Side 47
Attempts to improve the
agricultural production of less developed countries,
often neglect the knowledge of local farmers. Research
projects, whether on national or a international scale,
tend to use standard procedures and international
guidelines, including soil classification, when the
agricultural potential of an area has to be elaborated.
A more holistic approach can be defined as the task of
all people concerned with soils to direct their
interests not just to the physical, chemical and
biological aspects, but also to those environmental,
economic, social, legal and technical aspects that
affect soil use, (anonymous 1992).
In a soil survey, the soil map
units are mostly defined according to a particular soil
classification system. These taxonomies can range from
international systems down to national, regional and
local systems. Often international systems, constructed
on a broad scientific basis, will meet less of the
regional and local needs than a soil classification
system constructed by the farmers themselves. Here we
test the quantity and quality of information provided by
two international, one national and one local system
used by farmers in Ghana.
Selected soils developed
on the Voltaian Shale formation have been studied.
Classification of a Vertic and a Lateritic soil is
compared in four systems : 1) Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey
Staff 1996), 2) FAOUNESCO (1990), 3) the Ghanaian soil
classification system (Brammer 1962), and 4) the local
Farmer's classification system (Mikkelsen 1994). The
comparison deals with the quantity and quality of
information provided by each classification name. The
study reveals that the local Farmers' classification
system provides a considerable amount of information. It
appears to focus much attention upon the requirements
for optimal crop production using existing cropping
techniques. The latter is oriented to a sustainable form
of agriculture that has little capacity for
incorporation of new techniques such as the use of
tractors, introduction of new crops,or
intensive use of fertilisers. It is recommended
in the future that soil surveys should make an effort to
gather the information that the local population can
provide and eventually include this information in the
database. This procedure will provide a more holistic
approach in future land use planning.
classification; farmers; sustainable land use; Northern
J. Hinsch
Mikkelsen, M.Sc. Soil Science, and R. Langohr, Dr. Soil
Science, University of Gent, Department of Soil
Science, Krijgslaan
281-SB, B-9000 Gent, Belgium.
jari.mikkelsen@ and roger.langohr
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography
97: 47-57, 1997.
Geographical position
The study area, 9°37' N and
l°ol' W, is situated in the Western Dagomba District,
Northern Region, Ghana, near the village of Dalun
(roughly 2000 inhabitants), (Figure 1). Eighteen soil
profiles were dug and described during the summers of
1992 and 1993 (Figure 2).
The area has a gently rolling
savannah landscape with an elevation ranging between
100-160 m above sea level. It is a part of the Guinea
Savannah zone, with contrasting dry and rainy seasons.
The rainy season, controlled by the Monsoon circulation
regime, begins in April and increases in intensity
towards a culmination in September. This rainy season
ends abruptly in October, under the influence of the dry
and hot Harmattan wind from the Sahara. The mean annual
air temperature is 28° C.
The area is underlain by the
Voltaian Formation, it is of upper Precambrian to
Palaeozoic age, 225-1000 million years old (Hirst and
Junner 1946). It is composed of a series of shale, slate
and sandstone sediments from a shallow fresh water
environment and it covers 40%
Side 48
Figure 1:
Simplified map of Ghana.
(103600 km2) of
Ghana's surface area (Kesse 1985).
The vegetation,
characterised by tall grasses with scat
tered trees of
3-4 m in height, is strongly influenced by the
agricultural use
of the land, especially the annual burning.
exist of former surface soils which have large-
ly been eroded, as evidenced
by the presence of transported pisolitic iron and
manganese nodules. This one major group of soils of the
region, the lateritic soils, are formed directly on an
abrupt unweathered substratum. Another major soil group
includes the clayey soils. They have many
characteristics in common with Vertisols such as
intersecting slickensides and gilgai microrelief. They
are formed by in situ weathering of the substratum.
Transitions between the two soil types, the lateritic
and the clayey soils along the soil catena, are
relatively abrupt (Mikkelsen 1994).
