Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 73 (1974)Indgået til redaktionen:Peter Michelsen: Frilandsmuseet Museets historie og gamle huse. Nationalmuseet 1973. 238 s., 44 ill. + talr. farvefotos optaget af Lennart Larsen. 18 X 24,5 cm. Afrika-Studien. Ifo-Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung, 18: Werner
Kainzbauer: Der Handel in Per Bruun: Tidal Inlets and (Stability of
Coastal Inlets, Vol. 2). Universitetsforlaget, Problem Regions of Europe. General Editor D.
I. Scargill. Oxford W. R. Mead: The
Scandinavian Northlands. David Turnock:
Scotland's Highlands and M. A. Busteed:
Northern Ireland. Bernt Zeitzschel (ed.): The Biology (Ecological
Studies 3). Springer Verlag, R. C. Steele & R. C. Welch (eds.):
Monks Wood
Experimental Station, W. G. East, O. H. K. Spate &
Charles A. Fisher (eds.): The Changing
A Political Geography. 1971. London Methuen, New York: Barnes & Noble. XVIII/678 s., 54 kort, 51 tabeller. 15 X 23 cm. £ 5.75. Som University Paperback 512, 1974. £ 3.50. Gerhard Hard: Die Geographie.
Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Einführung. (Sammlung Göschen, Bd. 9001). Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, New York 1973. 318 s., 9 fig. 12X18 cm. DM 19.80. Keith D. Harries: The Geography of
(McGraw-Hill Problems Series in Geography), New York, Düsseldorf, London m.m. 1973. 125 s., ill. 15X23 cm. DM 8.85. H. C. Brookfield with Doreen Hart:
A Geographical Interpretation of an Island World. UP 517, 1974. London: Methuen, New York: Barnes & Noble. 464 s., talr. fig. og fotos. 15,5X23,5 cm. £ 3.40. C. A. Goodlad: Shetland Fishing Saga.
The Shetland
Times Ltd., Lerwick 1971. E. C. F. Bird: Coasts. An Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology, Vol. 4. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London 1969. 246 s., 95 fig., 34 fotos. 14,5X22 cm. 70/. Per Bruun: Tidal Inlets and (Stability of
Coastal Inlets, Vol. 2). Universitetsforlaget, Research Papers. Department of
Geography, University of No. 151, 1974: Terry J. Rosenberg: Residence, Employment, and Mobility of Puerto Ricans in New York City. 230 s., 13 fig., 50 tabeller. No. 152, 1973: Marvin W. Mikeseil (ed.): Geographers Abroad. Essays on the Problems and Prospects of Research in Foreign Areas. 296 s. No. 155, 1974: Brian J. L. Berry mil.: Land Use, Urban Form and Environmental Quality. 440 s., talr. fig. og tabeller. Terrain Evaluation. Oversigt over studiegrupper samt bibliografi. Exford - Mexe - Cambridge Group. Sed. P. H. T. Beckett and R. Webster, Department of Agricultural Science, Oxford 1969. 23 s. 21X30 cm. C. Barry Cox, lan N. Healy & An Ecological and
Evolutionary Approach. Victor Showers: The World in Figures,
1973- 585
s->s-> 37 %• 18X26 cm. £ 6.50.