Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 73 (1974)

Indgået til redaktionen:

Peter Michelsen: Frilandsmuseet
ved Sorgenfri.

Museets historie og gamle huse. Nationalmuseet 1973. 238 s., 44 ill. + talr. farvefotos optaget af Lennart Larsen. 18 X 24,5 cm.


Ifo-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung,
München. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York. 15,5X23 cm.
12: Heinrich Krauss: Die moderne Bodengesetzgebung
in Kamerun 1884-1964.
1966. 156 s. DM 24.00.

18: Werner Kainzbauer: Der Handel in
Tanzania. 1968. 239 s., 16 fig., 77 tabeller.
DM 40.00.

Per Bruun: Tidal Inlets and
Littoral Drift.

(Stability of Coastal Inlets, Vol. 2). Universitetsforlaget,
Oslo 1967. 193 s., 51 fig.
15*5X22,5 cm. 42,25.

Problem Regions of Europe.

General Editor D. I. Scargill. Oxford
University Press 1974. 48 s., ill. 19X24,5
cm. £ 1.00 pr. stk.

W. R. Mead: The Scandinavian Northlands.

David Turnock: Scotland's Highlands and

M. A. Busteed: Northern Ireland.

Bernt Zeitzschel (ed.): The Biology
of the Indian Ocean.

(Ecological Studies 3). Springer Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1973. 549
s., 286 fig. 17X25 cm. DM 123.00.

R. C. Steele & R. C. Welch (eds.):
Monks Wood. A Nature Reserve

Monks Wood Experimental Station,
Huntingdon 1973. 337 s., ill. 16X24 cm.
£ 2.25.

W. G. East, O. H. K. Spate &

Charles A. Fisher (eds.): The Changing
Map of Asia.

A Political Geography. 1971. London Methuen, New York: Barnes & Noble. XVIII/678 s., 54 kort, 51 tabeller. 15 X 23 cm. £ 5.75. Som University Paperback 512, 1974. £ 3.50.

Gerhard Hard: Die Geographie.

Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Einführung. (Sammlung Göschen, Bd. 9001). Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, New York 1973. 318 s., 9 fig. 12X18 cm. DM 19.80.

Keith D. Harries: The Geography of
Crime and Justice.

(McGraw-Hill Problems Series in Geography), New York, Düsseldorf, London m.m. 1973. 125 s., ill. 15X23 cm. DM 8.85.

H. C. Brookfield with Doreen Hart:

A Geographical Interpretation of an Island World. UP 517, 1974. London: Methuen, New York: Barnes & Noble. 464 s., talr. fig. og fotos. 15,5X23,5 cm. £ 3.40.

C. A. Goodlad: Shetland Fishing Saga.

The Shetland Times Ltd., Lerwick 1971.
372 s., 56 fig., 24 pi. 16X24,5 cm. £3.50.

E. C. F. Bird: Coasts.

An Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology, Vol. 4. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London 1969. 246 s., 95 fig., 34 fotos. 14,5X22 cm. 70/.

Per Bruun: Tidal Inlets and
Littoral Drift.

(Stability of Coastal Inlets, Vol. 2). Universitetsforlaget,
Oslo 1967. 193 s., 51 fig.
15,5X22,5 cm. 42,25.

Research Papers.

Department of Geography, University of
Chicago. 15X23 cm. $ 5.00 each.
No. 150, 1973: Fred L. Hall: Location
Criteria for High Schools: Student Transportation
and Racial Integration. 156 s.,
35 fig., 24 tabeller.

No. 151, 1974: Terry J. Rosenberg: Residence, Employment, and Mobility of Puerto Ricans in New York City. 230 s., 13 fig., 50 tabeller.

No. 152, 1973: Marvin W. Mikeseil (ed.): Geographers Abroad. Essays on the Problems and Prospects of Research in Foreign Areas. 296 s.

No. 155, 1974: Brian J. L. Berry mil.: Land Use, Urban Form and Environmental Quality. 440 s., talr. fig. og tabeller.

Terrain Evaluation.

Oversigt over studiegrupper samt bibliografi. Exford - Mexe - Cambridge Group. Sed. P. H. T. Beckett and R. Webster, Department of Agricultural Science, Oxford 1969. 23 s. 21X30 cm.

C. Barry Cox, lan N. Healy &
Peter D. Moore: Biogeography.

An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach.
Oxford, London m.m. 1973. 184
s., 75 fig. 15,5X23 cm. £ 3.00.

Victor Showers: The World in Figures,
New York, London m.m.

1973- 585 s->s-> 37 %• 18X26 cm. £ 6.50.