Along the studied
topotransect, lateritic soils are present on the ridge,
on the mid slope and just before the river valley. On
the ridge the hardpan is in places exposed due to
erosion. Elsewhere the lateritic soils are commonly
composed of 20-40 cm of loose lateritic gravel resting
on top of laterite boulders or a hardpan.
The Vertic soils are developed
in micro depressions situated on the higher slope and on
the lower mid slope. The soils of the river valleys are
developed in sand originating from colluvial sheet
erosion. They show oxidoreduction features, and undergo
the annual flooding of the valley bottom.
Materials and methods
The site and profile
descriptions (18 in total) followed the FAO Guidelines
for Soil Profile Description (1990) and the Handbook for
Comprehensive and Adequate Field Soil Data Bases
(Langohr 1993). Fine earth samples were analysedby the
following methods (Soil Survey Staff 1972). Particle
size distribution, by pipetting and sieving, after
organic matter destruction by H202. pH : water/soil
ratio 1:1. Organic carbon : acid dichromate digestion
Figure 2:
Exist-west oriented cross-section of the Dalun area. The
slope between A (the tributary Bongtanga) and B (the
village Dalun) has been studied for soilscape
variability. Profile 1 and 2 are located at the mid and
high part of the slope. Hatched areas are liable to
flood. Vertical scale is in m.a.s.l.
Side 49
Fe2SC>4 titration. Total
nitrogen : Kjeldahl digestion with ammonia distillation.
CEC : NH4OAc at pH 7.0 or 8.2 depending on
the soil pH. Extractable basic cations : Na, Mg, Ca and
K measured on the liquid of CEC extraction and
determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The
same apparatus was used for the determination of
sodium-dithionite citrate extractable Fe and Al.
A series of interviews were
held with the purpose of evaluating the local Dalun
farmers' knowledge of the soils in the area, and their
agricultural potential. The chief of Dalun selected five
farmers for interview according to their knowledge of
the local soils. Later two other farmers were
interviewed, to verify the information. The results of
the interviews were discussed and further categorised in
collaboration with local representatives from the Ghana
Ministry of Agriculture. A classification system based
on the collected information was elaborated. The
international and national classification systems used
are Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 1996), FAO-UNESCO
(1990) and the Ghanaian classification system (Brammer
In order to compare the
advantages and the disadvantages of the Farmers' soil
classification versus the Ghanaian and the international
soil taxonomies, two of the 18 soil profiles have been
selected for a more detailed pedological study.
Profile 1 (PI) is a Pisolithic
Laterite soil (Table 1) with a narrow transition zone to
the substratum. The physical characteristics, such as
the high content of gravel and laterite boulders, are
the main limiting factors for agriculture. They result
in a soil with a water deficit in the beginning and
water logging at the end of the rainy season. The low
content of fine earth means that the soil is also poor
in plant nutrients, especially potassium (Table 2),
which may easily be corrected by fertiliser application.
Table 1:
Selected field data of profile 1 and 2.
Side 50
Profile 2 (P2) is an in situ
weathered soil on a parent material nearly identical to
that of PL The texture is silty clay with a low organic
matter content. Fertility is moderate with a deficiency
of potassium (Table 2). The low content of organic
matter seems related to the annual savannah burning;
this produces ash that is easily removed from the
surface by wind and rain.
Prevention against savannah
burning, in combination with soil mulching, where
organic material is mixed with the soil, is recommended
to improve the fertility of these soils.
Farmer's soil classification system
Essential information is
collected on local soil names, grown food and cash
crops, practices of fallow, fertilising, field
preparation and harvest. The Farmer's soil
classification system is based on these data. The
information collected from the seven interviewed farmers
shows a high degree of similarity. One particular soil
(Tanzei) could, however, be described by only one of the
The system has
two levels. On the first level, the soil
types are
divided into Kukogu (upland) and Bani (valley)
Table 2:
Chemical and physical data of profile 1 and 2.
Side 51
soils. They are subdivided
into five and two subtypes respectively (Table 3).
Probably there are more soil subtypes, but this study
was dealing with land cropped by the farmers of Dalun.
