Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 93 (1993)


Geografisk Tidsskrift (GT) publishes papers on geographical
topics in the form of:

Papers. Manuscripts will be submitted to two referees
before acceptance for publication.

Notes. Briefer contributions assessed by the editorial
board. For example, a note can be a description of a
region, a theme, or a method of analysis.

Reviews of books are published. The editors invite participation
of reviewers.

Papers submitted to the journal should follow the guidelines
set out below. Any variation from these must be
accepted by the editors.

General guidelines

Preferably, manuscripts should be written on a diskette in WordPerfect 5, 5.1, or in Ascii. Please avoid codes, word division, italics etc. Typescripts must be double-spaced, 60 typing units per line, and typed on one side only in A-4 format. Generally, an article should not exceed 8-10 pages in GT, including illustrations, and a note is usually between 1 and 3 pages (one column in GT contains 3,000 typing units). The language should be clear, uncomplicated and concise Danish or English. If the author includes material formerly published elsewhere, written permission must be obtained from the author. Such permission from Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen (the National Survey and Cadastre Denmark) will, however, be arranged directly by the editors.

Manuscripts and illustrations must be submitted in 3 copies. The editors may make minor changes in the text; larger ones (for example those proposed by the referees) are made in cooperation with the author. First proof will be sent to the author who should check in particular numbers, tables, and mathematical expressions; moreover, it is the responsability of the author that calculations, references to years, place- names, and names of people as well as biological terms etc. are correct. The proof must be returned within 10 days.

A paper should contain a title page, an abstract, a text (subdivided into appropriate sections), a summary, acknowledgments where relevant, and notes, references, illustrations and tables with captions, and a list of contents.

Title page. The title should be brief and con-

cise, preferably placing the paper systematically, regionally, and perhaps temporally. The title page should contain the author(s)' name(s) and address(es) - primarily the relevant research institution. In case of several authors it should be made clear to whom proofs are to be sent.

Abstract. Each paper must start with a brief abstract in
English (normally about 100 words), stating objectives,
methods, and principal results.

Keywords are to be written on one line underneath the

The text should be subdivided, for example into: introduction, theoretical basis, material, methods, techniques, observations, interpretation/discussion, summary and references. References are to be cited in the text using the surname(s) of the author(s), followed by the year the work was published, for example: Jensen (1977) or (Jensen, 1977); Hansen & Jensen (1985) or (Hansen & Jensen, 1985). In case of more than two authors the reference is written: (Petersen et al., 1983).

Quotations, especially lengthy ones should be avoided and replaced by a precise reference, e.g. (Jensen, 1977, p. 8). Units of measurement must be based on the International Standard System. Numbers must be written with at most 3-4 significant figures.

Summary should supplement the abstract, giving it a
wider perspective. Neither the abstract nor the summary
should contain information not appearing in the text.

Footnotes should be avoided, the information being incorporated in the text. If this is not possible, the footnote should be indicated in the text by an Arabic numeral in brackets, e.g. (1), and the footnote placed after the main text and before the list of references.

Acknowledgments may be made in a brief form just
after the text.

List of references, arranged alphabetically, should include information on authors, (surnames followed by initial(s), year of publication in brackets, title, periodical or series (name in full, or in an official abbreviation), volume number, pages; for books, the place of printing, or publiction, should be given, and the publishers. For articles in books, the editor and title of book should be stated after the information on the author (see examples in this volume).

Illustrations and tables should be an integral part of the article, the captions be easily understandable not requiring a lengthy description in the text. The format of illustrations and tables must be designed to occupy one or two columns in width and not exceed one page in GT. Placing in the text must be indicated in the margin.

Figures should be submitted ready for photographic reduction to one-third to one-half of initial size. The figures must be submitted on separate sheets and be numbered sequentially on the reverse side with a pencil.

High-contrast photographic illustrations at 100% scale
may be submitted for consideration with the original

Tables must be typed on separate sheets and numbered sequentially (concerning units of measurement and numbers, see above). Captions for figures and tables should be written in English and Danish on separate sheets (for foreigners translation into Danish will be made by the editors, if wished).

The editorial board is not responsible for uninvited
manuscripts nor for the views expressed in contributions.

All correspondance must be sent to:

The editors of Geografisk Tidsskrift, Øster Voldgade l O,
DK-1350 Copenhagen K.