Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 87 (1987)DET KONGELIGE DANSKE GEOGRAFISKE SELSKABSelskabets protektor: HENDES MAJESTÆT DRONNING MARGRETHE II Selskabets præsident: HANS KONGELIGE HØJHED PRINS HENRIK Bestyrelse: Viceadmirals. Thostrup, vicepræsident Professor, dr. N. Kingo Jacobsen, vicepræsident, generalsekretær Professor, dr. Viggo Hansen Lektor, dr. Christian Wichmann Matthiessen Direktør Erik Mollerup Rigsantikvar, dr. Olaf Olsen Professor, dr. Kjeld Rasmussen Civilingeniør Jens Thorsen Råd: Professor, dr. H.
C. Aslyng Professor Ove
Biilmann Kammerherre N. O.
Christensen Afdelingsleder,
dr. H. Holstener-Jørgensen Departementchef Chr. Jensen Universitetslektor Kr. M. Jensen Førstebibliotekar Ib Rønne Kejlbo Chefgeodæt E. Kejlsø Civilingeniør
Mogens Kierulff Kammerherre M.
Olufsen Direktør Poul J.
Svanholm Seminarielektor
Bent Valeur Direktør, dr.
Aksel Wiin-Nielsen THE ROYAL DANISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETYThe Royal Danish Geographical Society was founded on the 18th of November 1876, and the first volume of Geografisk Tidsskrift appeared the following year. The rapidly increasing collections of books, periodicals and maps were placed and catalogued during the period 1877-1885. In 1885 Professor Ed. Erslev retired from the post as secretary and was succeeded by Knight Commander Otto Irminger who functioned until 1903, when Professor O. Olufsen took over the post and reorganized finances as well as the publishing activities. The following years a considerable expansion took place brought about by the many expeditions; after World War I the character of expeditions changed. They were no longer travels for the sake of exploring unknown countries, but more expeditions with well-defined research goals and so, the Society had to adapt its activities to the demands and possibilities of a new era. In 1923 Professor Olufsen was succeeded by the major-general E. Castonier as secretary of the Society, and in 1931 Dr. phil. Niels Nielsen took over this post. In 1959 an attachment to the Geographical Institute of the Copenhagen University became a natural development and enabled the Society to adapt its activities to presentday's research work. In 1956, Professor Axel Schou was appointed secretary7 general from which post he retired in 1971. Møder i sæsonen 1986-871. møde den 7.
oktober 1986: Lektor Kr. M. Jensen og lektor Anette Reenberg: Danmarks landbrugsgeografi - udvalgte emnekredse fra det netop udkomne Landbrugsatlas Danmark. 2. møde den 4.
november 1986: Opmålingschef Stig
Dilling: Det moderne matrikelkort. 3. møde den 25.
november 1986: Festaften med
udnævnelse af æresmedlem og uddeling Oberst Søren
Haslund-Christensen: Filmekspeditionen 4. møde den 3.
februar 1987: Professor Preben
Gudmandsen: Udforskning af 5. møde den 3.
marts 1987: Kontorchef Fl.
Duus Mathiesen: Landbrug og |