In other areas with different facies of the Voltaian
shale formation, different soils are expected, with
different combinations of crops grown and corresponding
soil management.
Parameters of the
The local soil classification
has been developed by many generations of farmers using
a system of shifting cultivation, the purpose of which
is to maintain sustainable crop production. The
knowledge and experience are past from father to son in
order to guarantee the harvest, and with that the
welfare of the family.
The natural vegetation is an
important parameter as traditionally many plant species
are used as indicators. Some plants provide information
about mineral nutrient deficits, others indicate which
crops are best adapted to the soil.
the younger generation of farmers is less
Table 3:
Description of the types and subtypes of the Farmers'
classification system.
Side 52
interested in the use of
indicator plants; they simply use fertiliser in order to
prevent nutrient deficiencies. Such a change in
management makes the farmers more independentof these
deficiencies but the sustainable system is lost.
However, in the long term they disrupt the natural
dynamicsby using fertilisers and continuous cropping ,
so the environment may suffer serious damage, with
strong soil erosion and loss of the fine earth and
nutrients as a consequence.Before introducing new
management methods, the side-effects need to be
clarified, preferentially by experiments on the farmers'
The colour of the topsoil is
also an important parameter in this classification
system. The subsoil is largely ignored. It seems to be
considered largely unimportant for agricultural
Ghanaian soil classification system
The soil classification system
used previously in Ghana was worked out by C.F. Charter
for tropical soils (Brammer 1962). It was introduced in
Ghana during the colonial period. Since the 1970'5, Soil
Taxonomy seems largely to have replaced the Ghanaian
The Ghanaian system has four
taxonomic levels. Orders, suborders, great groups and
series. As there is a large number of divisions at the
great group level, these are often grouped into great
group families. The series are often placed into series
associations. A more detailed description of this
classification system is provided by Brammer (1962).
The factors of soil formation,
i.e. climate, vegetation, relief, drainage, parent
material and soil-age, are the diagnostic criteria for
the order level. At suborder level, the differentiation
for well drained soils is based on, whether excess
precipitation reaches the groundwater table, and for
imperfectly drained soils on the topographic position of
the soil. At great group level soils within the same
taxon have similar profile characteristics and similar
environmental conditions. The differentiation is based
on 1) the capability of the soil to release sufficient
plant nutrients by weathering; or 2) on the quality of
the ground water (acid, calcium or sodium-rich etc.).
The great group families are split, if at all, according
to the dominant type of vegetation (forest or savannah),
as well as to the soil colour. The series are
distinguished mainly on the nature of the soil parent
The diagnostic properties used
at the two upper taxonomic levels concern rather general
soil forming processes. More substantial soil data are
needed from the great group and lower levels of
The series, based on field
descriptions, are most frequently referred to in the
literature. They are named after the village where the
series first was recorded (Stobbs 1960; Brammer 1962;
Obeng 1970; Serno and Van De Weg 1985). The series
similar to PI and P2 are locally important, but do not
cover extensive areas of the Voltaian Shale formation.
On the experimental station surveyed by Stobbs (1960),
19 series were recognised over an area of 62 km . The
series similar to PI covered 1 %, the series similar to
P2 covered 18 %. In the area of Dalun the extent of
soils similar to PI was much higher than the figures of
Stobbs. A visual estimate indicated that 6-10 % of the
soils were similar with PI and around 8-12 % were
similar to P2 in the area.
Soil series similar to
The soil
series most similar to PI (see Table 4) belong to
Table 4: Important information
deduced from the Ghanaian classification system for PI
(after Stobbs I960; Brammer 1962).
Side 53
Table 5:
Important information deduced from the Ghanaian
classification system for P2 (after Stobbs 1960; Brammer
the Ngane-Jimbale soil
series association, which occurs on the nearly flat or
very gently undulating peneplain remnants.It is
characterised by the presence of a solid sheet of
massive vesicular ironpan at a shallow depth, overlain
by soil material composed of silty fine sand and
containing abundant ironstone nodules. In the Jimbale
series the ironpan is deeper than in the Ngane series.
