Side 66
Microscale variations of
soil properties may have a pronounced impact on crop
yields in the low external input agriculture in the
Sahel. Using classical and geostatistical methods,
spatial patterns of soil pH at 0.0-0.10 m, 0.30-0.50 m
and 0.70-0.90 m depth have been analysed and mapped
based on two hundred and eighty-one samples collected at
10 m x 10 m grid nodes on a one hectare test plot on a
clayey, sodium affected soil used for millet cultivation
in northern Burkina Faso. The mean surface soilpH is
7.39 and semivariance analysis shows that the nugget
effect accounts for nearly 100% of the sample variance,
and therefore surface pH exhibits no spatial dependency
at the separating distance. The mean soil pH increases
to 7.83 and 7.90 at 0.30-0.50 m and 0.70-0.90 m depth,
respectively. However, the coefficient of variation also
increases, and at 0.70-0.90 m the field has areas of
both alkaline and acid soil. The range of influence for
soil pH at 0.30-0.50 m was 60 m, increasing to 80 m at
0.70-0.90 mas a result of stronger dependency
on geology. On application of the
semivariograms, pH values between the grid points were
interpolated by point kriging. The study illustrates
that pH of sodium soils varies considerably and that
millet roots may grow in a diversity of pH conditions.
Furthermore, soil characterization depends very much
upon the sampling strategies, but the determination of
the range allows for choosing the minimum distance
required for spacing ofnon spatially correlated samples.
The application of chemical fertilizers are likely to
produce very different effects given the chemically
variable soil environment.
microvariability, pH, kriging, Burkina Faso
Lars Krogh
& Bjarne Fog: Institute of Geography, University of
Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K,
Denmark. E-mail:,
Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography 97: 66-75, 1997.
Soil microvariability is
thought to be the major cause of short range variability
in crop growth on the sandy soils in the Sahelian zone
of West Africa. Moormang and Kang (1978) defined soil
microvariability as permanent variability over
relatively short distances (2-50 m) which are too small
to warrant separate mapping. It has an intermediate
position between localized transient properties and
macrovariability, where the latter is related to
landscape elements and topography.
The causes of soil
microvariability are thought to be 1) differential wind
and water erosion and deposition, 2) growth of trees and
shrubs before clearing, 3) trees left standing -
particularly Faidherbia albida ((Del.) Chev.), 4)
termite activity, 5) differential leaching and pedogenic
processes, 6) human activity, including application of
manure, location of dwellings, burning of vegetation and
7) lithological variability (Charreau and Vidal, 1965;
Dancette and Poulain, 1969; Beckett and Webster, 1971;
Lee and Wood, 1971; Babalola and Lai, 1977; Moormann and
Kang, 1978; Van Wambeke and Dudal, 1978; Holt et al.,
1980; Glazovskaya, 1986).
While the microvariability of
soils in the Sahel is not necessarily greater than
elsewhere, the effect of variability on crop performance
may be very pronounced as the level of management
normally is low, as are the inputs of fertilizers,
manure or water via irrigation.
Soil parameters that may
determine patterns of crop stand spatial variability are
low pH and high Al + H saturation (Scott-Wendt et al.,
1988; Chase et al. 1989), phosphorus (Gwyn Davis-Carter,
1989), phosphorus, potassium, and SOM (Hebel et al.,
1993) and nitrate (Hermann et al., 1994).
Although it is traditionally
seen as a constraint to crop production (Manu et al.,
1990), Brouwer et al. (1993) hypothesized that soil
microvariability contributes to interannual yield
stabilization and, seen in that light, in fact
Side 67
constitutes an
asset under subsistence farming conditions
risk reduction has a high priotity.
Soils in the Sahel are mostly
Alfisols, Entisols and Inceptisols according to Soil
Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1992) with weak structures,
susceptibility to crusting and hardsetting, low
buffering capacity and low levels of SOM, nitrogen and
phosphorus (Lai, 1986, 1987; Bertrand, 1989; Pieri,
1992). Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum, (L.) Leeke) is
the major food crop of the region and it is well adapted
to the climatic conditions. Millet is typically grown on
sandy soils and accordingly, much of the research
efforts on the scale and nature of soil variability have
concentrated on these soils.
