Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 87 (1987)


Jean-Claude Thouret: Géodynamique des grands versant de l'Ankhu Khola, Nepal Central. Editions du CNRS, Paris 1983. 281 s., ill. & l kort i lomme. 27 cm. FRF 170,-.

C.R. Twidale: Granite landforms. Elsevier,
Amsterdam: 1982. XXIII, 372 s., ill.
25 cm. HFL 270,-.

Asgeir Brekke, Alv Egelund: The Northern Light: from mythology to space research. Springer, Berlin 1983. XI, 170 s., ill. 31 cm. DEM 108,-.

Large-scale dynamical processes in the atmosphere. Ed. by Brian Hoskins and Robert Pearce. Academic Press, London 1983. XV, 397 s., fig. 24 cm. GBP 33.00.

Risk analysis and decision processes: the sitting of liquefied energy as facilities in four countries/ Howard C. Kunreuther, (et al.). Springer, Berlin 1983. XV, 290 s., ill. 25 cm. DEM 49,-.

Field and theory: lectures in geocryology. Ed. by Michael Church, Olav Slaymaker. University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver 1985. XVI, 2135., ill. 24 cm. USD 40.-.

Lance Tufnell: Glacier hazards. Longman,
London 1984. 97 s., ill. 24 cm. GBP

World-wide weather. Ed. K. Takahashi.
Balkema, Rotterdam 1985. XV, 252 s.:
ill. 25 cm. GBP 17.50.

U. Aswathanarayana: Principles of nuclear
geology. Balkema, Rotterdam 1985.
XXI, 397 s., ill. 23 cm. NLG 65.-.

Stephen Trudgill: Limestone geomorphology. - (Geomorphology texts; 8). Longman, London 1985. X, 196 s., ill. 25 cm. GBP 12.95.

Heinrich Walter, Siegmar-W. Breckle: Ecological principles in global perspective. - (Ecological systems of the geobiosphere; 1). Springer, Berlin 1985. XI, 242 s., ill. 25 cm. DEM 98,-.

T jeer d H. van Andel: New views on an old planet. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985. XII, 324 s., ill. 26 cm. GBP 15.-.

K. Ya Kondrat'ev: Changes in global climate: a study of the effect of radiation and other factors during the present century. - (Russian translations series, 26). Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985. 280 s., fig. 25 cm. NLG 90.-.

The making of the earth. Ed. by Richard Fifleld. Blackwell, Oxford 1985. XVI, 336 s., ill. 23 cm. Hardback: GBP 19.50. Paperback: GBP 7.95.

Marie Morisawa: Rivers: form and process.
(Geomorphology texts, 7). Longman,
London 1985. 222 s., ill. 25 cm. GBP

Atlantic hydrophysical investigations. Eds.: V.G. Kort and V.S. Samoilenko. (Russian translations series; 11). Balkema, Rotterdam 1984. VIII, 398 s.: ill. 25 cm. USD 25.-.

Armin Hütterman: Industrieparks: attraktive industrielle Standortgemeinschaften. Steiner, Stuttgart 1985. 96 s., kort 23 cm. DEM 24.-.

Instabilities in continuous media/ ed. by L. Knopoff, V.I. Keilis-Borok, G. Puppi. - (=Pure and applied geophysics; vol. 121 (1983) no. 3). Birkhäuser, Basel 1985. S. 363-572, ill. 24 cm. CHF 68.-.

Ronald Greeley, James D. Iversen: Wind as a geological process on Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan. - (Cambridge planetary science serie; 4). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985. XII, 333 s., ill. 24 cm. GBP 35.-.

Side 100

Richard J. Charley, Stanley A. Schumm, David E. Sugden: Geomorphology. Methuen, London 1984. XXIII, 605 s., ill. 26 cm. GBP 17.95.

Günther Hake: Kartographie. 2: Thematische Karten, Atlanten, kartenverwandte Darstellungen, Kartenredaktion und Kartentechnik, rechnergestützte Kartenherstellung, Kartenauswertung, Kartengeschichte. - 3. neubearb. Aufl. De Gruyter, Berlin 1985. 382 s., ill. & 11 kort i lomme. 18 cm. DEM 29.80.

Robert Headland: The island of South Georgia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984. XVI, 293 s., ill. 26 cm. GBP 14.95.

Developments in political geography. Ed. by M.A. Busteed. Academic Press Inc., London 1983. 340 s., ill. 24 cm. GBP 25.-.

Eric C.F. Bird: Coasts: an introduction to coastal geomorphology. - 3. ed. Blackwell, Oxford 1984. XV, 320 s.: ill. 22 cm. Paperback: GBP 7.50. Library edition: GBP 19.50.

J.H.M. Maas: Landbouw en ruimte: Theorie en praktijk van de agrarische lokatie. - (Mens en ruimte; 15). Van Gorcum, Assen 1984. X, 154 s., ill. 24 cm. Pris ikke oplyst.