In PI the original thickness
of the loose surface layer resting on the ironpan is
difficult to estimate. Probably the present-day modern
agricultural land use is responsible for the removal of
shallow laterite boulders. Consequently it is difficult
to allocate PI in either one or other of these soil
Soil series close to P2
A semi-detailed soil survey of
the Pong Tamale Veterinary Station was performed by
Stobbs (1960), 25 km north of Dalun. Two soil series of
this survey, the Kungawani and the Karaga series are
similar to P2 and are summarised in Table 5.
The two soil series represent
a transition zone in the catena, between soils with a
net soil loss (erosion) and those with a net soil
surplus (colluvial deposition). P2 is developed mainly
in weathered substratum with the upper 50-60 cm
receiving colluvium, and the profile therefore shows
similarities with both soil series.
International soil classification systems
In Soil Taxonomy PI is
classified as a loamy skeletal, parasesquic,
isohyperthermic Oxyaquic Ustropept, with an ochric
epipedon and a cambic B-horizon (Soil Survey Staff 1996)
(Table 6).
In the FAO-UNESCO (1990)
system the soil is an Eutric Cambisol.-Petroferric
Phase, with the same diagnostic horizons as for Soil
Taxonomy (Table 7). This soil has a cambic and not an
oxic horizon because of the presence of considerable
amounts of smectitic clay minerals (Mikkelsen 1994)
which results in a high CEC per 100 g of clay. The soil
has at present no more plinthite as the iron nodules are
already indurated.
On the Danish agricultural
experimental plot, where the profiles were dug,
intensive use of fertiliser has raised the base
saturation (BS) above 50% (Table 2). 8-10 years ago,
before the Danish experiments began, the soils most
probably had a BS below 50%. With BS below 50% the soil
is an Oxyaquic Dystropept according to Soil Taxonomy, a
taxon that better reflects the agricultural problems of
the soil.
In the USDA Soil Taxonomy
system, P2 is a fine loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic
Vertic Ustropept, with an ochric epipedon and a cambic
B-horizon (Soil Survey Staff 1996) (Table 6). According
to FAO-UNESCO, (1990) it is a Vertic Cambisol with the
same diagnostic horizons as for Soil Taxonomy (Table 7).
The soil is not a Vertisol because of the 41 cm thick
more coarse textured surface cover.
The four soil classification
systems are different in their construction and content.
The Farmer's and the Ghanaian systems are largely
descriptive. The Farmers' system concentrates on rather
precise potentials for good crop yields
Side 54
Table 6:
Important information deduced from the Soil Taxonomy
name of PI and P2 (Soil Survey Staff 1996).
and relates this to mainly
surface soil horizon characteristics, such as colour,
texture and water infiltration capacity. The series of
the Ghanaian system are largely based on soil parent
material, texture and presence of particular features of
pedogenetic origin such as secondary carbonate. The
Ghanaian series concept is much broader than the
diagnostic criteria for the soil series in the USDA Soil
Taxonomy, and requires no chemical nor physical
laboratory analyses. The international FAO and Soil
Taxonomy systems are much more structured with taxon
criteria based on measurable field and laboratory data.
Those diagnostic criteria are based on concepts of soil
genesis and of potential crop production. However, as
they try to cover the soilscape at world-wide level, the
diagnostic boundaries are largely arbitrary. It is
evident that diagnostic criteria based on crop
production potentials in the US are not necessarily
valid for other ecological areas in the world.
At the first taxonomic level,
the four systems start with different degrees of detail.
The local Farmer's classification system, which demands
a good insight in the environment, provides detailed
information already at the first level. As it is
restricted to one region of Ghana, a global setting of
the climate and vegetation is felt unnecessary. The
national system, a regional classification system, is
specialised to serve classification of tropical soils.
As a result PI and P2 are already differentiated. The
international systems dedicate first level to basic
information about the degree of soil development, and
relatively detailed information about the climate.