In the Oudalan Province of
northern Burkina Faso the interdunal areas are dominated
by sodium affected clayey soils (ORSTOM, 1968; BUNASOL,
1991), and millet is also cultivated on these soils. The
sodium affected pedons occur as random individuals
('slickspots') in a pedon population having almost
similar morphology. Research on the spatial variability
of such soil patterns has been very limited,
particularly as regards the quantitative aspects. As a
preliminary step in analysing the effects of soil
microvariability on millet growth, the objectives of
this study were to analyse the extent of variation and
elucidate patterns of spatial microvariability of pH on
a millet field test plot on a clayey soil using
classical statistics and geostatistics.
Materials and Methods
Study site
The study site was a field
located in the village Bidi-2 in the Oudalan Province of
northern Burkina Faso (14° 20'N, 0° 20'W), see Figure 1.
Details about the village can be found in Reenberg and
Fog (1995). The field is under continuous cultivation
with Pearl millet {Pennisetum glaucum, (L.) Leeke).
Organic manure is applied annually, but the distribution
is uneven and there are large variations in total
amounts interannually.
The field is situated on the
lower margins of a flat, slightly SW inclined pediplain
cut in granitic rocks. In the village territory, the
predominant soil type according to Soil Taxonomy (Soil
Survey Staff, 1992) is a Haplustalf, but soil morphology
and properties vary considerably (Krogh, 1995). The
soils show moderately acidic, poorly structured, sandy
surface horizons, often with duplex properties,
erties,i.e. sharply contrasting clayey subsoil with
neutral reaction and a coarse blocky structure.Topsoil
pH values range from 4.5-8.9, organic C from 1100-2600
ug g"1, total N from 110-400 ug g "', and
total P from 40-90 jag g ' (Krogh, 1995). Topsoil CEC
values range from 2-6 cmol(+) kg"1 increasing
to 15-25 cmol(+) kg"1 in the subsoil as a
result of higher subsoil clay contents and a
predominance of high activity clays at depth. Spotwise,
the subsoil is sodium affected with pH > 8.3, ESP
10-23 %, exch. K> exch. Na, and EC 1:1 > 0.5 dS
m'1. The excess sodium is derived from
calc-alkaline inclusions in the granitic bedrock (Hottin
and Ouedraogo, 1975) resulting from weathering in situ,
and presumably combined with a lateral influx from
higher lying parts of the pediplain followed by sodium
Soil sampling and
A test plot of 1 ha was mapped
out on the field and divided into one hundred 10 m x 10
m subplots. The micro-relief was measured using a
manually operated levelling instrument on a tripod. In
the centre of each subplot, soil cores were collected
from the 0-0.10 m, 0.30-0.50 m, and 0.70-0.90
increments, using a gasoline powered auger with a
diameter of 0.049 m. The sampling increments correspond
in most cases to the A, upper Bt and mid Bt horizons
respectively. Extreme subsoil compaction and hardness in
some of the subplots reduced the total sample number
from the planned 300 to 291. The soil samples were
air-dried and grinded to pass through a 2-mm sieve. The
pH was determined in water in a 1:2.5 soil:solution
ratio. Soil solutions were stirred, equilibrated for 50
min, centrifuged at 2,500 rpm for 10 min, and measured
with the pH electrode in the supernatant. All handling,
grinding, and analyses of samples were performed in
random order. The soil pH of the samples at 0-0.10 m,
0.30-0.50 m, and 0.70-0.90 m will in the following be
referred to as pH005, pH040,0
40, and pH0 80, respectively, as
an expression of the middle depth of the sampling
Statistical Analysis Classical
Classical descriptive
statistics, performed by the QPRO V6.1 (Borland, 1996)
spreadsheet routines, were used to explore features of
the data. A Chi-square test was used to test the
normality of data.
Side 68
Figure 1: A)
Map of Burkina Faso and the location of the village
Bidi-2. B) The location of the test field in the 1994/95
fieldpattern and the perimeter of the village territory,
projected on top of a SPOT satellite image from October
Side 69
Geostatistics, consisting of
variogram analysis and kriging, been applied as a tool
for characterizing mapping the spatial pattern of soil
pH. Semivariograms are used to characterize and model
the spatial variance of data, while kriging uses the
modelled semivariograms to estimate values between
sampled points.
