Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 84 (1984)

Soil map of Denmark according to the FAO-UNESCO legend (pi. 1)

N. Kingo Jacobsen

Geografisk Tidsskrift

Soil map of Denmark according to the FAO-UNESCO legend (pl. 1)


1. Regosols (R)
Dystric Regosols (Rd) - Ib
Eutric Regosols (Re) - Ib
Inclusions: Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
2. Fluvisols (J)
A. W-Jutland (National-geographical region I, s. 93)
Eutric Fluvisols (Je) - 3a
Associations: Eutric Fluvisols (Je) - 2a
Eutric Histosols (Oe) - a
Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
B. N- and E-Denmark (National-geographical regions 111-VI, s.
Eutric Fluvisols (Je) - 2a
Associations: Eutric Histosols (Oe) - a
Inclusions: Eutric Fluvisols (Je) la
3. Gleysols (G)
Eutric Gleysols (Ge) - la
Associations: Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
Dystric Fluvisols (Jd) - la
Inclusions: Eutric Fluvisols (Je) - 2a
Mollic Gleysols (Gm) - la
4. Histosols (O)
A. Blanket Histosols Dystric Histosols
B. Basin Histosols Eutric Histosols
5. Valley-soils
A geomorphic soil unit of Histosols with associations of Fluvisols
and Gleysols.
6. Podzols (P). Inland dunes
Orthic Podzols (Po)
Associations: Gleyic Podzols (Pg)
Humic Podzols (Ph)
Inclusions: Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
7. Podzols (P). Outwash Plains
Orthic Podzols (Po) - la
Inclusions: Dystric Histosols (Od) a
Gleyic Podzols (Pg)
Placic Podzols (Pp), sporadically
8. Podzols (P), Old Moraine
Orthic Podzols (Po) Ib
Associations: Orthic Fluvisols (Lo) - 2b
Humic Podzols (Ph) - Ib
Ferric Podzols (PO - la
Inclusions: Gleyic Luvisols (Lg) - 2a
Gleyic Podzols (Pg) - 2a
Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
9. Hilly, sandy soils
Orthic Podzols (Po) - 2b
Luvic Arenosols (Ql) - Ib
Associations: Orthic Luvisols (Lo) - 2b
Albic Arenosols (Qa) - 2b
Inclusions: Gleyic Luvisols (Lg) - 2b
Dystric Histosols (Od) - ä
10. Arenosols (Q)
Cambic Arenosols (Qc)
Associations: Dystric Cambisols (Bd) - 2b
Orthic Luvisols (Lo) - 2b
Orthic Podzols (Po) - Ib
Inclusions: Gleyic Cambisols (Bg) - 2a
Gleyic Luvisols (Lg) - 2a
Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
11. Acrisols (A)
Orthic Acrisols (Ao) - 2b
Associations: Dystric Cambisols (Bd) - 3b
Humic Cambisols (Bh) - 3b
Inclusions: Gleyic Acrisbls (Ag) - la
Dystric Histosols (Od) - a
12. Luvisols (L)
Orthic Luvisols (Lo) - 2b
Associations: Eutric Cambisols (Be) - 2b
Inclusions: Orthic Podzols (Po) - ib
Gleyic Luvisols (Lg) - 2a
Eutric Histosols (Oe) - a
13. Cambisols (B)
Dystric Cambisols (Bd)
Associations: Gleyic Cambisols (Bg) - 3a
Eutric Histosols (Oe) - a

14. Soils of the Yoldia Plateau
Dystric Cambisols (Bd)
Associations: Eutric Gleysols (Ge) - la
Gleyic Cambisols (Bg) - la
Textural Classes
1. Coarse textured (<lB% clay, >65% sand)
2. Medium textured (>lB% clay, >65% sand)
3. Fine textured (> 35% clay)
Slope Classes
a. level to gently undulating (dominant slopes ranging between
0 and 8%).
b. rolling to hilly (dominant slopes ranging between 8 and
c. steeply dissected to mountainous (dominant slopes >30%)
Associations: Covering between 20% and 50% of the
Inclusions: Covering <20% of the area.