The Farmers' ystem
classification s
Advantages of the system:
The system is
based on a sustainable land use, with
crop production without high inputs, such as
drainage systems, or chemical fertiliser
The system is
based on the knowledge gained by
several generations
of farmers;
Generations of
farmers' experience automatically
includes the
range of management problems related to
the climatic
The mixed
cropping practise, which is not so easy to
Table 7:
Important information included in the FAO/UNESCO (1990)
Soil classification of PI and P2.
Side 55
handle, is a
response to variations in precipitation
which can
differ more than 50% from one year to
Low cost to
obtain a fast overview. Interviewing the
farmers on
the types of soils, their fertility, and the
management type is possible at relatively low
when comparing with the expenses for elaborating
soil maps built on any of the other classifications;
The system can be applied to the area underlain by
Voltaian Shale formation and settled by the
tribe. It is an area covering up to 20% of
Disadvantages of
the system:
It is difficult
to learn and apply for outsiders;
It is an oral
classification system, with no written records
guidelines, so cross checking is needed; there
might also be
minor differences in the definition over
It is adapted to
the present day crops and is of little help
for decisions
related to introduction of new crops with
growth requirements.
Despite the disadvantages of
the system, it certainly provides a first approximation
of the agricultural potential of the soils. The
potassium status on the exchange complex and the C/N
ratio are the analytical data that could provide the
most important supplementary information for estimating
an optimal crop production.
Information about the subsoil
is included indirectly in the system, but only when it
has an important impact on the soil fertility. An
example is the Chicheli subtype (PI), in which the
surface layers are very similar to those of the Bihizegu
subtype. However, because of the higher content of fine
earth in the subsoil of the latter subtype, water drains
more slowly at the beginning of the rainy season. For
this reason the farmers crop the Bihizegu soils and
leave the Chicheli for grazing.
A soil like the Bapeilli
subtype (P2), which is waterlogged during the rainy
season, is classified as a Bani (valley) soil, hence the
soil is located on the gentle piedmont slope, more than
one km upslope from the valley.
This is because water
management problems have an important impact on the type
of farming practise and crop types. The major part of
the land of the Dalun village is actually covered by
Bani soils, although most soils are in a Kukogu (upland)
catena position.
The Farmers'
classification system, a holistic approach In recent
years an attempt has been made to come to a more
sustainable land-use through a more holistic approach of
soil management. Indeed, earlier attempts have often
faced failure. Muchena and Kioma (1995) highlight one of
the reasons for failure in East Africa as being the lack
of communication from soil scientists towards the land
users. Unfortunately their recommendations for the
future research concern only a better pedagogic one-way
The information gathered from
the Farmers' classification system therefore seems a
better example of a step towards a more holistic view as
it will permit a two-way communication with the land
users. As Reate et. al. (1995, p 54) state in one of
their conclusions, the true holistic person is the
peasant, the miner, the woman carrying wood, or the
child getting water.
The Ghanaian
classification system
The Ghanaian classification
system was constructed for tropical soils at a time
where knowledge about them was sparse. The order and
suborder levels are rather generally defined. From the
great group level on, and on the following more detailed
levels of classification, the information is sufficient
for advice on land use management planning on a
semi-local scale.
The system, despite the very
detailed field descriptions of the soil series, lacks
more specific information on soil fertility and
recommended crops. However, information concerning soil
fertility can be inferred from the system indirectly if
one is familiar with soil profile descriptions.
Unfortunately the data base seldom contains physical or
chemical laboratory data.
Another difficulty is the
numerous series definitions which are rather vague as
the differentiating criteria largely depend on the
decision of the individual surveyor rather than on
pre-defined rules.
Summarising, the Ghanaian
classification system can provide very detailed
information on drainage conditions, vegetation, texture
and some elements of the basic chemical status. The
system is largely descriptive, and the usefulness
largely depends on the experience of the surveyor.
The International
classification systems
The FAO system
requires a set of standard laboratory data
for a
proper classification. On the other hand the system is
relatively easy to handle. It has two taxonomic
levels and
Side 56
is commonly used
in reconnaissance and semi-detailed soil
inventories. For more detailed surveys, the system
must be
further adapted.
