Side 11
The Skallingen peninsula is
formed by sand derived from the southgoing littoral
drift along the North Sea coast. The backbarrier has
accumulated sand as a result of wash-over deposits. In
the beginning of the 20?'' century, fine grained
sediment started to cover the surface inform of salt
marsh deposits.
The sand on
the peninsula consists primarily of fine sand with a
mean grain size of 2.5-2.25phi (0.177-0.210 mm).
Exposed to waves
in the tidal flat environment and
to tidal currents in the salt marsh
environment, the finest sand fractions are removed and
posited on the salt marsh.
The remaining sand is sorted in accordance with the
dynamics in the sub-environments. The change in
grain-size characteristics during this dispersal of sand
in the back barrier is analyzed by means of
decomposition of the grain-size distributions into
overlapping log-normal distributions.
The import of
fine grained sediment is demonstrated, based on
measurements of tidal dynamics and concentration of
matter in the mouth of a salt marsh creek.
The salt marsh formation is
analyzed on the basis of21
°Pb-datings and grain-size analysis of the
surface layers in a line across the central
part of the backbarrier environment. The deposition rate
is observed to increase from south to north, when
approaching the inner part of the tidal area. The
grain-size distribution of the average material
depositing on the backbarrier in the central part of the
peninsula consists of 15% sand, 46 % silt and 39% clay
with a corresponding deposition rate of 0.07 g
-cm'2 y'. The dry density of the salt marsh
clay is primarily controlled by variations in the
content of organic matter and by compaction. Two power
functions are formulated to describe variations in the
dry density: D = 4.47 -O'"8';
10>O>50 ; r=0,98 (surface samples) and D
= 0.58*X°J?;
._, (0i.,;!.^
0.5>X>32.5 ; r=0.70,
where Dis the dry density (g/cm3), Ois loss
ignition (%) and X depth below the surface.
sediments, salt marsh, grain-size distributions, barrier
Bartholdy. Institute of Geography, University of
Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K.,
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of
Geography 97: 11-32, 1997.
In the Wadden Sea, relations
between hydrodynamics, morphology and sediment types are
extremely sensitive. Small variations in one of these
three sedimentological fundamentals are able to cause
relatively large variations in the other. This
depositional system is therefore well suited for
investigations linking grain-size characteristics to
environmental parameters (e.g. Reineck & Singh 1986;
Bartholdy 1985; Flemming et al. 1992, Flemming &
Ziegler 1995, Krögel & Flemming in press).
Describing the sediments in the Danish Wadden Sea,
Hansen (1951) distinguished between three main types,
truncated at 0.063 mm and 0.250 mm. According to Hansen
the two finest fractions are true Wadden Sea sediments,
whereas the coarse one (when present) represents a "none
Wadden Sea" source of some kind. In Hansen (1953) these
siderations are
used to explain the somewhat coarser sand
in Grådyb
Tidal Area as a result of local erosion in
Kuhlman (1957) describes the
sediments in the coastal zone of the peninsula
Skallingen as 0.17-0.19 mm sand. He concludes that it is
difficult to distinguish between marine and eolian sand
in this environment.
Earlier work on the sedimentary
environment of Skallingen has concentrated on the
formation of salt marsh in the backbarrier environment
(e.g. Nielsen 1935 and Jakobsen 1953, 1954). Aspects of
the geomorphology of the peninsula are described by
Jakobsen (1964), Møller (1964), Nielsen & Nielsen
(1973), Jacobsen (1980), Bartholdy (1983) and Aagaard et
al. (1995).
In spite of
many attempts (e.g. by Friedman 1961;
Side 12
Passega 1964; Doeglas 1968;
Visher 1969; Buller & McManus 1974; Middleton 1976,)
it is still not possible to make definitive
interpretations of sedimentary environmentsbased on
grain sizes alone. In many cases even comparisons of one
environment with another are problematic.Part of the
reason for this is that the causal relationshipsbetween
hydrodynamics and grain size compositionsare far from
being understood in any detail. Although in recent years
significant progress has been made with respect to
grain-size entrainment and bed-load transport (e.g.
Komar & Li 1986; Komar 1987, Kirchner et al. 1990,
Wilcock & Southard 1989; Wilcock 1992; Bridge &
Bennett 1992; Bennett & Bridge 1995), there are
still many unanswered questions.
Another significant reason is
that available tools for the description of natural
grain-size distributions are restricted to models which
fail to give a complete characterization. At present,
two approaches, the log-normal and the loghyperbolic,
are the most commonly used methods of grain size
description (Bagnold 1937; Folk & Ward 1957;
Barndorff-Nielsen 1977; Bagnold & Barndorff-Nielsen
1980; Barndorff-Nielsen et al. 1982; Wyrwoll & Smyth
1985; Christiansen & Hartmann 1988, Sutherland &
Lee 1994).
It is not the intention here to
make any direct comments concerning the dispute between
these "schools". The primary objective of this paper is
to give a comprehensive description of the depositional
environment and sediment types in the backbarrier of the
Skallingen peninsula and to point out the advantages
which can be obtained from an analysis and comparison of
the dominant parts of grainsize distributions, based on
the decomposition of such distributions into overlapping
log-normal sub-populations.
Samples of the surface
sediments were collected by means of a3cm long cylinder
with a volume of 25 cm3. If bed forms were
present, the samples were collected at the crests in
order to avoid the often poorly sorted and less
representative trough sediments. In the salt marsh,
vertical sections were cut and sampled from the walls of
0.5-1.0 m deep holes. In the salt marsh creeks, small
sediment cores were collected by means of a 0.7 m long
tube sampler with a 52 mm diameter.
Grain-size analyses were
performed after ultrasonic treatment of the samples in a
solution of Na4P2O7 in
demineralized water. The separation between sand and
finer particles was carried out by wet-sieving through a
0.063 mm sieve. The sand (typical sample size = 15 g)
was drysieved (20 minutes) at 1/4 phi intervals. The
fine fractions were analyzed by means of the Andreassen
pipette method.
