Sansen for at gøre det gode dannes gennem praksis


  • Brian Harring Boll Cand.pæd. i pædagogisk filosofi. Lektor, Professionshøjskolen UCN



Etik, professionsetik, professionsidentitet, dannelse, dyd, undervisningsudvikling


Denne artikel tager afsæt i den antagelse, at en skolastisk tilgang til undervisningen i etik ikke er tilstrækkelig. Med afsæt i et aristotelisk og dannelsesteoretisk inspireret forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt undersøger artiklen værdien og meningsfuldheden i en alternativ didaktisk rammesætning af arbejdet med etik i uddannelse. Først beskrives den teoretiske og filosofiske inspiration til projektet, dernæst den didaktiske rammesætning. I forlængelse heraf analyseres projektets empiri, der primært er baseret på 15 pædagogstuderendes refleksioner over deres bestræbelser på at realisere en selvvalgt dyd i deres anden praktik. Det sker i lyset af projektets dannelsesteoretiske forståelseshorisont. Projektet viser bl.a., at de studerende finder koblingen mellem deres egen udviklingsproces og bestræbelsen på at realisere dyden særdeles meningsfuldt. De oplever, at dette øger deres selvindsigt, samt skærper og nuancerer deres blik for det etiske i praksis. Dette afføder normative overvejelser hos de studerende om, hvad de kan stå inde for i praksis, hvem de ønsker at være som pædagog, og hvad de må arbejde med for at kunne realisere det gode.

The sense of doing good is formed through practice. This paper takes its starting point in the assumption that a scholastic approach to ethics education is insufficient. Based on a research and development project inspired by Aristotle’s definition of virtues and Humboldt’s theory of self-formation, this paper examines the value and meaningfulness of an alternative didactic framing of working with ethics in education. First the theoretical and philosophical inspiration for the project is described followed by a description of the didactic framework. Next comes an analysis of the project's empirical data, which is primarily based on the written reflections made by 15 social education students on their continuous efforts to realize a self-elected virtue during the second internship of their study programme. The analysis is conducted within the horizon of theory of self-formation. Among other things, the project demonstrates that the students find the linkage between their own development and their virtue-based endeavours highly meaningful. They feel that their efforts to realize their chosen virtue increase their self-insight and develop their eye for the many significant facets of practice. This in turn leads the students to make normative considerations about what they can vouch for in practice, who they want to be as social educators, and what they will have to focus on in order to be able to realise the good.





Boll, B. H. (2020). Sansen for at gøre det gode dannes gennem praksis. Forskning I Pædagogers Profession Og Uddannelse, 4(1), 14.


