears (ed.): Progress in

Vol. 5. Pergamon Press, Oxford, New
York, Toronto 1969. 191 s, ill. 15,5 X
, „m o, „u

cm sh

S. C. Salmon & A. A. Hanson:
The Principles and Practice of

Agricultural Research,
Leonard Hill, London

Leonard Hill, London 1964. 384 s., 26
fig., 61 tabeller. 16X25 cm. 75 sh.

John S. Steinhart & T. Jefferson
Smith (eds.): The Earth beneath

the Continents.

A Volume of Geophysical Studies in
Honor of Merle A. Tuve. American Geo
of Merle A. Tuve. American Geophysical
Union, Washington, D.C., Geophysical
Monograph 10, 1966. 663 s., talr.
fi kort cm ig $

Mary J. Barry: A History of Mining
on the Kenai Peninsula.
Alagka Northwest Publishing Company,
IQ^ 2^ s>} iIL I3>sX2i cm.
g^ $

Arbeiten aus dem Geographischen
Institut der Universität des Saarlandes.

Band l6' '972. Band 17, 1973. Saarbrücken 15,5X23 cm. 16: Volkmar Kroesch: Die Sierra de Gata. Ein Beitrag zur Abgrenzung submediterraner und eumediterraner Räume auf der Iberischen Halbinsel. 101 s., 28 fig., 3 udslagskort. 12 DM.

17: Karin Deutsch: Kulturlandschaftswandel
im Kraichgau und Oberen Nahebergland
seit 1945. 196 s., 23 fig. 20 DM.