In addition to the statistical
parameters calculated after Folk & Ward (1957), the
composite grain-size distributions were decomposed into
overlapping log-normal distributions. The decomposition
of the polymodal distributions was conducted in 1/4-phi
steps following the method described by Sheridan et al.
The current velocity and
direction were recorded with a Niskin winged current
meter (model 6011 MKII) and the turbidity with a GMI
model TU-150IR (transmission; infrared light) turbidity
meter. Records were stored every 5 minutes. The velocity
was averaged over 40 discrete measurements, spaced with
5 second intervals and the turbidity as a mean of 10
measurements with one second spacing. The turbidity
signal was transformed into concentration of suspended
sediment in accordance with Bartholdy & Anthony (in
press). In a few incidents (5) where the maximum range
of the turbidity meter was exceeded the concentration
was extrapolated. The Water level in Hobo Dyb was
estimated based on linear interpolation between tide
gauge recordings in Esbjerg and on the ebb tidal delta
just outside Grådyb. Levels are stated relative to DNN
(Danish Ordnance Datum).
The accumulation rates on the
salt marsh were determined using
210Pb-datings of the surface layers (Madsen
& Sørensen 1979). The dated cores are from Bartholdy
& Madsen (1985). The accumulation rates related to
the surface samples are based on the total
210Pb activity in the uppermost 3 cm of the
salt marsh. This procedure is only meaningful if all
other necessary information are provided, by the
analysis of adjacent cores. All 2loPb-datings
and associated analyses were conducted by the former
Danish Isotope Centre.
Area of
In numerous descriptions
(e.g. Nielsen 1935; Jakobsen 1954; Nielsen & Nielsen
1973; Bartholdy 1983; Bartholdy & Pejrup 1994;
Aagaard et. al 1995; Davis et al. 1997), the Skallingen
has been characterized as a young barrier "island" or
barrier spit (Aagaard et al. 1995). It was formed
Side 13
during the last
400 years under the influence of a relatively
south-going littoral drift along the west coast of
Based on a 3-month winter/early
spring measuring period, Aagaard et al. (1995)
calculated mean significant wave height off the coast to
be 0.5 m, with wave heights exceeding 2 m, present in 10
% of the time. The average tidal range in the area is
approximately 1.5 m.
The geomorphological zonation
across the peninsula from the ocean to the lagoon
comprises the following depositional sequences: beach,
dune, salt marsh, tidal flat. This sequence is a typical
example of the zonation observed across a Wadden Sea
island and is easy to recognize on the aerial photo of
Figure 1.
The base of the peninsula is
formed by sands, washed over during storms (Davis et al.
1997). In the rear of the barrier these are drained by
salt marsh creeks developed synchronously with salt
marsh formation. This process started around the
beginning of the 20th Century (Nielsen 1935),
with fines accumulating on the vegetated parts of the
sand flat. In this period all "weak spots" in the
foredune ridge were closed by dikes (Aagaard et al.
1995). The muddy salt marsh material is primarily
derived from the North Sea (Bartholdy & Madsen 1985)
where a weak residual current (the Jutland Current)
carries fine-grained material up along the Wadden Sea
coast (e.g. Eisma & Kalf 1987). The rate of
deposition in the central part of the salt marsh area is
relatively uniform and close to 1.5 mm/y, which is a
little higher than the sea level rise, reported by
Aagaard et al. (1995) to be 1.1 mm/y in the period
coarse-grained sediments
The sand on the Skallingen
peninsula is derived from the south-going littoral drift
along the North Sea coast and consists primarily of fine
sand composed of subangular quarts grains (Figure 2)
with a shape factor of 0.5-0.7. This was determined by
plotting mean settling velocities against mean sieve
diameters, as suggested in "Subcommittee on
sedimentation (1958)". The fine sand is by far the most
dominating grain size, but it should be mentioned that
pebbles (up to approximately 2 cm with a median diametre
of approximately 7 mm and virtually no particles between
2 mm and the fine beach sand) are often found in form of
gravel-lags on the beach. These gravel lags are also,
alt hough rarely, found in the wash-over deposits (Davis
et al, 1997).
In Figure 3, typical examples
of grain-size distributions of sand from characteristic
depositional environments on the peninsula give a good
visual impression of the sediment types. The variations
follow a logical trend from the relatively poorly sorted
wash-over sand with a fine "shoulder" (the source
material) to the three primary sandy depositional
environments in the backbarrier, each displaying a
characteristic grain-size distribution derived by a
modification of the source material: The tidal flats,
the creek bed and the point bars in the salt marsh
The wash-over sand (Figure 3)
represents a mean of 4 samples from a transect across a
"fresh" wash-over fan in the prominent wash-over channel
(Figure 1). It reopened during winter storms early in
1990 (the samples are from May 1990, all having similar
distributions). The Tidal flat sample represents a mean
of 5 samples spread from northwest to south-east on the
tidal flat adjacent to the salt marsh to the north-east
of the peninsula, again all samples having similar
distributions. The channel bed sample consists of a mix
of 3 samples from the surface to a depth of 10 cm in the
thalweg (under the surface sample marked "33" in Figure
6) and the point bar sand is a mix of 6 samples spread
over the main part of the adjacent point bar in "Store
Lo", marked with a bar in Figure 1. The statistical
parameters of these samples are relatively irregular,
but they are all composed of very similar log-normal
sub-populations, albeit in different proportions.
From the wash-over to the
tidal flat and creek bottom environments, the modal
value of the sand changes from 2.5 phi (0.177 mm) to
2.75 phi (0.149 mm) with an increasedshare of the total
sample in both the tidal flat and the creek bottom sand.
The main part of the grain-size distributionsof both the
tidal flat sand and the creek bottom
Table 1: The
statistical parameters based on Folk and Ward (1957) for
the sand fraction in typical sandy depositional areas of
Skallingen: Mean (Mz), sorting coefficient (Sd),
skewness (Sk) & kurtosis (kg).
