Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1999)Instructions for contributorsGeografisk
Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography, publishes
Papers. Manuscripts will be submitted to
two peer Notes. Briefer communications assessed by
the editors. Reviews of books åre published. The
editors invite participation Papers submitted
to the journal should folio w the guidelines The editors do
not necessarily agree with the views expressed General guidelines The manuscript
(includinp illustrations, tables, etc) mustbe iii^i-^^-iit.".
Vil.-i««ii--& contributed in 3 paper copies, double spaced, printedon one side only. After acceptantce for publication the manuscript must be adj usted to the remarks from referees and editors and the following 'Technical conditions'. Technical
conditions The manuscript
should be submitted on a diskette 3,5" A label must be
applied to the diskette or cd indicating The text
should be technically as simple as possible - all
The text is to be
written in one column only. Do not Before writing
the text see if the automatic hyphenation Titles and headlings åre all to be written in lower case letters e.g do not write in upper cases only and do not underline. (Generally, if a word is to be emphasized choose bold or italics.) Excluding the title only three levels of headings åre accepted in the text (do not number the headlines). Numbers in
columns, use tabulations and not the space No page breaks
åre to be made except the ones Word The pages in
the manuscript åre to be numbered. The Indicate theplacing of illustrations, tables, etc in the text. This is to be done after a paragraph by making a line break and writing which illustration or table there is to be placed, e.g the figure/table number, then make an additional line break (shift, "Figure X", shift). Illustrations, photos,
tables, figures, diagrams, with their The font size of text in illustrations should not be too large. A font 'sans serif for example 'HelveticaV Anal' in 8 pt is suitable. The unit of measurement must be not be dominating. The different grade s in the legend should be easy to distinguish. A screen as coarse as possible in the different le vels is ad visable. Tables should preferably be made by the Word Perfect Table Function; pay attention not to use the spacekey - only the choises from the justification option åre to be used when space is needed. Photos, illustrations, tables etc should all be completely finished and in condition for immediate use. The format of these should normally be designed to occupy l or 2 columns i.e. 85 mm respectively 176 mm, alternatively 124 mm, - they must not exceed one page. Folded or detached illustrations or tables åre not accepted. Nor åre colour plates. Careful considerations should be made to the printed page; letters and numbers must not be less than 2 mm. Resolution of
scanned photos: 300 dpi. If not storedon the diskette or cd the illustrations, tables, etc. should be ready for photographic reproduction and submitted on separate sheets numbered on the reverse with a pencil stating clearly the name of the contributor, title of manuscript and figure number. Allways enclose the originals for photos or diapositives. Editorial
conditions The length
ofthe body text ofan article should not exceed The
language is English and should be clear, uncomplicated,
or not. The
author is recommended to seek the advise of a
The title should be brief and concise, preferably placing the paper systematically, regionally, temporally. Exclude insignificant words from the title (introduction, attempt, contribution, etc.). Name and address(es), primarily the relevant research institutions, e-mail address of the contributors, and an indication of the corresponding author should be written just after the title. The abstract
should not exceed 200 words and should The key words
åre to be written on a new line underneath The text should be subdivided into appropriate sections, for example: introduction, theoretical basis, material, methods & techniques, observation, interpretation, discussion and conclusion. A subdivision into no more than three le vels will be accepted. Footnotes
must be avoided - either incorporated in the Quotations, especially lengthy ones, should be avoided and replaced by precise references. Abbreviations should be avoided - except standard ones. If special abbreviations åre necessary, these should be indicated carefully. Units
ofmeasurement must be basedon the International
should be written with 3-4 significant digits at
Acknowledgements may be made
briefly just before the References åre to be cited in the text using the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by the year of publication of the work referred to, for example, Jensen (1988); (Jensen, 1988); Hansen & Jensen (1988). In the case of more than two authors the reference is to be written Jensen et al. (1988). The list of references, under the heading References'and 'and arranged alphabetically, should include authors (surnames foliowed by initials); year of publication in brackets; title of paper; journal or series (full name - no abbreviations); volume number and pages. For books the place of printing or publication, as well as the publisher should be indicated. For articles from books pages, the name of the editor and the title of the book must be indicated. Cf. examples in this volume. Illustrations
and tables should be an integral part of the
Copyright. If the manuscript includes material formerly published elsewhere, written permission must be obtained from the author or source and submitted with the manuscript. Such permission from Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen' (The National Survey and Cadastre Denmark) will, however, be arranged directly by the editors. Proof. A first proof (page proof) will be sent to the corresponding author, who should in particular check numbers, proper names, tables, and mathematical expressions. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the contributors that calculations, references, names of piaces and of people as well biological terms, etc. åre correct; generally the contributors should be extremely careful in this matter. At this stage it is not possible to add further text, tables or illustrations to the paper. The editors may make minor changes in the text; greater ones, e.g. proposed by the referees, åre made in cooperation with the contributor. The authors åre
allowed to make photocopies of their All correspondence must be sent to
The Editors,
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of |