The semivariogram portrays the
relationship between the sample variance and the lateral
distance, known as the lag (h), which separates the
samples. The lag distance at which the variance
approaches an asymptotic maximum, known as the sill, is
the range across which data are spatially correlated.
Direction independant and dependent semivariance of data
was determined using the VARIOWIN software package
(Pannatier, 1996). Semivariance is defined in the
equation (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978)
where is the
semivariance for n data pairs separated by
distance of h, and Z is the value at positions xt and
Estimation by kriging
Applying the
semivariogram, soil pH is interpolated at x m
intervals by point kriging.
The linear
unbiased estimate obtained by kriging, Z(x0),
position x0 is a weighted average of n measured values
of Z in the neigbourhood at pos. jc,
where ,is a weighting factor
of the neighbours always constrained to sum to unity
This type of
kriging is known as ordinary kriging.
of kriging models
Validation of the kriging
procedure was done stepwise by i) random elimination of
25 points and by ii) systematical elimination of 25 and
50 respectively, of the original 100 points of pHq^,
thereby thinning the sampling grid in various ways. The
kriging model derived from the 'original' 100 points
semivariogram and a new model based on a 75 points
semivariogram were then used to estimate values of the
25 randomly omitted points. Furthermore, the kriging
model derived from the 'original' 100 points
semivariogram and new models based on a 75 and a 50
points semivariogram were used to estimate values of the
100 points. The criterion for validation was comparison
of means and variances of experimental and kriged
and Discussion
Classical statistics
The Chi-square test combined
with kurtosis (peakedness) and skewness (symmetry)
coefficients (zero for a normal distribution) and
histograms show that normal distributions do not exactly
fit pH at the three depths (Tab. 1 and Fig. 2). As the
deviations are only minor and due mainly to a few
outliers, the data will be treated as if they are
normally distributed without discarding outliers. The
lowest and the highest recorded pH are 5.12 and 9.35
respectively, both found at 0.80 m depth. The mean soil
pH increases with
Table 1:
Classical statistics summary ofsoilpH0()5,
pH040, andpHOSO on alha millet
field in Bidi-2, northern Burkina Faso. SD = standard
deviation, CV - coefficient of variation.
Side 70
depth from pH 7.39 at 0.05 m
depth to pH 7.83 at 40 cm depth and to pH 7.90 at 0.80 m
depth, however, only the difference between
pH005, and pH^ and pHo_8O
respectively, is significant (P<0.001). The
coefficient of variation also increases with 12.91% at
0.80 m, a value within the normal range depth, reaching
reported in the literature (Wilding, 1983).
The semivariogram is said to
be isotropic if the variance is independent of the
direction of the separation vector h and only depends on
the distance. If, on the other hand, if the
semivariogram depends on the direction it is said to be
ani sotropic. The variogram surfaces for the three
depths show that the variations are anisotropic,
perpendicular directions
Figure 2:
Histogram of distributions ofpH(m,
pHl)4(), and pH()M on a 1 ha
millet field in Bidi-2, northern Burkina Faso.
Figure 3: A)
Directional semivariograms for pH005. B)
Directional semivariograms for pH040. C)
Directional semivariograms for pH080. Solid
lines connect experimental semivariances, dotted lines
are fitted models.
Side 71
show different
semivariances. This anisotropy is geometric and can be
accounted for by a linear transformation of the
coordinates before the actual kriging. The semivariogram
of pH in directionsperpendicular to each other and the
omnidirectionalsemivariogram is shown in Figur 3.a
(pH005), Figur 3.b (pHa4O), and
Figur 3.c (pH0.80)-
For each variogram the best
fitting model is estimated by an iterative process
involving a great deal of common sense and the
dimensionless Indicative Goodness of Fit number (IGF
(Pannatier, 1996)), defined as
where N is the number of
nested structures, n(k) is the number of lags for the
k'th variogram, P(i) is the number of pairs for lag i,
h(i) is the mean distance for lag i, h^JK) is the
maximum distance for the k'th variogram, (i) is the
experimental variogram for lag /, (i)* is the modeled
variogram for the mean distance of lag / and 2 is the
variance of the data of for the semivariogram. The
closer the value of IGF is to zero, the better the fit.
According to Journel and Huijbregts (1978), however,
automatic fitting should be avoided and less weight
should be given when the number of data pairs declines.