Side 14
Figure 1:
Location map and aerial photo of the central part of the
Skallingen peninsula. The line across the backbarrier
area marks the location of the section shown in Figure
10. In the salt marsh creek "Store Lo ", the profile
shown in Figure 5 is marked with a white bar.
Side 15
Figure 2:
Microscopic enlargement of sand (2.5-2.25 phi;
0.177-0.210 from the salt marsh creek "Store Lo ".
sand are
slightly shifted towards the coarser side. In the
Point bar, the modal value is back to 2.5 phi (0.177
The textural parameters of the
mean samples (Table 1) show variations which, to a
considerable extent, diverge from the visual
interpretations given above. This reflects the tendency
of the statistical procedure to condens a large part of
the grain-size information into a few parameters, rather
than to describe the main characteristics of the central
part of the distributions.
Based on the statistical
parameters, the wash-over sand exhibits an almost
perfect symmetrical distribution. The fine shoulder and
the clearly less well-sorted main distribution (compared
to the main distribution of the other samples) are not
revealed here. On the contrary, the clearly better
sorted main populations of the other three sediment
types are not reflected in their sorting coefficients,
these being almost similar or even larger. These results
thus indicate that an unambiguous interpretation of
modifications to the source distribution from one
depositional environment to another cannot be achieved
on the basis of the statistical parameters.
These drawbacks can be avoided
if, instead of using the statistical parameters of the
whole distribution, it is separated into log-normal
components. This procedure permits identification of any
modifications experienced by the distribution in the
course of its transport to different depositional
environments. For example, Figure 4 shows the same four
distributions of Figure 3, now decomposed into
log-normal components (numerically described in Table 2)
where the main populations are named A,B,C,D and E in
decreasing grain size order. From this decomposition it
is very clear that the two main populations, C and D, in
the wash-over sand (representing 94 % of the material)
change into a slightly finer and better sorted
C-population (87% & 82%) in the tidal flat and creek
bottom sand. In both cases, the main distributions are
"garnished" with more pronounced coarser populations
than found in the wash-over sand. This might, at least
as far as the coarsest particles are concerned, be an
effect of biased sampling favoring the smaller fractions
because of a tendency of coarse material to concentrate
in specific sub-environments during the wash-over
incident. However, even if this "missing" coarse tail in
the wash-over sand has been produced by a sampling bias,
no doubt also the sorting of the sand, produced by the
specific dynamic characteristics of the different
sedimentary environments, plays an important role. Thus,
the finest fractions are resuspended and removed by the
tidal currents in the salt marsh creeks, whereas at the
same time channel lag deposits displaying an extremely
pronounced coarse tail are formed. Like wise, sand is
Table 2:
Deconvolution of the grain-size distributions shown in
Figure 3 &4 into log-normal sub-populations
described by their mean grain size (Mz) and standard
deviation (Sd) the fraction (%) indicate the single
populations share of the total distribution.
Side 16
Figure 3:
Grain-size distributions of sand from typical sandy
depositional environments in the backbarrier
environments of Skallingen.
worked by waves on the tidal
flats and, during storms, the fine fractions are removed
to be subsequently trapped on the salt marsh surface. In
the following two sections, the sand fractions of these
depositional environments are analyzed in more detail.
The salt marsh creek
The salt marsh creeks are
represented by samples from a transect across the most
prominent meander bend in "Store Lo" (Figure 5, for
location see Figure 1). To the left (ebbdirection), the
erosion in the undercut bank is just about to cause the
collapse of a minor tributary creek. On both sides of
the creek a 10-20 cm thick layer of salt marsh clay
covers the sand. To the right, the top of the point bar
is separated from the salt marsh by a chute channel. The
point bar top is covered by vegetation and interbedded
sand/clay salt marsh deposits. In Figure 6 and Table 3,
six typical grain-size distributions illustrate the
characteristics of the creek sands.
The sand lag in the two finest
fractions of the channel and point bar sands is obvious
and corresponds to the fact that almost all of the sand
(97%) in the salt marsh on the point bar is made up by
material from these two sources. The finest fractions
are winnowed from the channel sand,
Side 17
Table 3:
Deconvolution of the grain-size distributions shown in
Figure 3 &4 into log-normal sub-populations
described by their mean grain size (Mz) and standard
deviation (Sd), the fraction (%) indicates the single
populations share of the total distribution.
being brought into suspension
and occasionally deposited on the banks. The channel bed
sample is the same as the one shown in Figure 3 & 4.
This material is much finer than the channel lag sand,
however, the main C-populations of these two
distributions are identical, as they are
indistinguishable from the main C-population of the
tidal flat sand (Table 2 & 3). This main population
is somewhat finer than the corresponding population in
the average point bar sand (2.51 phi or 0.176 mm vs.
2.40 phi or 0.189 mm), a deviation which becomes even
more pronounced when looking at recently transported
sand on the point bar platform. Figure 7a, b & c,
show the point bar surface at low water after a
relatively high spring tide. The surface is dominated by
10-15 cm high ebb-oriented subaqueous dunes spaced of
approximately 2-3 m. The dunes have ripples in their
troughs. The orientation of the 2-3 cm high and 10-15 cm
long ripples is evidently influenced by currents in the
late stage of the ebb period, the dune troughs now
acting as small channels leading the water in an
oblique, ebb-oriented angle towards the center of the
channel. It is a characteristic phenomenon that poorly
sorted, relatively coarse material (shell fragments) is
caught by the back flow immediately downstream of the
dune crests, forming sub-horizontal layers in the point
bar deposit (Figure 7c).
