Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 84 (1984)


Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskabs Egede Medaille i sølv er indstiftet på generalforsmalingen den 28. april 1916. Den tildeles »fortrinsvis for geografiske Undersøgelser og forskninger i Polarlandene«.



Professor, dr. scient. Trevor Lloyd


Præsidenten, Hans Kongelige Højhed, Prins Henrik, udtalte ved overrækkelsen:

Dr. Trevor Lloyd, you have during a long spare of time worked intensively and with outstanding results on the geography of the Arctic. Therefore, the society has decided to bestowe on you its Hans Egede medal.

Since the foundation in 1916 this medal has only been conferred on 22 arctic scientists, and you will be the first Canadian on the list. You have travelled a lot to cover the enormous polar regions from Alaska in the west via the Canadian Arctic and Greenland to northern Scandinavia. You have been changing domicile several times.

You were born in Wales, educated and Dr. scient. from Bristol, professor at Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA, before settling down as professor in geography at McGill University, Montreal. Very close connections to Denmark were established during your appointment as consul for Canada in Godthåb, Greenland, during the 2nd world war. We are highly indebted to you for your actions on duty and for the enlightment you have given to Canadian authorities about the Danish scientific activities in the Thule area and the polar region as such. Your knowledge about arctic expeditions is impressing - partly in connection with the fight for reaching the North Pole and partly the activities of the Knud Rasmussen expeditions. Since the establishment of the Thule station, 75 years ago, the Canadians must have felt a strong influence partly on Ellesmere Island and during the sth Thule expedition in the whole Canadian Arctic. Your own activities have been concentrated on the modern development of the vast area, the Northwest Territories and Labrador, and you have been the first chief of Geographical Bureau, Government of Canada, as well as director of Center of Northern Studies of Research, McGill University, Montreal. Further you have been director of the Arctic Institute of North America and formerly editor of its journal »Arctic«.

You are by this internationally known as an expert on the geography of the Arctic, and you have in an outstanding way contributed to the knowledge of especially the Canadian Arctic. This is why the Royal Danish Geographical Society tonight honour you with its Hans Egede medal.