Side 143
188 new and previously
published radiocarbon dates on Holocene material from
Disko Bugt, central West Greenland, are presented
together with relevant informations (laboratory number,
place name, dated material, geografic coordinates,
altitude and 613Cvaluej about the dates.
Morten Rasch:
Danish Polar Center, Strandgade 100 H, 1401
Copenhagen K., Denmark.
This note contains a
compilation of radiocarbon dates on Holocene organic
material from altitudes below 150 m a.s.l. in Disko Bugt
(68°30'N - 70°45'N; 50°00'W - 55°30'W), central
W.Greenland. A locality map showing the field location
of the dated samples is given in Fig. 1 (see next page).
Table 1 contains the radiocarbon dates and relevant
information (laboratory number, place name, dated
material, geografic coordinates, altitude and ö devalue)
about the dates. In both Fig. 1 and Table 1 place names
are spelled in accordance with current Greenlandic
orthography. Thus, the place names might differ a little
from the similar place names on current topographic
Corrections of Dates
In Table 1, all dates on
terrestrial material (incl. mud) with
öIJC-valuesö1JC-values given have been
corrected for isotopic fractionation by normalizing to ö
13C = -25.0 %0%0 PDB, while all
dates on marine material with
613C-values613C-values given have been
corrected for isotopic fractionation by normalizing to ö
13C = 0.0 %o PDB. The numbers in the column
'Corr. type' in Table 1 have the following meanings: 1.
The date has not been corrected for isotopic
fractionation. 2. The date was corrected for isotopic
fractionation by the laboratory/authors) of first
publication. 3. The date has been corrected for isotopic
fractionation in this work.
No corrections for marine
reservoir effects have been made to the dates. The
marine reservoir effect in West Greenland is considered
to be 410 years (Rasmussen & Rahbek 1996), which is
by chance equal to the correction allready done by
normalizing the dates on marine material to 0.0 %c PDB
(Mook & van de Plassche 1986).
Dates without
öI3C-measurements are normaly not corrected
for isotopic fractionation by the laboratories. However,
the Tandem Accelerator Laboratory in Upssala assume
613C-values613C-values depending on the dated
material, and they correct their dates for isotopic
fractionation according to the assumed
613C-values.613C-values. Date UA-1785 was
assumed by the laboratory in Uppsala to have a
ÖI3C-valueÖ13C-value of -21.0 %o PDB. The
laboratory corrected the date to 513C513C =
-25.0 %o PDB. Later, Bennike et al. (1994) have
corrected the date to 613C613C = 0.0
%0%0 PDB. Dates UA-1786, UA-1788, UA-1789 and
UA-1790 were assumed by the laboratory in Uppsala to
have 613C-values613C-values = 0.0 %c PDB. The
laboratory corrected the dates to 613C613C =
-25.0 %c PDB. Later, Bennike et al. (1994) have
corrected the dates to 513C513C = 0.0
%0%0 PDB. The corections of Bennike et al.
(1994) have been applied in this work, because they make
the Uppsala dates comparative with uncorrected dates.
Besides the dates from Uppsala, all dates without
613C-values613C-values have not been
corrected for isotopic fractionation. Errors introduced
by lack of ÖI3CÖ13C corrections are
considered to be less than ±80 years on shell samples,
while dates on terrestrial samples are considered to be
up to 200 years too young.
for Dates
The numbers in
front of the references below refer to the
in the column 'Ref. no.' in Table 1.
1. Harder, P.,
Jensen, A. S. & Laursen, D. (1949): The
Quaternary sediments in Disko Bugt. Meddelelser
Grønland 149(1): 1-85.
2. Laursen, D.
(1950): The stratigraphy of the marine
deposits in west Greenland. Meddelelser om
151(1): 1-142.
3. Meldgaard, J.
(1952): A paleo-Eskimo culture in West
American Antiquity 17(3): 222-230.
4. Mathiassen,
Th. (1958): The Sermermiut excavations
Meddelelser om Grønland 161(3): 1-52.
5. Tauber, H.
(1960a): Copenhagen natural radiocarbon
111, corrections to radiocarbon dates made
Side 144
Figure I:
Locality map showing the field location of the dated
samples from Disko Bugt. The numbers on the map refer to
the numbers in the column 'loc. no.' in table 1.
Side 145
with the solid
carbon technique. Am. Journ. Science RadiocarbonSuppl.
2: 5-11.
6. Tauber, H.
(1960b): Copenhagen radiocarbon dates
IV. Am. Journ.
Science Radiocarbon Suppl. 2: 12-25.
7. Tauber, H.
(1964): Copenhagen radiocarbon dates VI.
8. Fredskild, B.
(1967): Paleobotanical investigations at
Jakobshavn, West Greenland. Meddelelser om
178(4): 1-54.
9. Larsen, H.
& Meldgaard, J. (1968): Paleo-Eskimo cultures
Disco Bay, West Greenland. Meddelelser om
161(2): 1-75.