In Figure 7b the location of
three sand samples (dune crest, lee slope and trough) is
shown by their sample marks. As evident from Figure 6
and Table 3, these samples are characterized by a
slightly coarser main Cpopulation.In
Figure 4:
Decomposition of the grain-size distributions shown in
Figure 3 into overlapping log-normal distributions. The
dotted line represents the composite (constructed)
curve. It is almost invisible in most of the sequence as
a result of perfect match.
Side _
grain size of 2.33 phi (0.199
mm). In the ripple sand the main C-population comprises
90 % of the sample and is practically identical with the
main population of the averagepoint bar sand (Table 2).
The tendency for a coarsei main population in the point
bar sand, may be related tc the sorting mechanisms found
in fluvial meander bends, a*
described by oartnoiay <x
jvisnng-mpnci yi?™,. In summary, sorting of sand in the
salt marsh creeks i: characterized by: 1) The finest
sand populations are win nowed from the channel
environment. 2) Coarse materia is "concentrated", giving
the distributions a pronounce« coarse tail and
contributing to the development of channe lags. 3) In
the main channel environment, the C-populatioi (the most
dominant and virtually the finest populatio present) is
identical to that of the tidal flat sand (Md: 2. phi or
0.177 mm; Sd: 0.26 phi). 4) On the point bar, the C
population (still the dominant and finest populatio
present) is coarser and slightly better sorted (Md: 2.4
The salt marsh
The salt marsh, environment
Examples of grain-size distributions of sand in the sa
marsh environment are illustrated in Figure 8 and the co
responding decomposition into log-normal populations
listed in Table 4. The first three distributions
represei emplify other environments present in the
salt marsh. In general, the sand in the salt marsh is
made up of the two fine populations D & E. The sand
from the exposed salt marsh is from the outer part of
the profile shown in Figure 10 (#5). Here the salt marsh
surface may be expected tc receive a small amount of
wave-suspended tidal flat sane every time the salt marsh
is inundated under wave action It is therefore not
surprising that this sand has its dominan grain-size
component in the finest E-population (80%) anc a smaller
amount in the coarser D-population (18%). Thi: is in
contrast to the sand layer sample, also from th<
exposed part of the salt marsh (C7, Figure 1 &
Figure 13 34-35 cm), which probably represens a storm
event. Thi proportions are here 90% in the D-population
and only 69 in the E-population. Apart from this
difference, the dis tributions are dominated by the two
populations and, as th sand can only originate from the
adjacent tidal flats (0 c> in the
D-population and only 2 % in the E-population; Tat 2),
it can be assumed that, during the reworking of the san
on the tidal flats, the main populations are sorted in
such way that the finest sand fractions are extracted
from th fiatc tn> hp Hpiive.rp.d to the surrounding
salt marshes.
During extreme events such as
storm surges, which lea\ a thin layer of sandy mud on
the salt marsh surface, eve parts of the C-population
can find their way up to ti march Thp«tnrm surge
material f 18% sand, 50 % silt
Figure 5: Cross-section of the salt
marsh creek 'Store Lo "with indication of grain-size
composition and sample numbers. For location
Side 19
32% clay), sampled close to
C8 (Figure 1) after a very severe storm surge in
November 1981, has 24% of its sand belonging to this
population, whereas 50% and 19% belong to the D- and
E-populations, respectively. The sand ridge parallel to
the salt marsh front, visible on the profile of Figure
10 (#6), consists of relatively coarse sand, 71 %
belonging to a coarse version of the C-population (Md:
2.36 phi or 0.195 mm; Sd: 0.28 phi) and 24 % to yet
coarser populations. These sands presumably originate
from a beach ridge on the former tidal/wash-over flat
where waves have winnowed the fine material from the
matrix during its formation. The two last distributions
in Figure 8 are primarily from beneath the salt marsh on
the right part of the profile across the salt marsh
creek (Figure s).The upper example consists of a mixture
of 5 samples down to 12 cm beneath the clay (one of
these subsamples is from under the clay at pos. C7, see
Figure 1 & Figure 13; 40-41 cm), and the lower
example consists of a mixture of 4 samples from 20-26 cm
beneath the clay. Between 12 and 20 cm beneath the clay
some kind of transition takes place between the two
"clean" types discussedhere. The upper sand is very
similar to the tidal flat sand. Its main distribution,
comprising 83 % of the sample, is practically identical
to that of the tidal flat sand (Md: 2.55 phi or 0.171
mm; Sd: 0.27 v. Md: 2.51 phi or 0.176 mm; Sd: 0.26).
From a geomorphological point
of view, it seems obviousthat this sand formed the top
layer of the former tidal flat before salt marsh
formation began. It therefore supportsthe contention,
that the tidal flat character is clearly reflected in
the grain-size distribution of the sand. This
interpretationis extended to the lower sample which
bears the characteristics of the wash-over sand. It is
clearly bimodal with two main distributions, a large (60
%) Cpopulation(Md:
Figure 6:
Grain-size distributions of typical sand types from the
salt marsh creek environment.
Side 20
Figure 7:
Photos of the investigated point bar in "Store Lo ". The
knife for scale is 20 cm long. The ebb current direction
is from upper right (A) and from right to left (B&
population(Md:2.44 phi or
0.184 mm; Sd: 0.20 phi) and a smaller (36%) D-population
(Md: 2.76 phi or 0.148 mm; Sd: 36 phi). The C-population
is somewhat better sorted and the D-population a little
coarser than the previously described wash-over sand,
indicating the existence of natural variations within
this sand type. The mean grain size of the C+D
population is 2.54 phi (0.172 mm) and 2.51 phi (0.175
mm) in the previously described sand of this type. These
results therefore suggest that, in general, the major
part of the sand body under the salt marsh consistsof
wash-over sand with a "fine shouldered" bimodal main
distribution on which a 12-20 cm thick top layer has
lost the finest sand fractions as a result of wave
reworking during its former existence as an exposed
tidal flat.
