Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab 2024-06-20T15:47:01+02:00 Anette Storgaard Open Journal Systems <p>NTfK er et videnskabeligt tidsskrift, der hovedsageligt henvender sig til forskere og andre fagpersoner med interesse for strafferetlige eller kriminologiske emner i bred forstand.</p> Forside 2024-06-20T11:04:54+02:00 NTfK 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kolofon 2024-06-20T11:12:43+02:00 NTfK 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indhold 2024-06-20T11:27:23+02:00 NTfK 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 «Jeg vil bli en å regne med» 2024-06-20T11:35:37+02:00 Aage Aagesen <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />Young men’s desistance from gangs involved in crime is a pressing social issue in the Nordic countries. Drawing from a larger study comprising life story interviews with previously incarcerated men across different life stages, this article elaborates the narration of desistance among three young men who desisted from gang-related crime in their early twenties. By telling their stories of involvement in crime and their desistance process as career shift narratives, continuity in their »real me« is emphasised. Their stories make them come across as rational agents concerned with independence, ambition and a goal-oriented agency proving their capacity and willingness to take responsibility through hard work in the construction industry. This narrative identity can be understood as the young men’s ideals of masculinity, which intertwine their earlier values and previous experiences with a new maturity gained by social relations to role models in the labour market and significant others. In line with this, ideals of masculinity may be seen as a narrative resource which may shape and enhance possibilities for secondary and tertiary desistance in early adulthood.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Den allmänna repressionsnivån och brottens relativa allvar 2024-06-20T11:58:02+02:00 Sigrid Nikka <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />A recently proposed overhaul of Swedish criminal law is characte rized by calls for punitive reforms. The government cites changes in the perception of the severity of different crimes, the appropriate general level of repression, the balance between the interests of the penal system, and the function of punishment, as reasons for a more repressive criminal law. Yet the general level of repression and the impact of previous repressive measures in Sweden are relatively unknown. This article demonstrates what a more repressive criminal law would mean by providing an overview of punitive reforms proposed in Sweden between 2010 and 2023. Over 150 enacted punitive changes are identified, 81 of which were presented by the Ministry of Justice in connection to the judicial system. About 40 % of the total changes relate to the assessment of the seriousness of different crimes. This highlights the impact of the cited perceptions on the general level of repression and provides an empirical foundation for the discussion on punitiveness in Sweden.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 POL-INTEL 2024-06-20T12:07:38+02:00 Tanja Kammersgaard Christensen <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />Since the adoption of Section 2a of the Danish Police Act in 2017, the police have been able to conduct cross-sectional information analyses in IT systems designed for this purpose, and thus process personal data for purposes other than those for which they were originally collected. This is regulated by the Executive Order on Cross-sectional Information Analyses. According to this executive order, the police shall use the POL-INTEL system to perform the analyses. The article discusses the police’s use of personal data for new purposes based on the Law Enforcement Directive, the Danish Law Enforcement Act, and relevant case law from the European Court of Justice. It assesses whether the regulation of POL-INTEL in the Executive Order on Cross-sectional Information Analyses adheres to the principles of purpose limitation, data minimisation and legality, or whether there is a need for changes to the Danish regulation .</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Forord 2024-06-20T11:51:30+02:00 Anette Storgaard 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Anderberg, Laura Ervo og Eleonor Kristoffersen (red.): Med unga i fokus; festskrift till Kerstin Nordlöf 2024-06-20T13:19:01+02:00 Birgit Feldtmann 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hans Jørgen Engbo: Straffuldbyrdelsesret. Fængsel og forvaring 2024-06-20T13:24:33+02:00 Asbjørn Strandbakken 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Asbjørn Storgaard: A potential for democratic emancipation? - Policy and discretionary practices in probation service 2024-06-20T13:37:22+02:00 Nicola Carr 2024-06-20T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024