10. Weidick, A.
(1968): Observations on some Holocene
fluctuations in West Greenland. Meddelelser om
Grønland 165(6): 1-202.
11. Tauber, H.
(1968): Copenhagen radiocarbon dates
Radiocarbon 10(2): 295-327.
12. Weidick, A.
(1972a): Holocene shore-lines and
glacial stages in
Greenland - an attempt at correlation.
41: 1-39.
13. Weidick, A.
(1972b): C!4 dating of survey material
performed in
1971. GGU-rapport 45: 58-67.
14. Weidick, A.
(1973): Cl4C14 dating of survey material
in 1972. GGU-rapport 55: 66-75.
15. Weidick, A.
(1974): Cl4C14 dating of survey material
in 1973. GGU-rapport 66: 42-44.
16. Donner, J.
& Jungner, H. (1975): Radiocarbon dating
shells from marine Holocene deposits in the Disko Bugt
area, West Greenland. Boreas 4: 25-45.
17. Donner, J.
(1978): Holocene history of the west coast
of Disko,
central West Greenland. Geografiska annaler
18. Bojsen, T. &
Frederiksen, L. (1980): Kystmorfologi ved Ivisarqut og
Narssarssuk. In: Engraf, A., Nielsen, J., Nielsen, N.,
Humlum, O. (eds.): Arktisk geomorfologi, Enoks Havn,
Disko 1978. Geonoter 5: 31-64.
19. Meldgaard, J.
(1983): Qajå, en køkkenmødding i
Feltrapport fra arbejdsmarken i Grønland.
Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark 1983: 83-96.
20. Møbjerg, T.
(1986): A contribution to paleoeskimo
archaeology in
Greenland. Arctic Anthropology 23: 19-56.
21. Foged, N.
(1989): The subfossil diatom flora of four
geographically widely separated cores in Greenland.
Meddelelser om Grønland Bioscience 30: 1-75.
22. Ingölfsson, O. et al.
(1990): Paleoclimatic implications of an early Holocene
glacier advance on Disko Island, West Greenland. Boreas
19: 297-311.
23. Frich, P. &
Ingölfsson, O. (1990): Det holocæne sedimentationsmiljø
ved Igpik samt en model for den relative landhævning i
Disko Bugt, Vestgrønland. DGFårsskrift 1987-89: 1-10.
24. Böcher, J. &
Fredskild, B. (1993): Plant and arthropod remains from
the paleo-Eskimo site on Qeqertasussuk, West Greenland.
Meddelelser om Grønland, Geoscience 30: 1-35.
25. Bennike, 0., Hansen, K.
8., Knudsen, K. L., Penney, D. N. & Rasmussen, K. L.
(1994): Quaternary marine stratigraphy and geochronology
in central West Greenland. Boreas 23: 194-215.
26. Grønnow, B. (1994):
Qeqertasussuk - the archaeology of a frozen Saqqaq site
in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. In: Morrison,D. &
Pilon J.L. (eds.): Threads of Arctic Prehistory: Papers
in Honour of William E.Taylor jr., Canadian Museum of
Civilization, Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of
Canada Paper 149: 197-238.
27. Humlum, O.
(1994, pers.comm.): Institute of Geography,
University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10,
DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
28. Bennike, O.
(1995): Paleoecology of two lake basins
from Disko,
West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary
Science 10:
29. Bennike, O.
(1995, pers.comm.): Ole Bennike,
Geological Museum,
University of Copenhagen, Øster
Voldgade 5-7,
DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
30. Rahbek, U.
(1995, pers.comm.): Uffe Rahbek, The
Dating Laboratory, National Museum of
Denmark, Ny
Vestergade 11, DK-1471 Copenhagen K.
31. Grønnow, B.
(1995, pers.comm.): Bjarne Grønnow,
Institute of
Archaeology and ethnology, Univsity. of
Vandkunsten 5, DK-1467 Copenhagen K.,
32. Frich, P.
(1995, pers.comm.): Povl Frich, Danish
Meteorological Institute, Lyngby vej 199, DK-2100
Copenhagen 0, Denmark.
33. Rasch, M. & Nielsen,
N. (1995): Coastal morphostratigraphy and Holocene
relative sea level changes at Tuapaat, southeastern
Disko Island, central West Greenland. Polar Research
14(3): 277-289
34. Rasch, M., Jakobsen, B.
H., Nielsen, N. (1997): Geomorphology and sedimetary
record of three cuspate forelands as indicators of
Holocene relative sea-level changes, Disko, West
Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of
Geography 97, 33-45.
Side 146
35. Rasch, M. & Jensen,
J.F. (submitted): Ancient Eskimo dwelling sites and
Holocene relative sea level changes in southern Disko
Bugt, central West Greenland. Polar Research.
36. Rasch, M.
& Peltier, W.R. (in prep.): Holocene
sea level changes in Disko Bugt, West Greenland.
37. This work.
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