In summary, sorting of sand
from the tidal/wash-over flats to the salt marsh is
characterized by: 1) The finest sand populations are
winnowed from the former surface and deposited on the
salt marsh. 2) During this process the original bimodal
C- and D-populations of the wash-over sand change in the
salt marsh almost exclusively to consist of D- and
E-populations. 3) The remaining sands on the tidal flats
lose the finest sand fractions and develop a prominent
C-population with a coarse tail.
fine-grained sediments
The vegetation constitutes an
effective trapping mechanism for fine-grained sediment
on the salt marsh surface. When the tidal flats
approximately reach the mean high water level (0.7-0.8 m
DNN), salt marsh plants become abundant and begin to
generate a sufficiently sheltered environment to favour
the formation of a salt marsh. This raises the level of
the former bare sand flat, turning it into a densely
vegetated area. The first two plants to colonize the
tidal flats are Salicornia europaéa and Spartina
townsendi followed by Suaéda maritima and the dominating
Puccinellia maritima. When the level of the flat is
raised further, the primary plant in the newly formed
salt marsh is Halimione, this was formerly named Obione
portulacoides and has developed its dominance since 1931
where, according to Iversen (1954), only a few plants
were present on the peninsula. Now Halimione is
dominating the young low laying salt marsh areas and
form, with a few other plants of which Limonium vulgaris
and Artemisia maritima are representative, a very
efficient sedimentation promoting vegetation carpet.
Side 21
Figure 8:
Grain-size distributions of typical sand types from the
salt marsh environment. The first three including the
one labeled "Sand in exposed salt marsh "represent
"proper "salt marsh examples. The last three exemplify
other environments present in the salt marsh.
After the contribution of
wash-over sand from the North Sea ceased at the
beginning of this century, the creeks became the only
source of sand for the east-facing tidal flats. As a
result of this, the mouths of the salt marsh creeks are
the only areas where the supply of sand is large enough
to form sufficiently high elevations for the plants to
grow on. These zones, often dominated by natural levees,
are therefore potential new areas for the eastward
growth of the salt marsh. The import of fine-grained
sediments to this part of the Wadden Sea is primarily
derived from the North Sea, as described in Bartholdy
& Madsen (1985). Approximately 85% of a total
deposition of 0.14-106 t/y, (66% silt and 34%
clay) enters the Grådyb tidal area from the ocean. As
the Skallingen peninsula is closest to the sea, this
percentage is probably even higher here. Recent results
(Bartholdy & Anthony, in press) show that this
import of fine-grained material is episodic and to a
large extent associated with windy periods following
relatively long periods of calm weather conditions. This
episodic nature is also preserved in the fine-grained
sediment deposits on the salt marsh surface, although
for different reasons, as illustrated beneath.
In Figure 9 the hydrodynamic
conditions in Store Lo (at the mouth, Figure 1)
associated with a storm in February 1997, illustrate the
transport conditions for fine grained sediment in this
area. During calm weather (26 & 27/2),
concentrations are low (5-50 mg/1) with small variations
in a relatively clear temporal variation pattern:
Concentrationsare low until late in the flood period
when concentrationsincrease concurrently with velocity,
when the salt marsh is inundated (the salt marsh level
is -0.9 m DNN); the concentration drops during high
water slack
Side 22
Figure 9: The
dynamic conditions at the mouth of the salt marsh creek
"Store L0"24.-27. February 1997 (for location see Figure
1). Wind speed and direction (dashed line) shown above,
was measured at the harbour in Esbjerg. C: Concentration
of fine-grained material, U: Current speed (0.5 m above
the bottom in the middle of the creek) and H: Water
level in Hobo Dyb estimated based on linear
interpolation between tide gauge recordings in Esbjerg
and on the ebb tidal delta just outside Grådyb. Beneath:
Diamonds: Accumulated net-import of fine-grained
material in metric ton. Triangles: Average deposition of
fine-grained material associated with the net-import to
the tidal area of the creek.
Table 4:
Deconvolution of the grain-size distributions shown in
Figure 8 into log-normal sub-populations described by
their mean grain size (Mz) and standard deviation (Sd)
the fraction (%) indicate the single populations share
of the total distribution.
Side 23
and a very weak and
significantly lower resuspension top occurs in the
subsequent ebb current; the lowest concentrationsare
measured around low water slack. The water level in the
creek has a minimum of -0.1 m DNN. When the level in
Hobo Dyb gets lower than this, the salt marsh creek is
disconnected from the tidal channel. The described
variation pattern remains the same, although accentuated
during the storm (25/2). In this situation, water with
relativelyhigh concentrations (up to ~ 150 mg/1), caused
by the raised dynamic impact, enters the creek with the
flood current (measured flood Umax05mab =
0.84 m/s). During high water slack a large part of this
sediment settles out. Some, although a significantly
smaller part, is resuspended at the beginning of the
following ebb period. After this the concentration drops
relatively quickly towards the minimumvalues at low
water slack. A couple of hours before low water the
current velocity reaches its tidal period maximum
(measured ebb Umax05mab = 1.01 m/s). These
temporal variations illustrate very well how turbid
water through the creek inundates the salt marsh area,
and is efficiently "cleaned" by deposition on its
surface. For each of the analyzed tidal periods the
transport weighted mean concentration Cm was calculated
for the flood and the ebb period as: Cm= U-C/ U, where U
and C are the corresponding discrete measurements of
current velocity and concentration of suspended matter
during the period in question. The transport values were
estimated as Cm-P, where P is the tidal prism estimated
from the water levels and the hypsometric curve from
Bartholdy (1983). The estimated net transport values
(flood - ebb) shown in the lower part of Figure 9
indicate a total import of fine grained material over
the monitored 4 days of 45 metric tons which corresponds
to an estimated deposition in the tidal area of the
creek of 5.3-103 g/cm2 or about 8%
of the average yearly deposition in this part of the
peninsula (see below). It is obvious that the major part
of this deposition takes place during the two highest
high tides associated with the storm, and that
deposition is insignificantly small during calm weather
periods. It is interesting, however, that the deposition
associated with the two tidal periods just before the
storm is not negligible compared with the storm
deposition. Considering the much higher frequency of
tidal periods associated with wind speeds of 10-15 m/s
and a small set up, this type of tidal periods most
likely plays an important role in relation to the
deposition of fine grained material on the backbarrier
salt marsh. The windinducedincrease in concentration is
mainly considered to result from wave action on the
mussel banks fringing the tidal channel, but could also
be associated with episodes where import takes place
from the North Sea. However, over-marsh tides that are
not necessarily associated with these particular
episodes could change the link between salt marsh
deposition and the net import from the North Sea.Some
episodes, therefore, may cause an import from the North
Sea, while others may be capable of moving stored
fine-grained material higher up onto the salt marsh
surface. These processes are currently being
investigated. The deposition of fine-grained material on
the peninsula is illustrated in Figure 10 in form of a
transect across the backbarrier (for location see Figure
1). The elevation of the transect was surveyed and its
morphological components discussed by Nielsen &
Nielsen (1973). Along the line, samples numbered 1-17,
were collected and analyzed by Bartholdy (1983). Based
on the topography, the transect can be divided into six
parts. The inner part (0-450 m) is characterized by
small eolian dunes and ridges which probably result from
a combination of eolian activity and breaking waves.