For pH005 the semivariogram shows that the
semi variance is relatively constant at all separation
distances and varies randomly at a value approximately
equal to the total sample variance. The nugget variance
accounts for almost 100% of the sample variance, and one
can conclude that surface soil pH only exhibits spatial
correlation within distances shorter than the sampling
interval. For pH040 the semivariance was
fitted with a nested spherical and a gaussian model,
showing a range of approximately 60 m. For pHo 80 the
semivariance was fitted with a nested spherical and a
gaussian model, yielding a range of approximately 80 m.
The latter two models suggest that the distance of soil
pH spatial dependency increases with depth. We interpret
this as being due to reduced impact from surface
weathering, less influence of 'random' soil management
and plants, and thus reflecting a greater degree of
geologic influence. The pattern of increasing
heterogeneity of pH with depth is the opposite of
situations in which the genesis of sodium soils is
assumed to be due to capillary rise of salt groundwater
and the soil pH becomes increasingly homogenous with
depth. Tab. 2 shows a summary of the parameters derived
from the semivariograms. In practical terms, the
semivariograms indicate that sampling by smaller
intervals than the range, i.e 80 m for pH0 80
would produce spatially dependent results.
Kriging of soil pH
Table 2:
Parameters of spatial dependency of soil
pH005, pHOA(> and
pH080 on alha millet field in Bidi-2,
northern Burkina Faso.
Although the data is not
completely normally distributed, the spatial variability
of soil pH 040 and pH0 80 on the test plot
have been estimated and mapped by kriging, taking into
account the geometric anisotropy of the data at the two
levels. The resulting maps allow for extraction of soil
in£ 4.» J"_ A_ A-\~ ~ _!.*-__ J _ - --T" '11 i
j _/* ._
corresponding to the sites and areas oi millet
biomass information, thus facilitating the analysis
of the
effect of soil micro-variability on millet
On the next page Figur 4a
shows the estimated soil pHo^ applying the fitted and
its eastern part is more acid with pH values as low as
model (nested spherical and gaussian) from the
semivariogram (cellsize 2 m and a search radius
equalling the range). In Figur 4b the soil
pH0 80 has been estimated by applying a
nested spherical and gaussian model derived from the
semivariograms. The isarithmic map of kriged estimates
of soil pH show that the test field is heterogeneous
with respect to pH values. The general picture that
emerges is that while the surface soil pH is slightly
above neutral, the subsoil of the western part of the
field is more alkaline 5.12. Whether this is part of a
larger and recurrent pattern or due to the location of
the test field on a distinct border between two
contrasting soil types is not known. In both cases the
reason for the
Side 72
Figure 5: A)
Isaritmic kriged map of pH040 and B)
pH080 Isarithms are at intervals of 0.1 pH
Side 73
Table 3:
Comparison of statistical parameters for pH n4O obtained
by using classical statistics and kriging.
contrasting gradients
probably lies with the bedrock geology of which the
mineralogical composition may vary significantly (Hottin
and Ouedraogo, 1975). As the predominant soil type in
this part of the Oudalan province of is 'sodic' and with
high pH, we suggest that weathering of bedrock areas low
in albite is responsible for the observed low pH areas,
while the high pH areas are due to weathering of albite
containing granite. Other reasons contributing to the
wide variation may be local fractures in the bedrock
which increase the rate of leaching, thus lowering the
pH, or small inclusions of pyrite from fresh weathering
Validation of Kriging
A comparison og the
experimental and kriged values are presented in Table 3.
The means of experimental and kriged estimates of soil
pH^ are not significantly different (P<0.001), and
this implies that a minor number of samples may be
needed to obtain the precision wanted in interpolation
and Conclusion
The wide range in soil pH of
the field implies that the millet roots experience very
different environments and therefore also growth
conditions that, however, only can be fully appreciated
when the scale and extent of variation of other soil
parameters have been analyzed. Another implication of
the variability is that characterization of the soils in
the area will depend very much upon the sampling
strategies. egies.In an environment like this a one-off
sampling from a profile pit could result in a soil map
showing either acid or alkaline soils and thus fail to
identify that the actual soil pattern is a complex
mixture of both types. The determination of the range
for various soil parameters allows for choosing the
minimum distance required for spacing of independent
samples. Agronomically, various treatments, as fx
applying chemical fertilizers, are likely to produce
different effects given the chemically variable soils.
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