Soil Taxonomy, with seven
taxonomic levels, permits detailed soil maps (phases of
soil series) to be made. Profiles PI and P2 have been
classified down to the family level. This fifth level
already provides a large amount of important data for
crop production. The seventh level in Soil Taxonomy, the
phases, probably corresponds to the details provided by
the Farmers' classification system. If, in the future, a
survey is done on the basis of soils classified down to
the series or phase level, the information gained from
the Farmer's classification would be most useful.
The study shows that
additional knowledge and information on crop production
and soil management are available when farmers are
consulted on their own soil classification rationale.
This expertise is built up through several generations
of traditional land use. Such knowledge is often largely
ignored in modern national or regional soil management
planning. This study shows that collecting the local
farmers knowledge on soils and land use is one step
closer towards a more holistic approach in land use
Inclusion of such knowledge
would not replace the international and national systems
when classifying soils. Each classification system has
its specific positive aspects and optimal results are
reached when combining the information from two or more
of the taxonomies. A good firsthand impression of the
general soil fertility and management problems can be
obtained through a preliminary soil survey in which the
farmers are interviewed on the local soil types and
their specific crop and management recommendations. In a
second phase, and if needed, more structured
classification systems, partly based on analytical data,
can then be applied. Competent feedback concerning both
types of systems would certainly be of great benefit for
future studies on soil survey and land evaluation.
If a new classification system
could be elaborated today in a country like Ghana, an
optimal solution seems to be the adaptation of the FAO
system. It is known world-wide, it is precise and
relatively simple, but has only two welldefined levels.
A third and possebly a fourth level could further be
constructed on the basis of the FAO diagnostic horizons
and properties. The one or two lower taxonomic levels
should, however, be based on the farmers' experience.
This research has shown that such information is most
valuable and particularly well adapted to the concept of
sustainable land use. It is very urgent to record this
information before further modernisation of agriculture
erases the knowledge. It will also create considerable
risks of irreversible degradation of the soils in areas
which for centuries have been under a traditional land
The Farmers' system is a
result of the farmers direct needs for information on
the crops to be grown with the best potential for
success but without degradation of each of his parcels
of land. The national classification system was
constructed to give a precise view on the types of soils
within the country, sufficiently detailed to plan the
regional agricultural policy (what are the areas optimal
for cassava, yam etc.). The international systems have
been elaborated to provide a tool to compare results
from one region of the world with another. Furthermore,
they provide the soil scientists with a common language.
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Holistic Approach. Proceedings of the Workshop funded by
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(1962): Soils of Ghana. In : Wills, J.B. (editor).
Agriculture and Land use in Ghana. Oxford University
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FAO. (1990):
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Rome, 65 p.
Hirst, T.
andJunner, N.R. (1946): The Geology and Hydrology
the Voltaian Basin. Geological Survey of Ghana. Memoir
no. 8. Government Printing Department, Accra. Ghana,
51 p.
Kesse, GO.
(1985): The mineral and rock resources of Ghana.
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Gent University. ITC-Gent Publications series n°4,
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of a Clayey and a Lateritic Soil developed on the
Voltaian Shale Formation (N. Ghana). Unpublished M. Sc.
Thesis, ITC, Gent University, 170 p.
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and Kiome, R.M. The role of soil science in
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67, 141-157.
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(1970): Characterisation and Classification of some
Ironpan Soils of Ghana. Library, I.S.U. lowa. USA.
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sustainable development: interaction of soil science
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Workshop, 15-19 September 1995. ASTER, Bologna, Italy.
Serno, G. and Van De Weg,
R.F. (1985): A Preliminary Assessment of the (available)
Existing Soil Information of Nyankpala Agricultural
Experiment Station (Tamale, Northern Ghana). Soil Survey
Institute (Stiboka). Wageningen, Netherlands, 82 p.
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Soil survey laboratory methods and procedures for
collecting soil samples. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 1. Washington, D.C,
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Department of Agriculture, National Resources
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Veterinary Station, Dagomba District, Northern Ghana.
Ghana Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Technical report
no. 38. Kumasi. Ghana, 114 p.