From here (450-650 m) the lowest parts of the outer
(eastern-most) ridges are covered with salt marsh clay.
In this region, and in the relatively high outer part
around the sand ridge (1400 m) mentioned previously, the
salt marsh formation started around the turn of the last
century (Nielsen 1935). This left the central part of
the peninsula (650-1400 m) as a poorly drained, algae
covered saline sand flat. Its transformation into the
present day fertilesalt marsh was caused by improved
drainage conditionsproduced by the rapidly back-eroding
virgin salt marsh creeks. Beyond the sand ridge
(1400-1550 m) the exposed part of the salt marsh is open
to frequent wave erosion and deposition, amongst others
also incorporating ice-rafted material, giving the
surface an uneven appearance.East of the salt marsh the
tidal flat (1550-1700 m) borders on the area governed by
the tidal channel "Hobo Dyb" (> 1700 m).
The typical median diameter
of the salt marsh material in the central part of the
peninsula is 4 u. It consists of 40-45% (< 2 u),
40-55 % silt (2 u - 63 u), and 5-15 % sand (> 63 u)
and has a typical loss on ignition (550°C) of 10-20 %.
According to Deyu (1987), the clay minerals consist of
57 % illite, 20 % kaolinite, 16 % chlorite and 7 %
smectite. The accumulation of this fine-grained material
is concentrated in a relatively narrow belt between 0.7
and 1.5 m DNN. Sand mingles with the fine-grained
sediment at both margins and towards the boundaries the
Side 24
rapidly becomes
less than 10 % of the total sample.
The rate of deposition is
surprisingly uniform in the central part of the salt
marsh area, amounting to 0.07 g-cm-2-y" lor
between 1.4 and 1.7 mm-y"1. This coincides
with relatively low values of the environmental index
shown above in Figure 10. This index was suggested in
Bartholdy (1985) and relates the coarse siltfraction
between sphi and 7phi to the (in phi-units) twice as
large fraction between sphi and 9phi. This index is
generally less than 0.6 in this area, indicating a calm
depositional environment. In the inner and outer part,
this index increases reaching over 0.7 in the innermost
part which corresponds to the fact that deposi-tion here
is exclusively associated with stormy periods and very
high wind set-up. The relatively high deposition rate
(1.6-3.2 mm/y), and corresponding low index-values
(0.50-0.53) on the border between the inner and central
part (#l4 & #13) are partly associated with peat
formation (the loss on ignition for sample 14 is 35 %),
but partly remains problematical. It could be the result
of some kind of "border effect", as it corresponds to
the zone in which frequent smaller storms deposit long
lines of debris ("havskarn"), revealing the location of
the high water line. The present data, however, provide
no evidence for such an effect.
The high deposition rate (4.0
mm-y"1) and index value (0.64) in the outer
part of the salt marsh area reflect its location close
to the tidal flat and indicate that the growth of this
part of the salt marsh would, in time, seal off the
inner part of the peninsula, unless the salt marsh
creeks maintained the water exchange between the salt
marsh and the rest of the tidal area.
A combined
grain-size distribution of the backbarrier
Figure 10:
Topography, textural composition, deposition rates and
environmental indices (5-7 phi/ 5-9 phi) in a transect
across the backbarrier area of Skallingen. The
topography is from Nielsen & Nielsen (1973). The
numbers refer to sample numbers. For location see Figure
1. Modified after Bartholdy (1983).
Side 25
deposits is constructed,
based on the individual grain-size distributions, the
deposition rates (in g-cm^-y"1) and an
estimated "representative" length of each sample in the
transect. This procedure is considered to give a fairly
accurateapproximation of the average material depositing
on the backbarrier. It consists of 15% sand, 46 % silt
and 39% clay with a combined deposition rate of 0.07
g-cm~2-y"'. The distribution is shown in
Figure 11. The relatively high sand content is due to
the sandy samples from the inner most section. The sand
deposited here is most likely reworkedfrom the small
eolian dunes and ridges present in this area. The silt
fraction of this distribution, truncated at 4 phi and 9
phi, is shown in a spline approximation in Figure 12
where also 5 decomposed log-normal distributionsand the
combined result of the decomposition are shown. The
statistical parameters and the size of the
subdistributionsare shown in Table s.They reveal two
significantcoarse silt populations G and H constituting
70 % of the distribution. The coarse F population and
the two fine I and J populations, are most likely
artifacts owing their existence to the truncated
distributions and the dispersion of the finest material.
