Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 87 (1987)Einar Andersen 16-9 1905 - 20-7 1987N. Kingo Jacobsen Selskabets tidligere vicepræsident, fhv. direktør for Geodætisk Institut, professor, dr. phil. Einar Andersen døde den 20/7 i en alder af 82 år. Han blev mag. scient. i geodæsi 1928, samme år som Geodætisk Institut blev oprettet ved en sammenlægning af Gradmaalingen og Generalstabens topografiske Afdeling. Han erhvervede doktorgraden i 1932 og var gennem hele sit liv placeret i forreste række i dansk geodæsi såvel ved instituttet som gennem sin gerning som professor i geodæsi ved Københavns Universitet (udnævnt 1956). Han deltog i en lang række internationale kommissioner og gennemførte fremragende forskningsarbejder, der placerede Danmark højt i international sammenhæng. Einar Andersen havde endvidere stor interesse for sit fags historie. Han skrev således bibliografier over sine forgængere C.C.G. André (1955), Thomas Bugge (1968) og H.C. Schumacher (1975), ligesom han var forfatter til afsnittet: Geodæsi i Københavns Universitets 500 års jubilæumsskrift bd. XII (1983). Nedenfor følger biografiske oplysninger om Einar Andersen. Netop fratrådt som vicepræsident blev Einar Andersen ved selskabets 110 års jubilæum udnævnt til ærsmedlem af selskabet som tak for de store tjenester, han gennem 30 års virke i råd og bestyrelse ydede selskabet og faget geografi. CURSORY BIOGRAPHYAndersen,
Einar Anton, born 16 sep 1905 in Copenhagen.
Former Director of
The Royal Danish Geodetic Institute Parents: Carl
A. Andersen (1880-1950) and Louise F. Andersen, Married: Inger
D. K. Remmer 25 Oct 1929, born 26 Äug Children: 3
Daughters: Ulla Loehren,
M.A., bom 6 Feb 1932. University of
Copenhagen: 1928 M.Sc. and 1932 D.Sc. The Danish Arc
Survey and The Royal Danish Geodetic 1926-1928
Assistant, 1928-1939 Geodesist 1939-1955 Head of
Scientific Department, 1955-1975 Danish Academy
of Technical Sciences: 1956 Member. Royal Danish
Academy of Sciences and Letters: 1958 1959-1978 Member
of Finance Committee 1976-1978
Presidant of Finance Committee and Member Bayerische
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Munich: 1971 Member and/or
President of Danish ICSU National Committees:
1947-1977 Member
lUGG - 1955-1977 President 1965-1975 Member
COSPAR - 1965-1975 President 1969-1975 Member
SCOR 1973-1975 Member
COSTED - 1973-1975 President Correspondent
to ICSU Organizations: International
Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG: Chief Delegate:
1957 Toronto, 1960 Helsinki, 1963 Berkley, International
Council of Scientific Unions, ICSU: 1968-1972 Member
of ICSU Executive Committee Official
Representative of lUGG: 1962 100 Years
Jubilee of International Geodetic Association 1965 100 Years
Jubilee of Italian Geodetic National Committee 1973 200 Years
Jubilee of Norges Geografiske Oppmåling 1971-1975 FAGS
(Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Expedition
Glaciologique Internationale au Groenland, 1963-1966
President Baltic
Geodetic Commission: 1930 Gravity
Measurements in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, United
Nations: Inter-Regional
Seminar on Application of Cartography 1965 Director
(Helsingör) - 1967 Director (Krogerup). 1967 Zürich -
1972 London. Nordic
Geodetic Commission: Chief delegate:
1956 Helsinki, 1962 Oslo, and 1970 Helsinki 1957-1960 and
1972-1975 President - 1974 Honorary Royal Danish
Geographic Society: 1957 Member of
Board - 1974 Vicepresident Danish
Cartographic Society: 1972-1975 President - 1975
Photogrammetric Society: Member:
Gravimétrique Internationale. 1951 1953 Commission
Internationale des Triangulations 1953 Groupe d'études
special nommé pour étudier 1955 Groupes d'études specials nommés pour étudier a) des determinations absolues de la pesanteur etc. et b) la determination du géoide européen etc. 1957 1959-1975 American
Geophysical Union. Committee on
Geophysical and Geological Pearyland-Expedition-Committee.
1962 National Committee
for International Quiet 1964 Publications:
1929-1983 77
books and papers in Danish, English, French, and
German. Honorary
Residence: 81, Kildeskovsvej,
DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark. Free Residence for Lifetime in a House left by Will to the Royal Danish Academy for Sciences and Letters for a Danish Scientist and Member of the Academy. Decorations:
Commandor of first
degree of the order of Commandor of first
degree of the order of 1973 Commandor of
Finnish Lion. 1971 1954 Biographical
Listings: 1. Kraks Blå Bog
(The Danish Who's Who), from 36. 2. Who's Who in
Europe, Bruxelles, from 1. edition 3. The
International Who's Who, London, from 29. 4. World Who's Who in Science. A Biographical Dictionary of notable Scientists from Antiquity to the Present. Marquis-Who's Who, Inc. Chicago, from 1. edition 1968. 5. Dictionary of
International Biography, London, from 6. World Who's
Who, Marquis-Who's Who, Inc. Chicago, 7. Dictionary of
Scandinavian Biography, London and 8. The
International Who's Who in Community Service,
9. Men of
Achievement, Cambridge, Volume 11, 1974. tionary), from 3.
edition, Copenhagen 1980-84. 14. 5,000
Personalities of the World, Raleigh, North Carolina,
15. Community
Leaders of the World, First Issue, Raleigh, |