Jörg F.W.Negendank: Trier und Umgebung: Geologie des unmittelbaren Stadtgebietes, der Trier-Bitburger Mulde mit paläozoischem Sockel, känozoischen Deckschichten und einigen Zeugnissen des Westeifler Vulkanismus. - 2. überarb. Aufl. - (Sammlung geologischer Führer.; Bd. 60). Borntraeger, Berlin 1983. XII, 195 s., ill. & 2 løse kort. 20 cm. DEM 39.-.

Leo Waibel: Leo Waibel als Forscher und Planer in Brasilien: vier Beiträge aus der Forschungstätigkeit 1947-1950 in Übersetzung. Hrsg. von Gottfried Pfeifer und Gerd Kohlhepp. - (Erdkundliches Wissen H. 71). Steiner Stuttgart 1984. 123 s., ill. 24 cm. DEM 30.-.

The geography of peace and war. Ed. by David Pepper and Alan Jenkins. Blackwell, Oxford 1985. 222 s., ill. 23 cm. Hardback: GBP 24.50. Paperback: GBP 7.95.

The encyclopaedic dictionary of physical
geography. Ed. by Andrew Goudie.
Blackwell, Oxford 1985. XVI, 528 s., ill.

26 cm. GBP 40.-.

Hypersaline ecosystems: the Gavish Sabkha. Ed. by G.M.Friedman and W.E. Krumbein. (Ecological studies; vol. 53). Springer, Berlin 1985. X, 484 s., ill. 25 cm. DEM 280.-.

Richard J. Huggett; Earth surface systems. Springer, Berlin 1985 (Springer series in physical environment; 1). XII, 270 s., ill. 25 cm. DEM 148.-.

Frank Press, Raymond Siever: Earth. - 4.
Ed. Freeman, New York 1986. XVIII,
656 s., ill. 28 cm. USD 16.95.

Colombia: economic development and policy
under changing conditions. The
World Bank.

World Bank, Washington, D.C. 1984. LXXXV, 282 s.: kort. 28 cm. Pris ikke oplyst. I kommission hos Samfundslitteratur.

World development report. 1984. Publ.for
the World Bank.

Oxford University Press, New York
1984. XI, 286 s., ill. 27 cm. Kr. 130,-. I
kommision hos Samfundslitteratur.

Desert dust: origin, characteristics, and effect on man. Ed. by Troy L. Péwé. (Geological Society of America. Special paper; 186).

Geological Society of America, Boulder,
Colorado. 1981 X, 303 s., ill. 28 cm. USD

Chemical sediments and geomorphology: precipitates and residua in the near-surface environment. Ed. by A.S. Goudie and Kenneth Pye.

Academic Press, London 1983. IX, 439
s., ill. 24 cm. GBP 35,-.

Polders of the world: final report: international
symposium Lelystad the Netherlands

International Institute for Land Reclamation
and Improvement, Wageningen
1983. 443 s., ill. 24 cm. Pris ikke oplyst.

Lake Gdrdsjon: an acid forest lake and its catchment. Ed. by Folke Andersson and Bengt Olsson. (Ecological bulletins no. 37). Forskningsrådsnamnden, Stockholm 1985. 336 s., ill. 27 cm. USD 44.-.

Geomorphology of Europe. Ed.: Clifford
Embleton. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim
1984. 465 s., ill. 30 cm. DEM 180,-.

Tills and related deposits: genesis, petrology, application, stratigraphy proceedings of the INQUA symposia on the genesis and lithology of quaternary deposits, USA 1981, Argentina 1982. Ed. by Edward B. Evenson, Ch. Schlechter, Jorge Rabassa.

Balkema, Rotterdam 1983. IX, 454 s., ill.
26 cm. NLG 120,-.

Glacial geology: an introduction for engineers
and earth scientists. Ed. by N. Eyles.

Pergamon, Oxford 1983. XIV, 409 s., ill.
23cm. USD 12.50.

H. Th. Verstappen: Applied geomorphology:
geomorphological surveys for environmental

Elsevier, Amsterdam 1983. XI, 437 s.: ill.
31 cm. Pris ikke opg.

»Binghamton« geomorphology symposium, 11, 1980: Applied geomorphology. Ed. by Richard G. Craig, Jesse L. Craft. (The »Binghamton« symposia series in geomorphology. International series; vol. 11).

Allen & Unwin, London 1982. X, 253 s.:
ill. 24cm. GBP 18,-.

Late- and postglacial oscillations of glaciers: glacial and penglacial forms: colloquium Trier 1980. 05. 15-17: in memoriam Hans Kinzl. Ed. H. Schroeder-Lanz. Balkema, Rotterdam 1983. XIX, 409 s.: ill. 25 cm. USD 35,-.

J.S. Keates: Understanding maps. Long'man,
London 1982. XI, 139 s., ill. 24 cm.
GBP 5.95.

Michael Haines: Introduction to farming
systems. Longman, London 1982. VIII,
2145., ill. 24 cm. GBP 6.95.

Alain Perrodon: Histoire des grandes découvertes pétroliéres: un certain art de {'exploration (Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine. Memoir e: 10). Elf Aquitaine, Pau 1985. 222 s., ill. 30 cm. FRF 175,-.