The distribution of the dispersed finest part is most
likely of no sedimentological significance.Material
finer than 7 phi (0.008 mm) will settle less than 20 cm
during one our in motionless water of a temperatureof
20°. Particles of this size are therefore not likelyto
settle out as single particles, but only as part of
flocks. The size of the two fine distributions, however,
indicates the content of fine silt smaller than ~ 7 phi.
Thus, this analysis, much better founded than the
relatively crude analysis of the same kind conducted in
Bartholdy (1985), confirms that a distinguishing between
the silt content finer and coarser than 7 phi is
justified in the grain-size distributions.In addition to
this, a reanalysis of the two principal mud samples used
as examples in Bartholdy (1985), confirmsthe results. A
log-normal decomposition of these two samples: clay from
C8 (Fig. 1) and a sample of mud from the shell banks
along the tidal channel "Hobo Dyb" (Table 5), shows that
apart from adjustments of the sorting coefficient(a
better sorted H-population in both samples and a less
sorted G-population of the mud from the shell banks) the
G and H-populations have the same mean grain-size as
they have in the "mean sample". Thus, the fine grained
material on the backbarrier of the Skallingen peninsula,
is, in its dispersed form, found to consist of two
log-normal distributions, G (Md: 5.4 phi or 0.024 mm;
Sd: 0.60-0.74 phi) and H (Md: 6.8 phi or 0.009 mm; Sd:
0.45-0.61) plus a finer grained fraction constituting
1/3-1/2 of the finegrainedmaterial.
Based on two
21oPb-dated sediment cores from Bartholdy
& Madsen (1985) the deposition rate is observed to
increase at approximately the same distance from the
tidal flat when approaching the inner part of the tidal
area: C8: 2.5 mrn-y"1 C7: 4 mm-y"1
; for location see Figure 1. This is a natural
phenomenon. Even though the turbidity maximum in this
tidal area is relatively small, mudflat areas are
present in the innermost part (Bartholdy & Folving
1986), reflecting a common pattern in environments of
this type, which consistently show raised concentrations
of fine-grained sediment in the inner parts of tidal
The core "C7" is illustrated
in Figure 13. The X-ray negative (light colours = high
density) and the measured variation in dry density
(basedon cubes cut from the sediment core, with
measurable side lengths) correspond fairly well with
each other and correlate, to some extent, with the storm
surge activity shown to the right in Figure 13. Thisis
basedon statistics placed at disposal by the
Figure 11:
Average grain-size distribution of the material
depositing on the backbarrier of Skallingen. The
cumulative distribution curve is marked with diamonds,
the bars show the distribution based on lh-phi
fractions. Material finer than 6 phi is analyzed with
1-phi steps. The 'h-phi fractions are here constructed
based on interpolation of the cumulative curve on
probability plot.
Side 26
Figure 12: Decomposition of the
silt fraction of the grain-size distribution shown in
Figure 11 into overlapping log-normal distributions. The
dotted line represents the composite (constructed)
Table 5:
Deconvolution of the grain-size distributions of three
typical fine-grained sediments into log-normal
sub-populations. Only the silt fraction is considred.
The sub-populations are described by their mean grain
size (Mz) and standard deviation (Sd) the fraction (%)
indicate the single populations share of the silt
harbour authorities in
Esbjerg. The correlation improves a little, when the
dates are corrected for sediment compaction(circles; see
below). However, the exactness of the dates should be
improved in order to go into further details with
respect to an interpretation of relations between the
hydrodynamic conditions and the sediment type. The
variationsin dry density seem to be well correlated with
the the organic content, as indicated by the loss in
ignition curve. No doubt, some of the light layers owe
their existenceto sand in the sediment column (note the
visible light sand layer 16.5 cm from the top). In
general, however, variations in the sand content do not
seem to have any pronounced effect on the density of the
salt marsh clay, this being primarily controled by the
content of organic matter (Figure 14). The surface
samples from the transect across the backbarrier have
been fitted to a power function with the following
where D is the dry density in
g/cm3 and O is the loss on ignition in %. The
data from the sediment core (crosses) show the same type
of relation but with a somewhat higher density level,
presumably as a result of compaction.
The compaction is illustrated
by the thin dotted line in Figure 13. It represents a
log/log transformed linear regression between depth and
dry density, based on the depth interval 0.5-32.5 cm:
where D is the
dry density in g/cm3 and X is depth in cm.
Integrating this equation from
X, to X2X2 below the sediment surface and
dividing the integral with the length between X, and
X2, gives the following expression of the
mean density between X, and X2:
Side 28
From observations of the clay
accumulating on top of the coloured sand flats
established by Nielsen (1935), the compaction of the
salt marsh clay was described by Jakobsen (1948-50). He
found that, on the average the compaction (shrinking) of
the clay, over 16 years changed a yearly sedimentation
of 3.6 mm (5.8 cm) into an increase in the elevation of
2.6 mm/y (4.2 cm). This is eqvivalent to a density
increase from an assumed surface density of
approximately 0.5 g/cm3 in the top layer into
an average density of 0.69 g/cm3 in the
deposited 4.2 cm. Using the equation stated above, the
coresponding dry density is 0.64
Table 6:
Typical grain-aize distribution parameters of separated
log-normal populations from grain-size distributions of
sand from the Skallingen peninsula.
and Conclusions
The Skallingen peninsula is
made up of sand derived from the south-going littoral
drift along the North Sea coast. The backbarrier has
accumulated sand as a result of wash-over deposits.
Fine-grained sediment started to cover the surface in
form of salt marsh deposits at the beginning of the
20th century.
The sand on the peninsula
consists primarily of fine sand comprising mean grain
sizes of 2.5-2.25 phi (0.177-0.210 mm), subangular
quarts grains, and fall velocities corresponding to a
shape factor of 0.5-0.7. The grain-size distributions
can be described by means of overlapping lognormal
distributions with an almost perfect match. The
statistical parameters of the most common five
distributions A, B, C, D & E (decreasing grain-size
order), are shown in Table 6. Changes in the main
distributions of the sand from the wash-over deposits,
over the tidal flat and salt marsh creek environments,
to the sand deposited on the salt marsh follows a
logical pattern, as illustrated in Figure 15.
The typical
wash-over sand is made up of a dominating
C-population (Md: 2.44 phi or 0.184 mm; Sd: 0.28
and a relatively large secondary D-population
(Md: 2.90
g/cm3 and thus in
reasonable good agreement with Jakobsen's results.
Integrating this equation from 0.5 to 30.5 cm (the lover
dating limit of Core C7), gives a mean density of 0.90
g/cm3. With an average deposition rate of 4.0
mm/y this is equivalent to an average deposition of 0.36
g/cm2/y. Holding this rate constant and using
the above stated equation as a measure of the compaction
from 0.5 cm and downward, the 10-year spacing changes
from the arithmetic scale into the scale indicated by
the circles on the depth/density curve (Figure 13).
Side 29
Figure 15:
Grain size (level of bars) and sorting (width of bars)
of the two principal log-normal distributions (dotted
line) and their combination (solid line) in typical sand
types from the depositional environments of Skallingen.
The percentages indicate the content of the
sub-population relative to the whole sample. W:
wash-over sand; T: tidal flat sand; C: creek bottom
sand; M: sand in the exposed part of the salt marsh; P:
point bar sand; PM: sand in the salt marsh on point bar.
phi or 0.134 mm;
Sd: 0.18 phi), with a combined mean
grain size close
to or slightly over 2.5 phi (0.177 mm).
Exposed to waves in the tidal
flat environment and to tidal currents in the salt marsh
creek environment, the finest fractions are winnowed
from the sand which loses the D-population and develops
a dominating C-population with a coarse tail. The
C-populations in these two environments are practically
identical (Md: 2.50-2.51 or 0.177-0.176 Sd: 0.25-0.26
phi), as are the coarse tail Bpopulations (Md: 1.87-1.88
phi or 0.272-0.274 mm; Sd: 0.17). Together they make up
more than 90% of the sand in these environments with a
combined mean grain size of 2.43 phi (0.185 mm). The
most prominent sandy depositional units in the salt
marsh creek environment are represented by the point
bars. Here the C-population is sorted and changed into a
relatively coarse version (Md: 2.40 phi or 0.189 mm; Sd:
0.23 phi) with a very pronounced coarse tail represented
by the same B-population as described above, plus an
equal amount of coarser material. Thus, apart from the
channel lag deposits, the basal parts of the point bars
represent the coarsest sands deposited in the
backbarrier environment. On the point bars, new salt
marsh deposits with a relatively large sand content are
formed in the highest parts. This sand is made up of a
dominating D-population (Md: 2.70 phi or 0.154 mm; Sd:
0.22) and a subordinate E-population (Md: 3.24 phi or
0.106 mm; Sd: 0.23), opposite to the sand in the wave
exposed parts of the salt marsh with a dominating
Epopulation (Md: 3.48 phi or 0.090 mm; Sd: 0.28 phi) and
a subordinate D-population (Md: 2.75 phi or 0.149 mm;
Sd: 0.30 phi).Both these sand types, however, represent
the winnowed sand from the two sandy backbarrier
environments (the salt marsh creeks and the tidal flats)
and, with their relatively fine-grained character,
complete in this way the sedimentological story of sand
dispersal in the backbarrier
When the backbarrier sand
reaches the approximate mean high water level (0.7-0.8 m
DNN), salt marsh plants become abundant and generate the
necessary conditions for the deposition of fine-grained
sediments which are primarily derived from the North
Sea. The typical median diameter of the salt marsh
material in the central part of the peninsula is 4 u. It
consists of 40-45 % clay (< 2 u), 40-55 % silt (2 u -
63 u), and 5-15 % sand (> 63 u), and has a typical
loss on ignition (55O°C) of 10-20 %. The clay minerals
consist of 57 % illite, 20 % kaolinite, 16 % chlorite
and 7 % smectite.
The concentration
of fine-grained material in the water
entering the
salt marsh creeks, depends on the weather
conditions. In calm weather, the concentrations in
Side 30
central large creek are low
(typical values between 5 and 50 mg/1). In rough
weather, the wind set-up causes the salt marsh surface
to be inundated and relatively turbid water to enter
from the adjacent tidal areas (100-= 150 mg/1). This
material is deposited on the salt marsh surface during
high water slack and only a minor part is resuspended in
the subsequent ebb-period. The accumulation of the
finegrained material is concentrated in a relatively
narrow belt between 0.7 and 1.5 m DNN. The deposition
rate is observed to increase from south to north, when
approaching the inner part of the tidal area. In a
cross-section of the central part of the Peninsula, the
rate of deposition is found to be surprisingly uniform
between 1.4 and 1.7 rnm-y"1. This coincides
with relatively low values (in general less than 0.6) of
the environmental index (Bartholdy 1985). In the outer
part of the central salt marsh area the deposition rate
is relatively high (4.0 mm-y"1).
The grain-size distribution of
the average material depositing on the backbarrier in
the central part of the peninsula consists of 15% sand,
46 % silt and 39% clay with a corresponding deposition
rate of 0.07 g-cm'^y"1. The relatively high
sand content is most likely due to reworked sand from
aeolian dunes in the central part of the peninsula. The
fine-grained material (< 4 phi) is found to consist
of two log-normal distributions G (Md: 5.4 phi or 0.024
mm; Sd: 0.60-0.74 phi) and H (Md: 6.8 phi or 0.009 mm;
Sd: 0.45-0.61) plus a finer grained fraction
constituting 1/3-1/2 of the sediment.
The density of
surface samples of the salt marsh was
fitted to a
power function:
where D is the dry
density in g/cm3 and O is the loss on
ignition in %.
An example of the
compaction in the innermost relatively
fast growing
salt marsh (4 mm/y) was fittet to a
power function:
where D is the dry
density in g/cm3 and X is depth in cm.
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